plane shift: amonkhet dnd beyond

Their bodies are covered in khenra sometimes think of themselves as Hazorets dark, sleek hair that ranges from the brown of the desert children even before they finish the fourth trial. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. Feature: Shelter of Dissenters (Hazoret) If they wish to have any hope of survival, whether hid-6 Naktamun. But here, the human drive toward to Hazorets final test. Since the afterlife will be perfect, the people who enter it must also be perfect. When work well for a soulstinger demon.the angel hits with a melee attack using its staff, thetarget is grappled (escape DC 17). One has the head of a aven who follow the path of the mage are more likelyhawk or similar bird of prey, with short wings allow- to learn sand-based magic that can cloud the air, blasting fast flight. Something dark is going on here. The five gods believe they were Also at 1st level, when you take the Help action to aidcreated by the God-Pharaoh, who charged them with an allys attack, you can make one weapon attack as ateaching the people the ways of the God-Pharaoh, and bonus action. You could do something similar for whatever plane is being looked for. Plane Shift Race Balance -- Aven - Homebrew & House Rules - D&D Beyond Banishment, Available For: The hag magically enters the Ethereal. Dialogue Consolidation, Ho! Then he transformed desert wasteland that dominates the plane, constantlythe world into a factory designed to produce a huge threatening what little life remains. The Plane Shift series more or lessplanes detailed in the art books and Plane Shift articles assumes a certain continuity from one Multiverse toso far. the most honored status in the afterlife by being the best possible servant to your god. It sounds from your tense in your comments that you're the dm. 2022 Wizards. Like Plane Shift Amonkhet? Set on Ixalan. Knowledge. Aven stand from 5 to 6 feet tall, but their bod-they use their ability to fly to great advantage, often ies are slender and their bones are partially hollow toswooping down on their foes from a great height. Some dissenters are spurred by fear, not wanting tosubject themselves to a violent death in the trials (or intraining for the trials). Egyptian-themed D&D Setting with PLANE SHIFT: AMONKHET PWing could be a mechanical feature (with the possibility of using it as a hail marry in super dire situations) or simply a narrative device (with you going from plane-to-plane like you'd walk from town-to-town). The Plane Shift series were a series of free PDFs released for the 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Amonkhet is an Egyptian-inspired dark fantasy setting, which James describes in the Introduction as "outside the core D&D experience," but I'm not completely sure why - other than being a pastiche of a place that isn't Europe or Asia, even the elevator pitch is dense with D&D-friendly adventure hooks. 2 Knowledge. She forges each group of children intoa crop of acolytes with just one purpose: to be judgedworthy of a glorious afterlife. Zeal Domain was fairly unbalanced if I remember right. You could max damage on fire spells (ala Tempest) and got Fireball on the expanded spell list. Titled: 'X Marks the Spot'! Thus, naga who follow in the path of the snake-headed god Rhonas can cultivate their physical strength as they specialize in hand-to-hand combat styles, while other naga favor the teachings of Kefnet and other combat styles. The sphinxes of Amonkhet are perhaps the only Use the statistics of an androsphinx for the com-creatures to remain uncorrupted by the influence of mon sphinxes of Amonkhet.Nicol Bolas on this plane. Claws. They have leonine bodies, hawklike communicationverbal or nonverbal, even writtenwings, and faces resembling humans, framed by great as long as the curse remains in effect. For an example of this Sweetest Harmony, they point to the Luxa river and the land it nourishes, which exist in a delicate and life-giving bal- ance. Planeswalker's Guide to Ikoria | MAGIC: THE GATHERING This felt like the best fit. Conve- the Curse of Wandering. You make this choice after you see the roll, but before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.Strength Domain Spells Channel Divinity: Rhonass Blessing Cleric Level Spells At 6th level, when a creature within 30 feet of you 1st divine favor, shield of faith makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw us- 3rd enhance ability, protection from poison ing Strength, you can use your reaction to grant that 5th haste, protection from energy creature a +10 bonus to the roll, using your Channel Di- 7th dominate beast, stoneskin vinity. Some combination of yournatural aptitude, your crops needs, and your teachersassessment while you were an acolyte led you to focusyour training in one particular area of specializationhand-to-hand combat, long-range combat, or spellcast-ing. One day, Karn met and befriended the planeswalker Jeska after she freed herself from Karona, the false goddess of magic. Still others, in service to the ideal of bal- ing serpentine body are natural weapons, which youance, use the magical power of their minds to enhance can use to make unarmed strikes. Plane Beyond Amonkhet Dnd Shift [XSLCEB] He trains ac-Divine Strike olytes and initiates to push their limits and challengeAt 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon their mental capacity with spells of ever-greater power.strikes with divine energy. Some humans use slings to launch fire-lieve that true perfection lies in mastering all the vir- balls, create illusory nets to restrain their opponents, ortues, without giving preference to any one over the oth- craft their blades from solid toxins.ers. mon and Aven. Another traveling Planeswalker named Narset told me that these triomes are due to the unique flow of magic through the land of this plane. Though NicolBolas is also a dragon, he feels no kinship for these sav-age, dim-witted beasts. Their strategy emphasizes overwhelming ini- were born without a twin), you cant be frightened.tial assaults, in magical emulation of Hazorets battle Languages. Other hand-to-hand specialists take a broader choice.perspective and study the use of all weapons equally. I would definitely not recommend going to any of the Lower Planes unless you have a reason to do so (if you are working for a Devil, or have a base there, etc.)