interceptor aircraft vs air superiority fighter

With the advent of low flying cruise-missiles and high-altitude AA-missiles the flight profile was changed, but regained the interceptor profile with the final version J 35J. Optimized for engaging and destroying other fighter aircraft, often at long range. Currently top 10 fighter aircraft in the world are these: Nr.1 Lockheed Martin / Boeing F-22 Raptor (USA) The F-22 Raptor air superiority fighter is almost invisible to radars. You get from A to B as fast as you can and you shoot (or escort, or whatever). This suggestion covers the F104A, as it was in service with the 319th and 331st Fighter Interceptor Squadrons after . I also think that Air Superiority missions can't go without AA refueling capabilities (remote areas). These area defense interceptors or area defense fighters were in general larger designs intended to stay on lengthy patrol and protect a much larger area from attack, depending on greater detection capabilities, both in the aircraft themselves and operating with AWACS, rather than high speed to reach targets. Presently, the F-22 is the USA's latest combat aircraft that serves in part as an interceptor due to its supercruise capabilities, however it was designed primarily as a stealth air superiority fighter. So you launch the interceptors and keep them busy, then launch the slower but more combat capable aircraft after the fact. In previous wars that involved air combat, the business of obtaining and holding the air superiority was the domain of the fighter. Air superiority fighters are designed to effectively engage enemy fighters, more than other types of aircraft. F4 Phantom, SU-27, F22 etc. The engine allowed about 7 minutes of powered flight, but offered such tremendous performance that they could fly right by the defending fighters. After all, an aircraft designed with characteristics for air superiority has the ability to make a respectable interceptor or striker aircraft, but an aircraft designed for dedicated. Cookie Notice Aircraft that are capable of being or are employed as both standard air superiority fighters and as interceptors are sometimes known as fighter-interceptors. Fixed times, like the time needed for the pilot to climb into the cockpit, became an increasing portion of the overall mission time, there were few ways to reduce this. Privacy Policy. The difference between an interceptor and air superiority fighter, it seems, is that while an interceptor can do BVR as well, if not better, as an air superiority fighter, the air superiority fighter can do WVR that the interceptor can't. The interceptor mission is, by its nature, a difficult one. In the following years long range A-A missles became another important feature for intercepors. Now, I wonder if this is really fighter-jet dependant since most of them are now fast and have more or less the same capabilities to carry a lot of different A-A armaments. Both were required to reach an altitude of 20,000 feet (6,100m) in six minutes as a defense against bomber attack. I'd love to have a battle report if at least for planes. In the United States, this led to the introduction of the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment to computerize this task, while in the UK it led to enormously powerful radars to improve detection time. Examples of classic interceptors of this era include the Convair F-106 Delta Dart, Sukhoi Su-15, and English Electric Lightning. I've been arguing that the J-20 is not agile in the subsonic regime, and that it's more suited for transonic / supersonic combat. - 13th December 2018 at 13:43. The F-15 and F-22 would be an examples that do both. Ground controlled interception required constant contact between the interceptor and the ground until the bombers became visible to the pilots and nationwide networks like the Dowding system were built in the late 1930s to coordinate these efforts. An interceptor aircraft, or simply interceptor, is a type of fighter aircraft designed specifically for the defensive interception role against an attacking enemy aircraft, particularly bombers and reconnaissance aircraft. And does it affect how planes of opposing sides interact? The Su-30MKI is a major improvement from the Su-27 Flanker, the Soviet Air Force's most powerful air superiority fighter. Interception requires a fast response time. The Stormhawk Interceptor, or simply the Stormhawk, is an air superiority fighter and gunship used by the Adeptus Astartes. Russian Air Force VS United States Air Force Airpower Comparisons. Aircraft that are capable of being or are employed as both 'standard' air superiority fighters and as interceptors are sometimes known as fighter-interceptors. [citation needed] The result is that interceptors often look very impressive on paper, typically outrunning, outclimbing and outgunning less specialized fighter designs. