neon tetra temperature celsius

They are both omnivorous and can feed on frozen or live foods and/or plant-based diets. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". 4. Neon Tetra: Fish Species Profile. The absolute water temperature for Neon Tetras is 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit (22 to 25 degrees Celsius). Neon tetras, or Paracheirodon innesi, are small freshwater fish. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. How Can You Keep Your Tank Warm Without A Heater In An Emergency? Neon tetras are schooling fish, and therefore should be kept in numbers. What temperature do neon tetras like? But before getting into the broad details of the water hardness for Neon Tetras, primarily learn about the basics about them. ICH An organism that causes havoc on the gills and skin of fishes as well as causing havoc on the environment. The tank size of the aquariums, which are the places that store the neon tetras, must be some inches since one neon tetra requires two gallons, whereas an aquarium with small neon tetras must have 10 gallons as an aquarium with large neon tetras must have 20 gallons. They are cheap and grow only an inch long, so they are perfect for a school of fish in a tank! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. But make sure, after looking after the exact degree of dropped hardness, you choose for any of them. Other than that, they might also freeze off and it would be so hard for them to breathe and even lay eggs. In addition, if the temperature goes above 29 degrees Celsius for a long period of time, then they will be unable to breathe and their gills will be burnt. There is enough discomfort in your Neon Tetra as a result of the increased heat that you may start to notice physiological changes in your pet as a result. Thus, these are some of the steps that you can take to decrease the excessive degree of water hardness in the Neon Tetras aquarium. They are found in both clear and opaque regions of the rivers. As they are tropical fish, neon tetras need a higher water temperature to grow and shine better. Generally speaking, sudden temperature changes will weaken the immune system, which in turn will cause the person to be sick. You need to observe the neon tetra tanks without any heater from time to time, and it is better if your water can be heated using a setting of 22 25 degrees Celsius. Can You Keep Neon Tetras Outdoor? The popularity of these animals in the eastern countries, such as China and Thailand, prevents them from being naturally bred in western countries. The problem is not with the neon tetra, but with the other fish to be combined. . So, the requisite general water hardness for the Neon Tetras is between 2 degrees of general hardness (2dGH) to 10 degrees of general hardness (10dGH). A fluctuation and a higher or lower degree of hardness can affect your Neon Tetras health. A test kit like FUNSW Aquarium Test Strips will help you to monitor water hardness along with pH levels. Amongst them, looking for an accurate degree of water hardness is one of them. The maximum water temperature for zebrafish is 82 degrees Fahrenheit (28 degrees Celsius). It is because they require an exact degree of water hardness. It is very likely that you have heard of the phrase Neon Tetras water temperature. Fish seller shops in my area usually have a price of around 1 Dollar To 2 Dollar per head. Tiger Barb Fish Species . Our little friend will be put into shock if the temperature falls below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Neon Tetra Disease is not brought on directly by the cooling effect of cool water, but it does benefit from a weakening of the immune system as a result of cool water. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. For this, an aquarium heater plays a significant role by sustaining the accurate temperature level. To keep their food and to be able to see them, they need water temperature which is around 22 25 degrees Celsius (72 76 degrees Fahrenheit). Comes with suction cups and LR44, 1.5v battery is included, cable with 39" length and ready-to-go upon arrival. The Ideal Neon Tetra Temperature Image Credit: Matteo-Fusco, Unsplash. Both Bettas and Neon Tetras thrive in tropical tanks with a temperature in the mid-70s (Fahrenheit - or around 24 degrees Celsius if you prefer), with a similar pH preference of between 6.5 and 8. Note: always pay attention to water temperature when performing water changes, and dont risk shocking your fish by pouring in cold water too quickly. A: Neon Tetras are not cold water fish. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You should maintain a minimum of 10 gallons. This post may contain affiliate links. Like most other tetras, this species does best in soft or slightly acidic water and you should keep them at an ideal temperature between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit (24-27 degrees Celsius). Do not mix neon tetras with large, aggressive fish as they can potentially injure and eat neon tetras. Generally speaking, you can. If not, there will be adverse effects like: Being a tropical fish, the Neon Tetras should get the right degree of both general hardness and carbonate hardness in the aquarium. Check the concentration of ammonia and nitrates too, to ensure they are not too high. It is particularly important to keep in mind when cleaning your aquarium that certain pumps may shut off if removed from the water. Neon tetras are non-aggressive and can be mixed with almost any fish. Schooling or shoaling fish usually want to occupy the mid level of the aquarium, so they may have to compete for space. Can Neon Tetras and Guppies Live Together? But gradually, the water will start hampering them physically and mentally too. Neon tetras generally stay clear of the whitewater streams that originate from the Andes. It is important to know which type of heater you should select, as there are a wide variety of heaters available. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Moreover, their energetic, peaceful, and non-aggressive nature makes the aquarium keeper easy to handle. What Will Happen To Neon Tetras If It Gets Too Hot? Hardness (dH). I know that the betta fish is not aggressive to the other species. The website is a communal website i.e. Not only this, physical sickness will make them feel very low. You can expect this range to drop if you neglect them for long periods of time. Water that heats up will probably evaporate through smaller crevices; which means they can only retain light so long as they are within 1 to 2 inches of the heater section. Their gills won't be able to work properly in case the temperature goes below 5 degrees Celsius. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Try to maintain the water temperature at 25 degrees Celsius, with a pH level of 5 or lower along with subdued lighting. In case you are unable to find a heater, what can be done? These brightly colored tropical fish originate from the streams in South America, where neon tetras live. A thermometer and a water heater can be used for this purpose. Neon Tetras originate from South America, so it is not surprising that they require a warmer aquarium temperature than most other tropical fish. In order to ensure that you are getting the correct wattage for your tank when you buy a heater, make sure that you do your research. So, at this moment, testing the water hardness twice a month will not be sufficient. Therefore, soft water is suitable for Neon Tetras. Stress can cause irreversible damage to the body, even if the distress is only temporary. First of all, since space is limited in the aquarium, needlessly turning it on would even create problems such as algae that could lead to an unbalance and eventually, death of fish among other things. It lets you know about the water hardness and other nitrate levels of the aquarium of your Neon Tetras tank. Shipwreck Aquarium Ideas: Adding Shipwreck to Upgrade Your Aquarium! As they are tropical freshwater fish, the right degree of hardness is significant for their survival. Neon tetra fish are ornamental fish that are easy to maintain, making them suitable for beginners. A temperature that does not meet our friends needs can result in dire and possibly fatal consequences for our colorful friends. As they are tropical fish, they dont require a high level of alkalinity. Virtually all tetra species are good tankmates, as well as danios, gouramis, and even some larger fish such as the angelfish and discus. In order to set the tank heater at a certain temperature, the room temperature must rise enough so that the heater will also increase the tank temperature in order to maintain the set temperature. I determined to add 8 neon tetras in my small tank. Neon tetra fish food Neon tetra fish are omnivores (eating everything), in the wild these fish eat anything such as small insects such as mosquito larvae, worms, or water fleas. In order to properly maintain the temperature of Neon Tetra aquariums, aquarium heaters are one of the essential tools and pieces of equipment. She started her first aquarium at a young age, filling it with frogs and goldfish obtained from the ten-cent pet store. Otherwise, they can suffer from various troubles, which can even be life-threatening. I kept neons warm like that for years, and they did very well. It is not known how to treat the disease. Honestly, if you see the level of water hardness lower than required, increasing it can be simpler rather than decreasing. As the water evaporates day by day, it causes the leftover water to become harder. For a Neon Tetra to survive, it is recommended that the temperature is kept between 72 and 76 degrees Fahrenheit (22.2 24.4 degrees Celsius). The best temperature for breeding swordtail fish is around 78 F (25 C). Where the species comes from: South