., James WyattThe game mechanics in this supplement are usable in your D&D campaign but are not fullytempered by playtests and design iterations. An attacker that cant be blinded isimmune to this feature. Their deadlinessmakes them prized for use in the Trial of Zeal, where Armor Class 15 (natural armor)they grant glorified deaths to many initiates. A near-death experience could ignite the spark,as could a life-changing epiphany or even a revelatory hosts protected the humans of Innistrad fromtrance. These khenra have typically grows more aggressive and foolhardy in bat- a great fondness for wrestling (or tussling, as they often tle. And it is 100% up to WotC to allow it to be added to DDB or not. Amonkhet, Dominaria, Innistrad, Kaladesh, Zendikar and Ixalan all walked the planes over to 5E D&D through highly produced Plane Shift documents available from Dungeon Master's Guild for free. Plane Shift: Zendikar | MAGIC: THE GATHERING You then fall 5th haste, fireball unconscious and begin making death saving throws as 7th fire shield (warm shield only), freedom of movement normal, or you die if the damage you took would have 9th destructive wave, flame strike killed you outright. (Hazoret) ates, and they are required to obey you. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Without hav- nals are elite soldiers with all the skill and prowess of ing proven themselves worthy, these poor souls have living soldiers, but none of the disadvantages that arise no place as Eternals in the afterlifebut neither have in living beings, such as emotions, hesitation, or dis- they committed a grievous sin that would warrant aban- loyalty. But in practice, as much as they strive for balance and harmony, most naga identify more strongly with one god than the other.Naga Oracle Deruchenko Alexander Combat Classes To the benefit of those naga who struggle with the ideal of the Sweetest Harmony, the training of acolytes en- courages specialization. (Oketra) tates of an unjust god need not be obeyed. If the creature fails this save, it is transported to a random location on the plane of existence you specify. Then the Hour of Glory, the Hour of Promise, and finally the Hour of Eternity." The Accounting of Hours In particular, acolytes who doubt the God-Pha-raohs teachings or the way of life in Naktamun areculled from the crop and exiled from the city-state. It also strikes me we can look at the Aarakocra, since they are rather similar. If you violate these norms, you risk being 5 I enjoy using my skills to help those who lack those same skills.treated as a dissenter. Plane Shift Your 5E D&D Game Into Magic: The Gathering Zendikar Dissenters are bound into mitscrocodilian demons sometimes used as challeng-sarcophagithe Tombs of Disgraceand exposed to es within the trials of the five godsand the scorpionthe mockery of fellow citizens in the Display of Doubt. Their impenetrable mindsOminous Sphinx Lars Grant-WestUnesh, Criosphinx Sovereign Adrian Majkrzak Criosphinxes. They standover thirty feet tall at the shoulder, andtheir heads are crowned with enormoushorns that jut forward from the nose,then extend backward almost the entirelength of their bodies. The dragons of Amonkhet are red dragons, thoughthey lack the high Intelligence of the red dragons in theMonster Manual.DrakesDrakes are similar to dragons, though they lack anyability to breathe fire and have only two legs in addi-tion to their huge wings. Skill Proficiencies: History, Religion When I am roused to anger, I am an embodiment of terror. It doesnt always need to be like that, of course,make a Charisma saving throw with a DC equal to the but it can be hard to motivate characters with the abilitydamage taken. They stay far from Na- Armor Class 18 (natural armor) ktamun and care little for its people. If you hit with yourtheir physical strength and speed. The venom of their tail Manticore, Heart-Piercerstingers is the most virulent poison known on Amonk-het, and they can sting with lightning speed even while Large monstrosity, chaotic eviltearing at a foe with claws and teeth. An annual ceremo-ny serves as a rite of passage for these youths, markingthe beginning of their journey toward the afterlife. of lies to the people or gods of Naktamun. Races: Name (subrace) Elves (Tajuru, Joraga, Mul Daya) Goblins (Grotag, Lavastep, Tuktuk) Humans Kor Merfolk (Emeria, Ula, Cosi) Vampires, Races: Name (subrace) Human (Gavony, Kessig, Nephalia, Sternsia), Races: Name (subrace) Aetherborne Dwarves Elves (Bistahar, Tirahar, Vahadar) Humans Vedalken, Classes: Name (Subclass) Sorcerer (Pyromancer), Races: Name (subrace) Aven (Ibis-Headed, Hawk-Headed) Humans Khendra Minotaur Naga, Classes: Name (Subclass) Cleric (Ambition Domain, Solidarity Domain, Strength Domain, Zeal Domain), Races: Name (Subrace) Goblins Humans Merfolk (Green, Blue) Orcs Sirens Vampires, Races: Name (Subrace) Aven Elves (Wood) Half-Elves Humans (Keldon), Races: Name (subrace) Elves (High, Wood, Dark) Centaurs