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Hyperleap helps uncover and suggest relationships using custom algorithms. Lockheed F-104A (GE-19 & M61A1) Introduction The currently implemented F104A as it is implemented in the game is actually a YF104A (1956/pre-1957), with the G limits and ventral fin as added on production models. During the Cold War in times of heightened tensions, quick reaction alert (QRA) aircraft were kept piloted, fully fuelled and armed, with the engines running at idle on the runway ready to take off. The maintainable cost is also high. They have enough power to be a highly mobile defense force capable of taking out even experimental units, at a (relatively) affordable cost. If a possible intruder was identified, the aircraft would be ready to take off as soon as the external fuel lines were detached. Today most air superiority fighters are so advanced, that they also can carry out interception tasks without drawback. By deathdagger. Dedicated interceptor designs became rare, with the only widely used examples designed after the 1960s being the Panavia Tornado ADV, Mikoyan MiG-25, Mikoyan MiG-31, and the Shenyang J-8. The PLAAF/PLANAF currently still operates approximately 300 or so J-8s of various configurations. Familiar jets like the F-15, F-16, and even the 1970s-vintage A-10 will remain. For more information, please see our :pilotfly: 1991-2022, Eagle Dynamics SA However, pure interceptors fare poorly in fighter-to-fighter combat against the same "less capable" designs due to limited maneuverability especially at low altitudes and speeds. Vulnerable to enemy attack for the first time in a long while, the Americans adopted a range of interceptors capable of catching and killing Soviet. F-14 was designed mostly to defend the fleet as some sort of interceptor operating from carriers. Via Pinterest The Su-30MKI is a long-range fighter specifically tailored to suit India's needs. Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit. In the First Gulf War, the Iraqi MiG-25s, despite being obsolete and monkey-model, performed very well against the USAF and scored the sole US air-to-air loss in the last few decades. Following the Emergency Fighter Program, the Germans developed even odder designs, such as the Bachem Ba 349 Natter, which launched vertically and thus eliminated the need for an airbase. Hawker Sea Fury / Fury. Such were the mixed jet/rocket power Republic XF-91 or Saunders Roe SR.53. and our A big, beautiful fighter, the Arrow offered a promise . By contrast, the multiroleF/A-18 Hornetwas designed as strike fighter while having only enough of an edge to defend itself against enemy fighters if needed. The MiG-31s fulfilled the function of the US F-15 as a "high" component of the "high-low" mix, while the MiG-29s were the low aspect. I've always thought F-14 for example, to be just a little bit closer to interceptor than air superiority fighter. I personally prefer 3 wing interceptor units and 2 wing ground attack units, due to how stacking penalties work. Air superiority fighters are usually expensive aircraft, and generally procured in lesser numbers. 115. At the end of the 1960s, a nuclear attack became unstoppable with the introduction of ballistic missiles capable of approaching from outside the atmosphere at speeds as high as 57km/s. Interceptors need speed, and a lot of it. Interceptor is a subset of air superiority fighter. Slow bombers you can intercept but a fast target is very very hard to intercept. Rocket-boosted variants of both of Germany's jet fighters; the Me 262 in its "C" subtype series, all nicknamed "home protector" (Heimatschtzer, in four differing formats) and the planned He 162E subtype, using one of the same BMW 003R turbojet/rocket "mixed-power" engine as the Me 262C-2b Heimatschtzer II, but were never produced in quantity. The aircraft was introduced in 1976. Not the weapons, right? Mikoyan MiG-31 Interceptor vs Barracuda Air Superiority Fighter On the 17th of June 1988, a Mikoyan MiG-31 Interceptor of the Soviet Union has been dispatched to intercept an unknown craft above Russky Island, unknown to the Soviet pilot the unknown target happens to be a very lost Barracuda Air Superiority Fighter of the Tau Empire. Interceptor is a subset of air superiority fighter. Ayesha Farooq, 26, Pakistan's only female war-ready fighter pilot , chats with her colleagues beside a Chinese-made F-7PG fighter jet at Mushaf base in Sargodha, Pakistan.Photo by Reuters. The A-10 is another plane that was struck by a bad case sequelitis. - 13th December 2018 at 19:22 Permalink. This led to the abandonment of a number of short-range designs like the Avro Arrow and Convair F-102 in favor of much larger and longed-ranged designs like the North American F-108 and MiG-25. Interceptor - Defensive role, to combat threats to your own territorial air space. an interceptor assume the role of an air superiority fighter and vice versa? In the case of ground radar systems this can be countered by placing radar systems on mountain tops to extend the radar horizon, or through placing high performance radars in interceptors or in AWACS aircraft used to direct point defense interceptors. It was used as one but it was designed as a "Fleet Defence Vehicle" which is the Navy term for an Interceptor :smartass: Death is just nature's way of telling you to watch your airspeed. In the initial stage of Cold War, bombers were expected to attack flying higher and faster, even at transonic speeds. This aircrafts may have been used for other missions, but when originally design had only one role. 1949. Sitewide 