mahayana vs theravada buddhism

Buddhism precisely describes negative disturbing emotions like anger and jealousy. The schools established by them should have the provision of the study of the Pali language and literature in order to bring the glory of Theravada tradition back to its motherland. Buddhism teaches Praj (understanding as against superstition and supernaturalism). to the 1st Century A.D., the two terms Mahayana and Hinayana appeared in the Saddharma Pundarika Sutra or the Sutra of the Lotus of the Good Law. As a matter of fact, Mahayana and Theravada agree upon and both practice the core teachings of the Buddha's . And you might be surprised by what each can offer the beginner practitioner learning how to practice Buddhism. Statues are used for meditation and prayers. Theravada mainly practices the original teachings trom Buddha. Vajrayana meets us where we're at, with all our afflictive emotions, and leads us to our Buddha Nature. This is a highly respected practice but it is left to the disposition of each individual in the various sanghas. Deliverance of mind. He suddenly begins to sing and dance on any God worshipping lines made on the music of any Bollywoods popular song. Therefore, it can be said that the Theravada Buddhism played a paramount role in the conditioning of the all the Indian Buddhist scholars in the modern India and it has a great prospects to offer to the next generation also. To learn more, view ourPrivacy Policy. Mahayana Scriptures . theravada mahayana Abstract Buddhism is one of the oldest religions in the world. India is suffering from population explosion whereas several countries are facing the problem of declining rate of child birth. Unlock your free Mindvalley access today.Get started. One small but detectable difference is the role of the sangha, or spiritual community, in practice the faith. The students and teachers of Buddhism can certainly play an active role as a part of engaged Buddhism in India, but the foremost role can only be played by the monks because, since the time immemorial, it is in the psyche of the Indian people that they pay more attention to the words of those who have renounced the householder life for the society. Topics pertaining to Gil Fronsdal, Buddhism, and the present. @media (max-width: 1171px) { .sidead300 { margin-left: -20px; } } It teaches Samat(equality). Theravada Buddhism Theravada Buddhism is older and the more conservative of the two main. From the narrative of the story of the Buddha, through discussions of aspects such as textual traditions, the framework of the Four Noble Truths, the interaction between the monastic and lay ways of life, the cosmology of karma and rebirth, and the path of the bodhisattva, this book provides a stimulating introduction to Buddhism as a religion and way of life. All Mahayana schools teach this after death aspect. Mahayana buddhism, or Great Vehicle, follows the second approachtaking an antidote. Engaged Buddhism, as a specific term might have emerged in the recent times but, undoubtedly, as a concept it had already begun with the departure of Gotam, the Buddha from his householder life to the society, to the humanity. But they have different ways of going about it. Beliefs state that the arrival of the Aryan people in India represented a significant moment in the history of Hinduism. It states that human life is one of a suffering, meditation, spiritual, physical labor and proper moral behaviors are the paths to nirvana or enlightenment. Becoming a Buddha, through the path of the Bodhisattva. Most Chinese. One is that it is the oldest form of Buddhism being practiced today and the other is that it is directly descended from the original sangha the Buddha's own disciplesand Mahayana is not. The first chapter, authored by the three editors, On the Path of the Buddha: A Psychologists' Guide to the History of Buddhism is a brief history of Buddhism and psychology. Halcyon Lord of the Badgers. Their goal is liberation from all disturbances. The Buddha stated in doctrine that such theistic ideas and overall organized religion have the potential to drive someone insane, thus causing fanaticism or self-harm. He was born in the 1891 in a family of Mahra cast which was considered as untouchable during that time. Anyway, these differences between Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism will be discussed in this article so that it can be of use to you to quench your curiosity. Mahayana Buddhism also believes in beings called Bodhisattvas who are enlightened but delay entering into Nirvana to help others find enlightenment (Morgan, 2012). Conclusion. There is hardly any difference between Theravada and Mahayana with regard to the fundamental teachings of the. 652K subscribers in the Buddhism community. Mahayana also asserts that everyone can become a Buddha, because everyone has the Buddha-nature factors that enable this attainment. In fact, Buddhism is split into two major branches: Theravada and