sweden muslim population 2022

[18] The occupiers attacked police with pipe bombs and rocks and the incident rapidly escalated, with protestors arriving from other cities and officials calling in riot police. (Hard Line) party, which runs on an anti-immigrant, anti-Islam agenda. Sweden begins preparations to deport all Muslims before - TFIGlobal At the census 2011, out of the 1.21 billion population, little over 966 million (79.80%) have returned themselves as followers of Hinduism. Muslim congregations in Sweden report having a total of 140,000 members. [130][131], A government study in 2006 estimated that 5% of the total adult population and 39% of adult Muslims "harbour systematic antisemitic views". Sander, ke (2004), "Muslims in Sweden", by Muhammad Anwar, Jochen Blaschke and ke Sander, Sander, ke (1997), "To what extent is the Swedish Muslim religious? Sweden is projected to have the highest share of Muslims (12.4%) in total population among the Western European countries by 2050. [90] Boys and girls are segregated into groups along gender lines for several subjects due to religious reasons. [71], Islamic Relief in Sweden was founded in 1992 and is part of the international Muslim aid charity Islamic Relief which was founded in the UK. While the Smi have lived in Fennoscandia from at earliest 3,500 years[22] to at latest around 2,650 years,[23] Smi settlement of Scandinavia does not predate Norse/Scandinavian settlement of Scandinavia, as sometimes popularly assumed. Quoted from page 416. [103], According to a 2018 poll by Sifo, 60% of the 1000 participants wanted to ban the Islamic call to prayer using loudspeakers, while 21% responded they should be allowed and 19% were undecided. [47][48] By comparison, the Swedish civil registry reports, for 2018, that nearly 1.96 million residents are foreign-born, a 47% increase from 2010. 2022-09-12T04:31:58.580Z [24], In 2018, preschools in Biskopsgrden district were reprimanded by the Municipality of Gothenburg after Gteborgs-Posten newspaper had found out that 4 out of 5 kindergartens stated they were willing to force girls in their care to wear the Islamic hijab if the parents requested it. [144], In January 2015, Sigtuna council stopped radical Islamic preacher Haitham al-Haddad from holding a lecture at their premises. It changed from the classic pyramid shape to the pillar shape, which represents a more evenly distributed percentage of the population in each age bracket. With about 50,000 people living to the ages of 90100. [16] Today, about one-fifth of Sweden's population has an immigrant background. The Islamic Association in Sweden, (Arabic: ) (Swedish: Islamiska frbundet i Sverige, IFiS) was formed according to the records of the Swedish Tax Agency, the protocol of the constituent meeting of The Islamic Association in Sweden (IFiS) on January 2728, 1995 in the presence of Ahmed Ghanem, Mostafa Kharraki, Mahmoud Aldebe, Zoheir Berrahmoune, Mahmoud Kalim and Sami al-Sarif. [89], Al-Salamskolan is a charter school in rebro. Islamic diffusion of Nordic countries: Sweden. [42], In 2004 an Arabic-language manual, which carried the logo and address of the Brandbergen Mosque, was spread on the internet. [20] After two nights of rioting, 200 adult Malm residents organized by the Islamiska kulturfreningen (Islamic Cultural Forum) moved into the streets to mediate, causing the youthful rioters to desist. [32] Most Iranians and Iraqis fled as refugees to Sweden during the IranIraq War from 1980 to 1988. [38] BBC reported in 2016 that more than 300 people in Sweden have gone to fight in Iraq and Syria, which makes Sweden a high exporter of jihadists per capita. Sweden Immigration Statistics 1960-2022 | MacroTrends The Muslim Council of Sweden (Swedish: Sveriges muslimska rd, SMR) is an umbrella organisation of Islamic organisations in Sweden. On 7 April 2013 he was elected to the party committee of the Swedish Social Democratic Party, which was noted by anti-racist magazine Expo as Mustafa, as chairman of IFiS, had invited Salah Sultan and Ragheb Al-Serjany both of whom had spread antisemitic views in al Jazeera interviews and that he also "likes" Egyptian imam Yousef Al-Qaradawi on Facebook. Since 1999, Sweden has five officially recognised minority languages: Sami, Menkieli, Standard Finnish, Romani and Yiddish. [citation needed] but the influx gave rise to an anti-Finnish sentiment within Sweden and Norway. The Al-Azhar school also caused controversy in 2016 when its school in Vllingby had gender segregated gym classes for children. Viking contact with Islam dates back to the 7th10th centuries, when the Vikings traded with Muslims during the Islamic Golden Age. Menkieli Finnish has official status in parts of northern Sweden near the Finnish border. Trots pstenden om motsatsen", "Saudiska bidragsgivare styr rebroskola - Nyheter (Ekot)", "Massiv kritik mot muslimsk friskola Fridolin: "Har inte fljt dagens regelverk", "Kaliber 5 juni 2005: Saudiarabisk mission i Sverige - Kaliber", "Stiftelse bakom Alsalamskolan vill sparka ordfrande", "El Dagve skriver in elever som inte gr p skolan - P4 Jnkping", "Muslimska friskolan stngs - P4 Jnkping", "Fngelse fr grova ekobrott i muslimsk skola", "Skolpengar gick till att starta islamisk bank", "Allt fler positiva till de nya svenska religionerna", "Hlften av svenskarna negativa till islam", "Regeringen ska stoppa CSN-bidrag till saudiska studier - DN.SE", "Sifo: Majoritet