10 negative effects of population growth on economic development

Vaccination programmes can respond to the needs of governments to budget with confidence. Reductions in mortality and morbidity also contribute to increased consumption and gross domestic product (GDP) (6). For example, vaccine development could benefit from tax credits and publicprivate partnerships, and vaccines specificities could be taken into consideration in economic evaluations. A recent review suggested that the economic impact of administration errors, inappropriate drug prescription, and poor adherence in elderly patients is substantial, with hospital costs being the main driver (33). Womens economic empowerment boosts productivity, increases economic diversification and income equality in addition to other positive development outcomes. Barnighausen T, Bloom DE, Canning D, Friedman A, Levine OS, O'Brien J, et al. Next time: Can economic history settle the debate between demographers and economists? The consequences of an outbreak of measles in 20082011 in France highlighted that adolescents and young adults are particularly vulnerable to this disease (18). In conclusion, compared with treatment-focused interventions that have deferred costs distributed over several years according to the disease epidemiology, prevention-focused strategies have budgetable short-term costs which are concentrated in time. Figure 33.7 Income Levels and Population Growth. Careers. Find the latest business news on Wall Street, jobs and the economy, the housing market, personal finance and money investments and much more on ABC News Second, new research suggested that there was in fact a negative association between population growth and economic performance. The economic and human burden of EGWs is high (20). Xue Y, Kristiansen IS, de Blasio BF. Vaccine-related research and development is also one of the highest (15% of sales) among all industries (9). Vaccination and the vaccine industry are undeniably key contributors to the smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth objectives for Europe 2020. [xi] J. It has been shown that population health can operate through multiple channels, contributing to economic growth, which can in turn generate additional resources to reinvest into health, generating a virtuous cycle. In addition, reduced productivity in the form of presenteeism is a consequence of illness at work and may potentially even outweigh the cost of absenteeism. Health at a glance 2011: OECD indicators 2011. In conclusion, governments, international agencies, and other stakeholders, such as the medical community, have an important role to play to help society regain confidence in vaccination and ensure that the full benefits of vaccination programmes are fully recognised and valued. Note: Calculations based on population-based vaccination coverage, published vaccine efficacies, historical data on disease incidence before vaccination, and disease incidence reported during 20052009. The shortages most notably affected countries where procurement, either nationally or in specific regions, was sourced from a single supplier, such as in Spain, Germany, and Italy (32, 33). Eventually, Malthus concluded, increases in food production would be too small to sustain the increased number of human beings who consume that output. over 15) grows relative to the economically dependent youth population. For example, the total indirect costs of varicella over a 50-year period in Italy were estimated to be 2,280 million (10). The findings from this model were also confirmed by real-world data in settings where high coverage rates were achieved. In the context of current economic difficulties across Europe, accurate budgeting and resource allocation have become increasingly important. Effective vaccines against HBV have been available for several decades, and more than 90% of countries include HBV vaccination in their childhood immunisation programmes, which has been shown to be responsible for a dramatic reduction in liver cancer (45). In France, the economic burden of productivity loss represents almost 50% of the total cost of RVGE (15). Garcia-Altes A. Systematic review of economic evaluation studies: Are vaccination programs efficient in Spain? We work cooperatively with the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to develop, review, and implement fishery management plans in federal waters (from 3 to 200 nautical miles). For example, grandparents are increasingly involved in childcare, putting them at risk of disease transmission if they or the children are not vaccinated. Instead, people starve, and population begins rising arithmetically, held in check by the Food produced curve. Koleva D, De Compadri P, Padula A, Garattini L. Economic evaluation of human papilloma virus vaccination in the European Union: A critical review. It is only recently that manufacturers have returned following the implementation of a procurement strategy by GAVI spanning several years which thus results in a more sustainable marketplace in developing countries (35). OECD Keech M, Beardsworth P. The impact of influenza on working days lost: A review of the literature. Indeed, he maintained long run effects were positive ([vi]). 