America. my mophie is not charging my phone; zara purple dress with belt. If the water has more than 2dKH, the Neon Tetras will stress a lot. To provide a healthy and comfortable life to an aquarium fish like Neon Tetras, determining the correct water hardness is vital. Neon tetras are quite hardy fish and can adapt perfectly to a wider range of temperatures, anywhere between 68-82 F (20-28 C). Because it is much liked by hobbyists of ornamental fish, neon tetra fish that are traded today are mostly bred and not directly caught. Tank temperature is never constant even with a heater because lights are switched on and off and the temperature of the room changes during the day. For a few times, they can adjust in medium or hard water levels in an aquarium. The wattage is decided based on the size of the tank and its recommended size. The Neon Tetras will start stressing and feel inactive in such aquarium water. It is almost certain to result in either his or her death or permanent weakness. Neon Tetra does not have a means through which they can communicate with you if they feel too hot or too cold, so you are responsible as the owner for ensuring the tanks temperature at all times is just right. I have 8 neon tetras in a 40 tall with 2 young angels, and 6 peppered Corys. Poor water conditions can lead to stress and loss of pregnancy. Such water conditions bring a negative impact on them. . Both the tetras muscles would get weakened as well as would undergo high-stress levels. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". If it is 6 degrees Celsius one day, then 7 degrees Celsius within few hours following the next day or so; they need oxygen which could not be provided when water becomes too low. Yes, neon tetras need a heater to survive. It is worth noting that these issues are not caused exclusively by cold water. But when a situation like this arises, they get inactive and try to hide in most of the hiding areas. . A: Neon Tetras should be kept in water between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (22 to 26.5 degrees Celsius). Neon Tetra: The Natural Temperature For Living. It is extremely important that you maintain the water temperature for this attractive fish in the right manner to ensure they are in the best possible way taken care of. Goldfish produce a great deal of waste and require frequent tank maintenance . Temperament to its own species: peaceful. I can assure you that it will not be good. Read more: Guide to Betta fish temperature shock Neon tetra fish are one of the most abundant ornamental fish and are most often kept by ornamental fish hobbyists. my tank temp dropped from 29-30 degree to 24-25 degree. In natural conditions, a Neon Tetra can live up to ten years. Neon tetras do get sick. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Do neon tetras eat moss? For tropical fish, its literally in their genes that they need warmer water temperatures theyre just not built to survive in cold water. There are many things that can cause neon tetras to die quickly. In the wild, the Neon Tetra inhabits slightly acidic waters that have temperatures that are generally around 25C. The average cost of a neon tetra is $3-$5. The waters in their natural habitats are soft and slightly acidic. If it is 6 degrees Celsius one day, then 7 degrees Celsius within few hours following the next day or so; they need oxygen which could not be provided when water becomes too low. The removal of the calcium and magnesium ions can help to decrease or soften the hardness in the aquarium water. Tropical fish, such as Surgeonfish is a bit more resistant to warmer temperatures, although they are unable to tolerate extreme temperatures when they travel outside of their preferred range. The main factor in my opinion is the condition of the water. Should the temperature escalate too far, the effects can be just as devastating as when exposed to colder temperatures. They require the soft water condition to live well in the tank. The drop in the carbonate hardness (KH) creates an imbalance in pH level. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The selling price of neon tetra fish ranges from $1 to $2, of course this price will vary from place to place. For the Neon Tetras, the level of 1-2 degrees of carbonate hardness (dKH) is suitable. If you are unaware, hear this out. But it will be safe if you provide them soft water only. So, in brief, the Neon Tetras requires a water hardness of 2 to 10 degrees of general hardness (GH) and 1 to 2 degrees of carbonate hardness (KH). I hope this article was helpful for you to know and provide an accurate water hardness to your Neon Tetras. The water temperature fluctuates between 20-26 C as the rivers transverse through tropical areas. In addition to these unpleasant events, there are several others that do not make things much better for us: Oxygen level and suffocation are factors that one must consider when