teachings of zoroaster pdf

Baruch's tomb is a mile away from that of Ezekiel, near Mashhad Ali;[27] and a Jewish rabbinic source reported that a strange plant, the leaves of which are sprinkled with gold dust, grows on it. Chr., in einer nordostiranischen Sprache, die spter nach dem Avesta als Avestisch bekannt wurde, But wolves also served as mounts for more or less dangerous humanoid creatures. Download Free PDF. The new king, Hormisdas, joined and protected the sect, and built Mani a castle. Zarathustra Spitama widmete sich dem Kampf gegen diese aus seiner Sicht Gtzerei und wurde daher verfolgt. The principal evidence for Zurvanite doctrine occurs in the polemical Christian tracts of Armenian and Syriac writers of the Sassanid period (224651CE). [citation needed] The Roman Catholic Church often used the negative imagery of wolves to create a sense of real devils prowling the real world. Download Free PDF View PDF. [29] The same is stated in Derekh Eretz Zuta (i.) The standard comparative overview of this aspect of Indo-European mythology is McCone (1987)[7]. Damit verbunden ist auch die Diskussion ber die Heimat und die Ausbreitung der indoiranischen Sprachgemeinschaft, im Besonderen der Arier. While Jeremiah was in hiding to avoid the wrath of King Jehoakim, he commanded Baruch to read his prophecies of warning[Jeremiah 36:1-8] to the people gathered in the Temple in Jerusalem on a day of fasting. [24] The wolf as a mythological creature is greatly linked to Balkan and Serbian mythology and cults. In einer spteren Umformung wird, insbesondere unter den Sassaniden, die Religion des Zarathustras durch einen Zeitgott, genannt Zurvan, ergnzt. Chr.) The classic Zurvanite model of creation, preserved only by non-Zoroastrian sources, proceeds as follows: In the beginning, the great God Zurvan existed alone. The canon of Mani includes six works originally written in Syriac, and one in Persian, the Shapuragan. The Philosophy Book gnv64. Zurvan was portrayed as a transcendental and neutral god, without passion, and one for whom there was no distinction between good and evil. [49] The Naskapis believed that the caribou afterlife is guarded by giant wolves that kill careless hunters who venture too near. angenommen. Cit. Sikhism is a panentheistic religion founded on the teachings of Guru Nanak and ten successive Sikh gurus in 15th-century Punjab. Die Aufklrung entdeckte in ihm den Weisen aus dem Morgenland und Verknder einer Sonnenreligion. 319, List of biblical figures identified in extra-biblical sources, Solomon (Bishop of Basra) & Wallis Budge 1886, "Lexikoneintrag zu Baruch, S.. Chr., in einer nordostiranischen Sprache, die spter nach dem Avesta als Avestisch bekannt wurde, Baruch's prominence, by reason of his intimate association with Jeremiah, led later generations to exalt his reputation still further. The Cherokee also believed that if a hunter showed respect and prayed before and after killing an animal such as a deer, a wolf, a fox, or an opossum would guard his feet against frostbite. Zarathustra habe um 1800 v.Chr. It is considered to be the visible presence of Ahura Mazda and his Asha through the eponymous Yazata. Nonetheless, that Zurvanism was the predominant brand of Zoroastrianism during the cataclysmic years just prior to the fall of the empire, is, according to Duchesne-Guillemin, evident in the degree of influence that Zurvanism (but not Mazdaism) would have on the Iranian brand of Shi'a Islam. Although the details of the origin and development of Zurvanism remain murky (for a summary of the three opposing opinions see Ascent and Acceptance below), it is generally accepted that Zurvanism was: 1) a branch of greater Zoroastrianism;[2]:157304 2) a sacerdotal response to resolve a perceived inconsistency in the sacred texts[3]:intro (see The "twin brother" doctrine below); and 3) probably introduced during the second half of the Achaemenid era. In Antiquity, the she-wolf was identified as a symbol of Rome by both the Romans themselves and nations under the Roman rule. Wolf in Navajo is miitsoh- literally "large coyote". Der Zoroastrismus bzw.Zarathustrismus (auch: Mazdaismus oder Parsismus sowie zoroastrische Religion und Zoroastrianismus) ist eine Religion, die von Zarathustra gestiftet wurde. One view[8][7][3]:intro considers Zurvanism to have developed out of Zoroastrianism as a reaction to the liberalization of the late Achaemenid-era form of the faith. Biography. [37] Vuk Karadi, 19th-century Serbian philologist and ethnographer, explained the traditional, apotropaic use of the name Vuk ("wolf"): a woman who had lost several babies in succession, would name her newborn son Vuk, because it was believed that the witches, who "ate" the babies, were afraid to attack the wolves.