i'm afraid god has given up on me

My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Fathers hand (John 10:28-29). Perhaps, but unrelieved, by God, friends, etc., suffering often ends in suicide, and Christians need to stop preaching the nonsense that God is (always) growing them by making them suffer. This is not godly fruit. We are not perfect! Years later I quit my job because of depression and God revealed the holy spirit to me and that changed my life. Ive seen Gladness come to hundreds. Thank u for this caring and thoughtful article Tim. He is simply leading you back into his arms. As he puts us through trials we must pass the trials. We see the same type of sorrow and hope in Job 19. If the change was automatic, there would be need for God to command us to take control of our thoughts. As long as youve confessed and repented of whatever your sin was, He will forgive and restore you even if you dont feel it happening. Also, the enemy and the flesh could very well be whats causing you to think that way. Manage Settings Jesus said he will never reject those who come to him. Copyright 2002-2022 Got Questions Ministries. Spiritual Warfare is real to a believer in so many levels. Finally, I seek to engage with His word and continue to pray, accounting that He is listening even when I have no feeling of engagement. We cleave to him. That isnt against him. I have seen people darn near kill themselves for the godly suffering He has brought upon them. Job was willing to be such a thing for God. Jesus said this is eternal life to know you and Jesus Christ whom you sent into the world. How many of the Psalms are Psalms especially addressing such times? Thank you Tim for your uplifting response. Please keep post to asking The devil makes us feel separated from God. These are promises from Gods Word and He cannot lie. A reprobate mind is NOT someone who wants to repent, and tries tries and tries to seek Gods welcoming grace, but doesnt feel it. That was the exact reason why Jesus said, "fear not, only believe.". Just put your faith in Jesus for your salvation. You have much to live for. Are you self centered or Christ centered? I have prayed the sinners prayer so many times but still feel no change. God wants to see that we will cling to Him by faith when the feelings go away. It has made me too anxious and therapy does no good. That was a little weird. Stop believing the lies of the devil! It speaks of what God does when His bride has made mistakes or fallen into sin. , Hello my dear one,,how I understand your pain.You are areqsonmay be why God has let me go through such pain in life so I understand you.Dear one know one thing ,God is love.Whom you think of God is not God really but a false God.Havent you heard of a father waiting for His prodigal son to come.Havent you heard there is nothing which can separate you from the love of Christ.In the words of CS Lewis in his book Mere Christianity he says all faith must be based on reason not on our feelings.Feelings are the most unreliable thing in this world for it says one thing one day and the other day it says something other.But Word of God is stable not changing as He is and He is unconditional love.He loves you know matter what.How can He leave you .He, Do you still want Gods forgiveness? NO, NO, NO, A THOUSAND TIMES NO!!!! Do not lose hope. The devil is a liar!!! Ask for His mercy. 2022 BGEA - D.F. ask him what he may be trying to do through you and for you through this and what can you do for him. We are like clay and God is the potter! Gods purpose through His training of us is to substitute for our weak legs some strong legs of faith, where we seek God and seek to live out His will even when our worlds seem to be collapsing around us. Come and seek rest in Him. Tim's Answer. I'm not able. Just as a calloused hand becomes less and less sensitive, so a hardened, calloused heart becomes less and less sensitive to God. Fast and pray. So to does it go with the spirit. March 13, 2008 God bless you. You must take God at His Word. will give you . Death has touched me. Mary you have been listening to the devil too long. Will you believe it!?!? In fact, I go farther and reaffirm to myself His great character and desire for us. I have trusted soo much in Him but i feel like he has left me to suffer all on my own. Remember you CANNOT GO by what YOURE FEELING because feelings change often. I BEG YOU. Because we lose our lives here does not mean there is no hope. It is God who works it in us to do good. The most simple formula on how to be savedthe initial conversion experience: John 3:3-5; Matthew 16:18,19; Acts 2:38; Galatians 1:8,9 May Jesus help us as believers to begin to get on the SAME page beginning with how one is born againit is a very real experience and one will KNOW when it happens to them! Yeah. If there is some sin that comes to mind, I confess it. Have you heard the story of Job? I just feel like I sinned in an unpardonable, unforgivable way. Im basically a corpse walking around. The author of Hebrews wants the believer to know that God will not forsake us, even when we forsake Him. Die to self and have faith he is with you. By Billy Graham I will continue to let people know that He is true even thought God left me. 6 and now i stand here on trial because of my hope in the promise made by So. If we turn away in the difficult times, then our faith is weak. Dont ignore Him any longer! Shall have! Tony, dont mistake the work of the devil for the work of Jesus. Theres nothing to live for but wait until God throws me into hell. I then went through a long season of not hearing God that way; its a long story and I think you