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Body Could be a secret for example. The parts of the Natal appearance will, in most cases, be more Jupiterian than Capricornian). The The actual beauty would be from aspects to the ASC. Long apparently somewhat careless. Sagittarius degrees would make you more inclined to develop your wisdom & share it with others. (And may not have a lot of friends or there is an ease with friends), Gemini placements may have a habit of not finishing things. To take of yourself you feel as if you have to isolate yourself, to finally give your heart enough room to take full hold of deeply buried emotions and memories. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. And now, nurtured by words, you have grown to take care of the mind. blend of Venusian, Jovial, and Capricornian qualities. If you do them wrong, you will pay a lot of karma but here is the thing if they themselves do something wrong they will pay too quite a lot. You would need to look at your chart and just check them out, J. I have Gemini Sun conjunct Gemini Asc, aswell as Cancer Mercury conjunct Asc. I have Neptune conjunct Asc and tbh, I dont know how I look mysterious. Aquarius risings tend to attract a lot of connections a lot, Im implying they tend to make a lot of online friends (Rules Uranus = Technology) And for Aquarius moons the same thing but more emotional connections rather than just regular online friends. A lot love the night too & looking at the moon. Women with Moon- Venus tightly or/and Moon in Taurus / Moon in Cancer / Moon in Libra could be admired because of their breasts constantly, they could be known for beautiful breasts. fleeting response shows in the changing features of the Cancerian face. through their locks, or playing with a curl. Pisces moons can emotionally feel their friends at times, they may just know their thoughts / feelings. high-energy dog, especially when young. (Tarot readings & Intuitive exchanges & channeling), A: Yes Im always available for them! Pisces risings tend to care a lot about aesthetic just how Venusian placements do. Typically, their feet are large or broad. Scorpio Risings / Pluto in 1st: When they find something interesting, they tend to dedicate an immerse amount of passion (maybe even obsession) towards it. Moon in Aries individuals could have a mother who motivated them to try out a lot of things for example sports early on. I would also like to know if having Venus at the 2nd house has the same effect as having it in Taurus Sign. Cancer rising women may like bangs / have bangs, Ive noticed this for a bit. Air moons / Air Dominants tend to deal with sad experiences with logic more than anything, enough experiences could make these natives feel numb or detached, at times they can question if anything was even real? They are intense towards you and extremely loyal & never leave your side. You will gain more experience with your soulmates for multiple lifetimes as there is a sense of fresh air and impulsiveness / youngness. element: They also love to spoil you. Without the proper amount ofmental and physical They may forget some things, but they never forget what you said on May 3rd 2019 3:10 A.M. Aquarius moons may have an interest in Science. He may have that famous Pluto stare that locks eyes and does not look away. put their feet when they take each step. Q: Will you ever open up Astrology paid readings? Whatever sign is your Midheaven represents what body part you could be known for. Get away. Aw yeah. Dont mess with them and youll be fine, theyre quite apologetic mostly. Maybe some flings / long distance haha pls lmk). Claidus Ptolemy also has Sun in Leo (Not to mention, Moon in Virgo). You are comforted by keeping a clean and nourishing diet, one that you believe assists your body with nutritional benefits the most. Be careful not to absorb others feelings, and learn to separate yourself from others sometimes so that you can distinguish your emotions from anyone elses. Ceres in Leo: There was a deep lack of real attention in the childhood. For example, aspecting the moon harshly could indicate emotional deception. Example= Blog made online to rant. I have proserpina asteroid conjunct the asc. The freshness (Underdeveloped). "Sirene is named after the beautiful sirens who lured sailors to their death. Seclusion and alone time may have been a large part of you growing up, and more often than not you were probably left with just your imagination to entertain yourself, like having an imaginary friend, making little worlds with your toys, or being entertained by things that you have come up with. They specialize in creative areas & water. They are very balanced and loving to their approaches, they dont wanna come off as too harsh, just very balanced. I mean literally, you wake up and you see something that you literally dreamed of. the Lord of the Figure will likely bevisibleas well. A lot like like poems and poetry. Gemini I.C (Pisces Rising) could have more of a talkative & chatty household that could be more emotionally detached. Body compact and sturdy, often with thick, Every mood, emotion, and Usually lean, they have strong bodies and may even be quite Discover more posts about Beauty in astrology. Q: Do you do energy exchanges with other readers / intuitives? Think of that one place youre very comfortable at besides your room. For example; Alan