[38]. Some Christians have argued that religious pluralism is an invalid or a self-contradictory concept. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church defines infallibility as "Inability to err in teaching revealed truth". Additionally, Adar is the name of the ninth day of the month in the Zoroastrian religious calendar, and the ninth month of the year of the civil Iranian calendar of 1925 (modern Persian: Azar) which has month-names derived from those used by the Zoroastrian calendar. According to Zoroastrian legends, Zoroaster as a child was carried by the devs (the gods) to the lair of the she-wolf, in expectation that the savage beast would kill it; but she accepted it among her own cubs, and Vahman brought an ewe to the den which suckled it. When it was used in the Roman Provinces, it can be seen as an expression of loyalty to Rome and the emperor. There is a story that was pushed around as Cherokee legend, Two Wolves,[48][54] that is often referenced in media but actually has ties to Christian-style parables that was told by Minister Billy Graham and actually mentioned, specifically, eskimo,[55] and because it's been attributed to the Cherokee the one that goes around the Cherokee world has a deeper meaning and negates the "GOOD" VS "EVIL" trope. The three pillars of his teachings are: Buddha Founder/Teacher; Dhamma Teachings; Sangha Order of Buddhist Monks and Nuns (Upasakas) The four noble truths form the core of the teachings of Buddhism, which are: Dukha (The truth of suffering) As per Buddhism, everything is suffering (Sabbam Dukham). [31] However according to Lodewijk J. R. Ort, the term last prophet may "in all probability derived from the Quran by Al-Buruni in order to formulate Mani's pretensions and religious claims". Chr.) Mani's teaching was intended to succeed and surpass the teachings of Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Buddhism. Islam is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a book considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Arabic: Allh) and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of hadith) of Muhammad, considered by them to be the last prophet of God.Islam is one of the two largest religions in Asia with about 1.3 billion Zoroastrians worship the creator Ahura Mazda. In the Eastern Orthodox Church Baruch is venerated as a saint, and as such is commemorated on September 28 (which, for those who follow the traditional Julian Calendar, falls on October 11 of the Gregorian Calendar). Also, as Schippman observed (loc. Thereupon most of his followers fled to India and China. (Boyce, 2002:1). Aber diese Theorie konnte sich ebenso wenig durchsetzen wie auch der Vorschlag von Manfred Hutter, das Heimatland Zarathustras an der Grenze der nordostiranischen Lnder zu lokalisieren.[14]. 6). He was persecuted by Shapur I and fled to Central Asia, where he made disciples and embellished with paintings a Tchighil (or picturarum domus Chinensis) and another temple called Ghalbita. During the Sassanid era (226650 CE), the symbol of Fire plays much the same role that the winged sun Faravahar did during the Achaemenid period (648330 BCE). [6]:9.30.4, The fundamental goal of "classical Zurvanism" to bring the doctrine of the "twin spirits" in accord with what was otherwise understood of Zoroaster's teaching may have been excessive, but (according to Zaehner) it was not altogether misguided. Such questions are often posed as problems to be studied or resolved. The Greek is lost, and the work, apart from extracts, subsists only in a Latin translation from the Greek, of doubtful age and fidelity, probably made after the 5th century. The three pillars of his teachings are: Buddha Founder/Teacher; Dhamma Teachings; Sangha Order of Buddhist Monks and Nuns (Upasakas) The four noble truths form the core of the teachings of Buddhism, which are: Dukha (The truth of suffering) As per Buddhism, everything is suffering (Sabbam Dukham). Jahrhundert n. Chr. This seems to have involved a human sacrifice, and a feast in which the man who received the portion of a human victim was changed to a wolf, as Lycaon had been after sacrificing a child. That the Zurvanite view of creation was an apostasy even for medieval Zoroastrians is apparent from the 10th century Denkard,[6] which in a commentary on Yasna 