bht in soap side effects

Just unsure of how to get the BHT molten and then how to use it with ice. There is MORE or less of you depending on how much you weigh. A few weeks to a few months depending on how infected and damaged a person`s liver is to begin with for one thing. The charcoal has a high surface area which will equally attract the impurities AND the BHT. That grapefruit juice interacts with a very many drugs or medications in sometimes fatal ways. The only supplement I consider OK to use with BHT as an anti-viral is a standard multivitamin and mineral supplement. Dear Truthbetold from Madison, Alabama, I do remember you for sure. The former yields glucuronide conjugates, while the latter becomes conjugated with glucuronic acid or glycine. That is a concern for thin or very lean people only. Help please. Your postings HERE are the most important. And any change in the numbers was so small as to be irrelavant. [YEA] 06/26/2012: "Got the best news I could ever ask for today, my bloodwork results are in and I no longer have any Hep C antibodies in my blood and my liver function levels are all normal. I was lean but not thin. We both started a regimen of BHT, started 1/8/12 taking 350 mg daily and slowly increasing the dosage to 700 mg twice daily. If adverse effects develope LOWER the dosage used.Oscar. The virons or viral particles are similar in structure to the HCV virons. 3. Appears all they could do is give some minimal financial support, as they claim not combat related. I encourage anyone who knows someone with hepC to expose them to this site and Oscar's work. Additionally, medicinal doses of sodium The trial was done by Dr Denham Harman at the University of Nebraska in 1972. Greetings Oscar and thank you for your comments on the anti aging properties of BHT as well as such extensive work on liver issues. I am going to start on bht to help reduce genital herpes outbreaks. (2) B12 does not have six amino groups. These viral infections are often hard to treat. I used to get an outbreak every 3 months, now it seems to fluctuate between 2 to 3 per year. Fat content of a person`s body is another. Moringa leaf powder Not completely gone but the burn is gone. I talked to at least one other person that said "ML causes yeast" to form in the GI tract. Irish Spring and Coast are two examples. Traces of impurities and contaminants: what are they and how to identify them? I like the idea of powdered BHT for maximizing its absorption in the absence of fat. It is also extremely inexpensive, so the down side is mainly your time and trouble. So, if you are interested in the BHT treatment for Hepatitis C and B and other viral diseases the information is available for you. Colloidal Silver could be used this way in place of, or rotated with Iodine. We have had many success stories from people using 250mg to 500mg of BHT per day. Myristic Acid I have HCV (over 30 years now) 1b and I have Cirrhoris (early stage). Years later, the father now plays the best golf of his life. Careful dosing is required. No binders, fillers or excipients at all. The infection is being killed. These blood test results are so very important. Steve discusses BHT and MUCH more in his updated FREE book. Hey, I expect you are an Italian and the health benefits of olive oil are well known, especially amongst the Italians. And there is the BHT CURES CHAT GROUP here: Electrolysis made silver diluted to less than 500 ppm will not accumulate and even critics of CS concede that fact. There are days when my urine is a little dark and my stools are not entirely normal day to day but the difference from last fall to now, after one month of BHT, is thrilling. Sodium selenite in a daily dosage of 50mcg [ micrograms ]. Isopronanol is toxic taken internally. Completely restored his liver. Interesting that I am having these symptom soon after I started taking BHT after being breakout-free for 5 months. (13). I hope someone can help me out here, please. That is because BHT prevents cancer and viral diseases if used in sensible dosages. So I poured molten BHT into cracked ice and smuggled the coarse BHT chunks into the hospital. 250mg of BHT per day may be too much for you. I have discussed this issue many times now. Suncare products: understanding the protection factor, Sunscreen products and the aquatic environment, Sunscreen products: evaluating their efficiency, Sunscreen products: formulas to protect you better and better, Products and ingredients safety assessment. There are healthy all natural handcrafted bath soaps available that are really far superior to anything available in the supermarket. The fact that Marvin had significant improvement in his liver function test results is very significant for someone with late stage cirrhosis. All Rights Reserved. There can be a problem with direct links. If this sounds intriguing enough that you want to follow up, read the BHT Book. My Doctor is apprehensive but supportive. My Liver Enzymes are AST-100 ALT-150 and they have fluctuated mostly down and then back up within this range for years. An herpes irruption who was coincidently emerging at that time disappeared. And mineral water contains who knows what. Intake of butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene and stomach cancer risk: results from analyses in the Netherlands Cohort Study. The father had hemochromatosis. The covalent bonds are NOT broken and yet these proteins collapse because these hydrogen bonds disappear in a non polar liquid. Copyright 1999 - I do NOT have all the answers. That's it!! With colloidal silver I'm concerned about turning blue. The lipids that encase the different lipid coated viruses also are embedded with certain protein structures that are involved in the infection processes. Thank you, Oscar. You have established a baseline as to liver function tests at: AST= 71 and ALT=111 as of 12-1-2011. In Title 21. A recent Mercola explanation of why distance runners develop HARDENED hearts which is just what happens with congestive patients. Some of these viral particles will remain intact and go on to infect other liver cells. So you assert a manufacturer published a