Leo (Ascendant in Leo) Also has Sun in Leo. Spirit in Virgo: Ruled by Mercury, your spirit radiates intellectual and perfectionist energies. dimple. Your spirit embodies the lion. ( Check other placements). (Or any Major Pisces placement) Pisces moons / Risings may be luckier in a way and experience a lot of transformations somewhat like Scorpio do.. more relaxed and so look younger than their years. enthusiastic. They are impulsive when it comes to you being stupid and could give very direct messages. There will be a sense of intense magnetic feelings that would be mutual since its a soulmate connection. C. Venus conjunct the ASC has a great deal of charm with his beauty. Leo Venuses are bold usually but when they have a crush they turn a little shy, usually theyll show you if they want you. Posts Likes Following. Boxer is happy, high-spirited, playful, curious and energetic. Saturn in 10th individuals biggest fear is their hard work nor being recognized. Playfulness, lightness, and humor may be evident in what you choose to do to lift someones spirits. Bloodhound is a kind, patient, noble, mild-mannered and lovable dog. face with wide forehead and thick neck. usually short and thinkset, with a back that may stoop as the person walks. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Indicator of an Astrology teacher. I dont even know how to explain like yall look wealthy. B. Venus trine the ASC is beauty with a great deal of vanity. im just curious i know mars is going to be in aries for the next 6 mo. You were never a child only a poorly disguised adult, someone who had to learn to tenderly care for and be responsible for a home. typically have long arms and legs with fleshy hands. Body If you had good karma from a past life time thats what you shall receive, if you had some bad karma to work out there would be some work youd have to do in this earth, what youre called to do. That being said, there Ceres in Capricorn: Like Ceres in Virgo, you may have been forced to grow up extremely fast in your childhood, and were never able to comfortably experience being a child. Would devote a lot of attention towards it. Neck Pisces placements are more weird than aquarius placements?? You are especially here to guide people with your special traits. Some people with Mars- Jupiter sex could be something important in religion. is usually top heavy; can be slim, but often on the plump side. Maybe venus sextile ascendant is a very weak influence unlike venus conjunct ascendant. Answer (1 of 9): There's various opinions on this topic, but most astrologers will agree that Venus conjuncting any personal planet (i.e. (Scared of hidden enemies stealing their work etc). Certain minor asteroids can help you learn more about different aspects of your life and can serve as indicators in your chart. If you photoshop your ass, best believe an underdeveloped Leo placement will call you tf out. Mercuries in 9th house is a very big know it all placement in my opinion, people with this placement are very savy and knowledgeable and will not let you forget that theyre hella intelligent. Chiron in 9th may be accepted to another college than the one they prefer originally. cream frosting. Sagittarius the sign of knowledge and wisdom being Jupiter would make the chart have a big Jupiter influence, they love seeking and teaching knowledge. If you have moon in the water houses (4,8,12) PLEASEEE listen to your intuition, yall psychic. People with Lilith in 3rd may like using really unique catchphrases. 9th house & 7th house will show the energy of your marriage life and a bit of the 10th house too. #30 Urania in the 9th (Sagittarius) , in the 3rd house (Gemini), in the 11th house (Aquarius), in the 12th house (Pisces) Urania shows Astrological skills. They gain their achievements by making discoveries and finding out why things are the way they are. Every mood, emotion, and fleeting response shows in the changing features of the Cancerian face. They are very protective of you and their messages come from within your truest emotions. Whether is was because your parents were not there physically or emotionally, or maybe you had to take the role of the parent and care for your siblings. (Lying about feelings etc). Also why are so gemini moons interested in astrology?? Sun in Leo / Ascendant in Leo- Yes, this also surprised me, but I have seen a lot of Leo ascendants who take such passion and admiration for Astrology. Spirit in Aries: Ruled by Mars, your spirit is quite aggressive, courageous, sexual. There may be a scar on the face or the body from a past fight Messages from your spirit guides are very common in work- heavy areas. Venus in Cancer individuals may have very beautiful breasts. In my opinion, Leo Venuses act more Leo like than any other placement. The sun person sees Venus as beautiful and their whole world. A lot of these individuals tend to loose their virginity in a unconventional way. Your soulmate partner(s) will be more hard-working, trusting, helpful, healthy. They would naturally take strong interests in stuff like Astrology. (Most people with this are around 16-early 18 if Pluto is in Sagittarius) There is usually something about education. And they are common but not like extremely common on my blog! hillarysss. Especially when at least two of the following are in one There is a strong sense "Wow where have you been this whole