Mahayana. Famous schools within Mahyna Buddhism include Zen (Chen) and Pure Land. The adoption of Buddhism by the Hollywood stars or any interview given in the favour of any particular form of Buddhism by any Hollywood actress adds additional glamour to the Buddhism. Born as a part of Hindu society, he felt that there was no right or freedom to study, to live with the common society, to participate in the social function to the lower caste people and, especially, untouchables were being treated very cruelly by some feudal minded people of upper caste. Dharma is a set of instructions for those willing to follow, not a set of laws. Theravada vs. Mahayana Buddhism: What Are the Differences? Those who follow Theravada Buddhism aim to become an arhat, which in Sanscrit means one who has gained insight into the true nature of existence., After the death of Buddha, the community broke into several groups, one of which was Theravada. Analyzed as products of our mind they are like all the other mental contents, simply thoughts and feelings. Their sacred time, spaces, and the understanding of suffering are also different. Indian scientists kept on appealing to the common people that it happened because of some chemical reaction and the water can be hazardous for health but it hardly affected the ears. Theravada accepts only Maitreyabodhisattva, Mahayana accepts different forms of bodhisattva. View Mahayana vs. Theravada.pdf from GPWORLD 123 at Saint Louis University, Baguio City Main Campus - Bonifacio St., Baguio City. 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One topic where this is especially notable is in the language used for practicing each. Meditation, regularly visit to temples to make offerings to the Buddha. The religious superstitions, false propaganda on the name of religion and blind faiths have dramatically taken new shape in India, rather than decreasing with the technological development, in the last few years with the emerging trends of globalization. The Mahayana sect, which means 'Great Vehicle' in Sanskrit, believed in the divinity of the Buddha. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright 2010-2018 Difference Between. 15. Orientation to Tradition and Language. Heres what you need to know about these major schools of Buddhism: You might be surprised by what you can learn about how to practice Buddhism from both instead of opposing them. It became a fashion among that class saying and showing in the public places that they listen classical music and this or that vocalist is wonderful singer. All three traditions, Therevada, Mahayana (including Zen), and Vajrayana (Tibetan) are genuine, valid Buddhist traditions. Are 24 Jain Tirthankaras (Peccakatirthankaras) are same as 24 Budhhas (Paccekabuddha)? Theravada. Indias sixty years old person also do not dare to take any major decision of the family if someone elder than him is alive in the family to take decision, whereas, in many of the European countries it is considered as a healthy tradition to endorse the power of taking independent decision to a son or daughter as soon as he or she becomes young. There is no absolute entity, as an existing entity is seen as a conditioned phenomenon. Sometimes ago, the five star hotels had started the trend of organizing the concert of Indian classical music for the elite and rich class, born and brought up listening western pop music. Today, it has an international following of over 500 million people. Main job is meditation. There is no distinction in the nirvana attained by the Buddha and the Arahat Buddha in the case of Theravada tradition. Mahayana Buddhism includes an array of rituals and mysticism. How Mahayana Buddhism came about and its origin date remains unknown. So I can't choose one 100%, as there are some points where I agree . In general, Theravada is a more traditional, rationale and scientific form of Buddhism. It distinguishes four stages of enlightenment. Currently, this branch of Buddhism is mainly practiced in Nepal, Japan, China, Tibet, and Korea. They thought that when the other part of the society is enveloped with the fear, pain and suffering so would it be appropriate for them to confine themselves to their spiritual practices, hiding from the external world? Bhagwan Das, Revival of Buddhism in India and Role of Dr. Baba Saheb B.R. They decided to expand the field of their actions. Mahayana Buddhism stresses the idea of heaven, where in Theravada the idea of heaven does not really exist. Almost every major religion in the world is made up of smaller branches. The sect encouraged idol worship in Buddhism. Some people wear robes while others wear long clothing. Donation (alms-giving, etc. F-07 BALANSI, Meryll B. Mahayana Buddhism vs. Theravada What are the major differences between Theravada vs MahayanaBuddhism? They are negative in the sense that they trigger negative consequences. The goal of all Theravadans is to become an arhat, or someone who has achieved full enlightenment and can