30% savings end today. Those aircraft usally where 2-engine powered, radar-equipped heavy fighters tasked with shooting down allied bomber formations at night and that was pretty much the task that defined the interceptor fighter in it's heydays during the first half of the Cold War. The later Panavia Tornado ADV was able to achieve long range in a smaller airframe through the use of more efficient engines. The Su-30MKI is a multirole and air superiority fighter that is built under license in India. Basic numbers and info show that the heavy fighters are made more geared towards taking down bombers and are better suited for interception. Similarly, their pilots were given less training in combat maneuvers, and more in radio-directed pursuit. Heavy Fighter. Consider the desire to protect a single target from attack by long-range bombers. The latter makes sense, the J-20 has long-coupled canards, huge elevon actuators, and is slated to receive TVC. That's one of the main reasons why the F-14 can also be designated as an interceptor. A bailed-out RAF or RCAF pilot was usually back at his aerodrome within 48-72 hours. The F-15, with its Mach 2.5 maximum speed enabling it to intercept the fastest enemy aircraft (namely the MiG-25 Foxbat), is also not a pure interceptor as it has exceptional agility for dogfighting based upon the lessons learned from Vietnam; the F-15E Strike Eagle variant adds air interdiction while retaining the interception and air-to-air combat of other F-15s. On sowjet/russian side this would be the Wympel R-33/AA-9 Amos especially developed for the MiG-31 and on US-side it would be the AIM-54 Phoenix developed for the F-14 and it's special AN/AWG-9 radar. Obviously there can be a lot of overlap as far as equipment goes and in some cases you may use the same aircraft for both missions and simply load them out differently On the opposite end of the spectrum would be the Foxbat which is a perfect example of a true interceptor. Intercept aircraft sacrifice capabilities of the air superiority fighter (i.e., fighting enemy fighter aircraft) by tuning their performance for either fast climbs or high speeds. For the US Navy, the F-14 Tomcat was initially deployed solely as an air-superiority fighter, as well as fleet defense interceptor and tactical aerial reconnaissance. However, dramatic improvements in both ground-based and airborne radar gave greater flexibility to existing fighters and few later designs were conceived as dedicated day interceptors. Shop unique custom made. While normal aircraft perform best at air superiority by doing the actual fighter v. Avro Canada answered the call with the CF-105 Avro Arrow, a high-performance interceptor on the cutting edge of existing aviation technology. The Eagle outperformed the Skyhawk quite handily while the TomCat had a hard time beating this little old ****er. During the Cold War, an entire military service, not just an arm of the pre-existing air force, was designated for deployment of interceptors. Developments on the interceptor side followed. 37 was a prototype jet fighter developed during the 1950s. the interceptor needs speed, time to altitude, and traditionally did this at the sacrifice of endurance. The Su-30MKI Flanker is currently the mainstay of the Indian Air Force's combat squadron, with 270 aircraft. This results in an enormous area from which the attack can originate. That also applies to WW2 where ground controlled interception (GCI)-guided Spitfires intercepted german aircraft in the Battle of Britain. I have 2 wings mixed interwar fighters and fighter 1's flying volunteer in Spain. By: MigL Designs that depended solely on jet engines achieved more success with the F-104 Starfighter (initial A version) and the English Electric Lightning. The introduction of jet power increased speeds from perhaps 300 miles per hour (480km/h) to 600 miles per hour (970km/h) in a step and roughly doubled operational altitudes. Like the USAF's F-15, the USN's F-14 was also designed primarily as an air superiority (fighter-to-fighter combat) and F-14s served the interceptor role until it received upgrades in the 1990s for ground attack. Air superiority fighters are usually expensive aircraft, and generally procured in lesser numbers. A dedicated interceptor aircraft sacrifices the capabilities of the air superiority fighter and multirole fighter (i.e., countering enemy fighter aircraft in air combat manoeuvring), by tuning their performance for either fast climbs and/or high speeds. The Tech 3 Air Superiority Fighters (often abbreviated as ASFs) are the most powerful fighters that you can build in the game. Second : I like the clear distinction GGTharos made between both roles and I agree with most of what he says. DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing! Also, what would be the calculation of air superiority? $25.13. Click me to commence your Journey of Pillage and Plunder! But what's the difference between the two missions? When the IAF was considering getting F-14 or F-15 they conducted tests with some of their pilots and also some of the USAF pilots. Reconnaissance Fighter. The Convair F-106 Delta Dart, a principal interceptor of the U.S. Air Force in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s