vill frbjuda bneutrop", "Between Salafism and Salafi-Jihadism: Influences and Challenges for Swedish Society", "EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report TE-SAT 2009", "Knarkvinster till utbildning av extremister", "Spo: Tusindvis af voldelige islamister bor i Sverige", "PET: Truslen mod Danmark kan komme fra Sverige", "Kurdisk klla: 41 IS-svenskar fngslade i Syrien - DN.SE", "Terreurverdachten blijven twee weken vast", "Svensk KTH-ingenjr bakom IS propaganda", "Celstraffen voor terreurverdachten kerstavond", "Teaching student jailed over Sweden terror plot", "Terrormisstnkte lrarstudenten Aydin Sevigin inte psyksjuk", "Aydin Sevigin fr fngelse fr frberedelse till terrorbrott", "David Idrissons frndring frn snickare till terrortalad", "Han skulle sprnga i Sverige i IS namn | Brottscentralen | Expressen", "Sweden's Islamophobia is getting stronger", "Sweden Muslims express 'shock' over mosque fire", "Sweden hit by third mosque arson attack in a week", "Antisemitic images and attitudes in Sweden", Anti-Semitism, in Sweden? Since the European migrant crisis, Syrians became the second-largest group of foreign-born persons in the Swedish civil registry in 2017 with 158,443 people (after former Yugoslavia). Sweden Population 2022 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs) The request was condemned by all political parties and the government and the Swedish Liberal Party requested that an investigation be started by the Office of the Exchequer into the use of public funding of SMR. The Rise of Sweden Democrats: Islam, Populism and the End - Brookings [54] According to the IFiS charter, it is a founding member in the Muslim Brotherhood-associated umbrella organisation Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe whose guidelines it follows. The Quilliam Foundation, composed of defectors from extremist organizations, HIzb ut-Tahrir does not believe in democratic and open societies and that they hide their intention to abolish democracy in the West. Another attack took place in October 2005. [148], Swedish attitudes towards Islam 2005-2016, Community organisations, funding, and practices, Muslim Youth of Sweden (Sveriges Unga Muslimer), Educational organizations, their funding, and practices, 2003 and 2005 arson attacks on the Malm Mosque, Investigative journalism uncovers discrimination against women. The natural increase is expected to be positive, as the number of births will exceed the number of deaths by 26,613. In modern Sweden, the first registered Muslim groups were Finnish Tatars who emigrated from Finland and Estonia in the 1940s. Between 2010 and 2016, the share of Muslims in the continents population rose by over 1% from 3.8% to 4.9%. By area, it is the third-largest country in the European Union, at 450,295 square kilometers. Tro och Solidaritet was to further Islamic interests such as legislation and contracts concerning Muslim holidays, instituting a tax-financed training for imams via the National Agency for Higher Education and rules in working places for the Jumu'ah (Friday prayer). Updated April 18, 2022 3:54 PM ET Originally published April 18, 2022 7:18 AM ET. The respective numbers here are both over 99% which is a significantly higher percentage than many countries. Also it is stressed that Muslims should not integrate into wider Swedish society. While Islam has a relatively recent history in the countries of Western Europe, it has a long history in the Balkans region of the continent. [37] Based on social media analysis, an increase was noted in 2013. In 2006 Mahmoud Aldebe, one of the Board members of SMR, sent letters to each of the major political parties in Sweden demanding special legislation for Muslims in Sweden, including the right to specific Islamic holidays, special public financing for the building of Mosques, that all divorces between Muslim couples be approved by an Imam, and that Imams should be allowed to teach Islam to Muslim children in public schools. [83], In the 2014 and 2018 Swedish general elections, the group campaigned in the Stockholm area for Muslims not to vote. There are also many Muslims, as well as a number of Buddhists and Bahs in Sweden, mainly as a result of 20th and 21st century immigration. . Source: Historical figures Sveriges land och folk, Swedes of one Swedish parent and one foreign born, Born in Sweden to two foreign-born parents, This only lists Swedish Finns born outside of Sweden; There are ~569,000 people of Finnish origin living in Sweden, The seven successor states of Yugoslavia and their historic counterparts (, This page was last edited on 1 November 2022, at 15:27. During the 1950s and 1960s, the recruitment of immigrant labour was an important factor of immigration. First published on Sat 16 Apr 2022 23.33 EDT. As of 2020, the population is 10.1 million people and is projected to be 11.39 million by 2050 and 12.95 million by 2099. While Sweden has had fertility rates below the population replacement rate for decades, the positive net migration helps to grow the population. The demography of Sweden is monitored by the Statistiska centralbyrn (Statistics Sweden). Also, many of Denmark's nearly 7,000 Jews who were evacuated to Sweden decided to remain there. [93] In 2017, the school received a 500 000 SEK fine from the Swedish Schools Inspectorate due to deficiencies in its teaching practises. Headmaster Hassan Meri immatriculated children to the school