deliberately in a sentence

(593) I first started thinking about getting it in my mid-20s, but I deliberately waited a really long time. Slow and steady wins the race - In weightlifting techniques, each repetition should be done slowly and deliberately without any bouncing at the bottom. (1307) Painter Paul Czanne so often thought his works were incomplete that he would deliberately leave them aside with the intention of picking them back up again, but at the end of his life, the result was that he had only signed 10 percent of his paintings. (821) 1Stoking up fear of crime is these rightwing commentators' black art, a fear deliberately inflamed to tip the people rightwards. (1195) The strikers think the court is deliberately trying to block them from reaching the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, where they hope to expose the judicial flaws they see at home. I remember reading that Shakers deliberately introduced a mistake into the things they made, to show that man shouldn't aspire to the perfection of God. Studies show that almost half of those surveyed believe that tobacco companies deliberately target children and teens in their marketing. (647) His words to the press were deliberately equivocal-he didn't deny the reports but neither did he confirm them. At the same time it cannot be broadly said that Christianity took a decisive side in the metaphysical controversy on free-will and necessity; since, just as in Greek philosophy the need of maintaining freedom as the ground of responsibility clashes with the conviction that no one deliberately chooses his own harm, so in Christian ethics it clashes with the attribution of all true human virtue to supernatural grace, as well as with the belief in divine foreknowledge. (501) So we could deliberately erase some symbols, and we can ask it to predict the missing symbols. (1353) Growth is a multistep process, but it is an actual process. Dependent on God is a mindset in ancient, present and future prophecy. (457) At times, they have been more or less deliberately constructed for public relations purposes. The third eye is a wide open portal. Soviet soldiers who had been taken prisoner had been deliberately starved to death. (1033) The precise nationality of the Middle Eastern leader featured in the new season, and played by Slumdog Millionaire actor Anil Kapoor, is deliberately left vague. (323) She accused her opponents of deliberately misrepresenting her as an extremist. Like my father, I 'm not a person given to deliberate untruths, I assure you. (126) The soldiers deliberately defiled all the holy places. (1365) One of a mothers greatest gifts is to teach her child that to grow is not to timidly sit on some safe shore at waters edge and clumsily grab whatever happens to float by. (100) He was arrested for deliberately kicking a person. (94) I believe the house was deliberately set fire to. (559) These three anti - Communist onslaughts were deliberately planned and launched by the Kuomintang. Top 200. (1220) 2Now we will never know, and don't let anyone ever suggest to you that you will ever know, what Milton could possibly mean by this deliberately perplexing image of the two-handed engine at the door. He deliberately exposed her to danger. (1243) Here was material enough for an explosion, even if personal misunderstandings and aggravations, adding fuel to the fire, had not naturally occurred (or even been deliberately plotted) during the negotiations. It is the age of discussion used as a universal solvent, before it has been brought to book by a deliberate unfolding of the principles of the structure of thought determining and limiting the movement of thought itself. ; At least it is well written and does not deliberately distort doctrine. (620) Isn't Marx making a deliberately exaggerated statement of his own position in order to display its novelty? (306) He said that magicians deliberately exploit the way their audiences think. Deliberate alteration is occasionally due to disapproval of what stands in the text or even to less creditable reasons. (1311) Not only does the correction involve the substitution of papal authority for a universal consent of pastors and the faithful ; it also deliberately ranks the unformulated teachings of the church on points of doctrine as no less de fide than those formulated. (198) Slowly and deliberately, she mounted, knowing they were watching. (364) And we'll see whether that was done, you know, malevolently or deliberately or not. By the time he reached it, he saw clearly that success was impossible, and deliberately determined to die where he stood. Deliberate resistance, of course, makes the hypnotist 's task much harder. For just a moment, try to, Her grey, sun-strained eyes stared straight ahead, but she had, The only ethical principle which has made science possible is that the truth shall be told all the time. (1129) At the core of the heart of an atheist is a heart that doesn't deny the existence, sovereignty and power of God but it chooses deliberately not to believe it for a long while. (66) They deliberately destroyed public property. Slowly and deliberately, she mounted, knowing they were watching. (675) This suggests that Mr Lion had been deliberately singled out as a scapegoat and given no time to defend himself. Serious crime is rare among them and "deliberate murder is almost unknown.". Consciously and intentionally; on purpose. (331) The Eiger family of funds, by contrast, deliberately only track the spot price. (1281) Additionally, its inconceivable that Trump would deliberately open himself up to yet another bogus charge of racism and alienate minority voters at the very time hes trying to woo them through his policies and messaging. (685) But the drugs must generally be deliberately ingested, not accidentally touched or inhaled, to cause a reaction . (761) It became clear that the relevant government ministers were deliberately hindering the progress of the necessary bill. The frankness with which he attacks the court of Rome for its exactions is remarkable; so, too, is the intense nationalism which he displays in dealing with this topic. (687) Being deliberately deceitful about the Government's policies has become something of a habit for the Labour party. (771) Whereas he once said he would unite the country,[] he has been deliberately and destructively divisive. Without sentences, language doesnt really work. Though expected to take part in the negotiations which led in 1648 to the peace of Westphalia, he refused to deliberate with heretics, and protested against the treaties when completed. People will start to question our grasp of reality, or think we are being deliberately obtuse. (1346) He was indicted for treason by a Virginia