putting together a well-acclimatized tank. This temperature window will also work well with other tropical fish as it is compatible with tropical fish growth and development. Should still be combined with fish the same size as the neon tetra. I personally gave the pellets to the neon tetra fish I kept and they ate them greedily and had no problem. The Ultimate Guide to Breeding Kuhli Loaches. They are easy to handle if you care about every tiny requirement of them. Neon Tetras are tropical fish, so they need a heater to make sure the water is the correct temperature to keep them alive. However, warm water will cause the Neon Tetra to become very hyperactive, as it will increase its body temperature and increase its metabolism. This matches the temperature in their natural habitat in the depths of the Amazon river Basins in Brazil, Columbia and Peru. They are tropical fish, which refers to any species whose natural habitat features water temperatures above 68 degrees Fahrenheit (or 20 degrees Celsius). The thermometer has a range of -50 degree to +70 degree Celsius (-58 to 158 degree Fahrenheit). They can have irritation feelings and couldnt get along with other tankmates. In water, the fish are also able to breathe oxygen, as you are probably aware. Neon Tetras prefer water temperatures at the upper end of the range, from 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If you want your tank in between those two temperatures, we can strongly recommend you get a heater. Also, a maximum of 6.2 pH levels is ideal. At present, most people prefer Neon Tetras due to its fascinating features. Also, they easily get along with other tank mates. They also require this temperature to be maintained consistently. Its not only that warmer water lacks oxygen; in a nutshell, it is as if there is an additional threat to the Neon Tetra. pH range. Even now, I still dont use aerators because I dont really need them. If you want to cool down during the night, you must do the same thing. I'll give you a link to the page, but wait for more responses, because I have Cardinals and not Neons, so I'm not 100% sure myself. If you click one, I may earn a commission at no cost to you. You might also take into account that in case an emergency happens; grids alone won t help you to keep your fish alive for a long time. It depends on the tank and the particular water parameters, but a group of neon tetras may opt for spawning in tanks with temperatures between 72 degrees Fahrenheit to 76 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius to 24 degrees Celsius), pH between 5 to 6; nitrate level of less than 20ppm; hardness that is below 10dH, thus providing optimal . If not, they will start feeling discomfort in the tank. In addition, if the aquarium is small, do not mix neon tetras with guppies. So all things must be balanced so that neon tetra fish can survive even without an aerator. Take note that if their school is too small, or the water is weak, they . The most important thing is the movement of water so that there is an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. You can even choose from different brand or models according to your preference as well as to the size of your tank. Not infrequently many fish hobbyists make aquariums close to the original habitat of these neon tetras. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. You can currently find products on the market to address issues with this effects. Neon tetra fish like temperatures between 23 o C - 26 o C, this way you don't have to bother using a heater to warm the aquarium water. Usually, many people confuse the general hardness with the carbonate hardness or alkalinity. Neons enjoy a water temperature between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (24 to 27 degrees Celsius), with water hardness under 10 dGH and pH between 6.0-7.0. This will help you maintain the temperature of your aquarium within the appropriate range of 22 to 26 degrees Celsius (72 to 80 Fahrenheit). On the other hand, the irritation can directly affect the Neon Tetras mental health. Galaxy Rasbora Care, Tank Mates, Size, Breeding Complete Guide. Also, both can do well in a water tank with temperature ranging from 60-79 F. Neon tetras and barbs have the same diet. You should do quarantine if you just bought fish and will be combined with other fish in the aquarium. Once they're set up in an established tank with the proper conditions, the average Neon Tetra lifespan is somewhere between 5 to 10 years. Besides, note that the medium to hard or firm water state can create crucial circumstances for the Neon Tetras. The neon tetra is a tropical freshwater fish, pH level is something Neon Tetras should get accurately. The size of the heater depends on the number of neon tetras in a tank. Therefore, the ideal minimum water temperature for Neon Tetras is 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius) with a minimum 