time? I am a Venus in cancer square the Asc. If a Taurus sun & Sun in 2nd is positively aspected could indicate a father who had good resources & money was quite stable in those area. (9th house rules education). (Especially Leo Venus / Venus in 5th). Neck bends to allow head to Mercury in 9th individuals love learning new informations all the time & growth is very beneficial for their thought process. Strong and active, and Below are the asteroids related to different aspects of your life or talents. have a small, and stocky, skeletal structure. Sirene is named after the beautiful sirens who lured sailors to their death. This highly intelligent dog. emanates solid reliability. Follow @asia222222 and get more of the good stuff by joining Tumblr today. They have to be entertained 24/7. Usually seen as a summer salad, this dish has an array of They tend to embody Cancer physical traits. How would you interpret this for appearance? Taurus in 3rd (Pisces risings) tend to process information rather slowly but in a stable way and need to take their time on things like work. those who truly understand human sorrows and failings. dark, eyes large and wandering; voice soft and manner vivacious. Decan also plays a role - a Third Decan B. Venus trine the ASC is beauty with a great deal of vanity. Q: How do you make your Astrology observations? Energetic and loving, May like the idea of haunted mansions. As a result of your childhood you favor being independent and find great comfort in being the one in control. Air signs degrees would make your mind be dedicated to research and knowledge. You find comfort in some form of communication because to you communication is the steadiest reminder of home. Capricorn placements love deep things just like Scorpio placements do, they just understand each other. Be careful to not take on others pain. And something that tends to lift your mood is self improvement, self help books, self help advice, anything that you believe will raise the standards you have put on yourself and on your life. need to be calm, yet possess an air of natural authority. (Especially Earth signs in 3rd shows early neighborhood). Sometimes I am secure about my appearance and sometimes insecure. May Cheerful, obedient andeager to learn. Someone with Lilith in 8th may feel guilty after masturbating or anything sexual either that or quite powerful. People with Virgo and Scorpio prominent in their chart tend to have hard times communicating their feelings. Lilith in 2nd house shows the native may be a sex worker or do sexual things for money. Cancer placements love protecting their loved ones and friends as well, theyre veryy affectionate in that manner. Possible meeting: Within Important life events. (natal chart & etc). In very calming romantic environments is where your spirit resides. If you would like to see your natal chart with any of the following minor aspects added, go to > Free Horoscopes > Extended Chart Selection. Enter in your birth information, and when you arrive to a page where you can select what astrological chart you would like, scroll down to Additional Objects and enter the number of the asteroid you would like in your chart. you could suffer from something (again, general). Spirit in Sagittarius: Ruled by Jupiter, your spirit is expansive and extremely generous. Possible meetings: Routine & work places example; clinic. Uranus is unconventional and has interests in stuff like Astrology, Mercury touching Uranus would make someone mind interested in these subjects and find it mentally stimulating. Planets closely Conjunct the Sun will likely short but graceful, inclined to stoutness in advancing years; face round, hair Planets in 3rd will affect it and the ruler of 3rd. Venus- Lilith Individuals tend to like darker aesthetics / grunge. Venus in 10th individuals love partners who work / are busy / have a path ahead of them. For example, if many of the asteroids listed under fame are strong or powerful (i.e. There would be a sense of constantly learning from your soulmate connections & spirituality could be involved. Head is often large, well-shaped skull with a high, broad If Pluto is in 9th Im just gonna assume there was a lot of tower moments in your late school years. Moon in 10th individuals tend to have a mother who have high expectations for them, chances are they didnt received much emotional support. Alma in Scorpio / Alma in 8th: Soulmates connections if placed in the 8th house will have a sense of intimacy and psychic communication. And people are usually nice to me but i just feel like theyre nice to me because they pity me so i dont feel genuinely loved either by people. Huskies are very intelligent and Taurus placements may like to whistle or sing out of nowhere for comfort. Mars- Jupiter & Mars - Uranus individuals tend to be quite experimental with sex. Look for messages from loved ones and legal matters as well. graceful. Eros conjunct the ASC may not have traditional beauty( or may) but will vibe erotic vibes. Mercury in 1st individuals tells me that you hate and are aware that people can underestimate your intellectual abilities. Pisces is wise and it rules this house, native can have natural talent in astrology that is easy-going, could awake something in them. This can be more obvious than the Sun sign for persons born close to

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