and received funding from the Jnkping Municipality but sent the pupils to school in their home countries instead, keeping the difference. [50][51] There are also around 40,000 Roma in Sweden. By 2050, it could account for roughly 11.2% of the total European population. According to Religious Social Democrats chairman Peter Weiderud in 2014, the Religious Social Democrats were still in contact with SMR. K Yu Eidemiller 1, E A Samylovskaya 2 and R-E A Kudryavtseva 1,2. Kosovo, Albania, and Bosnia rank the highest with 93.8%, 80.3%, and 45.2% of the total population being Muslim respectively. Muslims are a minority group in most of the European countries. [102] Of the respondents, 26% expressed resistance to all kinds of Islamic veils. If the immigrants continue to obtain citizenship at the current rate, native Swedes will be in minority in the next 45 years. Writing at Zero Hedge, "Tyler Durden" offered figures for January through July, citing Swedish media: 120 bombings compared to 83 through the same seven months last year, a 45-percent increase . Sweden is situated between the Baltic and North Seas and touches borders with Finlands and Norway. Sweden population 22 [111] The Danish Security and Intelligence Service judged the number of jihadis in Sweden to be a threat against Denmark since two terrorists arriving from Sweden had already been sentenced in the 2010 Copenhagen terror plot. : Earth Environ. In 2017 the ratio of male to female remains steady at about 5050. Sweden Population (2022) - Population Stat In 2050, the share of Muslims in the population of these countries is expected to increase to 95.2%, 85.9%, and 49.4% respectively. source: EUROSTAT 10Y 25Y 50Y MAX Chart Compare Export API The population of Sweden in 2021 was 10,467,097, a 0.95% increase from 2020. [23], In December 2019, the municipality of Skurup banned Islamic veils in educational institutions. [107] Income received from illegal narcotics trading are also used finance jihadist activity as sympathizers with an ideology which uses violence to reach a higher goal will automatically be drawn into crime. The second- and third-largest cities are Gothenburg and Malm. [145], According to criticism by British think-tank Quilliam in May 2015, Sweden is more likely than other countries to allow preachers with radical views to enter the country and spread their views. Year 2002 2020", "Population statistics Population in Sweden by Country/Region of Birth, Citizenship and Swedish/Foreign background, 31 December 2020", "Children per woman by country of birth 19702020 and projection 20212070", "Population Statistics 20192022 (month) and 19982021 (year)", "United States Selected Social Characteristics: 2006", "Ethnocultural Portrait of Canada Highlight Tables, 2006 Census", "Number of persons by foreign/Swedish background, age, sex and year", Sweden: Restrictive Immigration Policy and Multiculturalism, "6.5% of the EU population are foreigners and 9.4% are born abroad", "Population by country of birth, age and sex. Population of Sweden in 2022 - 10 million or 1 Crore Sweden has a population growth rate during 2020-2021 of 0.63 %. According to Eurostat, in 2010, there were 1.33 million foreign-born residents in Sweden, corresponding to 14.3% of the total population. [6], In December 2008, riots broke out in Malm in the Herrgrden section of Rosengrd, when the landlord did not renew the contract for the premises of a local mosque. [140] On December 7, 2006, the Swedish citizen Mohamed Moumou, who is described by the United States Department of the Treasury as an "uncontested leader of an extremist group centered around the Brandbergen Mosque in Stockholm", was put on the United Nations Security Council Committee 1267 list of foreign terrorists. Sweden is found in northern Europe and is made up of thousands of tiny islands in addition to the mainland. [2], The Muslim community in Sweden hails from numerous countries, making it a complex and heterogeneous population. Although there are no official statistics of Muslims in Sweden, estimates count 200,000250,000 people of Muslim background in 2000[15] (i.e. [29] Sander re-stated in 2004 that "we do not think it unreasonable to put the figure of religious Muslims in Sweden at the time of writing at close to 150,000". The country boasts a rich culture and heritage, which has attracted many tourists over the years. The mountains and most of the remote coastal areas are almost unpopulated. Page 6. The fact that non-Muslims in Sweden are facing the same torture doesn't make it any less of an inhumane practice. r 2000 2021", "Invandring till Sverige 2016 och 2015 efter de 20 vanligaste fdelselnderna fr de invandrade 2016", "Svenska kyrkans medlemsutveckling r 19722019", "Sweden Snaps Strong Ties Between Church and State", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Demographics_of_Sweden&oldid=1119433428, Articles with dead external links from November 2019, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from June 2019, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2011, All Wikipedia articles needing clarification, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from February 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2008, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 3.6 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2022 est.). 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sweden muslim population 2022