30.35 turns what the Zurvanites considered the words of the prophet into Zoroaster recalling "a proclamation of the Demon of Envy to mankind that Ohrmuzd and Ahriman were two in one womb". During an outbreak of the bubonic plague in his town in 1514, his parents were forced to isolate him from the community in quarantine, and built a hidden shelter for him in the woods, where they left him. Baruch, angry because the gift of prophecy had been denied him, and on account of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, left Israel to found the religion of Zoroaster. Related Papers. Catholic and Eastern Orthodox theology claim that the Church is infallible, but disagree as to where infallibility exists, whether in doctrines, scripture, or church authorities.. Some Christians have argued that religious pluralism is an invalid or a self-contradictory concept. In this manner Gubbio was freed from the menace of the predator. Teachings. The concept of God in Abrahamic religions is centred on monotheism.The three major monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, alongside the Bah Faith, Samaritanism, Druze, and Rastafari, are all regarded as Abrahamic religions due to their shared worship of the God (referred to as Yahweh in Hebrew and as Allah in Arabic) that these Download Free PDF View PDF. In Zurvanism, Zurvan was perceived as the god of infinite Von Jean-Philippe Rameau stammt eine Tragdie lyrique mit dem Titel Zoroastre, benannt nach der Hauptfigur. Upon realizing that twins were to be born, Zurvan resolved to grant the first-born sovereignty over creation. Download. Further, the founder of the Magian order was now said to be Zoroaster himself. There is no hint of any worship of Zurvan in any of the texts of the Avesta, even though the texts (as they exist today) are the result of a Sassanid era redaction. Der Zoroastrismus bzw.Zarathustrismus (auch: Mazdaismus oder Parsismus sowie zoroastrische Religion und Zoroastrianismus) ist eine Religion, die von Zarathustra gestiftet wurde. Why is it otherwise with me?" Indigenous sources of information from the same period are the 3rdcentury Kartir inscription at Ka'ba-i Zartosht and the early 4th-centurycentury edict of Mihr-Narse (head-priest under Yazdegerd I), the latter being the only native evidence from the Sassanid period that is frankly Zurvanite. Aus diesen Grnden bestimmte Richard Frye das Wirken Zarathustras fr die Zeit um 800 v.Chr. [20], In the Rig Veda, jrva is blinded by his father as punishment for having given 101 of his family's sheep to a she-wolf, who in turn prays to the Ashvins to restore his sight. While Raij is generally calm and harmless, during thunderstorms it becomes agitated, and leaps about in trees, fields, and even buildings. [29], Im 20. Within this framework of the concept of divine illumination, atar radiates the "other lights" (31.7), the essence (of Ahura Mazda) from which insight and wisdom permeate the universe. See Rumi ghazal 163. dazu und zur Datierung an den Beginn des 1. The Qur'an distinguishes between the monotheistic People of the Book (ahl al-kitab), i.e. Some Christian legends (especially from Syria and Arabia) identify Baruch with Zoroaster, and give much information concerning him. [7] Nonetheless, there is a semblance of Zurvanite elements in Vedic texts, and, as Zaehner puts it, "Time, for the Indians, is the raw material, the materia prima of all contingent being.". Der Grundkonsens gegen eine Sptdatierung hat in der Forschung einen weiten Spielraum fr genauere Datierungen zugelassen. Buch des Denkard gibt es Hinweise auf ltere Anstze von Lebensdaten, die aber nicht berliefert werden. Die Anhngerschaft im Indien und Pakistan umfasst insbesondere die ethnisch-religisen Gruppen der Parsen und zum Teil der Irani.[4]. Some Alaska Natives including the Nunamiut of both northern and northwestern Alaska respected the wolf's hunting skill and tried to emulate the wolf in order to hunt successfully. Walther Hinz gibt ein przises Datum fr die Geburt (22. ", 12.17: "They said: O our father! The Middle Persian name derives from Avestan zruvan- (, lit. The post-Sassanid Zoroastrian Middle Persian commentaries are primarily Mazdean and with only one exception (10th-centurycentury Denkard9.30[6]) do not mention Zurvan at all. [52] The reason for this belief is because of the wolf's dedication to its pack,[53] a trait the tribes attributed with themselves. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Soon fear of the animal had caused all his companions to flee, but the saint pressed on and when he found the wolf he made the sign of the cross and commanded the wolf to come to him and hurt no one. For other uses, see, "Swedish-school" theory, e.g. [2]:305 Zaehner is of the opinion that the Zurvanite priesthood had a "strict orthodoxy which few could tolerate. Zoroaster, also known as Zarathustra, is regarded as the spiritual founder of Zoroastrianism.He is said to have been an Iranian prophet who founded a religious movement that challenged the existing traditions of ancient Iranian religion, and inaugurated a movement that eventually became a staple religion in ancient Iran.He was a native speaker of Old Avestan and lived in the The perennial philosophy (Latin: philosophia perennis), also referred to as perennialism and perennial wisdom, is a perspective in philosophy and spirituality that views all of the world's religious traditions as sharing a single, metaphysical truth or origin from which all esoteric and exoteric knowledge and doctrine has grown.. Perennialism has its roots in the Renaissance [48], Wolves were generally revered by Aboriginal Canadians that survived by hunting, but were thought little of by those that survived through agriculture. The Ancient Greeks associated wolves with the sun god Apollo.. Mount Lykaion ( ) is a mountain in Arcadia where an altar of Zeus was located. There, "identification in the realms of matter and of spirit serves only to bring more into prominence the main tenets of Zoroaster's teachings in regard to Asha" (Dhalla, 1938:170). Die Abschrift durch Zartosht Behram Pazdu ist die heute berlieferte Form des Texts. Zeus Lykaios was said to have been born and brought up on it, and was the home of Pelasgus and his son Lycaon, who is said to have founded the ritual of Zeus practiced on its summit.This seems to have involved a human Thence he escaped, flying into Mesopotamia, but was traced, captured, and flayed alive by the Persian king's orders, the skin being then stuffed with chaff and hung up before the gate of the city. [1], According to Josephus, Baruch was a Jewish aristocrat, a son of Neriah and brother of Seraiah ben Neriah, chamberlain of King Zedekiah of Judah. After getting him to debate with certain Zoroastrian teachers, caused him to be flayed alive, and his skin to be stuffed and hung up. The Lupa Romana was an iconic scene that represented in the first place the idea of romanitas, being Roman. The wolf holds great importance in the cultures and religions of the nomadic peoples, both of the Eurasian steppe and North American Plains. He is famed for the events of 1486, when, at the age of 23, he proposed to defend 900 theses on religion, philosophy, natural philosophy, and magic against all comers, for which he wrote the Oration on the Dignity of Man, which has been called According to Duchesne-Guillemin, this division is "redolent of Gnosticism or still better of Indian cosmology". Die bisher von den Historikern vorgenommenen zeitlichen Einordnungen beruhen auf diversen Quellen, aus deren Interpretation teilweise Theorien und Thesen ber das Wirken Zarathustras entwickelt wurden, die die wenigen archologischen Hinweise ignorieren. Muhammad ibn Abdullah (Arabic: , romanized: Muammad ibn Abd Allh, Classical Arabic pronunciation: [muammad]; c. 570 8 June 632 CE) was an Arab religious, social, and political leader and the founder of the world religion of Islam. There are exclaves of Kurds in Central Anatolia, Khorasan, and the Caucasus, as well as significant Kurdish diaspora communities in gebruchlich. Wie fr Herder, der in Zoroasters Staatsreligion eine Art philosophischer Theodizee erkannte, so hie fr Hegel Zarathustra Zerduscht, und in dessen Lehre trat Hegel ein reiner Atem entgegen, ein Hauch des Geistes. The main tenets of modern Jewish eschatology, in no particular order, include: God will redeem Israel from the captivity that began during the Babylonian Exile in a new Exodus. Mani's teaching was intended to succeed and surpass the teachings of Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Buddhism. According to Josephus, Baruch was a Jewish aristocrat, a son of Neriah and brother of Seraiah ben Neriah, chamberlain of King Zedekiah of Judah. In his book From Zalmoxis to Genghis Khan, Mircea Eliade attempted to give a mythological foundation to an alleged special relation between Dacians and the wolves:[8], Norse mythology prominently includes three malevolent wolves, in particular: the giant Fenrisulfr or Fenrir, eldest child of Loki and Angrboda who was feared and hated by the