standalone fantasy novels

Set in the British-controlled Chinese colony of Malaya, The Ghost Bride centers on Li Lan, the daughter in a well known family that also happens to be bankrupt. So many new fantasy books are published every year, and it's getting harder than ever to catch up and keep up with reading lists, especially when we're inundated with sprawling epic series. Please enable javascript to add items to the cart. I sure cant. W This Locus Award-winning novel is a beautiful example of how powerful and wonderful urban fantasy can be, building a whole magical world beneath our own in just one book. An intricate fantasy, a dark mystery, and a star-crossed love story, The Night Circus captures the thrilling theatrics of high fantasy. P.S. The concept of the Talionspowerful figures who assist in the great struggles of the world, or mete out justice, at their own discretionis a unique and interesting one, and the novel is written using alternating timelines and dense, lively dialog that plays with language in exciting ways. We are excited to collaborate with a brilliant mind for our next FANTASY ROMANCE SERIES. For fans (but not sticklers) of Arthurian legend, this standalone novel is unique and interesting. The story follows two characters named Ahn and Altan. This blog post would show you our library of best books of the decade uk. Related: The two start out as mentor and student but are soon at odds, and their rivalry threatens to destroy them. Tolkien) ADVERTISEMENT 5 The Heroes 6 The Worm Ouroboros 7 Perdido Street Station 8 Talion: Revenant 9 The Last Unicorn 10 American Gods 11 Watership Down 12 The Golden Key (Kate Eliott) ADVERTISEMENT 13 The Folding Knife (K. J. Parker) 14 Fantasy is known for sprawling series, but standalone fantasy bookswhen done wellcan pack more magic and adventure in one sitting. Equal parts urban fantasy and hard boiled detective noir, The City & The City centers on the incorruptible Tyador Borl, a member of the Beszl Extreme Crime Squad, who is investigating the murder of a young woman. The novel follows Yoruba girl Sloane, who's taken from her village to become a child soldier. It's pure fun and potential escapism, and I love every single moment I spend reading an epic fantasy series. The epic fantasy centers on the friendship between intrepid Jonathan Strange and his teacher Mr. Norrell. Set in a fictional republic that looks a lot like ancient Rome, it's perfect for if you read Dune and wished that there were more staff meetings. Miville doesn't let up when it comes to surreal, gruesome, and brow-raising details infused with the consequences of rampant control and ambition. Originally born in the States and raised in Hong Kong, she now lives in Yorkshire. Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson Is Easily One Of My Favorite Standalone Fantasy Books of All Time. While most of the gods and goddesses in this world remain in spirit form unless invoked or interacted with by mortals, one goddess chooses to inhabit the body of a human girl from birth to death, repeating the process again and again. This is a reading list I researched for myself.). It explores the intriguing backstory of the daughter of Helios, starting with her birth and going to her eventual exile. Hiding out in his attic bedroom with nothing but his books for company, David mourns the loss of his beloved mother, turning to the fantasy of what lies in the books around him for company. For the most part, I'm prefer series to standalone young adult books. Whereas fantasy book series are like TV series that require lots of time and commitment to finish, standalone fantasy books are like movies that can be enjoyed and wrapped up in no time. Center, Shipping & Warbreaker, by Brandon Sanderson English novels offline 2022 If you. Richly observed, excitingly plotted, and crammed with world-building detail, Blackdog is a fantastic self-contained adventure. She's always kept a low profile to protect her true identity but when Dragos spares her for her crime, her life as she knows it changes forever. Background photo by Oscar Aguilar [via Unsplash]. Half-human and half-Wyr, Pia Giovanni realizes that her days are numbered once she's blackmailed into stealing from a dragon - the most powerful of the Elder Races. It's thought-provoking and richly historical. Their meeting will change their lives forever and set them on an epic quest. 7. A fantasy author dream team if ever there was one, Good Omens tells the tale of the end of the world, but written in true Pratchett and Gaiman style. Best of all, the world-building, richcharacter development, and a fantastic magic system all converge on an ending that is satisfying and exciting without setting you upfor six more volumes. Perdido Street Station is a steampunk fantasy that centers on scientist Isaac, who studies a human-bird hybrid named Garuda. The subgenre called "fantasy of manners" tackles the power play between characters of royalty or authority. From these texts arises the dark story of shapeshifters in Mughal India. Im sure most people reading this are familiar with both Gaiman and Pratchett, and I have no doubt that Gaimans American Gods makes many peoples list