Cichlids prefer different water and are extremely aggressive in protecting their territory, so calm gourami can easily fall victim to attacks. Therefore, these species are compatible only in a spacious aquarium. So, its crucial to choose suitable tank mates for your dwarf gouramis; otherwise, they will not thrive in a violent environment. Zebra danios fish will be an interesting tank mate choice to consider. The main thing is not to forget that large fish will need the appropriate volume of the aquarium. It is no different with dwarf gouramis. It also enjoys spending time with other well-planted fish as well as swimming. Youll have a fantastic community aquarium in your home that you can be proud of before you know it. Most shrimp wont be able to survive living in the same tank as gouramis, though. Kissing gouramis need to be put in community tanks with the right type of fish to avoid incidents. Some even choose to put Chinese algae eaters in the fish tank with kissing gouramis. Hello, and thanks for visiting Avid Aquarist! The color and bright will not allow you to take your eyes off an aquarium with them swimming inside. No, theyre not fin nippers. Dont pressure yourself. Looking for Gourami Tank Mates for your community aquarium? When it comes to water pH, it should only be between 6.0 to 7.0 and a slightly acidic water pH. If you are thinking about buying Gourami fish dont believe some common misconceptions that are floating around the fishing world. Since Dwarf Gourami has a peaceful and social nature, they thrive well in community tanks with other species of fish, particularly if they are paired with non-aggressive and similar-sized fish. Thanks! And they can pinch each others fins significantly. 2022 Fishkeeping Adventure. Youll find that guppies are very peaceful fish overall. They can cause stress and much discomfort to the peaceful and calm nature of the honey gourami. Select Neighbors for the Gourami - Things To Look For: The Best 20 Gourami Compatible Tank Mates, Tips to Choose Fish compatible with Gourami, Cherry Shrimp: Facts, Feeding, Tank Mates, and Behavior, What to Feed Betta Fish: The Best Betta Fish Foods, The Easiest Freshwater Fish to Breed: Guide For Beginners, Betta Fish Tank Mates: List of 10 Fish can a Betta live with, Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish Combination . Males are slightly bigger and have brighter and darker scales than females. Neon tetras, guppies, tiger barbs, and algae eaters should also be avoided. At a minimum, Honey Gouramis need a 10-gallon tank. Dont be fooled by its name. Another popular fish among fish tank owners is the platy fish. Give your gouramis a well-planted tank, plenty of food and hiding places and you should all live happily ever after! The body of flame dwarf gourami is mostly painted with solid bright red and contrasted by a bright blue dorsal fin. Oscar fish have been known to be safe tank mates for giant gouramis. These little armored catfish are peaceful and docile, which makes them great tank mates for these equally peaceful fish. By following the tips outlined above, youll definitely make your pets happy and healthy. They tend not to go to school. Gourami fish come in a large variety including Blue Gourami, Chocolate Gourami, and the Dwarf Gourami, just to name a few. Paradise gourami is one of the first tank fishes that were brought to Europe in the second part of XIX century. Gouramis typically need a tank that has a capacity of at least 10 gallons. Guppies Guppy Fish As is the case with guppies, they would make great tank companions to almost any fish that is small and peaceful. Catfish will help keep the aquarium clean by eating algae growths on the glass. The Sunset Gourami is another popular type which is favoured by new aquarists and seasoned ones alike. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. You can imagine that the water doesnt also have much oxygen presence, as its stagnant, when compared to fast-moving and high-flow water areas. $8.99. Chili Rasboras is a schooling fish type that does best in groups of 10 or more. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Everybody gets along great. If you need help with anything send Jack a question. Dont hesitate to use gouramis as community fish, though. Both kissing gourami fish and dwarf gourami fish get along fantastically with swordtails. Water hardness should also be considered. Theyre just doing their thing. Also, ensure that the water parameters match up well before you go through with purchasing the fish. They tend to pick a fight with the honey gourami and look much similar to them. My Flame Gourami has developed a taste for his tank mates my neon tetras. You can get a separate aquarium for your bettas if you really want to own them. Excellent compatibility with some rasbora. This can somehow intimidate the Dwarf Gourami, and they are less likely to eat these shrimp. It stays fairly small with the males reaching only about 3 inches (7.5 cm) in length. Catfish feed more often on plant food. The most popular types of gouramis that you find being sold at pet stores are generally excellent community fish tank members. I had 7 to start and now I only have 5. Pet Catfish: Can you have a Catfish as a Pet? $20.00. Next is the rundown of the 15 best fish that are viable with the dwarf gourami fish. . Blue, Powder Blue, Neon Blue, Bright Red, Bright Orange, And A Combination. I also recommend that you group them in even numbers, allowing every gourami to pair off with one fish. Dwarf gourami is known scientifically as the Trichogaster lalius. 