sir, and Fenrisulfr's children, Skll and Hati. Forschungsgeschichtlich ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine Tendenz zur Genese immer neuen Hypothesen und Spekulationen zu beobachten und dass sich kein Konsens abzeichnet. Sikhism is a panentheistic religion founded on the teachings of Guru Nanak and ten successive Sikh gurus in 15th-century Punjab. [49] According to the Fioretti, the city of Gubbio was besieged by the Wolf of Gubbio, which devoured both livestock and men. From among the flowers associated with the Yazatas, Adar's is the marigold (calendula) (Bundahishn 27.24). Towards the end of this period, androgyne Zurvan began to doubt the efficacy of sacrifice and in the moment of this doubt Ohrmuzd and Ahriman were conceived: Ohrmuzd for the sacrifice and Ahriman for the doubt. The perennial philosophy (Latin: philosophia perennis), also referred to as perennialism and perennial wisdom, is a perspective in philosophy and spirituality that views all of the world's religious traditions as sharing a single, metaphysical truth or origin from which all esoteric and exoteric knowledge and doctrine has grown.. Perennialism has its roots in the Renaissance Die heutigen Anhnger des Zoroastrismus werden Zoroastrier oder Zarathustrier genannt. According to Josephus, Baruch was a Jewish aristocrat, a son of Neriah and brother of Seraiah ben Neriah, chamberlain of King Zedekiah of Judah. [57], The Bible contains 13 references to wolves, usually as metaphors for greed and destructiveness. His mother was of Parthian descent[19][20] (from "the Armenian Arsacid family of Kamsarakan"[21]); her name is reported variously, among others Maryam. [51] The Wolf Star, enraged at not having been invited to attend a council on how the Earth should be made, sent a wolf to steal the whirlwind bag of The Storm that Comes out of the West, which contained the first humans. [29] It is more plausible that his body was mutilated via post-mortem decapitation, and his head put on display, which may be the original source of the embellishment.[30]. Arrived at Mecca, his doubts of the truth of the teachings of Islam greatly increased, and he and his courtiers finally accepted Judaism. This is supported by Manichaean evidence that indicates that 3rdcentury Mazdean Zoroastrianism had its stronghold in Parthia, to the northeast. Life. The pessimism evident in fatalistic Zurvanism existed in stark contradiction to the positive moral force of Mazdaism, and was a direct violation of one of Zoroaster's great contributions to religious philosophy: his uncompromising doctrine of free will. It states that when God explained to the wolf what it should and should not eat, he told it that it may eat one sheep out of 1,000. Philosophy - Ancient, Medieval & Modern. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Atar&oldid=1117016925, Articles containing Avestan-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 19 October 2022, at 14:12. Catholic and Eastern Orthodox theology claim that the Church is infallible, but disagree as to where infallibility exists, whether in doctrines, scripture, or church authorities.. While his religion was not strictly a movement of Christian Gnosticism in the earlier mode, Mani did declare himself to be an "apostle of Jesus Christ", and extant Manichaean poetry frequently extols Jesus and his mother, Mary, with the highest reverence. These teachings are contained in the various writings attributed to Hermes (the Hermetica), which were produced over a period The reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form * hu-t-m was likely based on the root * hau()-, which meant either "to call" or "to invoke". Thus, "what will survive in popular conscience under the Muslim varnish is not Mazdeism: it is Zervanite fatalism, well attested in Persian literature". The perennial philosophy (Latin: philosophia perennis), also referred to as perennialism and perennial wisdom, is a perspective in philosophy and spirituality that views all of the world's religious traditions as sharing a single, metaphysical truth or origin from which all esoteric and exoteric knowledge and doctrine has grown.. Perennialism has its roots in the Renaissance [8], Die ltesten Texte, die eine Biographie von Zarathustra enthalten, werden in das 9. Chr., in einer nordostiranischen Sprache, die spter nach dem Avesta als Avestisch bekannt wurde, Diese Bestimmung basiert auf der berlieferung des islamischen Gelehrten Biruni, der nach sassanidischer Tradition den Zeitpunkt der Berufung Zarathustras auf 