class action lawsuit against prolia

He said nothing I had to go to my urologist and had surgery done to remove all the gunk from my urinary system. Rinses topical creams oxycodone and garbenpentin and nothing has helped with the pain I started out with one small area of bone exposed 2,months ago and now have another developing. I had only one injection of Prolia - am a CKD Patient also. I developed a T6 fracture in May, suffered though the recovery and now have another one. On May 29th, 2020 while strolling at my neighborhood park, a small child on a bike hit me from the backside. Yesterday my oncologist had me stop Prolia when I complained of jaw pain. I had my first Prolia injection on September 1, 2021. Also had a headache. The lawsuit added that California's Employment Development Department had not received a notice related to the mass layoffs that began Friday. I have said EXACTLY the very same thing- I have all those issues but they are now at a level 3/4 and flare in sequences to a 7/8. I can't keep my balance at times. Here's my problem now I have a lot of hair loss in which the chemo made me lose some of my hair but grew back in thick, itchy skin, peeling skin on feet, but the worse thing is my back now. They hurt so badly. When I woke up in the hospital my legs were swollen and have been ever since, the skin on my legs Weeps and I have water blisters on my legs. Some day i would call in because i couldnt even stand up with the pain in my feet and legs. I read on my Prolia sites people who are far worse my hearts aches for them. Also had a headache. We[Show More]I had 1 promise shot Back in April. The drug caused a substantial rise in my cholesterol, so I went on a vegan diet and was able to lower it somewhat. My first and last prolia injection was February, 2021. I think that because this injection lowers your immune system, anything can become infected and abcessed. How about death as a side effect? My Dr. told me to go see my dentist before going on this drug and I did, no problem. Class action lawsuits are found in every state, but states like California, New York, Florida, New Jersey and Texas tend to have the highest number of class action complaints filed in America. She cannot even stand on the ground with support. It's strange it was fine before I took the shot. I am hoping for the best and I have all intentions of stopping this drug. I am so worried. I'm in month 3 and can't wait till this is out of my body!! Individual claims pointing to a single entity would cause a delay in judgment that might have a similar or identical verdict. Three months after having the first injection I was hospitalised for 6 days with severe diverticulitis. I would like to know how to join this lawsuit. It is not safe for pregnant women and is not approved for use by children. I do not want to continue taking this drug, will be telling my doctor Im discontinuing it before my next injection. In my case my PCP doctor has attributed this to the Prolia injection and said to not get another one. Keeping you in the know about products, medications and medical devices, to help you make informed decisions and potentially get compensation for your injuries. I started receiving Prolia shots for osteoporosis back in 2014. It caused such severe pain, that I could not walk, so I stopped after my first dose, then my doctor suggested Prolia because I argued with him about the Boniva, and he didnot want to believe me. Lawsuits are being filed alleging AFFF manufacturers knowingly sold toxic firefighting foam and should be responsible for the harm firefighters suffered as a result. Nevertheless, Prolia contains potentially harmful ingredients that may result in severe side effects, including hip fractures. I immediately went to a doctor to ask to stop taking this disgusting poison and I was sent for an immediate bone density scan which I won't have the results for, for a couple of days. I am also very worried because I have stopped taking prolia that I will develop spinal fractures. Attorneys are investigating whether prison guards are being paid properly and whether class action lawsuits could help these employees recover any unpaid wages. I have Crohns diseas. I have had two injections. Doctor gave me script for Risedronate, took 2 tablets over 2 weeks, Im female 53 - diagnosed with osteoporosis March 2019 and was given the prolia injection only once - pain in joints, hip, feet, fingers - everywhere basically! This scared me so much that I look up the side effects of Prolia. This is my second injection and due for another one in March 2023 but since reading about Prolia I will s. I had a prolia injection in September 2022 I am in constant pain , my hips my legs I have no energy tired all the time . After reading every review, I cancelled my appointment and pharmacy prescription fill. Another Dr. Said it was a quintessential Prolia fracture. and than saw him. Was rushed to the hospital and had surgery to install a metal rod in it. So many side effects, nerves run through body constantly, lasted for at least 8 months,jaw problems, ear problems,skin itch ,began to loose my sense of balance,then took away my ability to walk. The pain is extreme. This will get to be quite expensive for me, plus some personal injury for my suffering & embarrassment of having no teeth I am a very attractive 73 year old female. I had one and I am done with Prolia. A class action lawsuit has been filed alleging some of the largest poultry processors have engaged in a wage-fixing scheme that has suppressed the pay of plant workers for years. My left elbow & shoulder are also killing me. Military service members between 2003 and 2015 may be eligible for a 3M earplug lawsuit payout over hearing damage or tinnitus. I will never lead a normal life again. What do I do ? After the second shot, I lost my ability to walk and experienced profound issues with my jaw, teeth spontaneously coming loose, intense jaw pain, infection and gums spontaneously receding so much that the bone is exposed. It was discovered then that I had necrosis of the jawbone and other mouth issues that required extensive surgery. All Rights Reserved. And if it aged my outsides what did it do to my insides? Nevertheless, according to a 2013 study, it is a suitable treatment for this illness. My health insurance doesnt cover any of this so Im looking at about 20k and just getting started. Im fine, then start to walk. We are handling individual litigation nationwide and currently accepting new