undp strategic plan irrf

As part of that engagement, UNDP in 2016 developed SDG-Ready, the UNDP offer on Sustainable Development Goal implementation in fragile situations. The GP-V and RP policy team support to innovation has been important in identifying, testing and scaling up innovative applications. 2 0 obj Tag: Effectiveness UNDP has also introduced the leave no one behind (LNOB) project marker, which enabled UNDP to track and analyze target groups of its projects. UNDP co-leads the Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development which produced the The daily rates charged by bureaux for advisory services, ranging from $600 to $2,100, are not competitive, and most programmes and budgets did not have funds to cover these costs. Inclusive and sustainable solutions adopted to achieve increased energy efficiency and universal modern energy access (especially off-grid sources of renewable energy), 5. Gender Parity Additionally, the impacts of natural disasters and climate events have been exacerbated by underlying poverty and vulnerability. grants that are rated as exceeding or meeting expectations. Lack of communication and engagement from management and senior leadership also affects openness in UNDP. Finding 13. Inception report to be certified by Strategy Lead, Strategy and Futures Team, 2. Review the three directions of change and prepare a conceptual framework to serve as the basis for the next step (developing measurements), Report certified by Strategy Lead, Strategy and Futures Team, 3. In line with corporate RM strategy for the new SP, introduce a partnership, pipeline and resource mobilization strategy as part of programme development to identify resource gaps that are critical to deliver the results of the programme, and to advocate with funding partners based on the investment gap. UNDP leadership does not sufficientlyemphasize, encourage or prioritize the strategic management of knowledge to learn from experience, or foster an environment that supports critical reflection for improved results and effectiveness. 11 Baseline Contexts: Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of The Congo, Mali, Somalia, Sudan. Technical Support. Civic Engagement Management, Monitoring and Conflict resolution UNDP management agrees with this recommendation. BPPS and CRU jointly support, per an internal division of labour, post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA) and recovery and peacebuilding assessment processes, working closely with regional bureaux during implementation. Further strengthening is needed, especially in the preparation of national disaster response plans, along with a cross-sectoral approach to resilience. There is great competition for staff among shared service centres for other organizations in Kuala Lumpur, which provide more attractive financial packages, an incentive in the context of thecountrys low unemployment rate of 2.6 percent. Agenda 2030. Thus, baselines and actuals for the year of 2016 are the same for this indicator.83 2016 contexts: Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea-Bissau.84 2017 contexts: Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Jordan.85 2018 contexts: Central African Republic, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Jordan.86 2019 contexts: Central African Republic, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Jordan, State of Palestine.87 Baselines and targets for Global Programme indicators not previously reported on were determined following the first year of Phase 3 implementation and reporting (2016). The Strategic Plan 20142017 was based on the QCPR as well as on the MDGs and the evolving post-2015 development agenda, which ultimately became the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNDP contributed to enhancing the role of citizens and community-based organizations in local development planning. In 2018-2019, specialized guidance was developed by BPPS to support countries reporting on SDG16, as part of a collaboration with other UN entities, think tanks and civil society. Programme/Project Design Sustainability GSSC staff are stretched. Tag: Climate Change Adaptation BPPS/Governance and Peacebuilding Unit The UNDP partnerships with the GEF, Global Fund and other vertical funds is crucial for both UNDP and the funds. Resources Framework. Jobs and Livelihoods UNDP management takes note of the recommendation and concurs that governance is key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. UNDP is committed to ensuring pivotal importance of human resources matters, including OHR representation at early stages ofdecision-making. tab, then on the SP Results tab, to update your information on IRRF results. UN Country Team SDG Integration. Gender Mainstreaming Yet it can distract from the opportunities for UNDP to help host governments plan for recovery, and in some cases duplicates the work of other crisis response actors. Recommendation 4: UNDP should strongly emphasize its climate change adaptation capabilities and services in the next strategic plan. The implementation of DPC has been particularly challenging for country offices. Global Environment Facility fund A challenge is that the GSSC is often correcting and cleaning, instead of tackling the source of the problem, which is linked to poor systems and staff capacity (lack of training and high turnover) or insufficient understanding of the local context. The UNDP Strategic Plan, 20182021 highlights South-South and triangular cooperation as an essential instrument to support implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Business Model Evidence: GPN business plan October2019: https://undp.sharepoint.com/teams/gpn/gov-board/ UNDPs consolidation of its support to conflict prevention, governance and peacebuilding under one unit has enabled a more integrated and holistic approach to peacebuilding and conflict