Temperature and soil moisture are the limiting factors for okra's growth rate. warning Request revision. sentence for "okra". Okra will grow in most containers that are at least 12 inches deep and 12 inches wide per plant. Bring to a light boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30 -40 minutes or until okra is tender. Show translation: Translate: . Most frequent English dictionary requests: This is not a good example for the translation above. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "OKRA" - english-spanish translations and search engine for english translations. 2. Y okra cocinado en jugo de jamn no cuenta. : Abelmoschus esculentus (Lat. Access the full text Link; Link; Lookup at Google Scholar Save as: AGRIS_AP . It has deep taproot system. This page provides all possible translations of the word okra in the Arabic language. WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary 2022: Forum discussions with the word(s) "okra" in the title: In other languages: French | Italian | Portuguese | Romanian | German | Dutch | Swedish | Russian | Polish | Czech | Greek | Turkish | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Arabic. As you well know HowToSay is made by volunteers trying to translate as many words and phrases as we can. View the complete Dota 2 profile for little okra on Dotabuff $6999 ($0.39/Count) Get it as soon as Thu, Sep 15. While some are off-put by this, others find its unique texture perfect for roasting or frying. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? In the southern cone of Honduras, the departments of Valle and Choluteca, there. [BOT.] The geographical origin of okra is disputed, with supporters of West African, Ethiopian, Southeast Asian, and South Asian origins. Okra is an upright annual herbaceous plant, 3-6 feet tall and has hibiscus-like flowers. Of course, you can always choose to leave it whole. b. la okra (F) Are you going to serve okra for dinner?Vas a servir okra en la cena? Quick roasting and dry heat can help minimize the sliminess. Only 13 left in stock - order soon. You can complete the translation of okra given by the English-Spanish Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grvisse, English-Spanish dictionary : translate English words into Spanish with online dictionaries. Discussions about 'okra' in the English Only forum, One or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term, threatening to beat me til I . 60 micrograms (mcg) of folate. Focusing on specialty crops used in Indian. With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for okra and thousands of other words. Def: Verdura en forma de vaina parecida a un pimiento verde de tamao pequeo muy usada en la cocina africana e india. I think this is a regional dialect word but it is the one we use here. The geographical origin of okra is disputed, with supporters of West African, Ethiopian, and South Asian origins. Okra is loaded with soluble fibers. ocra nm. Only the tender unripe fruit is eaten. Contextual translation of "okra" into Finnish. T Essbarer Bisameibisch {m} bot. verbo: sodanlietsoja: belicista: sodanlietsoja: militarista: suosionosoitukset Finnish Spanish Translation Knns translaatio Traduccin sanakirja diccionario espaola espaol Suomalainen finlands Espanja translate into mean English Meaning Words in to. open_in_new Link to source. Is something important missing? Would you like to know how to translate okra to Spanish? How to say Okra in Romanian. Ex: A brief history of the following classic soul foods is included: pork, peas, collard, corn or maize, yams, okra, watermelon, and peanuts. Con la sede central en Indio, California, Samra es considerado ahora el "Rey del calal" de California. okra n. (vegetable: lady's finger) quimbomb, quingomb nm. GAPs and residues demonstrated that this commodity. Agregue la okra y cocinar por 2-3 acta. Report an error or suggest an improvement. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. Become a WordReference Supporter to view the site ad-free. Rich in dietary fibre, Vitamin C, iron and beta carotene. Credit: Earth100 License: CC BY-SA 3.0. Dave Barras for Okra, a 'Samarkland' pattern iridescent glass vase of ovoid form on orange ground, signed to base 'D Barras, boxed Dimensions: 12.5cm high Translate Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary HarperCollins Publishers 2011. (11) 1. que este producto se poda incluir en el subgrupo 12A. Keep the seed starting mix temperature at 80 to 90F for fast germination. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. It is erect, having 3-5 branches. okra [BOT.] Okra belongs to the same plant family as hibiscus and cotton. Okra or Okro, Abelmoschus esculentus, known in many English-speaking countries as ladies' fingers or ochro, is a flowering plant in the mallow family.It has edible green seed pods. 2022 Reverso-Softissimo. The standard Spanish word for okra is, I believe, "la ocra". okra n. (vegetable: lady's finger) gombo, abelmosco nm. Okra, also known as "lady's fingers," is a green flowering plant. okra, (Abelmoschus esculentus), herbaceous hairy annual plant of the mallow family (Malvaceae) and its edible fruit. In Mxico, where I live, we call it "el quingomb". Translation of "okras" in English Noun okra Lavar las okras y cortarles los extremos. 0.215 mg of vitamin B6. 43. Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi, covets two mascots: one official and one unofficial. I understand that it is called by a different word in Caribbean Spanish. This dish is inspired by a classic Indian dish called Jhalfrezi, which is typically made with chicken and bell peppers. [BOT.] Okra is a warm-season vegetable that will do well with other vegetables and flowers. Colocar las okras en un bol con sal, agua y una taza de vinagre durante 1 hora. (hypernym) pod, seedpod. Controlling weeds ahead of planting is critical, too. Se distribuirn semillas y fertilizantes para el cultivo de arroz en las tierras bajas a los agricultores cuyas tierras tengan cierto grado de control del agua para producir arroz fuera de temporada, mientras que en otras zonas se suministrarn de cuatro a seis variedades distintas de hortalizas, como ocra, pimiento picante, berenjena, tomate, col, cebolla y zanahoria. Easily find the right translation for Okra from English to Swedish submitted and enhanced by our users. Cultivated in tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate regions around the world, okra is used in the cuisines of many countries. Okra can be divisive for its slimy texture. Noun. Original language: English Translation that you can say: Okra Add note Rated 2 5 ( 3 Votes) 1 2 3 4 5 Said by: Admin Views: 3631 Add alternative translation for "Okra": Okra *We paste the old translation for you, feel free to edit it. and shrimp industries there are few other sources of employment. T okra [genus Abelmoschus] [also ochra] Bisameibisch {m} bot. (n.) = quingomb, calal. Crops growing in these new vegetable beds (including okra, garden eggs, collards, cabbage, and tomatoes) will be sold to local vegetable market women, restaurants, shops, . In West Africa, leaves, buds, and flowers of okra are also consumed. What is Okra in English? Reverse translation for okra quingomb - okra It is native to the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere and is widely cultivated or naturalized in the tropics and subtropics of the Western Hemisphere. It belongs to the genus Abelmoschus and family Malvaceae. la bamia Lat. Por estas propiedades, la okra es adecuada para tratar el estreimiento. It contains mucilage, which is a naturally occurring substance that acts as a thickener for stews or gumbos, of course. El quingomb se come en el sur de Mxico. Knows Spanish Author has 3.9K answers and 10M answer views 4 y. (Abelmoschus esculentus) Healthy Digestion & Cardiovascular Support. Translations in context of "okra" in Swedish-English from Reverso Context: Okra Extract Pulver kan aktivera de centrala nervsa och manliga sngaktiviteterna. Copyright 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited. (part-holonym) gumbo, okra plant, lady's-finger, Abelmoschus esculentus, Hibiscus esculentus. ocre, okra nf. amargo, utilizados en la cocina india, Samra fue muy. Try to avoid stirring with a spoon so that the okra do not fall apart. Cut through the length of the okra on one side. Each okra needs about 12 inches of spacing so you can judge that a single 3-gallon container will only hold about 2-3 okra. Seeds and fertilizers for lowland rice will be distributed to those farmers having land with a degree of water control to grow rice in the off season, while in other areas between four and six different varieties of vegetable will be supplied, inclu. Many translated example sentences containing "okra" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. el quimbomb Lat. ISSN : 1935-5130 Bibliographic information . (Translation of okra from the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary Cambridge University Press), a magazine or book that contains a set of stories told in pictures with a small amount of writing, Hot air and bad blood (Idioms found in newspapers). All rights reserved. Los cultivos plantados fueron soja, repollo, tomate y okra. Stem is semi-woody, usually green and occasionally, pigmented with green or reddish tinge colour. el ocra Lat. (vegetable) a. la ocra (F) Her mom's stewed okra is delicious.La ocra guisada de su mam es deliciosa. Am.) . Real Food Encyclopedia | Okra. 82 mg of calcium. Add okra and 1 cups of water or enough to submerge the okra into the tomato sauce mixture. Violet, go sit down and finish your okra. recipe. CULINERY AND OTHER VALUES : Added in curries, fries etc. Se necesita una libra de molondrones para preparar la receta. This page provides all possible translations of the word okra in the Spanish language. Here's what's included: SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. This will boost germination. Before cooking okra, wash with cold water. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Spanish translation: quimbomb. Okra also known as lady's-fingers, gumbo, or bhindiis the most important vegetable crop of the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. more_vert. While many families received either rice or maize seeds depending on where they, lived, all received vegetable seeds - nine different varieties. noun [ no plural ] uk / .kr/ us / o.kr/ (US also gumbo) the small green pods from a tropical plant eaten as a vegetable or used to make foods such as soup thicker, or the plant itself quingomb (Translation of okra from the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary Cambridge University Press) Translations of okra in Chinese (Traditional) Sales of tilapia and catfish are doing so well that the group has bought land where they grow, Las ventas de tilapia y bagre van tan bien que el grupo ha comprado tierra donde, Headquartered in Indio, California, Samra is now regarded as the stat. T okra [Abelmoschus esculentus] Gemse-Eibisch {m} bot. Some methods have proven to have in reducing the silt quotient of cooked okra. From the journal Food and bioprocess technology. El quinbomb que inocul germin, y Futaba sali. She's going to make us okra with meat and plantains. okra ( ok - ruh ) noun 1. camaronera y de produccin de sal, existen pocas fuentes de empleo. T pickled okra Some chefs suggest soaking it in vinegar before cooking, but just make sure to pat it completely dry afterwards . cultivo de exportacin no tradicional que requiere una labor intensiva. Okra in spanish translation . 17:35 Apr 11, 2000. Okra pods are loaded with significant amounts of vital nutrients - protein, fiber, calcium, iron, and zinc. Translate with Google. T Okraschote {f} okra [Abelmoschus esculentus, syn. Switch language Close entry:. Violet, sintate y acbate la okra. For these properties, okra is suitable to treat constipation. (MX) angu nm. [BOT.] Contextual translation of "okra" from Bislama into Spanish. : Abelmoschus esculentus (Lat. Pendant ce temps, laver et goutter les gombos. Inciser chaque okra dans la longeur d'un ct. Violet, go sit down and finish your okra. are dozens of plantations where green chilies, melons, En el cono sur de Honduras, en los departamentos de Valle y Choluteca, existen, docenas de plantaciones en las que se siembran, cosechan y procesan para la exportacin, The partners linked by Bayer CropScience in India are already trading in vegetables ranging from sweet corn to chili pepper. /waffle fries" plate, all from a kitchen that promised to stay open until 5 a.m. more_vert. A 5-gallon container will hold 4-5 okra plants. This can . What's the Spanish word for okra? and Roselle under the Subgroup 12B Peppers while revising. GLOSSARY : English : Ridge Gourd/ Chinese Okra / Sponge Gourd Tamil : Pirkkankai Malayalam : Peechinga Telugu : Neyangnattakolu / Beera Kayi Kannada : Heerakai Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. All rights reserved. [COOK.] Spanish Translation okra More Spanish words for okra la okra noun gumbo la ocra noun gumbo el quingomb noun gumbo el gombo noun gumbo el aj turco noun gumbo el chicomb noun gumbo el chimbomb noun gumbo la algalia noun civet, gumbo la angelonia noun gumbo Find more words! Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, They can also learn how to farm less labour, Adems, pueden aprender a trabajar con cultivos. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Dictionary. A balanced, slow-release fertilizer is a good choice for okra in the home vegetable garden. okra Cultivation spread quickly to North . Potato & Okra Jhalfrezi. [BOT.] Okra {f} gastr. Let us look at the top 5 potential . Okra or Okro ( or ; Abelmoschus esculentus Moench), known in many English-speaking countries as ladies' fingers, bhendi, bhindi, bamia, ochro or gumbo, is a flowering plant in the mallow family.It is valued for its edible green seed pods. okra [BOT.] Si bien muchas familias recibieron semillas de arroz o de maz, de acuerdo al lugar donde viven. 1. long green edible beaked pods of the okra plant. Helps Control Hunger. 36 mcg of vitamin A. Okra also provides some iron, niacin, phosphorus, and copper. One Southern university embraces okra's attitude. todas recibieron semillas de hortalizas, nueve variedades distintas, Reflooding 72 pools covering a total surface area of 3,240 hectares, boosted flood recession cropland by 40%, for a 78% increase in production, Al reinundar 72 lagunas que cubran una superficie total de 3.240 hectreas se impuls en un 40% las tierras de cultivo en reas, de recesin de inundaciones, para un aumento del 78% en la produccin de, Some of them offer traditional food, such as the famous fried flying fish and cou-cou-a mixture of, Algunos ofrecen comida tradicional, como el famoso pescado frito con cou-cou (una mezcla de, These products have emerged as potential new markets in the face of the financial crisis, particularly given the fact that prices. Okra is one of the quintessential Southern ingredients, representing so much of the gastronomy of the South, from Creole cuisine to lowcountry cooking. Translation English - Spanish Collins Dictionary, 'okra' found in translations in Spanish-English dictionary, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-Spanish translations from our dictionary, Help me take my mind off this eggplant and, Aydeme a no pensar en esta berenjena con. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of . Okra is an extremely healthy vegetable that can be eaten raw, fried, baked, or dried. could be accommodated under the Subgroup 12B. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. (lady's finger) with shrimp paste on the side of your nasi padang? In addition, the mucilage of okra binds excess cholesterol and toxins found in the bile acids, making it easier for the liver to eliminate them. a non-traditional export crop that is labor intensive. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. This item: Solaray Okra Fruit 1600 mg, Healthy Digestion, Regularity & Cardiovascular Support, Soluble Fiber, 25 Serv, 100 VegCaps $13.99 ($0.14/Count) Dragons Blood Fragrance Oil (60ml) For Diffusers, Soap Making, Candles, Lotion, Home Scents, Linen Spray, Bath Bombs, Slime $12.95 ($6.48/Fl Oz) Spanish translation of 'okra' Word Frequency okra [kr ] noun kimbomb m Copyright by HarperCollins Publishers. Translate the English term okra to other languages exitoso al encargarse del servicio de comida de la comunidad inmigrante. c. el quimbomb (M) (Cuba) (Puerto Rico) (Venezuela) 57 mg of magnesium. Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning. of many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin B6 and folic acid. [COOK.] Individual needs for . Where summer growing season is short or not hot, start okra seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks before transplanting seedlings to the garden. Okra grows best when the soil is above 65F and is well watered. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. $1499 ($7.50/Count) Get it as soon as Thu, Sep 15. Have you tried it yet? Italiano. European Dictionaries. The term "okra" most commonly refers to the. Chicken, chilli, salt, okra. This fiber is responsible for many of okra's nutritional benefits, including digestive support, blood sugar management, and heart health. As a vegetable, okra may be prepared like asparagus, sauteed, or pickled, and it is also . Celeriac, cabbages (excluding cauliflowers), gumbos, okras, other than in mixture, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 2006. Los asociados de Bayer CropScience en India ya comercializan productos que van del maz dulce a los ajes o chiles, y de la okra a las papas; su mbito y variedad crecern con los sectores indios de venta local y exportacin. Here's a list of translations. The leaves are alternate, 3-7 lobed palmate, hirsute and serrate. 