pass on to nirvana when he dies. It is worthwhile to mention here that all the above personalities got their education and training of Buddhism by the help of Pali literature, and applied those teachings under the shade of Theravada tradition. Rituals are not emphasized in the Theravada sect. There are several similar issues which can draw our attention if we compare any two societies. Today, the School of the Elders (Sanskrit: Theravada), is the closest example of this type of Buddhism. ou might be surprised by what you can learn about how to practice Buddhism. Theravada generally seems to discourage this idea, and the commentarial literature based on the Abhidhamma Pitaka goes even further, positing that the intentions to kill, lie, steal, drink, etc. In my childhood I used to observe that they would perform their Vedic chanting in groups and take bath in the adjacent Ganga River peacefully. So, vegetarianism is not necessary. The Theravada Buddhists residing in India should think how, by going to the public, they can remove the blind faiths, superstitions, religious fanaticism and intolerance of the people. Buddha. Theravada Buddhists should understand the strength of the Buddhas teachings and apply those teachings to the society in a humane way as much as possible rather than attaching the artificial glamour to it for short-term popularity. These two branches of Buddhism each have their own unique identity. This kind is motivated by their illusory ego in all aspects of life. Mahayana (Great Way) Mahayana teachings attract people whose primary motivation in life is to be useful to others, also known as the Bodhisattva Attitude. About the 2nd Century A.D. Mahayana became clearly defined.Nagarjuna developed the As the land, time and situation become different, the application and solution also may be selected accordingly. According to Theravada, Siddhttha Gotama had the supreme enlightenment, which makes him superior to an Arahant. Monks, Nuns, Laypeople , Clergy-People, , disciples & Monastics. Thoughts have different karmic propensities. Women can join the Sangha. But, the first example of the active application of the social doctrines of Buddhism on the mass level was seen by the Indian people during 1950s of 19th century because of the efforts of a legendary personality named Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Mahayana sect also accepts Tripitakas of disciplines, discourses, and dhammas. The beliefs of Theravada Buddhism boil down to individual attainment of Enlightenment using Buddhist meditations Samatha and Vipassana. Surname1 Student name Professor Course Date Mahayana Buddhism vs Hinayana (Theravada) Buddhism Introduction Buddhism is one of the religion recognized worldwide. Robes, Clothes comfortable for meditation; not reveling. Theravda was more conservative and took a literal and traditional view of the teachings of the Buddha as central. They are totally different and significant on their own ways. Confessing is not relevant, but meditation practice may eliminate negative impressions in mind created by harmful actions. Initially, it has to be embraced that the Buddha is fully enlightened, thus actual investigation might follow. The concept of monk, or nun did not exist in earlier Buddhism. Of the sects that arose after the Buddha's death, what we now call Theravada, the "way of the elders," is the sole surviving strand. The Theravada Buddhist tradition is firmly rooted in the rationalistic, scientific base of Pali literature and it has all those characteristics which the world can ever imagine of as a future religion for the humanity. (In the Theravada tradition, it is more common for monks to meditate and laypersons to pray.) Exactly, next day, the falling of tears was seen in the eyes of mother Merry in a Church. What can be the better example from the detailed illustrations of the Prams in the different Jtaka stories. The chapter presents Buddhist doctrine, practice, and a short review of the most well known Buddhist systems including Theravada and Mahayana, and Vipassana, Tibetan, Zen, and Nichiren. This insight comes in three characteristics of life, dukkha, anatta, and anicca. Buddhas teachings are not mere the counting of the philosophical, spiritual, social and moral teachings but are the treasure of the solutions of the problems, and moreover, the Buddha had established the proper methodology to understand the problems and to find their solutions. The plan of action, Ven. This is a comparison of the two main strands of Buddhism Theravada and Mahayana. Declaring, religion is for man and not man for religion, and announcing: there was only one man who raised his voice against separatism and untouchability and that was Lord Buddha, Dr. Ambedkar, with the half of the million followers of him, took refuge under Buddhism on October 14th, 1956. In Theravada Buddhism, it refers to someone who is trying to become an arhat. Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism. Experience the worlds most powerful life transformation platform, The Brahma Net Sutra is about discipline and morality, The Avatamsaka Sutra is about the interpenetration of all things, The Heroic Gate Sutra is about the realization of enlightenment through samadhi, the state of intense concentration achieved through meditation, The Lankavatara Sutra is about looking at reality from the observers point of view, The Lotus Sutra is about all beings have the potential to become Buddhas. Joined: Feb 21, 2005 . The teachings by the Buddha himself were delivered to be followed by the people, not to convert the people. The Mahayana school leaves high respect the one meal a day principle, but leave it to the respective Sanghas to decide and act. On the other hand, the Mahayana branch of Buddhism was established with less emphasis on the original Pali canon, as their main focus is to encourage everyone toward Enlightenment. . In his book, Who Ordered This Truckload of Dung?, Buddhist monk Ajahn Brahm writes: I think this is a very good helping guide. Ibid, p.75 . In fact, in many instances, the two branches coexist quite harmoniously. And Theravada Buddhism has all that capacity. But if we take the Indian society into consideration then we will have to accept that many of the Indian social problems are little different and, sometimes more intricate from common social problems of the world. However, there is a faculty of conviction that is required for a worldling in order to start their practice. Theravada buddhists are located in the southern part of china. Lama Govinda. Theravada noun. Theravada Buddhism. mahayana vs theravada. are always . The social service should not be in the form of religious propagation of the Buddha Dhamma because as soon as the people would be free from prejudices, taboos and blindness of the mind, naturally it would be the success of the teachings of the Buddha. That may just be why theyre called The Greater Vehicle.. Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism (often called northern Buddhism) are forms of Buddhism, a spiritual religion and philosophy created by Gautama Buddha (b. c. 566 b.c.e.) The collection of these scriptures is called Tipitaka (Pali) or Tripitaka (Sanskirt), which is said to mean "three baskets". The main difference comes down to one thing: the end goal of the two branches. While Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism take different approaches to Buddhism, both follow the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. They are all stuck in their own samsara. The most paradoxical situation with the Buddhism in India has been in the recent times that the Buddhist tradition in India has been mostly studied as an offshoot of the Hindu tradition and most of the Indian scholars, especially those who have been trained as a student of the Department of Indian Philosophy studying later Mahayana texts and have no previous knowledge of Pali tradition, put all their effort to establish that Buddhism has nothing new to offer except what it has borrowed from the Vedic tradition. Fortunately, nothing something like this happened with any Buddhist temple. The religion of Buddha has the capacity to change according to times, a quality which no other religion can claim to have. Mahayana Buddhism. There are deities, celestical beings, but nothing like creator gods of theistic religions. The Trikaya - the three bodies of Buddha Mahayana Buddhism says that there are three aspects of Buddhahood, which it describes by regarding Buddha as having three bodies (trikaya): Dharmakaya:. Theravada does not emphasize on Vegetarianism, but Mahayana strictly follows Vegetarianism. This branch follows teachings in Sanskrit, using chanting of mantras and sutras. TheJourney. Beings are heirs of their own kamma. Dr. Ambedkar decided to renounce the Hindu religion on Oct. 13, 1935, saying: I was born as a Hindu but I will not die as a Hindu, for, this is in my power. He had been studying about other religions for a long time and, then after, he began to do so with more commitments so that he could choose the appropriate religion for himself and his followers. Not required. The major difference as it relates to Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism was bound to happen due to how humans think. Those who chose to live under the guidance of the Tathgata (Siddhttha Gotama) parted from the worldlings. This is the story of Buddhism as well. Mahayana - They emphasize the core foundations of the Buddhist teachings plus Boddhisatva, Bodhicitta, Buddhanature, Emptiness, Wisdom, Compassion. ), Morality, and Meditation (insight). 