An interceptor aircraft, or simply interceptor, is a type of fighter aircraft designed specifically for the defensive interception role against an attacking enemy aircraft, particularly bombers and reconnaissance aircraft. Fighter aircraft classification; tasked with defensive interception of enemy aircraft, In 1954 the first systems were deployed operationally, such as, Learn how and when to remove this template message, BMW 003R turbojet/rocket "mixed-power" engine, its own, highly adapted version of the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom, air defence variant (ADV) of the Panavia Tornado,, Articles needing additional references from June 2020, All articles needing additional references, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from October 2021, Articles needing additional references from January 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 June 2022, at 01:27. A report on Grumman F-14 Tomcat, Air superiority fighter and Fighter aircraftGrumman F-14 Tomcat, Air superiority fighter and Fighter aircraft. Later it launched the development of a large F-111B fleet air defense fighter, but this project was cancelled too. 114. To a lesser degree, the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15, which had heavy armament specifically intended for anti-bomber missions, was also a specialised day interceptor.). As the bombing effort grew, notably in early 1944, the Luftwaffe introduced a rocket-powered design, the Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet, in the very-short-range interceptor role. Nowadays most air superiority fighters do just fine as interceptors too. . Without the extra veterancy, you are giving away a plane slot (and those are expensive in a non-airborne deck). Interceptor role loadouts will be lighter, air superioirty/cap will have heavier loadouts with more fuel and weapons but they can be the same airframe. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. An air superiority fighter is a fighter aircraft designed to seize control of an enemy airspace by establishing tactical dominance (air superiority) over the opposing air force. A possible definition of an air-superiority fighter is a fighter capable of at least Mach 2 with a range greater than 3,000km without refueling in-flight and armed with 8+ missiles, capable of engaging enemy fighters with missiles beyond the visual range and with IR missiles and gun in an agile dogfight, all in one mission. G. Let's start with interceptors first. Many post-war designs were of limited performance, including designs like the F-86D and F-89 Scorpion. Privacy Policy. I assume it's because bulk of my planes are obsolete, though I thought numbers will make up for it. Many people don't want the truth, they want constant reassurance that whatever misconception/fallacies they believe in are true.. Novice or Veteran looking for an alternative MP career? . The Shenyang J-8 is a high-speed, high-altitude Chinese-built single-seat interceptor. Air superiority fighters have long range and have BVR (Beyond Visual Range) capabilities. The dedicated interceptor fighter is about to become extinct. HEAD-TO-HEAD BREAKDOWN The difference between an interceptor and air superiority fighter, it seems, is that while an interceptor can do BVR as well, if not better, as an air superiority fighter, the air superiority fighter can do WVR that the interceptor can't. In this case, the Russian air load-out in the 1980s makes a lot more sense. There are two general classes of interceptor:[according to whom?] I am an idiot, unfortunately for the world, I have a internet connection and a fondness for beer.apologies for that. The Fury is most commonly used as either a void superiority fighter or an interdiction attack craft that shoots down enemy torpedoes and bombers that threaten larger starships. The first interceptor squadrons were formed during World War I to defend London against attacks by Zeppelins and later against fixed-wing long-range bombers. From 1946 to 1980 the United States maintained a dedicated Aerospace Defense Command, consisting primarily of dedicated interceptors. the "modern" definition probably encompasses very long range BVR missles, ie what the MIG-25/31 and the F-14 would carry. If you are maneuverable enough to quickly change direction, and fast enough to escape your opponent, you can hit and run slower but more maneuverable planes. However, these units have a somewhat hard time targeting slower units (with the exception of the Gemini, which has missile . Fighters carried out this mission chiefly by destroying the enemy in ACM engagements. Very simplistic: Interceptors shoot down bombers, air superiority fighters shoot down fighters. I'm just looking for more details on this subject. I think interceptor is more of an old term when aircraft where design with a single specific role. HEAD-TO-HEAD BREAKDOWN During the protracted air war in the skies over Vietnam, two fighter interceptor and air superiority planes emerged as the most prominent aircraft of their type. Initially designed in the early 1960s to counter US-built B-58 Hustler bombers, F-105 Thunderchief fighter-bombers and Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance planes, it