3 grams protein. : Hibiscus esculentus] Ocker {m} [Okra] bot. Stem is semi-woody, usually green and occasionally, pigmented with green or reddish tinge colour. The seafood gumbo had rice and okra. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation. 4 Soluble fiber makes you feel full faster and for longer. can be stuffed with masala and served. chaucha turca, quingomb, aj, guingamb, quimbomb, molondrn, chimbomb, okra Spanish; Discuss this okra English translation with the community: : Abelmoschus esculentus (Lat. What is okra? fried okra. The okra which I inoculated germinated, and Futaba came out. Okra can be cut into rounds, cut lengthwise, or cut diagonally. Here's the nutritional profile of 1 cup (~160 grams) of cooked okra, according to the United States Department of Agriculture : 56 calories. (13) The product of fermented okra natto has an antibacterial. utilisation d'une fraction protique extraite de graines d' hibiscus esculentus en cosmtique. Place the seasoned okra onto the trays (or in the basket) of an air fryer in a single layer. precios de cultivos tradicionales, como camote, cebolla, FAO is also providing quality seed and technical advice on planting garden vegetables, La FAO tambin est proporcionando semillas de calidad y, asesoramiento tcnico para establecer huertos y producir hortalizas. Sow seed in 2-inch peat pots or plug grays, 3 seeds per pot a quarter inch deep. The leaves are alternate, 3-7 lobed palmate, hirsute and serrate. Thin to one plant per pot. (14) He turned the oven on to 250 and put the okra and the edenwort on to a low heat. Spanish Translation of "okra" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. el molondrn Lat. As you well know HowToSay is made by volunteers trying to translate as many words and phrases as we can. Translation of "Okra" in Spanish? Easily find the right translation for Okra from English to Romanian submitted and enhanced by our users. Okra is a multipurpose crop valued for its tender and delicious pods. The okra seed oil is a rich source of linoleic acid that is essential for your nutrition. Translation of "okra" in Spanish Noun okra quingomb quimbomb ocra gombo calal molondrn kimbomb guingamb chimbomb aj chaucha turca And okra cooked in ham juice don't count. Both groups consumed a vegetarian diet that included oats, barley. Inglese. Uno de los ingredientes es 1/4 de kilo de okra. How to say Okra in Swedish. Meanwhile, wash and drain the okra. [COOK.] T Essbarer Eibisch {m} bot. Seen here are chicken thighs, livers, Welsh onion, tail meat, wings, partially developed eggs, green chili. Samra achieved great success catering to the immigrant community. The seafood gumbo had rice and okra. Lavar las okras y secar con un papel de cocina. of traditional crops such as sweet potato, onion, Estos productos surgen como potenciales nuevos mercados ante la crisis, sobre todo cuando los. Natural Okra Capsules 750 mg. 3 Bottles-180 VegCaps. But even for people up North, okra is seasonal eating at its best. La traduccin al castellano que he encontrado es "kimbob", pero sin embargo ese trmino no aparece en ningun diccionario de lengua . okra [BOT.] The mucilage also has other medicinal applications when used as a plasma replacement or blood volume expander. Some of the best companion plants to grow with okra are peppers, cucumbers, basil, melons, radish, zinnias, sunflower, peas, and lettuce. Introduction. Antes de cocinar el quimbomb, lvelo con agua fra. y margarina enriquecida con un esterol vegetal. A mi amiga costarricense le encanta el ang. Bulgarian . y rosella dentro del subgrupo 12A Pimientos y cambiar. Outside of the farming (sugar cane, melons. Es parte de una receta de cocina. Translations in context of "OKRA" in english-spanish. Aqu se ven muslos, higadillos, cebolla de Gales, cola, alas, yema medio madura, pimiento verde, In addition to sesame, other ingredients that would become essential to Lowcountry cooking, Adems del ajonjol, otros ingredientes que se convertiran en esenciales para la cocina Lowcountry s. La chalota Dogon es una de las materias primas de los som Dogon tradicionales, junto al gombo, el baobab y el ner. It has edible green seed pods. Sun-dried and solar-dried okra were significantly poorer (p < 0.05) in color, aroma, taste, and overall acceptability. Am.) The combination of spices enhances the flavor of the okra while soaking into the potatoes, making for a mouthwatering dish. It has deep taproot system. las BPA aplicadas y los residuos demostraban. Remove once the okra is crispy and golden brown around edges. Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.), belonging to the family Malvaceae, is commonly known as Lady's finger, as well as by several vernacular names, including okra, bhindi, okura, quimgombo, bamia, gombo, and lai long ma, in the different geographical regions of its cultivation [].Okra is believed to have originated near Ethiopia, where it was frequently cultivated by the . Nos va a preparar quimbomb con carne y pltano macho. use in cosmetics of a protein fraction extracted from okra seeds. It is a powerhouse of nutrients like pectin and insoluble fiber and is also abundant in antioxidants that are good for your health . See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. el ttulo por "Pimientos y productos afines a los pimientos", ya que el grupo contena productos distintos de los pimientos. Add the okra and cook for 2-3 minutes. Examples translated by humans: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. 1 Translation result for okra in Spanish noun okra noun quingomb Quick Quizzes Grow your vocabulary! 3. Fried okra. The crops planted were soy beans, cabbage, tomatoes, and okra. okra [A okr, B kr, kr] N U okra quingomb m okra calal m ( verdura muy usada en la cocina africana e india) Translations for okra in the Spanish English Dictionary (Go to English Spanish) Your search term in other parts of the dictionary quimbomb okra okra in the PONS Dictionary 1. Violet, sintate y acbate la okra. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Wash the okra and cut the ends. Air fry at 400F for 20 minutes, rotating trays or shaking basket halfway through cooking time. Promotes Healthy Eyesight Thanks to Antioxidants. Translate Okra in spanish. Botanists believe okra originated in modern-day Ethiopia. Advertisement. See Google Translate's machine translation of 'okra'. The geographical origin of okra is disputed, with supporters of West African, Ethiopian, Southeast Asian, and South Asian origins. Delta State's historic mascot is the . Wash the okra and dry with a paper towel. English to Spanish translations [PRO] English term or phrase: Okra. T Griechenhorn {n} [Okra] bot. okra: chimbomb : okra: guingamb: okra . the title to "Pepper and pepper-like commodities" as the Group also covered commodities other than peppers. Tagalog to English translation The English word for " okra " is translated as "okra," " lady's fingers, " or " gumbo ." Meanwhile, the scientific name of okra is Abelmoschus esculentus. Okra is an upright annual herbaceous plant, 3-6 feet tall and has hibiscus-like flowers. Show translation: Translate: . Okra or Okro, Abelmoschus esculentus, known in many English-speaking countries as ladies' fingers or ochro, is a flowering plant in the mallow family. Nel gumbo di frutti di mare c'erano riso e okra. Cleris, choux blancs ( l'exclusion des choux-fleurs), gombos, okras, autres qu'en mlanges, prpars ou conservs autrement qu'au vinaigre ou . 2. tall coarse annual of Old World tropics widely cultivated in southern United States and West Indies for its long mucilaginous green pods used as basis for soups and . Human translations with examples: okra, (nick), tuore okra. It is erect, having 3-5 branches. [COOK.] (15) I promise never to eat more than one serving of okra again. : Abelmoschus esculentus okra [BOT.] Examples of 'okra' in a sentence okra Example sentences from the Collins Corpus Add okra to one of your lists below, or create a new one. Arabic Discuss this okra English translation with the community: (12) A friend from Alabama never made chili without okra. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. okra - definition, audio pronunciation and more for okra: the small green pods from a tropical plant eaten as a vegetable or used to make foods such as soup: See more in the Cambridge English-Chinese (Traditional) Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary Am.) Another scientific name is Hibiscus esculentus L. See also: Translate English To Tagalog Words And Tagalog to English Dictionary Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate. La sopa de mariscos tena arroz y quimbomb. There is not much data on companion planting but you can be sure it works. Plant okra outside in May once the soil is warm. 3 It, thus, qualifies as an effective economical tool capable of treating malnutrition around the world. One pound of okra is needed to make the recipe.
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