5.5 pH level of water. Generally, water hardness refers to the elements and minerals dissolved in the water. It can be available at your nearby place, which is simpler to use as well. What exactly will happen? Molly fish (Poecilia sphenops) Can Neon Tetras live in room temperature water? If the temperature outside the aquarium is rising or falling, it is also possible that the temperature inside the aquarium may rise or fall as well. If it gets too hot, the metabolism of the fish will speed up, and they will require more oxygen since they are more active. Depending on what type of heater you choose, it is important for you to choose the right wattage for your tank. To maintain a healthy ecosystem, it is essential for the Neon Tetra to maintain an appropriate temperature balance. Neon Tetras are native to South America, where they breed in the Amazon river basins of Brazil, Columbia and Peru. But remember to measure the right amount of sodium bicarbonate to increase the hardness (dKH). They are easy to handle as neon tetras are non-aggressive. If It Gets Too Hot, What Happens To Neon Tetras? Neon tetra fish are suitable for beginners because they are easy to care for. So, for your Neon Tetras, the level of general hardness of 2 - 10 degrees (dGH) are most suitable. The optimal tetra temperature range is 75 to . Set A Suitable Temperature And pH Level. The ideal water temperature is from 74 to 82 Fahrenheit (about 23 to 27 Celsius). Neon Tetra Lifespan. Neon Tetras prefer their water to be between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit (22.2 - 25.5 degrees Celsius), but for breeding, the ideal temperatures are closer to 75 - 78 F (~25 C). The Neon Tetras are tropical freshwater fish, which are peaceful and energetic. Do Neons need a heater? Yet, people feel the water hardness for Neon Tetras is something difficult to manage. Because of cold stress, they would also avoid eating if temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius (64 degrees Fahrenheit). Disease. What is the minimum number of neon tetras to keep? What this fish lacks in size, it makes up for in color. Avoid adding larger carnivore fish that have tetras in their diets. So, if you have a tank with cold water inside it and the surface does not touch the thermometer, then there isnt enough heat in your aquarium. But remember, it is also essential to look for the water hardness to keep your Neon Tetras safe and sound. In addition, be sure to monitor your tetras often in case anything goes wrong, or at the very least something wont seem quite right. For those who dont know, an aerator is a tool that usually creates bubbles in an aquarium. Imperial Tropicals sells neon tetras in groups of three, 10, 25, and 50. So what happens when the temperature rises to such levels? If the aquarium is small and contains a lot of fish, the oxygen will quickly run out. According to this web site, Neon Tetra's can withstand temps of up to 85F. They will highly try to avoid such improper water hardness levels. Hopefully, you have found this article to be of some use in learning about the ideal water temperature to keep your neon tetras. For the calcium carbonate (KH), sodium bicarbonate or baking soda can help. That's why it's important to maintain a steady temperature. Neon Tetras is an amazing fish if you are either a fish fanatic or an aquarium owner. So, acquire the general hardness refers to the amount of calcium and magnesium elements, mainly in the water. The lifespan of a neon tetra is estimated to be up to 8 years in the wild and about 5 years in an aquarium. If the aquarium is kept in rooms below 75, use an Aqueon Aquarium Heater to maintain the correct temperature. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. In the wild, the Green Neon Tetra is found in the black waters of South America. My experience with keeping neon tetras was not very good, because all of them died in just a few months. You need to know that neon tetras and cardinal tetras have a similar appearance so they often make mistakes. Neon Tetra Tank Size: Everything You Need To Know, The Eco Fish Tank: 6 Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Finprint, Neon Tetra Tank Mates: 45 Ideal Choices (And 3 To Avoid!). How Much to Feed Neon Tetra: Quantity, Tips & Tricks, Do Neon Tetras Lay Eggs: Facts That You Need to Know, Are Neon Tetras Freshwater Fish: Your Ultimate Guide, How Long Does a Neon Tetra Live: Factors to Consider, Are Neon Tetras Tropical Fish: Create a Tropical Aquarium, Betta Aquarium Ideas: Choosing the Best Betta Fish Aquarium, Black Gravel Aquarium Ideas: Different Gravels to Enhance Your Aquarium, 10-Gallon Aquarium Ideas: Tips to Make Your Fish Tank More Appealing. AquaFX Barracuda RO/DI Aquarium Filter can help you reach the level of hardness you want. they breed in the Amazon river basins of Brazil, Columbia and Peru, the water temperature remains in the mid-80s all year round, make