prevention. Although the value of learning, particularly from failures, is recognized, it is not easy in an organization with financial constraints, where staff fear that reporting failures may lead to further cuts. The IEO evaluated UNDP contributions to poverty reduction in 2013, and the issue is considered in all country-level evaluations (assessments of development results, or ADRs). UNDPs work at global and regional levels has a strong research and analysis approach, which seeks to identify gaps and good practices to inform policy and advocacy on gender equality and womens empowerment. Local Governance Natural Disaster Effectiveness While UNDP recognizes this, knowledge management remains a weak link in its support to SSC. Comparatively, strengthening accountability processes in specific sectors had greater potential for anti-corruption outcomes. Effectiveness This has caused donor resources to shift from long-term development (and middle-income countries) to countries whose development is chronically stunted by crisis and displacement. Finding 6. The Strategic Plan takes up matters of governance in outcome 2, Citizen expectations for voice, development, the rule of law and accountability are met by stronger systems of democratic governance and outcome 3, Countries have strengthened institutions to progressively deliver universal access to basic services.. These include especially the Sendai Framework for Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the World Humanitarian Summit declaration, all of which recognize that risk is an important connector of the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding domains. UNDP would also harmonize cost classifications and implement new cost recovery rates, with the aim of improving the transparency and consistency of development project costing. Integrated Results and Resources Framework (IRRF) reporting As part of its Integrated Results and Resources Framework (IRRF) reporting, UNDP has developed an annual report card for A global webinar on SparkBlue was conducted to socialize the tool and consolidate further inputs. Staff supported by the GP-V comprised approximately 15 percent of the total advisory and programme support staff at global and regional levels and in the global policy centres (about 500 staff positions). Communication Tag: Civic Engagement Output 6.3. Women's Empowerment Through its strategic roles (knowledge broker, capacity builder and partnership facilitator), UNDP will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by continuously taking stock of the challenges facing developing countries, systematically fostering exchanges and partnerships, supporting policy frameworks and institutional capacities, stimulating targeted research to inform global policy dialogues and relying more heavily on country programming as an efficient way to leverage South-South cooperation at the national level. Micro-credit Innovative partnerships are used to inform national planning and identification of solutions for early recovery, 30. Utilizing sustainable development as a guide ? Advocacy Public administration reform There are signs of improvement in UNDPs openness, agility and adaptability, though they are yet to be translated into improved harnessing of knowledge, solutions and expertise. It is well positioned to support countries in their fulfilment of the SDGs relating to climate and energy. Resilience Development, Audit Election Emphasis will be placed on strengthening partnerships with UN-Women and other technical partners to deliver gender results across all programming areas. Justification But it has been challenging to maintain levels of engagement from staff during a period of ongoing change, resource constraints, job insecurity and deteriorating work/life balance. Justice system Given the increasing complexity of programme delivery, inter-agency work and collaboration with a range of partners including civil society, investment in developing skills in leadership, relationship management and management across complex systems should be prioritized. Evaluation question: Has UNDP improved planning, design, monitoring and evaluation through RBM and delivered higher quality programmes? Understanding of and familiarity with UNDPs result framework Weight = 10 %; Maximum Points: 10. In 2014, staff salaries comprised 71 percent of total GP expenditures, and special initiatives comprised 29 percent, comparable to the previous Global Programme. When we asked managers in the field what they needed to make this happen, a critical part of the response was an integrated platform for their day to day work that guides decision making customized for individual projects and programmes. It is intended to help UNDP programme units meet the organizations goals and follow its programming principles. Public administration reform The financial sustainability of UNDP is challenged by diminishing regular resources, inadequate funding models and exchange rate losses. Risk Management This reflected a marginal reduction in the number of positions compared to the last Global Programme. On the financial front, the volume of official development assistance (ODA) channelled by member countries of the Development Assistance Committee increased by 60 percent between 2003 and 2015 (from $82.3914 billion to $131.55 billion). Tag: Crisis Mitigation Adhering to universality, offering all programme countries access to services. Recommendation 16: UNDP should transition from political budgeting to a more risk- and results-based budgeting process, to more effectively link results to resources. The evaluation has assessed support to parliamentary and electoral processes but did not closely consider UNDP support for legal and constitutional reform. The Strategic Plan notes that the vision, outcomes and areas of work are relevant for all programme countries where UNDP works, though in different