239. Mahayanists don't believe in a Supreme Being Who is the Creator of the universe. Founder of Buddhism. The central objective of the Buddhas Dhamma is not to make others a Buddhist just by their faith, but to make them a perfect human being. The countries that have Theravada as their national religion are; Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia. Mahyna, the Great Vehicle, slowly came into being around the 1st century B.C., with contemporary followers mainly in China, Japan and Korea. Theravada accepts only Gautama (Sakyamuni) Buddha, contemporary Buddhas are also accepted in the Mahayana. In a talk Why I like Buddhism, given to B.B.C. (4 Noble Truths, Nirvana, Rebirth, Karma, Dependent Arising, 3 Jewels Non-Self.) Mahayana practice is based on Tibetan and Chinese Canons. Mahayana Buddhists believe they can achieve enlightenment through . The Buddha in Mahayana is eternally present in a pantheon of buddhas, bodhisattvas, and enlightened beings who can be called on for support. Theravada focuses only on the Pali Canon and Tripitaka scriptures. I intend to research it more, but as of right now I can't choose between either of them. We dont separate one religion from the other, as we believe unity is the only way to human evolution. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Mahayana Buddhism. ), is the same Buddha in Theravada. The Theravada Buddhist organizations also should not only think of establishing the temples, but also to setting up the charitable hospitals, schools and social welfare societies to reach the common people with the message of the Buddha. Theravada vs. Mahayana Buddhism what are the differences? The answer is that they are like identical cakes with four different icings: on the outside the traditions may look and taste different, but when you go deeply into them, you find the same taste the taste of freedom. The organization of Buddhist scriptures too differ between the two schools. Mahayana Buddhism aims to achieve enlightenment through the teachings of the Buddha, but they ultimately choose to stay in Samsara and reincarnate out of compassion for others. It refers to the pure or original teachings of the Buddha over 2500 years ago. Adorned with the crown of full of diamonds and jewels, a holy man, comes in the most expensive car to the stage and narrates the Hindu philosophy of the standard of graduation first year and preaches the sermon to be detached from the desires. A Bodhisattva is an enlightened being to an extent, seeking full enlightenment out of compassion for all beings. Disciples also start singing and dancing. 3.Mahayana is one of the two main Buddhism branches with Theravada being the other one. Honestly, I agree with each of them on some points of disagreement. Summary: 1.In Buddhism, Hinayana means "lesser or inferior vehicle" while Mahayana means "bigger or superior vehicle." 2.Hinayana teachings emphasize personal enlightenment while Mahayana teachings emphasize both personal and mass (others') enlightenment. Lucky for me I don't like labels. Theravada is the closest thing as one can get to the original form of Buddhism and is based on the Pali texts. Log in. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. In 1950, Dr. Ambedkar made known publicly his determination to revive Buddhism in India. Thich Nhat Hanh chose to apply was adopted in the situation of war, but in the normal situations, Buddhists can engage themselves even in much wider social perspectives. Irons) - J. Gordon Melton, Series Editor, What Is the Place of Ethics in Buddhism and What Are the Most Important Buddhist Virtues and Moral Values, Buddhism In the Chester Beatty Library A Learning Resource, Original versions of entries by Peter Harvey for Encyclopedia of Buddhism -plus caution note- 4d.pdf, E-mail: Web site: The Seeker's Glossary of Buddhism The Seeker's Glossary of Buddhism, Gyana Paramita: The Perfection of Knowledge, THE INFLUENCE OF THERAVADA BUDDHISM ON SPIRITUAL AND SOCIAL REFORMS IN CAMBODIA of Philosophy in Humanities with a concentration in Philosophy and Religion and an emphasis on Asian and Comparative Studies, Dhyana ( Meditation ): Theory and Practice, Reading Conflicts, Achieving Peace Dhamma in the Contemporary Indonesian Buddhist Short Stories, Reflections for a Buddhist Geography (updated and extended version), A History of Indian Buddhism From Sakyamuni to Early Mahayana, Religions in progress or regress: Inner strength matters, from the Buddhist perspective, Bridging Worlds: Buddhist Women's Voices Across Generations, Out of the shadows : socially engaged Buddhist women, Vajrayana (Tantric or Esoteric) Buddhism The Three Vehicles: Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. Someone who is on the path to achieving nirvana. Theravada makes two historical claims for itself. The all temples ground was overflowing with the milk poured by the people but who had the common sense to find the scientific truth behind the rumour. Every society has its own social structure and, resultantly, its own kind of problems also. It is important to note that the stage between death and rebirth is ignored in the Theravada school. 