still retains the ability to 'sprint' at Mach 2+ speeds, and later versions can carry medium-range PL-12/SD-10 MRAAM missiles for interception purposes. In contrast, Air Force seems to be content with single seat fighters, as exemplified by the F-15C and F-22. The Canadian subsonic Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck served in numbers through 1950s. Most advanced point defence interceptors combined with long-range radars were struggling to keep the reaction time down enough to be effective. Image source: Pinterest High rate of climb, high speed, short endurance - Lightning 1, Starfighter, MiG-21 etc, Air superiority fighter - More endurance, more capable of penetrating deeper into enemy territory to take and hold airspace. That's why many interceptors have delta wings, because they provide exactly that while lacking in maneuverability which isn't important for intercepting bombers and recon planes. Designed as an air superiority day fighter, it evolved into a successful all-weather multirole aircraft. I'd also state that the most recent rumors state that the J-20 currently has a gun emplacement, but no gun. Through the 1960s and 1970s, the rapid improvements in design led to most air-superiority and multirole fighters, such as the Grumman F-14 Tomcat and McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, having the performance to take on the point defense interception role, and the strategic threat moved from bombers to intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). A true AS fighter needs interceptor ability to counter the threat posed by other interceptors but must also be able to counter smaller fighter aircraft. One proposal was for a single-engined fighter, the other for a twin-engine. By: Inst The bombers have the advantage of being able to select the parameters of the mission attack vector, speed and altitude. By: Inst The faster the intruders became the less you could rely on inteceptors to defend you airspace. For the US Navy, the F-14 Tomcat was initially deployed solely as an air superiority fighter (plus fleet defense interceptor and tactical aerial reconnaissance). With it's radar and the Phoenix missle it can track down and attack planes and even cruise missles at very long ranges. Fighter Strength Airframes detailed as fighter, interceptor, or general attack types including multi-role though excluding dedicated bombers and CAS. The MiG-31 and F-16 would be examples of pure interceptors and fighters. Air superiority fighters are designed primarily to effectively engage enemy fighters, more than other types of aircraft, although some may have a secondary role for . Night fighters and bomber destroyers are interceptors of the heavy type, although initially they were rarely referred to as such. . Maneuverability, its simply the one thing interceptors were not designed for, all other attributes be it endurance, performance,cost there was an interceptor, eg long endurance interceptors like tu-28 or range and performance mig-31 etc. Here an interceptor is not necessarily appropriate since you may have to do a bit more than just point and shoot. He wished for at least 1,000 pounds (450kg) of armament so that American fighters could dominate their battles against all opponents, fighters included. Carrierbased Fighter-Bomber Aircraft. At the end of Second World War, the Luftwaffe's most critical requirement was for interceptors as the Commonwealth and American air forces pounded German targets night and day. I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda. But WW2 also saw the birth of true dedicated interceptors in form of the german Nachtjger (night fighter). by Dario Leone Designed as a supersonic superiority fighter, the F-104 Starfighter. The MiG-31 and F-16 would be examples of pure interceptors and fighters. I think the hole "Air Superiority" fighter is a semantics thing, trying to sell capabilities of aircraft. 4. The exemplar of this concept was the Tupolev Tu-28. the F-86 was the last purpose designed air superiority fighter until the F-15, although the F-14 was "both" at the expense of a massive maintenance liability. Key Publishing Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with Company Number 2713662. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The Thunderbolt heavy fighter is one of the three main types of fighter aircraft employed by the Imperium of Man. They fight Soviet fighter 1's. Mission - air superiority, force balance roughly 1.5 -1 in my favor. As the F-106 was retired, intercept missions were assigned to the contemporary F-15 and F-16 fighters, among their other roles. When you think about an intruder entering your airspace you need to plot an intercept to get to him. GB445558329. No matter. In the 1950s and 1960s during the Cold War, a strong interceptor force was crucial for the opposing superpowers as it was the best means to defend against an unexpected nuclear attack by strategic bombers. 1956. They wouldn't let them fight each other. Well not quite an old term, but rather pure interceptors fell a bit out of fashion, with only MiG-31 remaining. The maintainable cost is also high.

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interceptor aircraft vs air superiority fighter