report that impuned his own product. I try very hard to explain all this as best I can. Find one that sells good quality BHT in bulk through the mail.Oscar. This often manifests in people with poor vagal tone (sympathetic dominance, anxiety, nervousness), with low metabolic rate (cold hands and feet, low body temperature, low pulse rate), with orthostatic hypotension (sit up, stand up, get dizzy), and an alkaline metabolic imbalance (see explanation at: The only other down side is that you may end up with BHT residue on your skin that cannot absorb as thoroughly as the oil. BHT can be used to prevent oxidative deterioration in corn by removing free radicals. I have mentioned this before. Dear Louisa from Chicago, Because you are using VALTEX I assume HV2 is one of the Herpes viruses. Usually at least 2 or 3 years. The outbreaks have become horrific and I know these viruses have way too much power in my body. Amide groups are poorer nucleophiles than amine groups by far, and even amine groups do not react with acid groups (on "BHT metabolites") to form "peptide bonds." I feel fine but I'm just concerned. kindest regards, Mike from London, Ontario, Canada". 4. Just google the side effects and see for yourself. I'm not totally 100% positive I remember that correctly but I did ask a pharmacist and that's what I remember and understood since I learned about the process in a nutritional course. I hope therefore that as a group, we may make better progress than that. He is a very rare and special man, whom I pray lives a very, very long time. I will post the desired statement with a link to the full report: BHT is readily absorbed. The results astounded me. Just take enough in palm of hand to be about a teaspoon and sniff up sinus cavity on both sides. Also, what brand are you using? The only BHT I can find locally is from a chemical supply store (sold by the kilo). If so what were the results ? I've received TCA treatments for both external and vaginal warts: three for external (around the vagina), one for vaginal (opening/internal). My doctor had blood work done to see just how bad things were in mid October. I tried treating my health issues with the candida protocol by Bill for months & months but got nowhere. How do you take it once dissolved in oil? Dear Art, I have never forgotten you. What are beauty apps for and how to use them? If it works you should see a dramatic drop in that viral load count in a very few months. I have genotype 1a which is very resistant to conventional therapies and had all the classic symtoms, like brain fog, joint aches and low energy, but after 4 weeks of BHT, "I feel like kid again". And how much I should use? Other than that I have gotten off all my mental meds and antibiotics in an effort to live natural because I "wannagetwell"! Thank you again and is there anywhere I can donate to you? BHT is accused of being an endocrine disruptor and of having toxic effects on the liver, kidneys and lungs at extreme doses, by ingestion. I found that Liv52 by Himalaya Herbals lowered my liver enzyme levels when I was on steroid therapy. Lana. SUPPLEMENTS TO AVOID. 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. 03 in february. In cosmetics, BHT is of synthetic origin. Usually these problems go away within a week or two. Look, do not get all freaked out. N Engl J Med 1986;314:648-9. BHT seems to work very well all by itself if taken in the dosages I have discussed. This may account for this set back in this your BHT therapy. I began a 230 mg 3x/day BHT treatment on 18th of january. BHT is commonly used together with butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ), and/or propyl gallate (PG) to provide highly effective antioxidative combinations in food. That one article I read was avid at saying not to eat any fructose while taking BHT. I could not tolerate ML and LC. flakes, granules, shreds). For people who weigh up to 200 pounds 500mg per day is the recommended dosage. Also drinking plenty of good quality water along with adequate exercise will help a LOT with many conditions. Get out there and meet some gals and try and enjoy your life. But dissolving BHT in refined coconut oil (10-15% by weight) may be easier on a lifestyle basis, assuming that you do not have to put it into capsules to "get it down.". They say I am a good candidate but I feel they say that to everyone. What aee the side effects of the product? While it may seem odd to use a preservative chemical to treat a virus, certainly many chemicals have multiple uses. You will get the help you need. I understand some meds can't be stopped cold turkey but taking meds with this treatment is a theory I can't understand either. I am particularly annoyed, as I have born the financial burden, but in love, of paying for a great many things in caring for him and trying to find a cure. There also isnt enough information to know whether BHT can be safely used on the, The appropriate dose of BHT depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. So, I find myself really quite stuck, not knowing how to make the most of BHT at this moment. BHT can literally have that large of an impact in the morning on its own that I should take less? Sad to see the older healthier methods outdated in favor of a cheaper to made product. Also those numbers are elevated but still in the mildly elevated ranges. It saddens me to think there are still people who will take that stuff as prescribed by doctors whose only concern is money. The DAV is the Disabled American Veterans. I just ordered some BHT. Rinse well and pat dry. I am on high dose of valtrex (2g per day) but if I try to lower the dose the flare up is unbearable. Also: 2,000mg per day is way TOO much BHT. I understand about how to make molten BHT solidify again with cold water, but why is this better than just taking oral BHT? I've been in really bad shape for almost 3 years now. I use the refined coconut oil exclusively because the traces of water, minerals and proteins in the raw coconut oil are catalysts for oxidation reactions and will shorten its shelf life.

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bht in soap side effects