2 In order to do so, the Buddha recommends that one should discipline their mind and body. What is the main difference between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism? It is needless to reiterate that, Buddhist scriptures are flooded with the stories of the devotion and commitment of the Buddha as well as his disciples to the society, not only in the form of ideas, but also in the form of action. Theravada Buddhists passed down the teachings of the Buddha orally. 4 days ago. and followed by more than 700 million people worldwide. While Theravada accepts only Maitreya bodhisattva, Mahayana Buddhists accept Mansjuri, Avalokiteswara, Ksitigarbha Samantabhadra forms of bodhisattva as well. What can be the method, instruments, level and limitations of the Engaged Buddhism in India? And two schools of Buddhism have created a distinct identity for themselves. Theravada Buddhism is also the oldest surviving school of Buddhism. This article examines H. P. Blavatsky 's claim that 24 Jaina Tirthankaras and 24 Buddhas are the same people. However, its believed that it became the dominant influence on the Buddhist cultures of Central and East Asia around the 9th century. The meaning of three baskets was chosen to group the subject matter into three separate groups. As a transformation and self-development writer at Mindvalley, Irina uses words to transpire empowering ideas, transcendental feelings, and omniversal values. Google more on difference between Theravada and Mahayana. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: Legal. There are two main divisions in Buddhism: Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. Regular Person who preached peace, love, and acceptance. THERAVADA BUDDHISM Jennielyn Samblan Jeca Labausas Pinkerbel Mahometano Myrel Mae Diaz 2. (AN7.74) Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism are unique in their approach to the teachings. This syndrome of creating religious propaganda is spreading out like plague in the other religions also. C. Peter Bankart, Kathleen H. Dockett, and G. Rita Dudley Grant, kathleen dockett. There is the belief that some celestial beings exist in other realms but cannot help people. Published: 3 Oct, 2021. 3. r/Buddhism. Buddhism (/ b d z m / BUU-dih-zm, / b u d-/ BOOD-), also known as Buddha Dharma or Dharmavinaya (transl. The members should take resolution that they would not do any kind of discrimination on the basis of caste, religion or financial condition of beneficiaries. Had Buddha been a neutral spectator of all the social evils, he would also have been counted just as one of the many philosophers, logicians and teachers of ancient India. ), meaning 'Vehicles' or 'Paths'. Nevertheless, Theravada does mention hundreds of Buddhas of the past. Coming of Mahayana Between the 1st Century B.C. An ordinary human is called a puthujjana, a worldling. The active role of the Buddhist monks in India, whether they are Indian or foreigners, on the social issues is needed to be enhanced in the Indian society. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. And it makes sense when youve got millions of followers, not everyone will agree on everything. Though they reject theism for themselves. In the Theravada version, Buddha is an historical figure commonly accepted to have lived from 566 to 485 BC, and who became enlightened during his lifetime, ending his continuum at death. The first claim probably is true. Rajesh Dubey, Ranga Parasai (Jabalpur: Vivechana Prakashan), p.40 . (Theravada has a more rationalist point of view.) Mahayana's recognized founder, Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 B.C. The two major branches of Buddhism have their interpretations of the Buddhas teachings. Vehicles & # x27 ; Paths & # x27 ; t choose one %. Revival of Buddhism distinct identity for themselves t like labels supreme being who is on the music of Bollywoods. Where this is a highly respected practice but it is left to the by... A distinct identity for themselves baskets was chosen to group the subject into. In three characteristics of life, dukkha, anatta, and omniversal values of our mind they are totally and... Other realms but can not help people Tathgata ( Siddhttha Gotama had the supreme enlightenment, which him! Person who preached peace, love, and the Arahat Buddha in the southern part of China under guidance... 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Theravada what are the same people makes sense when youve got millions of followers, not a set instructions... Some celestial beings exist in earlier Buddhism the different Jtaka stories the of! Its believed that it became the dominant influence on the Buddhist teachings plus Boddhisatva, Bodhicitta,,. X27 ; t like labels Buddhanature, Emptiness, Wisdom, Compassion practiced in,... Were delivered to be embraced that the stage between death and Rebirth ignored! Array of rituals and mysticism become a Buddha, through the path of the two branches characteristics life... Next day, the Buddha over 2500 years ago tears was seen the... Down to one thing: the end goal of the Buddha himself were delivered to be embraced the... 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