combinations and various degrees of emphasis. Justification Factors contributing to inefficiency include a lack of user-friendly automated and integrated systems aligned to Atlas, and of simple forms and policies in clear language. Findings that focus on areas common to both GP-V and the RPs, such as advisory and support services, innovation, knowledge management and promotion of gender equality ? The designations employed and the presentation of material on maps within this website do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations or UNDP concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. By speeding up investment in distributed renewable energy solutions, especially for those hardest to reach and in crisis contexts, it aims to increase access to clean and affordable energy for 500 million people. South-South Cooperation. Prepare an inception report that describes how the consultant understands the objectives of the assignment and the approach the consultant proposes to use to deliver against those objectives. UNDPs technical support has been important in the management of Global Fund grants. An excessive focus on data compliance, quality assurance and reporting is affecting the agility of the organization to respond to partners and deliver results in a timely manner. Ownership Business Model Preparation and Submission of Grant Close-Out Plan and Budget, 3. Country Government Tag: Disaster Risk Reduction Reflecting the pivotal significance of gender equality and womens empowerment ? United Nations Development Programme. In response to the growing demands to support climate action and DRR, UNDP has already scaled up and expanded assistance to countries to integrate climate change adaptation and DRR into their subnational/national policies, plans, and strategies. Lacking a clear strategy and measurement framework for engaging in fragile countries undermines UNDPs contribution and its ability to leverage its comparative advantage to engage in global and regional policy debates. UNDP will provide policy support to countries through the application of tools and quantitative methodologies that can help Governments to make informed decisions on prioritization and implementation of the Goals in line with national priorities and context. Formulate the new gender equality strategy to incorporate recommended actions and mainstream gender across thematic areas and present it to the Executive Board at the first regular session 2018 in line with the new strategic plan, 2018-2021, UNDP gender equality strategy, 2018-2021 developed and presented to the Executive Board at the second regular session 2018. Pandemic When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as: Technical evaluation - Total 70% (70 points): Candidates obtaining a minimum of 70% (49 points) of the maximum obtainable points for the technical criteria (70 points) shall be considered for the financial evaluation. REC 15.1 2017 RR Programme Guide and AgendaJune13.pdf. Partnership Peace Building Output 4.5 Measures in place to increase women's access to environmental goods and services (including climate finance), 21. The new UNDAF guidance, issued in February 2017, informs UNDP programming in MICs and focuses on alignment with global frameworks, in particular the 2030 Agenda and Addis Ababa Agenda for Action. SDG Integration. Tag: Environment Policy Tag: Disaster Risk assessments Building from the previous Strategic Plan and its Development and Institutional Results Framework, the current Strategic Plan provided an IRRF. Theory of Change Tag: Effectiveness Recovery processes reinforce social cohesion and trust and enable rapid return to sustainable development, 31. Finding 1. Improved transparency has generated a proliferation of overly demanding, even counter-productive, compliance monitoring and reporting tools and requirements. Tag: Vulnerable Output 2.4. Preparedness systems in place to effectively address the consequences of and response to natural hazards (e.g. The tool is undergoing a final peer review process before publishing and roll-out through UNDPs Risk-Informed Development Offer.. Election Output 5.1. Finding 55. 5. With the new Strategic Plan, UNDP has adopted an Integrated Results and Resources Framework (IRRF) that includes relevant SDG indicators as impact and outcome indicators. Output 3.5 Communities empowered and security sector institutions enabled for increased citizen safety and reduced levels of armed violence, 15. Evidence for this discussion comes especially from the series of evaluations the IEO has carried out. geo-physical and climate related) and man-made crisis at all levels of government and community, 25. UNDP contributions have been important in facilitating local access to public information, particularly through initiatives that facilitated citizens use of information to engage in localplanning and governance. 5 2017 contexts: Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea (Conakry), Iraq, Liberia, Libya, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tunisia. The RP strategy is based on five mutually reinforcing regionality principles, which define the added value of regional or subregional approaches to addressing development challenges. The new Results Oriented Analysis Report (ROAR) for 2018-2021 has enabled all parts of the organization to analyze results and performance both successes and challenges building on the data from the results linking. Review UNDP technical expertise against the priorities identified in the new strategic plan and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and develop an action plan for training and learning to address any gaps in capacity arising. 5.2CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE COMMON COLLABORATIVE AREAS OF THE GLOBAL PROGRAMME AND REGIONAL PROGRAMMES.

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undp strategic plan irrf