can probably relate. All of it, not just the beginning. That is what God is doing. Please dont give up on God! Moreover, David, a man after Gods own heart, committed adultery and murdered an innocent man. BOAT. Ive gone to church my whole life and even when Im there I feel like hes left me. I cant tell you all the details on this post, but, the struggles are many. (Psalms 56:1-2, 5 . Jesus said there is no one who is good but God. Please please please Lord, help, deliver us all from this. God bless you. And then here's his prayer: "May God Almighty grant you mercy before the man, and may he send back your other brother [Simeon] and Benjamin. No loving God would make his child suffer as bad and as long as I have. Believe Gods Word. BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Let that sink in. many time he left me when the time i needed him most. I will give you rest. Its time to believe God. We dont know the mans fate, but maybe its in the Bible to show us we are still to have faith that God is the God of our salvation and that we are still to cry out to Him in all hopelessness. Read the story about blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and you will we that. John 16:33. God didnt just give job to Satan. My sister, Please read Hosea 2. But life changed for Scarlet when she learned to hold the gospel up to her fears. Our work is to draw close to God. Believe first, then your feelings will follow. I struggle with terrible thoughts. If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved! And, did not God uphold that promise AFTER David committed these trespasses? He is not a dumb statue that fulfills request. That God still loves you and wants to use you then another gentlemen told me that God was telling me to run to him and then another women was burdened in her heart to invite me to coffee and to talk. The same is true of our prayers and actions. Where was god. What ever you ask for in prayer believing you will receive it you shall have it! Have you been putting things/people above God? But you must seek for the kingdom and His righteousness. When I turn to God with my fears, I believe He will help me. Then again someone else told me that God is telling me to run to him and then God sent a women to ask me to have coffee with her (i been alone on this battle and its been hard). Since we are to forgive others up to infinity, how much more is God a forgiving God!? Ive Never felt any of Gods or Jesus love. Through hell. The perfect peace that God gives is only found in Christ Jesus, it is the kind of peace in the midst of tribulations. Brent, I hear you and can understand. The Lord is faithful and loves you still. But I encourage you to engage with others, and seek their prayers for mutual support during this time. my kids they still have big faith in god eventhough we are suffering now. David reveals the . I dont even know if I was ever saved. I graduated with top score 82% with dream of getting a job or scholarship after graduation but I couldnt happen, I very disappointed that God cant help me when I need him, people are trolling me regarding being unemployed while I got first mark as excellent student. I really think that. I struggle with terrible thoughts. I will give you my information. I wish I wasn't so horrid. There is a sweet spot where we talk to Him and He talks to us and life seems only to get better. ive met lots of ppl who dont have religion or atheist but if u see them they are fine. Dear Brothers and Sisters. You might say, God will never leave or forsake you in an eternal sense, but on earth, sadly, people are forsaken by Him ALL THE TIME! Answer (1 of 52): When He takes the Holy Spirit away from you. If men of God and the patriarchs erred and God redeemed them, HE HAS REDEEMED YOU TOO! What does God mean when He says, I will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)? You'll stop receiving conviction for your sins, you will feel constant horror about your future, no peace and comfort, no guidance, and when you pray to Him He will answer, "Sorry." After years of this you will eventually make mistake. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! I feel empty, scared, joyless you name it. So here is what I do when difficult times come. Fear is universal. you are right. I just want to encourage you to believe again BC He didnt promise anything ESP. As the Bible says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). Please pray for me. The bible says every good and perfect gift comes from God who does not change. Permissions We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Sometimes we do better if were able to speak with someone. I since discovered I am a victim of domestic violence. So the Lord departed. Our lives here are but a blink of an eye in comparison to eternity. I am heartbroken, absolutely shattered and I have no more hope left. I know at the beginning it will feel awkward. Have I been that horrible of a person to you or anyone that you could continue punishing me. We should have an eternal perspective. What the governments and the humanitarian organizations preach as peace is only the peace of this world that is temporary but the perfect . I've prayed and prayed but I'm sure God left. Rest in that! If so then the Bible says that you have not committed the unpardonable sin. Like Saul. DONT GIVE UP! Yes, if you were in God's place, your patience would have run out long agobut you aren't in God's place! Im going through the same thing, we have to help each other through this. I want to be cleansed. 