of best standalone fantasy novels. To withdraw your consent, see Your Choices. I nearly quit reading The Devourers early on, but Im so glad I didnt. Accueil Groupes Discussions Explorer Tendances. Best Standalone Fantasy Books MOST RECOMMENDED! Of course, not everyone wants to embark on a ten-book project. The youngest son of an emperor is catapulted into court when his father and three older brothers are killed in an airship accident. After failing to find anyone who can aid her abilities, she encounters the king's most loyal lackey Griffin. Part-fantasy and part-alternate history and part-period novel, this Hugo Award winner packs every page with intensity and depth. Bassianus Severus Arcadius (Basso to his friends) is the First Citizen of the Vasani republic, and is widely regarded as a lucky man. It could be the start of a comedy, but in the highly capable hands of Jeannette Ng, it becomes a haunting Gothic fantasy tale. Miville doesn't let up when it comes to surreal, gruesome, and brow-raising details infused with the consequences of rampant control and ambition. War for the Oaks, by Emma Bull. Filled with vivid characters and the sort of inversions and subversions of fantasy tropes that fans of A Song of Ice and Fire will appreciate, The Curse of Chalion does it alland in less than 500 pages. The characters are slowly revealedlike the layers of an onion, and aplot that could have easily been stretched out over three volumes is more satisfying encapsulated into a single adventure. Ahn has no past and no memories, while Altan is a lost heir whose future was stolen from him. At night. I started listening to this book for the magic, but I stayed because I fell in love with the willful protagonist, Agnieszka. The Riftwar Cycle Amazon AbeBooks Better World Books This series kicked off with Magician: Apprentice in 1982 and kept running throughout 2013. We think so. Confused? For this list, I stuck to two rules. Even with those limitations, I found plenty of standalone fantasy stories I loveenough that I struggled to cap this list at ten. 1. And while vast fantasy stories with numerous characters and multilayered worldbuilding can be greatMalazan, anyone?they can make it difficult to find and appreciate the standalone fantasy book diamonds. Unless of course, that book is the rarest of all speculative novels a stand-alone. Tolkien, wrote a trilogy with an in-universe standalone novel and collection of related material. The reviews Ive read have said great things about the funny moments in this book, and I cant wait to read it. Maybe its because the great grand-daddy of the genre, J.R.R. The Nature of Witches by Rachel Griffin. The Sorcerer of the Wildeepsby Kai Ashante Wilson. His second standalone novel tells the story of Princesses Vivenna and Siri of Idris. I hope that everyone who reads this will find at least one book thats new to them. Returns, Buy The Devourers is a story about monsters and the monstrous ways we can treat each other, but its also a story that insists on holding its characters accountable for their actions. Best friends Ada and Corinne perform at an illegal club, a sort of magical speakeasy, but also run cons to make ends meet. Its no small commitment of time of brain power to absorb this tale, a complete universe (or more than one!) Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is a huge tome of a novel, but I enjoyed every moment of it. Interview With an Author: Sunyi Dean. This ones been on my list for almost a year. Here is our epic list of over 150 books for tweens that love adventure! Anything from virtuoso Kazuo Ishiguro is a definite recommendation. Our Privacy Notice has been updated to explain how we use cookies, which you accept by continuing to use this website. Next Best Standalone Fantasy Novels recommendation is warbreaker by brandon sanderson. i Good Omens The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch Neil Gaiman Appears in 4 articles 1 recommender i Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell Susanna Clarke Appears in 4 articles 1 recommender i The Night Circus Erin Morgenstern Appears in 4 articles 4 i The Forgotten Beasts of Eld Haunting and stirring, this award-winning novel uses parables and magical realism to tackle philosophical themes like memory, trauma, and compassion. Perdido Street Station is the first book set in the world of Bas-Lag, but it's a standalone story. How to find new books to read and get better book recommendations. For the most part they use these ability for good, until the most talented member of the family decides to use his powers to serve his own interests, with disastrous results. This text novels is best science fiction novels all the time. Stand-alone fantasy novels are beautiful things. Extasia by Claire Legrand From New York Times bestselling author Claire Legrand comes a new, bone-chilling YA horror novel about a girl who joins a coven to root out a vicious evil that's stalking her village. inStore, Product E otterrai l'app di lettura della storia in inglese. Janette's Tale, the first book in the series, can be read as an introduction to the Romantic Fantasy/Adventure series, 'The Chronicles of the White Tower', although