258 Jahre vor Alexander dem Groen legte. [22][23], Mani then travelled to India (Sakas in present day Afghanistan), where he studied Hinduism and its various extant philosophies, including Buddhism. The earliest written form of the Germanic word God comes from the 6th-century Christian Codex Argenteus.The English word itself is derived from the Proto-Germanic * uan. Ascetic Zurvanism, which was apparently not as popular as the materialistic kind, viewed Zurvan as undifferentiated Time, which, under the influence of desire, divided into reason (a male principle) and concupiscence (a female principle). The special status of the wolf was not based on national ideology, but rather was connected to the religious importance of the wolf to the Romans.[33]. Only the electi are required to follow the laws strictly, while the auditores care for them, hoping to become electi in their turn after reincarnation. Der Begriff wurde vermutlich erst im 19. ; God will return the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. Writing in the historical present, he notes that "under Chosrau II (r. 590628) and his successors, all kinds of superstitions tend to overwhelm the Mazdean religion, which gradually disintegrates, thus preparing the triumph of Islam." Zurvanism (also Zarvan) is a fatalistic religious movement of Zoroastrianism in which the divinity Zurvan is a first principle (primordial creator deity) who engendered equal-but-opposite twins, Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu.Zurvanism is also known as "Zurvanite Zoroastrianism", and may be contrasted with Mazdaism.. The early Islamic period saw the development of Persian mysticism, a traditional interpretation of existence, life and love with Perso-Islamic Sufi monotheism as its practical aspect. Justice is administered through atar (Yasna 31.3, 34.4, 36.2, 47.2), the blazing atar (31.19, 51.9), through the heat of atar (43.4), through the blazing, shining, molten metal (ayangha Khshushta, 30.7, 32.7, 51.9). A page of a copy c. 1503 of the Diwan-e Shams-e Tabriz-i. The reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form * hu-t-m was likely based on the root * hau()-, which meant either "to call" or "to invoke". Mani's father Ptik (Middle Persian Pattg;[17] Koin Greek: , Arabic: Futtuq), a native of Ecbatana[18] (now Hamadan, Iran), was a member of the Jewish Christian sect of the Elcesaites. Joshua served Moses, and the Holy Spirit rested upon him; Elisha served Elijah, and the Holy Spirit rested upon him. For instance, Gunnr's horse was a kenning for "wolf" on the Rk runestone, in the Lay of Hyndla, the vlva Hyndla rides a wolf, and to Baldr's funeral, the ggr Hyrrokin arrived on a wolf. The Elcesaite community was ostensibly Jewish Christian, though with some Gnostic features due to their Ebionite heritage, such as the belief in recurring incarnations of heavenly apostles, one of whom was a docetic Christ. In the second edition of Richard Elliott Friedman's book Who Wrote the Bible?, in which he defended the documentary hypothesis, he put forth the claim that the Deuteronomist, who is generally thought to have either written or edited the books from Deuteronomy to II Kings, was Baruch ben Neriah. [2]:30 More likely is that the two sects served different segments of Sassanid society, with dispassionate Zurvanism primarily operating as a mystic cult and passionate Mazdaism serving the community at large. [34], At the request of Marcellus, he debated on religion with bishop Archelaus, by whom he was vanquished, whereupon he set out to return to Persia. The twin babies were ordered to be killed by their great uncle Amulius. "It seems probable that there were virtually only two, namely the Atash-i Vahram [literally: "victorious fire", later misunderstood to be the Fire of Bahram, see Gnoli, 2002:512] and the lesser Atash-i Adaran, or 'Fire of Fires', a parish fire, as it were, serving a village or town quarter" (Boyce, 1975:462; Boyce 1966:63). Augsburg ", "Jerusalem Syndrome in Biblical Archaeology", "References to Zoroaster in Syriac and Arabic Literature", "Jeremiah's Scribe and Confidant Speaks from a Hoard of Clay Bullae", Prophets in the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Baruch_ben_Neriah&oldid=1111359774, Articles with incomplete citations from October 2020, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia without a Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 20 September 2022, at 16:01.

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teachings of zoroaster pdf