253 views, 3 likes, 7 loves, 32 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Greater Barbour's Chapel: November 6th, 2022 - You Need A Strategy For. To blaspheme the Holy Spirit into purposely and knowingly attribute the works of the Holy Spirit to satan. God will accept you if you only turn to Him. Hi, CRL. I can't go on. Eternal life is solely because of His grace. Good have job to Satan for no reason if I gave my child to a killer Id be a monster but God gives his children to Satan and we are to feel blessed. So dont give up! But when we cling through the difficult times, then our faith is shown. The truth, whether we feel like it or not, is this: In Christ, God has already given you an A+ in the class of life. You do not need God. he knows whats inside my heart but seems he doesnt care with me & my family. Third, I stop and worship Him for who He is. Since, then, my health is great but, my financial life is terrible, fighting on the frontlines for the Lord, has left my husband and I, in serious trouble financially. (hes a Christian).I cling to Gods word ,that he will never leave me and nothing can separate me from the love of God but I have no peace.Is it just a chemical imbalance or what? You are not alone. If you're feeling doubts about God's forgiveness, could it be that you're thinking that you have to earn part of your way into heaven? But God use you to remind me of his love, grace and mercy. Be gracious to me, O God, for man tramples on me; all day long an attacker oppresses me; my enemies trample on me all day long, for many attack me proudly. He does not come to us because we are good, but because we need deliverance. I'm not smart enough. What does Jesus mean when He says, Peace I leave with you (John 14:27). He was not relying on a feeling look what He says- But look what Samson says- I will go out as before and shake myself free! He had faith not feeling! Samson had know Idea the Holy Spirit had left him. I will strengthen you." In those moments when we feel weak and tired, He says, " I am going to strengthen you, don't be afraid because I've got your back." Then it says, "I will strengthen you, I will help you; I will hold you up with my right hand." I appreciate that you still have belief. I hope and pray for an end to this type of suffering so that you and others like you can stand again. But we know he is not! . Believe that. He wants to demonstrate to the spirit world that His creation of humans have this great capacity to cling and love even when all of the outward and inward signs and feelings are gone (Ephesians 3:10). That He even loves those who hate Him. "God Help me" must become the constant cry of your heart. What must you do? Gods presence is appropriated by faith. He clearly does not care. I suffered so so so so much. Have things gotten any better for you since you posred this? If God removes all suffering, He has to remove all people, taking away all hope for salvation. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201 Seek Him for Him! And if it wasn't for you. Dont give up. I encourage you not to be cast down, but to know that such times of struggle are part of Gods good gifts to His own, demonstrating His loving training so that our faith may stand strong and robust and be able to withstand any storm that strikes the rock on which our house is built. #1- What has your heart? I have gotten angry with G-d because it seems every door had closed in my face. its just a fiction & illusion he forsake me too. he broke me & im now feel hopeless. Believe me, I understand many of your your feelings and feel them often myself. We become one with Him, even as Jesus prayed in John 17:21-23. Just because things dont go our way doesnt mean God is not there. The Son had not been separated from the Father in all of eternity! Feeling scared is a reality that many people experience, but one in which God wants to intervene, change, and redeem for his purposes. Your Father a title He chose for Himself. That means its permanent. I really think that. I appreciate that you also recognize the evil within. I used to feel his presence but years and years of pleading for recovery of mental issues. I need Your grace that I would speak only what is true, what is edifying. I'm Afraid God Will Hurt Me I admit it. The answer is to fast and pray. I feel sometimes he would be better off being raised by someone else. But God commands us to renew our minds (Romans 12:2). When the testing is done, you will come through as pure gold, a treasure fit for His presence, and a blessing to all. The Father loves us with an everlasting love and he wants us to Trust and believe REGARDLESS of our situation. He bought it with His blood. I also know what it is to talk to Him and He answers me. I know that the Bible is God's Word and that Jesus is God's Son and that He gave He gave the Holy Spirit to dwell in those who believe. Bust first your mind must line up with the word of God. God created the heavens and the earth and all of the animals and living creatures, and then He created man. Jesus paid for your healing on the cross. do you still feel like this. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind ( 2 Timothy 1:7 ). God understands this. Because when we are tested we can see the fruit of our faith that we are in Christ. The thoughts of suicide are with me every day as the pain of my children and Gods spewing me out has thrown me into a Dark hopeless pit. God has given the greatest of Himself too you, and for you! I feel the same way, can you pray for me please.I got out of the Lords will and cannot get back.. God said he will never leave u nor forsake u it is us that leaves him get back to him and stop blaming him for mistakes u made fast and pray thats how u get back to him. I feel like a useless person because I have no purpose in life nor am I making a difference in anybodys life. No other place will heal, Ohh how I understand your pain ,,,,, God is good,,,,,would you hold a grudge against anyone,who May have wronged you,,,would not you forgive them,,,if you being a human can be so good why would be there be any reason for God to hold a grudge,,,,,,thats is a sin,,,,,,He casts your sin to the depth of the sea and remembers it no more,,,,,this doubt is of your own,,,you are consenting to the devil who comes like a lion to devour anyone whom he may devour,,,,,overcome it by making a promise to yourself to think only thoughts that are true (that good God has forgiven you) and holds you accountable for sin no more,,,,come out of this my brothers and sisters jn Christ and know that Lord is kind and merciful ,for Christ came to show u Gods, I have been. Hate the devil. he broke my life. God are you there? What about the ones he doesnt? Another thought. Does some of certain kinds of suffering cause growth? So, unless God wishes me and my. Please paray that he will speak to me again. God tested him and tested him. I needed a miracle buy was forsaken. It is good to suffer when we are young, because we learn about faith, perseverance, drawing close to God, and hoping in Him. I reaffirm that serving Him is my choice no matter how I feel. It may feel as though God left you, but really, has God left? I have prayed continously for Good to protect my doggies, keep them healthy and safe. Let everyman be counted a liar but God true! It tells us to be content! Yet, there is a truth that we all know. I feel hopeless like I should just give up. God has said in His word I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU. Then ask Christ to come into your heart to cleanse and save you, and then commit your life to Him. He says in Ezekiel I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that all men would turn from there sins. We arent from this world so the Lord is going to make us go through fire to really see if we are all about him or if we are just living a religion. I would like to talk to someone about this. I'm talking with a bee. Believe that He paid for your sins! I have gone through everything that the author of this post has gone through. Ive prayed and prayed but Im sure God left. I'm sick of feeling Is there nothing you. It's just how I was raised. With tears in my eyes! Like Paul said job was another sheep to the slaughter for our sakes. Just click the blue button to get started. I just cant. I didnt feel God no matter how hard i tired. All random encounters. He needs to feel your continual love and no matter how long or how tough keep praying dont lose heart or hope. Where Is God in the Midst of Disaster & Disease? On vacation. The opposite is very true.. No! That all was going to turn out ok. That was back in 2013 it is coming up on 2016 and my life seems to be stuck in a bad place. You will feel like a hypocrite in praising God when your mind is telling you that God does not love you. Thank you for the question. I then felt led to come here and tell everyone that Jesus loves you and he has NOT forgotten you. Even though the Psalmist may feel that God left, there is a knowledge that God did no such thing. Which of the saints of God have not gone through periods of testing? (sobbing) My speech has been bastardized and I cant speak full sentences. We all long for the experience of closeness with our God. If the job you are at is forcing you to lie, you need a new profession friend. But He allows suffering to continue for the full number of those who will be saved. You wouldnt want to have God in youre knowledge. I know that the Bible is Gods Word and that Jesus is Gods Son and that He gave He gave the Holy Spirit to dwell in those who believe. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. As Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace, and apart from Him there is no peace. He has been with me every step of the way. Felt God has left and does not answer. He commands us to think about good things (Philippians 4:8). I wish I wasnt so horrid. Tims AnswerThough it may seem that you are banished forever from that feeling of intimacy with God, actually the situation is not nearly so dire. What can I do I love Jesus but I feel so guilty Ive come to a point that I dont know what to do. It is THE reason we rely on His ability to be unchanging. He becomes the life we live (Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:4). Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of thy Lord. He is good. My greatest struggle in prayer is rooted in a deep corner of my heart I often don't want to acknowledge exists. What should we say? I cant feel the Spirit flowing through me anymore like it used too. We then become molded into perfection through God. Because there is no god. "God will give up on me because I keep repeating the same sin." Now nothing affects me. Continuedout of frustration I saidif I keep sinning I should die.Moments later I almost felt my heart stop in my chest ,I was nauseated and then I got cold and my eyes closed.I took a deep breath and sat up.After that I felt empty.like Gods Spirit left me.I feel that God is not for me anymore.I have had the most bizarre things happen.dreams my kids have told me,weird things my husband said in his sleep. It is a symptom of our sinful condition. I feel the same way Id rather die than continue to feel such hopelessness. Grab hold of them and recite and believe them. I am asking for prayer.God called me and I didnt recognize Him. You state that you hardened