most of the books are standalone novels. In Warbreaker, hecreatesa fully-formed world with a beautiful, unique, and complex magic systemAwakening, the use of breath and commands to give an illusion of life to inanimate objects, fueled by draining the colors in from the surrounding environment. Based loosely on ourworlds history, Bujolds second foray into epic fantasy tells the tale of Caz, a knight of Chalion, who returns home from a disastrous war campaign, burdened by betrayal and longing only for peace and restbut instead finds himself drawn into the mystery of the curse that dooms the royal family. Madeline Miller enriches each chapter with captivating detail, giving more depth and representation to one of the most intriguing figures in Greek mythology. When I set out to create this list, I knew The Last Unicorn had to be on itit is my favorite of all classic fantasy novels. Miville is the master of standalone fantasy to the point where every book in his Bas-Lag series could be read individually, but if you're on the market for a really good fantastical mystery, The City & The City is definitely well worth your time. The girl turns out to be an incarnation of a goddess, while the dog is actually a shape-shifting spirit who promptly possesses Holla-Sayan and begins to drive him mad. Not Sell My Personal Information. They include;"best stand alone fantasy books""best stand alone sci fi books 2019""ya sci fi standalone books""sci With its gripping adventure and fantastic characters over a strange premise, D: A Tale of Two Worlds is worth checking out. For those times when you don't want to invest in reading an entire series, but you do want something fantastical. Like misfortunes, fantasy novels rarely come singly. In Spellhacker, the source of magic is exploited by a greedy corporation. If you're looking for a fantasy novel that focuses non-Western culture, this is the one for you. I'm just looking for some stuff to read where it's just one book that I can read over a week instead of a huge series. Combine a heist plot with the worldbuilding of Dune and you get Spellhacker, an extravagant young adult fantasy story from the author of The Disasters (another awesome genre mashup novel). Noves fantasy in inglese dei migliori autori libri inglesi di tutti i tempi. Got Series Fatigue? This is my personal favorite Brandon Sanderson standalone novel and I know technically there could be a sequel sometime in the future but this was written I think initially as a standalone and it definitely has a completed arc and story but I love this book by Brandon Sanderson. Membership, B&N 3 books series- Stand-Alone Thank you for taking the time to review our expectations for our next GhostWriter. Sunshine herself is a heroine both flawed and courageous whos only beginning to learn the extent of her own power. Its a fiendishly clever novel that fully deserves its high renown. Great stories all the time. When an expedition hires him on as a guide, he finds himself involved in a search for a relic of unprecedented power. Dont mistake uswe love our multi-book sagas. With its lyrical writing, The Last Unicorn sweeps me away into its timeless story of a unicorn who fears she may be the last of her kind and sets out on a journey to find others. Along the way, they're joined by other companions who have demons of their own, and the forgetful Axl and Beatrice must face their own demons or suffer an untimely fate. The end of the world is nigh, and not a single player on either the Good or Evil side seems to be able to figure out where the Anti-Christ is thanks to an unfortunate mix-up that occurred in a delivery room 11 years previously. As George R.R. STANDALONES ELANTRIS INTRODUCTION Elantris was Brandon's first published book. And even if you love series, sometimes its nice to read a standalone story that provides a satisfying resolution within a single book. Paperback. The elder kind. Perdido Street Station is the first book set in the world of Bas-Lag, but it's a standalone story. Put on your robe and wizard hat and crack one of these open, they may leave you wanting more, but it's for the best. Thank you for signing up! This kannada novels is best books stories. Standalone fantasy books might seem to be far less common than series in this genre, but luckily there are still many excellent novels to choose from. In this magical world, Charlie Hall is a bartender with a side hustle as a low-level con artist. theres enough here for a trilogy (or more), but Barker manages to get it all into one without breaking a sweat. Book Recs: Standalone Fantasy 13 May, 2021 After a few days of unintentional downtime (can you tell neither me nor Anna has the slightest clue about self-hosting), we're back with a rec list of standalone fantasy books. Enjoy the fantasy genre without committing to an entire series. When his research goes haywire, New Crobuzon is put at stake. I love the Harry Potter books. Cards, Copyright & The everyday evils of racism are not new to Tom, but when he meets the rich eccentric Robert Suydam, hes brought into contact with another kind of evil. Ive read wonderful things about the story, the prose, and the relationship between Demane and the Captain, the leader of the party. Werde Teil unserer Buch Community und trete in Kontakt mit Anna. Speaking of take my money, The Ballad of Black Tom, about sorcery in New York in The Jazz Age, is a very recent release. She's able to find empowerment and humanity in Circe, turning her story into a compelling voyage to behold. Iron Cast presents a luscious setting and an emotionally-laden plot that kept me on the edge of my seat. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld explores themes of forgiveness, revenge, love, and power. This contemporary fable follows a girl named Dhikilo, who's summoned to the home of her history teacher Dodderfield and is assigned on a quest to solve the peculiar mystery of the disappeared letter "D.". Fantasy fiction is best known for its giant, door-stopping series that come in trilogies or longer. While he's initially skeptical, Alok goes deeper into solving the mystery, and that puts him in grave danger. Because her parents financial troubles have made it hard for her to find a husband, she is married off to the spirit of a wealthy young man who has recently died, and finds herself suddenly pulled into the world of the afterlife. You can follow her on Twitter. Related: Set in a Gothic version of New England, The Rathbones tells the tale of a formerly prosperous seafaring dynasty. Its also exquisitely written and has the feel of an original fairy tale, with all the emotional strength of the very best fables and legends. Their stage isLe Cirque des Rves, a magnificent black and white circus that pops up without warning, and only at night. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell remains one of my favorite fantasy novels of all time. Sometime you want a fling, and these books will give you exactly that. Everything I seem to see are these huge epic series or whatever. The Devourers centers around the rape of a human woman by a male shapeshifter, and the brutality of that section had me struggling with the story. Soon he has taken on a student, the wild and adventurous Jonathan Strange, and the two embark on an adventure that takes them through the Napoleonic Wars and straight into the magical realm of the Raven King. Whether it's high fantasy, urban fantasy, political fantasy, it doesn't matter, I'm incredibly into it. Related: Johansen Add to Bookshelf. For geeks, by geeks! Standalone YA Fantasy Novels For A Weekend Read. In this novel, the bride in question is Li Lan, a young woman whose family has fallen on hard times. Thus, the bond between the two seals Sunshine's fate. Related: Questo libro di storia in inglese le migliori storie di inglese offline. We publish FANTASY ROMANCE book Series, 3 book series is our sweet spot. Blackdog is a fascinating combination of traditional fantasy tropes and new blood, and is definitely worth reading for the high fantasy lover who doesn't want to start a new series just yet. Over the course of the story, Ariah struggles with himself, his place in society, and his growing knowledge of both the complexity and injustice of the world he lives in. There's not only the endurance run of starting a new series and catching up so you're not spoiled for the next book (an issue, I assume, for Harry Potter late adopters), but there's also the agony of waiting for the next book to arrive (an agony that George R. R. Martin fans are definitely feeling these days). Fourteen-year-old Lizzy Mortimer saw her first death-specter on Halloween and soon learns that she is to be a Death Catcher, a group of hunters fated to intervene when an unjust death is planned, a destiny handed down to her by her ancestor: Morgan Le Fay. It's the beginning of WWII, but 12-year-old David doesn't seem to care. 2022 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. sometimes described as 'history with a quarter turn to the fantastic'. When Ada gets arrested and confined to an asylum, its only the beginning of the duos troubles. This is probably one of my favorite YA fantasy standalone books that I have read recently. Check out my IG: It is the tale of a people so cursed by the black sorcery of a cruel despotic king that even the name of their once-beautiful homeland cannot be spoken or remembered "The lesson of her days, Dianora thought, was simply this: that love was not enough. Burroughs style in a post-apocalyptic, alternate future India. Sadly, I had never read this fantasy classic until last year. Let us know! The Color of Dragons is another great genre mashup. Paperback $8.99 ADD TO CART Talion: Revenant Michael A. Stackpole Talion: Revenant, by Michael Stackpole Its filled with magic, and the villain is truly frightening. With that in mind, Ive set out to provide a list of ten fantasy stories that have all the thrills of a series but stand alone as a single volume. Given the sheer size of the book, there's obviously more to the plot, but if you are a fan of witty 19th century history, you'll absolutely be a fan of this. Fifteen-year-old Mercy is the scion of the Rathbone clan, a once powerful family who has withered away to nothing. Compare Products Best Standalone Fantasy Books Related reviews Compare Products RANKING LIST | SORT BY SCORES 1 The Dragon Reborn: Book Three of 'The Wheel of Time' (Wheel of Time, 3) View on Amazon SCORE 9.4 AI Score Set between two Eastern European-inspired cities that were divided by a mysterious "Cleavage" many years ago, and thus have evolved into two completely separate nations and cultures, the people of each city have been conditioned not to see or hear members of the other city, which makes investigation a little difficult. These novels are full of magic (of course), mystery, and a whole lot of fun. Which is unwise in a world where humans are barely hanging on in the fight against vampires I dont know what I love most about Sunshine, because theres just so much about it thats great. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), 2022 Macmillan | All stories, art, and posts are the copyright of their respective authors. With very few marriage prospects, Li Lan is giving an interesting proposition from a wealthy and powerful family: they would like her to become a ghost bride for their recently deceased only son. by Shaun Fitzpatrick. Welcome to the Fantasy ROMANCE World! Donload this . 92 Standalone Novels to Read FOR WHEN YOU'RE JUST NOT FEELING A SERIES 1. Educators, B&N Sign up to Swords & Spaceships toreceive news and recommendations from the world of science fiction and fantasy. Goodbye from Nowhere by Sarah Zarr Kyle Baker thought his family was happy. The Bestselling Books of the Week, According to NYT, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Amazon, 8 Mystery Novels with Non-Detective Main Characters, New Releases Tuesday: The Best Books Out This Week, 13 November Mystery, Thrillers, and True Crime Releases. I'm the girl who still believes in unicorns, who owns her own Harry Potter wand, and who sometimes builds entire magical systems for fun. As the end times approach, it's up to a ragtag group of angels, demons, horsemen of the apocalypse, witches, and witch hunters to find the son of Satan and stop the end of the world before it's too late. Keep an eye on your inbox. Passer au contenu principal. All the New Young Adult SFF Books Arriving in November! Both the story and universe of The Curse of Chalion are fully fleshed out, though, and you wont have to readthe second volume to reach a satisfactory conclusion (though youll undoubtedly want to anyway). Circe is one of the best retellings of Greek mythology. The 33 Most Anticipated Books Of November 2022, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. Entertainment and lifestyle for geeks who want to embrace their truest inner self. The books had to be published more or less recently (the oldest book here is from 2008), and they had to be true stand-alones, not part of an authors pre-existing fictional universe; just one perfect bubble of fiction, floating on its own. D: A Tale of Two Worlds asks an age-old question: What if one of the letters of the alphabet disappeared and everybody forgot its existence? (Look, Im going to level with you, here. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld tells the tale of Sybel, an isolated wizard who lives alone with her menagerie of powerful and magical creatures. BookRix Profil von Anna - Erfahre mehr ber Anna: Lieblingsbcher, Freunde usw. Set in an alternate universe where humanity is living in the aftermath of the "Voodoo Wars" (a war between humans and supernatural creatures), the action of the story centers on Rae "Sunshine" Seddon, a baker who just so happens to get abducted by vampires. I immediately fell under the spell of this immersive story about home, love, identity, and family. Blood Scion explores numerous elements from Nigerian and Yoruba mythology in a story inspired by a real-life conflict. However, if I'm to be completely honest, reading fantasy can be exhausting. A standalone epic fantasy novel, the book won the Romantic Times award for best epic fantasy of 2005, was chosen by Barnes and editors as the best fantasy or sf book of the year, and has been released in twenty languages. Centering around a mysterious circus where everything is in black and white, The Night Circus tells a tale of two magicians who make a bet to see which school of magic is superior. Read next: Spending much of her time with her reclusive Uncle Mordecai since her father was lost at sea, everything changes when a strange and violent visitor appears, forcing Mercy and Mordecai to flee and start on a journey that will unravel the haunted mystery of the Rathbone clan. Seem to care 's initially skeptical, Alok goes deeper into solving mystery. Cast presents a luscious setting and an emotionally-laden plot that kept me on the between... I found plenty of standalone fantasy stories I loveenough that I have read recently lot fun. One! ( or more ), but I stayed because I in. Remains one of the decade uk herself is a definite recommendation fantasy, urban fantasy, urban fantasy it. The fantasy genre without committing to an entire series book set in the world of Bas-Lag but!, giving more depth and representation to one of the most intriguing figures in Greek.. Di inglese offline und trete in Kontakt mit Anna quarter turn to the &! 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standalone fantasy novels