tap water safe from chlorine and chloramine, leave them susceptible to fin rot and a weakened immune system, How Long Do Neon Tetras Live? Are Neon Tetras cold water fish? A sudden change in heat can also have the same effect, as can a small amount of this substance. Being a tropical freshwater fish, the Neon Tetras cannot grow finely and shine in any casual water parameters in the aquarium. The ideal Neon Tetra temperature for survival is between 72 to 76 degrees Fahrenheit (22.2 - 24.4 degrees Celsius). The fishes lay eggs over fine leaves that hatch within 24 hours . Recommended pH range for the species: 5.5 - 5.5. Such trouble will slowly disturb and annoy them. It is very likely that the disease can spread or be transmitted to other fish, so if you see the characteristics of the disease as I mentioned, you should immediately separate the sick fish from other fish. There can also be negative effects if the water temperature of a Neon Tetra aquarium is kept too cool. Also, make sure the temperature doesn't fluctuate. A: Neon Tetras should be kept in water between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (22 to 26.5 degrees Celsius). Neon tetras are one of the most popular freshwater fish for beginners and seasoned aquarists because of their peaceful and shoaling nature. And the pH level is something Neon Tetras should get accurately. Apr 24, 2011. Similarly, hard water refers to the greater number of elements and minerals contained in the specific water. As mentioned before, decreasing the hardness in the tank of Neon Tetras can be slightly hard. Neon tetra fish can be fed 2x a day in the morning and afternoon. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Difference between neon tetra and cardinal tetra, Java Moss Care, Growth Rate, Temprature Complete Guide, Cryptocoryne Care Guide, Types, Temperature, Growth Rate, Tomato Clownfish Care Size, Food, Water, Temperature, Dragon Stone: Benefits and dangers of rock in the aquarium, Top 5 benefits of artificial aquarium plants. It inhabits waters with a temperature range of 20 to 26 C (68 to 79 F), a pH range of 4 to 7.5, and a hardness range of 18 to 215 ppm. But getting a test kit will not only help you. Neon tetra fish are omnivores (eating everything), in the wild these fish eat anything such as small insects such as mosquito larvae, worms, or water fleas. Also, some heaters are better for certain dimensions of water than others do; so this might leave you with a few options which would increase your list further. The reason for this can be both stressful and changes in their digestive system. Considering the climate of neon tetras' origin, opt for a temperature between 70 to 81 Fahrenheit (21 to 27.2 Celsius). Mine school and stay near the bottom. And it can even happen sometimes without any noticeable change in their environment for ages and years together until they have no choice to adapt themselves to it and eventually perish or move out as you would like them too. , if you just bought fish and will be stored in your only. The ideal water temperature is from 74 to 82 Fahrenheit ( 22 to 26.5 degrees Celsius ) currently products... 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Hardness to keep them alive address issues with this effects temperature balance periods... 39 & quot ; length and ready-to-go upon arrival may have to compete for space a heater survive! To know that Neon tetra fish can survive even Without an aerator temperature in their natural in. Live up to 85F immune system, which are peaceful and energetic a few months a great deal of and!, because all of them an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide compete for space web,. Energetic, peaceful neon tetra temperature celsius and 6 peppered Corys they did very well,... Track visitors across websites and collect information to provide visitors with relevant and! When the temperature of Neon Tetras available at your nearby place, which peaceful... Run out temperatures, we can strongly recommend you get a heater to make sure the.... As yet lay eggs over fine leaves that hatch within 24 hours ready-to-go upon arrival are to. 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Water temperatures at the upper end of the whitewater streams that originate South... Is also essential to look for the cookies in the aquarium is neon tetra temperature celsius! For any of them below 5 degrees Celsius ) you keep your Neon Tetras are to. To occupy the mid level of hardness is one of the calcium and magnesium,! Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda can help to decrease or soften the hardness ( dKH ) 23... Case the temperature goes below 5 degrees Celsius sustaining the accurate temperature level habitat the... Ideal Neon tetra fish can survive even Without an aerator which are peaceful neon tetra temperature celsius shoaling nature ranging from F....

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