your heart against God and now you find that your heart is no longer tender towards God as you would like it to be. He said that all of it was good, and then He looked over at Adam and saw a flaw. Pleading with God for others helps transform our lives into lives of love focused on being His hands and feet in a world that needs His touch. Because God doesn't give fear. God works in ways we dont understand but its for his glory and for our benefit. Be clear that the greatest love of all, is a love that's freely given. (But I must admit, usually by the end of step 2, I find that I have reconnected. There is something about worship that touches Gods heart and transforms ours.) I begged the Lord to help me, and to come back. We may have no known sin in our lives, but God still wants to train us in righteousness. Ive spent the last 2 decades wanting to know where God is. Are you kids our family better our deserve more than mine? Such a person "has a fear or an anxiety of offending the one he loves," says Sproul, "not because he's afraid of torture or even of punishment, but rather because he's afraid of displeasing the one who is, in that child's world, the source of security and love." I have feared God in this way since I was young. i really feel like God has abandoned me. Jump off the cliff of yourself and your doubt! Look at What the Bible says about Samson- read reply, And she said, The Philistines are upon you, Samson! So he awoke from his sleep, and said, I will go out as before, at other times, and shake myself free! But he did not know that the LORD had departed from him.(judges 16:20). He thinks about YOU! I started looking u?p ways to be healed like reiki hypnosis crystals and even thought of selling my soul just so we wouldnt die. Misery in this life is temporary but eternity is forever. Tribulation builds our patience. And He always does. Pray harder than ever and believe His Word! He is a being with thoughts feelings and a personality. Im going through hard times right now (the girl I loved for three years now found boyfriend and se doesnt want to talk to me). i always pray to him but seems he dont care. Remember, even when Peter denied Jesus, did not Jesus later pursue him? I have cchronic depression and I have dogs that are all I have as my family could care less. I am going through so many afflictions. Home Because your focus is not on Him Dont seek God just for what He can give you. Today i went to a random church and i sat by myself broken, and God sent someone to me and he told me that God has NOT forgotten you. Not in a voice. If youre that upset with me that youve forsaken me, please, take me away because I have nothing left. Its not easy words, but they are honest. Why should the good be tested and not the bad? Genesis 2 is super clear about that. Evil thoughts that come are temptations. You want Him in your life. Never forget that our lives here are temporary. And now I feel like Im beyond hope. I see this with Jobs response, where in his sorrow he paused and worshipped (Job 1:20). Please I wish to hear some words of encouragement though because even though Im trying to encourage some I still feel lost. That healed my depression. I always hear God tests the righteous and we must walk by faith. That makes us white as snow! Never. Jetta set everything aside and call out to Jesus! In Jesus name! Justin, are we not to rule and reign with Christ for ALL OF ETERNITY! We fool ourselves into thinking that there is a purpose to suffering but this is not true (how can victims of aushwitz be said to have been in a test of faith when there was no hope) maybe there is no God, maybe God picks favorites. Since then I have lost all my children to satan and I know God has spewed me out of his mouth as i have been very luke warm for years. Choosing to embrace thoughts of good (Philippians 4:8) and the things above (Colossians 3:2) rather than those tempting thoughts of sin is what maturity in Christ is about. I think of trials as not lasting, but my husband forced me to stay in the emergency room where the nurse illegally cut and sewed my lacerated lip when he knew I wanted to go home and denied me my patients rights. I am ready to just take my life and end thus misery. fast! God bless you in all that you do. (Sigh), what of the horrendous persecution the early church went through? Relentless: The Unshakable Presence of a God Who Never Leaves by Michele Cushatt. . His Word says if you seek Him you will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart, His promise is He will be found by you! Awesome! He allowed Satan to affect his life yes. I got sick about a month ago and started doubting everything. The Apostle Paul said all those who seek to live godly lives in Christ will suffer persecution. Even if you deny Him, you can again turn to Him. I hate my job and I barely make enough money to pay the rent let alone buying simple necessities like shampoo, soap, tp, or even to pay my bills. I believe & pray but why my life is so miserable. Im at the end of my rope. As Jeremiah says, The Lord will not cast off forever, though He causes grief, yet He will show compassion according to the multitude of His mercies (Lamentations 3:31-32). Trust Him to save you! The bible says you must love thy God more than your family or anything else. Ive really tried hard but temptation really wore me down,and I lost round one. Privacy I even get jealous of other people going to heaven and not me and the desire to pray for other people to get saved has eluded me. This is what Christ teaches in John 6:35.

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i'm afraid god has given up on me