3) (10). Charfi R, El Aidli S, Zaiem A, Kastalli S, Srairi S, Daghfous R, et al. It has been predicted that the number of people aged 65 years will almost double, and those aged 80 years will triple, by 2060 in the European Union (EU) (2). Healthy children are more able to participate in education, thus preparing them to become healthy and productive adults. Masignani V, Lattanzi M, Rappuoli R. The value of vaccines. It has the world's seventh-highest per capita GDP (nominal) and the eighth-highest per capita GDP (PPP) as of 2022. Various previous analyses [e.g., ] note that natural demographic change and economic growth may dominate climate change effects in overall magnitude, although such comparisons are not our focus here. What explains the discrepancy between the early research, which found little evidence of a relationship between population growth and economic growth in cross-sectional data, and more recent work which finds a negative and significant one? Panel (a) shows that low-income nations had much higher total fertility rates (births per woman) during the 20002005 period than did high-income nations. Preventing disease in working adults reduces absenteeism and presenteeism, enhancing productivity and contributing in turn to economic growth. Therefore, assessment of the value of vaccines and vaccination needs to consider not just the direct impact on health and healthcare but also the wider impact on economic growth, which requires a macroeconomic analysis of vaccination programmes. Indeed, while disease dynamics and future epidemiology are equally uncertain when modelling drugs and vaccines benefits, predicting treatment costs may be subject to considerable uncertainty since several behavioural and environmental parameters need to be taken into consideration (3). Health & wealth: Time for Europe to look forward. In developing nations, death rates took a similarly dramatic drop, while birth rates showed little change. 2010. Schmitt HJ, von Konig CH, Neiss A, Bogaerts H, Bock HL, Schulte-Wissermann H, et al. Thus, the changing demographic situation is a serious threat to the financial and social-economic sustainability of the EU member states. These include outcome-related productivity gains (improved cognition and physical strength, as well as school enrolment, attendance, and attainment), behaviour-related productivity gains (influence on fertility and consumption choices), and community externalities (herd effect, indirect protection, prevention of antibiotic resistance) among others (, They also discuss short- and long-term benefits that can be obtained with vaccination in the context of relatively low levels of investments. Notably, this societal value extends to the community as a whole. The desired result is a state of society where living conditions and resources are used to continue to meet human needs without undermining Table 5: Demographic estimates. Social Movements and Social Change. Sustainable development is an organizing principle for meeting human development goals while also sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend. Today's new vaccines are available in a better health environment and represent a solution to our health issues today, such as cancers or debilitating diseases. In France, diphtheria, tetanus and polio, BCG (tuberculosis), and pertussis vaccines were estimated to be responsible for saving more than 400,000 years of life (4). economic vaccination, quality of life, societal, indirect protection, productivity. Mick G, Gallais JL, Simon F, Pinchinat S, Bloch K, Beillat M, et al. The relationship between fertility and intelligence has been investigated in many demographic studies. [iv] S. Kuznets, Pro. Sustainable development Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Economic growth can be defined as the increase or improvement in the inflation-adjusted market value of the goods and services produced by an economy over a certain period of time. The preventative healthcare budget is allocated to diverse areas such as smoking cessation, reduction of alcoholism, improved nutrition, encouraging physical activity, and higher uptake of vaccinations. 1). Influenza vaccination and reduction of cardiovascular events A systematic review and meta-analysis (Abstract no: 187). This economic burden is likely to be underestimated as the estimate did not include additional costs for society, such as, loss of productivity, treatment for worsening underlying conditions, home help, and rehabilitation care (54). The herpes zoster vaccine is a good example, since there are no preventive measures or satisfactory treatments. Similar reductions in disease occurred after introduction of the vaccine in Western Europe and developing countries. Prior to the 19th century, people lacked medical facilities and death rates were high. The theory was simple: given that there is a fixed quantity of land, population growth will eventually reduce the amount of resources that each individual can consume, ultimately resulting in disease, starvation, and war. The impact of economic crises on communicable disease transmission and control: A systematic review of the evidence. The average treatment cost and total annual direct cost of genital warts were estimated at 483 and 23 million, respectively, in France (21). Sick at work. A framework to present these broader benefits has already been proposed, using the example of haemophilus influenza type b (Hib) vaccination (Table 2) and other available vaccines (6, 12). In addition, effectively implemented vaccination programmes have the potential to generate substantial savings both in the short and in the long term. Moreover, as Figure 1 illustrates, the simple cross-sectional relationship between population growth and economic growth is clearly negative when viewed over the long run (i.e. Zero population growth Unemployment Unemployment is an important cause of the overpopulation. It may be more reliable and accurate to forecast budget and resource allocation for a vaccination programme than for unpredictable seasonal disease peaks of