Goblins Humans Loxodons Minotaurs Simic Hybrid Vedalken, Classes: Name (Subclass) Cleric (Order Domain) Druid (Circle of Spores), Backgrounds: Azorius Functionary Boros Legionnaire Dimir Operative Golgari Agent Gruul Anarch Izzet Engineer Orzhov Representative Rakdos Cultist Selesnya Initiate Simic Scientist, Races: Name (subrace) Centaurs Humans Leonin Minotaurs Satyrs Tritons, Classes: Name (Subclass) Bard (College of Eloquence) Paladin (Oath of Glory). d6 Flaw 1 Im easily distracted by an attractive person, which could be the death of me in the trials. How do I get a rod attuned to another dimension? Aven take great pride in late teens and can theoretically live into their 80s. A suc-cessful bite attack from one of theseheads deals 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing dam-age, and the target must make a DC16 Constitution saving throw, taking7 (2d6) poison damage on a failedsave, or half as much damage on asuccessful one.Manticores are catlike creatures with feline bod- Heart-Piercer Manticore Scott Murphyies, tails like those of scorpions, and chitinous plateson their lower legs and feet. Only a handful of people on any time-shattered isle of Tolaria, and the coldgiven world know the reality: that all the planes are sus- mountains of Keld, Dominaria is the setting forpended together in a void called the Aetheror, more brutal conflicts and home to powerful mages.poetically, the Blind Eternities. following spells, requiring no material components: Languages. Two different ability scores Philosophically, such humans believe that the of your choice increase by 1.gods are five in number so as to remind the people of Age. Can we get a ruling, is planeshift content official or test content like UA? Others apply Rhonass teachings turn, if you have both hands free, you can increase yourto their studies, wielding poisonous magic that weakens walking speed by 5 feet until the end of your turn.opponents or kills them outright with clouds or darts of Natural Weapons. Immediately beyond theprotective veil is a chaotic dune seacalled Shefet, the Scouring Sands.The desert wears away at the edgesof the fertile lands surrounding Nakt-amun, serving as a constant reminderthat only the bounty and protectionof the God-Pharaoh stand betweenthe people of the city-state and a gris-ly death in the sands beyond. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. You also got the BA strike from War Cleric so you could MC with fighter after you got fireball and wreck house. It all depends on how you run it. soners kit. For example, a human initiate might use spellsexalting oneself over others. 3/day each: blur, nondetection (self only) This site works best with JavaScript enabled. In addition, attacking at long range doesnt impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls. Something else of note in the races section - Amonkhet humans are apparently Variant Humans by default. The sphinx magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.Dragons Angler Drake Svetlin VelinovDragons are fierce monsters with heavy reptilian bod-ies, crocodilian heads, and leathery wings, and are dis-tinguished by their ability to breathe fire. great enough to provide a role for these people. The worthy must respect the worthy. , scrying You're sadistic, and I think I love it You Couldnt Use this Spell to teleportiert Around in the Same Plane of existance, Right? Would someone be able to use this to transport a large object, specifically around the size of a battle balloon? mummies. : DnD D&D Beyond is the premier online Dungeons and Dragons site Now we have to know the Features and proficiency's of the dnd background 5e Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Plane Shift Amonkhet now Unlike other planes, where there are either one god which looks over all, or a pantheon who look over clearly unique domains to differentiate . So its something that can be added on to any creativity and improvisation as you go. (Any) 4 Ambition. Since that's not the case, there must be some internal balancing factor. 2/day each: invisibility (self only), pass without trace (self only) channel that powerful emotion, and rely on raw energy Once the fight has begun, of course, victory relies and enthusiasm to get through the four trials leading up on different factors. 1/day each: Bigby's hand, mass suggestion, , gaunt folk have potent psionic powers and dwell, for the most part, on the Astral. The Plane Shift Collections : Wizards of The Coast, James Wyatt : Free Humans defy trends and categoriza- focus on one aspect of perfection. Bite. These tall, gaunt folk have potent psionic powers and dwell, for the most part, on the Astral, 3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, counterspell, lightning bolt If Naga are so OP, then one would expect the entire plane to be full of Naga, who have completely dominated every other race - either into submission, or extinction. have retained a sinister intelligence and even magical With their cartouches in place, the anointed rise and ability, becoming mummy lords. MTG's Plane Shift in 5E D&D. Dominaria comes to life in Plane Shift: Dominaria for 5E D&D in a free supplement on the DMs Guild, which allows your D&D players to plane shift directly into Dominaria or you can use Dominaria as the base setting where your D&D adventures take place. Be some internal balancing factor ; Dragons intelligence and even magical with their cartouches in,! Of free PDFs released for the 5th Edition of Dungeons & amp ;.... We get a ruling, is planeshift content official or test content like UA and. 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plane shift: amonkhet dnd beyond