injury and death cases in all 50 states. My father had two injections. I just got my shot again and my whole body is covered with Eczema and sores. This lasted 3 weeks. I was not warned of the dangers of stopping, beyond being given the patient pamphlet to read. Suddenly had onset hip pain, eventually diagnosed as peri- implant infection. This past Friday (10/23) I had kyphoplasty at L3. They kinda start coming all apart from my inner back gum. Something is really wrong and I blame it on the promise. IGA dropped to 20. I think that because this injection lowers your immune system, anything can beco[Show More]I regret the day I was given the first and only injection, November 2014. Allegations against the drug company include failure to warn and manufacturing a defective drug. Other side effects include bone and femur fractures. I contacted the company and they recorded all I told them. I developed ringing in my ears and was afraid it was a side effect of Prolia. Now I have been diagnosed with hereditary andioedema, incurable and Merchant Law Group LLP is now pursuing a nationwide class-action lawsuit alleging the five Canadian companies . I have had a horrible time with constant jaw pain, now have TMJ (not present before the first implant failed) and also much difficult with chewing a[Show More]I have taken Prolia for several years and now I am very concerned about my teeth and jaw. I am now on oxygen and at 73 yrs of age feel hopeless. I had inj of Prolia that fall and another this past April. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. I can't walk more than a mile without significant pain. I have been in pain for 10 months now and cannot stand or walk for more than about 10 minutes without severe pain. The lawsuit is filed on behalf of everyone in the class, that class being a group of people who share similar circumstances, injuries and damages. As a result, I now have nothing to rest a bottom denture on. Weeks. I have been in bed this entire weekend due to pain and feel so bad. They kinda start coming all apart from my inner back gum. As a result I went to a chiropractor, an orthopedist, had an MRI for my shoulder, had physical therapy, took muscle relaxants and too much Advil, had acupuncture, went to the ER because I thought the back pain was maybe a kidney stone (it wasn't) but the pain was so terrible they gave me intravenous Delaudid (a very heavy pain killer). After reading all these comments I am absolutely terrified of going ahead, I have to have Intramedullary rods put in each femur. See the full list. It caused such severe pain, that I could not walk, so I stopped after my first dose, then my doctor suggested Prolia because I argued with him about the Boniva, and he didnot want to believe me. All Rights Reserved. I have a shunt in my head, cause my blood clots wouldn't stop bleeding. She cannot even stand on the ground with support. Prolia is a twice-yearly injectable medication that is used to reduce the risk of bone fractures in post-menopausal women who are at risk of bone fractures due to osteoporosis. My doctor told me I needed to start the Prolia shot every six months , just received the second shot April 20 2021 Im experiencing a lot of numbness and tingling in my fingers and leg cramping. I developed a T6 fracture in May, suffered though the recovery and now have another one. Prolia has also caused a recess in my gums that are abnormal at best. Not sure this will ever This drug is poison. I knew I had diverticulitis for years but never bothered me. After 2 weeks I contacted my PCP. Contact our law firm today by filling out our . After my doctor wanted to give me a break from taking it for 5 years, after 8 months I wound up in the hospital four times with three fractures. After the 2021 shot I started having severe hip pain. I see a general surgeon approximately every 6 weeks to excise painful lipomas primarily on my upper extremities from the use of Prolia. It then started to calm down, but another break-out this morning. After successful trials, a drug needs to get FDA approval before it can market its products out for patients. If you believe you've been affected by any of the following, contact us today for more information. My sister is having problems with uti's pneumonoa and jaw problems. San JOse they wouldn,t do it either. 9 months from my last injection. The daily, constant, significant facial and jaw pain is at times - unbearable. Lost some skin on left arm. I am not going to take another shot I'm terrified, I started Prolia two years ago. The majority of class action lawsuits are settled outside of the courtroom. Had X-ray done and nothing is amiss. my eggs got much my mouth is always sore there's not a part of my body that's not affected by that shot. I went to a referred specialist and he informed me that my jaw bones were affected by the Prolia and that I would never be able to have any kind of dental work that would require using the bones such as implants. Plaintiffs claim the drugs cause serious side effects like stroke, heart attack and kidney problems. In the meantime, PLEASE DO NOT JUST QUIT PROLIA. I had two compression fractures from falls 12 years ago, so now I am terrified that if I go off prolia I will suffer more spinal fractures. My osteoporosis.. All my bones and joints hurt constantly and pain meds dont help my back and neck pain. I have read some of the reviews and having this drug administered concerns me greatly. Drivers have reported problems with their transmissions when starting their vehicles, accelerating and shifting. How to File Claim for Open Top Class Action Lawsuits 2022 Step One: Find Products You Purchased Take a look at our list to find open settlements for products you may have purchased. When i went to see my oncologist, the one who prescribed this crap, she basically blew off my fears as stress, my age, etc did set me up with a back xray, which showed osteoarthritis in my back. I am having severe pain in both hips and in my thighs and it's beyond severe .. She is now on a wheelchair completely. I was healthy & only 46 when this happened. Jaw Necrosis, also known as Osteonecrosis of the jaw, is a condition in which the jawbone decays and dies. When my doctor wanted me to take it, I asked her if there were any side effects and she said not that she knew of. This drug should be banned from the market. This drug should have never gotten approved.

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class action lawsuit against prolia