infections such as rotavirus gastroenteritis, influenza, and pneumonia. Lieu TA, McGuire TG, Hinman AR. Sick children make additional demands on their parents, which can have an impact on the family's earning potential and can have detrimental consequences for their siblings. Among the most important infections associated with cancers are: HPVs that can cause most cervical and anal cancers as well as a fraction of oral cancers; hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) that can cause liver cancer; and Helicobacter pylori that is a bacterium that can cause stomach cancer (44). Zero population growth, sometimes abbreviated ZPG, is a condition of demographic balance where the number of people in a specified population neither grows nor declines, that is, the number of births plus in-migrants equals the number of deaths plus out-migrants. But the rate of population growth is not a constant; it is affected by other economic forces. For the society, the total annual costs were estimated to be 187.5 million, 82% of which corresponded to indirect costs (11). Three percent annual discount rate (15). The 5,154 hospitalisations during this period costed about 8.8 million (, In the United Kingdom, reduced MMR vaccination uptake resulted in 2,514 cases of measles being reported in 2008/2009, which was 2,366 more than in 1998/1999 (. Today, children in Europe routinely receive vaccines that protect them from more than a dozen diseases. of population growth Yep, you are correct about what I meant by a longtermist framing. Table 4: Annual real GDP growth per capita. They depict the impact of vaccination on economic growth, sustainability, and efficiency of healthcare systems. 1) (7). Get information on latest national and international events & more. Economic Many studies criticize population growth, as it impacts a nations self-reliance to great extent. SurveyMonkey Vaccines & immunizations: possible side-effects from vaccines 2015. vaccination, healthcare resource use, cancers, costs, nosocomial infections. This budget has decreased in many EU countries over recent years, except in 2009 due to the pandemic flu crisis (Fig. Harris JP, Jit M, Cooper D, Edmunds WJ. By the 1980s, that rate had plunged to 1.5%. Health, Education, and Welfare. Kotsopoulos N, Connolly MP. The reasons for these shortages are multi-factorial, including some companies leaving the vaccine market place because they consider it is no longer profitable, manufacturing issues or difficulties in stockpiling due to expiry date, and cold chain management. This was followed by three major epidemics of pertussis with over 100,000 cases and the deaths of at least 36 children. The economics of vaccination from a global perspective: Present and future. Barnighausen T, Bloom DE, Cafiero-Fonseca ET, O'Brien JC. Kane MA. Welcome to books on Oxford Academic | Journals | Oxford Academic Health at a Glance 2013: OECD indicators. 23 December, 2004, Vaccines: All things considered, San Francisco, CA, USA. General Economics and Teaching. New England/Mid-Atlantic | NOAA Fisheries Internet Here, population growth refers to the increase in the number of individuals across the world. Vaccines. Vaccination is often considered a long-term investment only, overlooking the potential short- and medium-term benefits. Prevention of disease in children, adults, and the elderly through vaccination represents a unique opportunity to keep people healthy and outside of the healthcare system. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Womens economic empowerment boosts productivity, increases economic diversification and income equality in addition to other positive development outcomes. The reasons for this progress include improvements in sanitation, access to vaccination against infectious diseases, other public health measures, and wider social factors. Bonanni P, Boccalini S, Bechini A, Banz K. Economic evaluation of varicella vaccination in Italian children and adolescents according to different intervention strategies: The burden of uncomplicated hospitalised cases. Chatterjee A. These health effects translate into positive economic outcomes for healthcare systems and to society as a whole. Pneumococcal disease: Guidance, data and analysis. In 2009, the ECDC and the EMA estimated that 25,000 Europeans die each year as a direct consequence of a multidrug-resistant infection, with costs estimated at 1.5 billion per year (22). China is an example of a country that has achieved a very low rate of population growth and a very high rate of growth in per capita GNP. Global human population growth amounts to around 83 million annually, or 1.1% per year. Race and Ethnicity. General Economics and Teaching. But the law of demand tells us that the opposite may be true: higher incomes tend to reduce population growth. Antonova EN, Rycroft CE, Ambrose CS, Heikkinen T, Principi N. Burden of paediatric influenza in Western Europe: A systematic review. First, this can occur when the population stops adhering to vaccination programmes because individuals do not fear a disease they do not know anymore. If doctors do not see diseases prevented by vaccination, but only the time spent in monitoring vaccination programmes, they will not understand the importance in their practice. Potential risks and economic impact. But if economic development can slow population growth, it can also increase it. In the late 1980s, Chinese officials discovered that the number of births in China was being underreported by about 30%. Your email address will not be published. This finding prompted a subsequent reconsideration of the potential importance of reducing fertility in