grand jury, persistent efforts were made to connect him with the assassination of President Lincoln, he was unjustly charged with having deliberately and wilfully caused the sufferings and deaths of Union prisoners at Andersonville and for two years he was denied trial or bail. (308) 1. (539) A man is deliberately designed to be mortal. (1067) No one sets out deliberately to destroy rivers and streams; environmental damage happens as a byproduct of an uncountable number of individual and corporate decisions. (840) That's the reason Comcast is deliberately keeping leverage low, despite grumbling from shareholders who want a big stock buyback. (1087) Selfishness is self-absorption, self-seeking behaviour that either disregards the rights and needs of others or tramples them deliberately in favour of personal gain. And yet we see no convincing evidence of any of it. (204) She deliberately ignored my question and changed the subject. (617) Our models were deliberately developed to maintain most of the helical secondary structure of the crystals. A complex sentence with "deliberately" contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. (1201) My first day in office I will bring the joint chiefs of staff in and I will give them a new mission, and that is to end this war, responsibly and deliberately, but decisively, said Mr. Obama. Some scientists say that deliberately inducing ketosis can lead to muscle breakdown, dehydration, headaches, nausea, and kidney problems. Sometimes we would use cartoon voices. Has insulted our allies like Honduras and Colombia, Utopia was actually a word that Thomas Moore used, 1Surely the answer's obvious-or are you being, Evidence suggests that the private car was, it's believed that 5 japanese tourists were, Political purposes have been reclassified to, Of course she can do it. Some lizards possess a considerable amount of intelligence; they play with each other, become very tame, and act deliberately according to circumstances. 's reign, when he deliberately broke away from his disreputable past and surrounded himself with good men of lowly origin. It is universally and inescabably propaganda; sometimes unconsciously, but often, In the overcrowded prisons, Amnesty claimed that 25 prisoners had been, Each time the president tweets no collusion, he introduces language that, A supermarket assistant, in cahoots with a customer,[] wrapped goods and, On the 42nd hour, I spoke with a court-appointed lawyer who told me the courts were, His jerky movements and sinister singing voice complement the familiar musical tunes, which are, While Garda have yet to established a definite motive for the stabbing, they are investigating whether she was, Croft did what Croft always does and pushed the ball through slowly and, She accused the minister of equivocating, claiming that he had, I was doing sketches that were funny but socially irresponsible. What material didn't comprise the game cartridge connectors. That which is sought too deliberately is not obtained. (267) He was accused of deliberately withholding information from the police. (218) it's believed that 5 japanese tourists were deliberately involved. (337) The right to deliberately alter quotations is not a concomitant of a free press. (1082) because they think you're deliberately creating delays at the bridge in order to maximize your revenue, and,Why on earth should I pay to subsidize your incompetence? (1398) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "deliberately". Old Navy commercials catch the consumer's attention because they are deliberately cheesy, but also colorful, tasteful, and most importantly, memorable. (832) That's the reason Comcast is deliberately keeping leverage low, despite grumbling from shareholders who want a big stock buyback. (201) Curtis studied chess and deliberately put on weight for the role, (202) Has insulted our allies like Honduras and Colombia, deliberately. (572) It was no goddam accident, no goddam mechanical failure, some one deliberately unhitched that car. (1406) What is "deliberately" definition and meaning? This decision is so patently unjust that it has been very widely ascribed to a deliberate design to keep the two countries apart. (717) sources tell us the plane was deliberately set ablaze by the cdc after all passengers' remains had been removed (718) As a judge, Helen has taken an oath to never deliberately deceive or equivocate while presiding in a court of law. I know, and I guess I was deliberately a little evasive because I wanted you to learn to trust me. (794) The figures move carefully and deliberately across inhospitable terrain, picking their way through the dusty, red-rock desert. Using friendly images, such as animals, puppets, babies, and children, the videos hold even small babies' attention with techniques such as deliberate pacing of scenes and characters and re-orchestrated classical music. (490) He doesn't really have an alternative suggestion; he's just being deliberately obstructive. Privacy Policy. Plain and simple, it is something that every culture, society, and framework has done - even those that claim not to dance teach people how to control their bodies - and that's what dancing is, the deliberate control of your body movement. (849) Smith deliberately clutters the set with hand-painted barbershop signs and telephone cables spreading like an unruly web overhead. (1283) Dunbar often, and at times deliberately, recalls the older verse-habit, even in his vigorous shorter poems; and Douglas, in his Palice of Honour and King Hart, and even in his translation of Virgil, is unequivocally medieval. (1240) Although he deliberately put on weight to help with the famous silhouette , he used a more naturalistic speaking voice, arguing that in his famous speeches, Churchill was performing a morale-boosting role. volume_up more_vert. Frank Lloyd Wright. 's reign, when he deliberately broke away from his disreputable past and surrounded himself with good men of lowly origin. (155) Alas, poor Albion. No economist would deliberately make that assumption now unless he were dealing with some purely theoretical problem, for the solution of which it was legitimate at some stage in the reasoning. (1045) Wormwood mesmerized me with its deliberately overdesigned period segments, the audacity of its multimedia storytelling, and the sheer tragedy of the story it told. (583) In accordance with this experimental approach members were deliberately excluded from certain tracks. (453) He doesn't really have an alternative suggestion; he's just being deliberately obstructive. (352) The right to deliberately alter quotations is not a concomitant of a free press.

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deliberately in a sentence