pursuit of growth. For example, the increased incidence of pertussis, despite high vaccination coverage in infants, maybe due to several reasons, including increased diagnostic testing due to higher disease awareness and improved laboratory diagnostics and surveillance (11). Standaert B, Alwan A, Strens D, Raes M, Postma MJ. Economic Growth This study also reported an important decline in GWs in heterosexual men, which is most likely attributable to an indirect herd protection as they were not part of the HPV vaccine target population. In industrialised countries, several infectious diseases have been controlled and, in some cases, eliminated through routine vaccination. There is evidence that, on a population level, intelligence is negatively correlated with fertility rate and positively correlated with survival rate of offspring. Bonanni P, Picazo J, Remy V. The intangible benefits of vaccination What is the true economic value of vaccination? Lower land-man ratio The agriculture sector employs maximum labor force in developing countries. Understanding disease presentation and patient-reported and economic impact of herpes zoster (HZ) and post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN): Findings from the Zoster Quality Of Life (ZQOL) Study (abstract: PSY34). These recent, more expensive vaccines have been shown to be cost-effective in several economic analyses. At first, the developing/ underdeveloped countries with high growth rate such as India, Nigeria must bring out the government policies and create awareness among masses regarding the issues arising from overpopulation. Zero population growth, sometimes abbreviated ZPG, is a condition of demographic balance where the number of people in a specified population neither grows nor declines, that is, the number of births plus in-migrants equals the number of deaths plus out-migrants. Sustainable transport for residents and tourists, https://www.aa.com.tr/en/economy/global-tourism-loses-460b-to-covid-19-in-h1/1975008, https://wttc.org/Initiatives/To-Recovery-Beyond, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7474895/, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/12/covid-19-omicron-coronavirus-impact-on-travel-holiday-season/, https://www.travelagewest.com/Industry-Insight/Business-Features/Omicron-COVID-Travel-Industry-Recovery-Effect. Effective vaccination programmes for all ages in Europe will thus contribute to the European Union's 2020 health and economic strategies. All the seven articles give a broad overview of several aspects related to immunisation: The present series constitutes a comprehensive source of information on the benefits of vaccines and depicts the usefulness of vaccines from different angles and perspectives. For example, a recent study in the UK showed that hospital admissions for all-cause gastroenteritis in children increased with a lower level of socio-economic status (27). Vaccination has made a fundamental contribution to the decreased incidence of numerous infectious diseases and associated mortality. Despite this, benefits from vaccines are often poorly appreciated by the public and by governments leading to low vaccination coverage rates and reflecting a societal disinvestment in vaccination programmes. Summary of an economic evaluation of the routine childhood vaccination programme in the US in 2009. This is essential for resource allocation decisions concerning public health budgets and wider health care interventions. One of the unique properties of vaccination and sometimes even potentially one of the main goals is its ability to confer indirect protection through a herd effect to unvaccinated individuals and groups (1). But Malthus held that the output of food could increase only by a constant amount each period. Tracking anti-vaccination sentiment in eastern European social media networks. 17th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL); London, UK. Herd protection from vaccination may also play a role in indirectly protecting populations with lower socio-economic conditions, who may be harder to reach and have poorer access to healthcare and vaccination programmes. With more civilians at hands, the government gets the opportunity to choose the physically fit soldiers to keep the country secured from external disturbances. A slower rate of population growth, together with the same rate of GDP increase, would have left Kenya with more impressive gains in per capita income. These funds are not available when prices do not support resources for research and development (36). Despite this positive economical impact, varicella vaccine recommendations in Europe are heterogeneous, with only five countries where varicella vaccination is universally recommended for children at national level and two countries at regional level (18). Bell C, Lewis M. The economic implications of epidemics old and new. Kaye P, Malkani R, Martin S, Slack M, Trotter C, Jit M, et al. Dev. Table 6: Basic education indicators. Vaccination programmes can also protect patients with chronic conditions, thereby leading to substantial economic benefits for those who are working, which contributes to the economy and government tax base. As part of the concept of optimum population, Figure 33.5 Population and Income Growth, 19752005 plots growth rates in population versus growth rates in per capita GDP from 1975 to 2005 for more than 100 developing countries. Because population grows exponentially, food requirements rise at an increasing rate, as shown by the curve labeled Food required. 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10 negative effects of population growth on economic development