1. Some types of shrimp will be able to live with gouramis. So long as you get everything figured out ahead of time, you should have a good experience. Male gouramis are typically larger and more attractive than females, similar to other fish species. Here are some other things to keep in mind if you have Gourami fish or are thinking of getting some: Care Level: Easy Ideal tank size: 15 gallons Temperature range: around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit pH Range: 6.8-7.8. Dwarf gouramis can technically live with mollies, but things might not be perfect. Large cichlids native to South Americaastronauts, diamond cichlids, and managing cichlidsshould not be kept with gourami. Usually, the name gourami refers specifically to representatives of the genus Trichogaster. These large predators will continuously attack the gourami until they die. Theyre active, entertaining, and generally easy to look after. The Best Gourami Tank Mates for a Community Tank, theyre less aggressive than many other gourami fish, Betta fish and gouramis just dont get along. How Many Dwarf Gouramis Should Be Kept Together? Swordtails are also known to be able to get along with kissing gourami fish. Gourami - #1 Assorted Color Gourami Collection. Kuhli loach is another loach species that makes a great tank mate for gouramis. They should look quite nice in the same aquarium as your gourami fish. As honey gouramis also tend to swim above the surface to receive air, do not fill your tank with water. Some types of tetras might have requirements that will put them outside of the recommended water parameters that dwarf gouramis need. Some may also do glass surfing and show fin deterioration. . Honey Gourami Tank Mates: Learn The Best Care Guide. Best Fish Compatible with Dwarf Gourami. Typical Behavior Honey Gourami are not a schooling fish, but if kept together will display best in groups of 4-6. They thrive in communities with many of the fish we listed above. Or will I be forced to have a ten gallon tank with only my gourami. When selecting food for your pet, use Their small size and timid temperament mean they won't be a good match for any aggressive species. They thrive in the same condition as the gourami, so caring for both at the same time wont be a problem. Obviously, I was keen on getting something that would not try to eat by existing fish, so a known dwarf gourami tank mate was a must. This gourami is a rather peaceful fish that is very comical to watch as a juvenile. This is false because they can still suffer the same deadly consequences of not having their water changed regularly. Cory catfish should be good tank mates for the pearl gouramis, too. The Honey Gourami is calm and friendly, making it a compatible tank mate for many other fish species. These fish are actually among the most popular pet fish in the world. They may also exhibit a change in appearance, loss of appetite, and excessive hiding, and gasping near the surface. First, we are talking about the most active representatives of Barbus: Sumatran, mutants, fire, etc. Some people confuse neon tetra with cardinal tetra because of their similarities. Its also important to recognize that not all gouramis are the same. To keep the Cory fish happy and healthy feed it a variety of flakes, tablets, and shrimp pellets. Just make sure that the water parameters match up before moving forward. Luckily, gouramis have many different tank mate possibilities. Tiger Barbs 10. Care level: Easy Max Size of fish: 2 inches Temperature range: 73-82 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6-7.5. Start slowly and buy them one at a time. Gouramis are generally going to be peaceful enough that they will make great additions to community aquariums. Name Trichogaster (having threads on the belly), and they received the rays of their pelvic fins, which serve as organs of touch in muddy water, for turning them into long threads. They live in peace when alone and dont feel comfortable when combined with aggressive tank mates. Theyre just the right size so the gouramis wont mistake them for food, plus they like to eat the same things. Theyre also likely to stay at the tanks bottom. Aside from that, swordtail fish are tropical fish, so they prefer warmer water. Male gourami monitors the territory of their habitat and may mistake male relatives for individuals of their species; this can lead to a fight. Can dwarf gourami live with guppies? By the way, any links on this page that lead to products on Amazon or other retailers are affiliate links and I earn a commission if you make a purchase. Its also nice that guppies are common, fairly inexpensive fish. You have many options that you can consider, and that should make it easy to find fish that will match up with your sensibilities. I am not sure to be honest. Like the gouramis, they are native to South East Asia and prefer vegetative water. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor. Dwarf gouramis are generally peaceful and docile, and they dont fight back when bullied by other fishes. Ensure that you learn whether the specific type of cichlid is compatible with the species of gourami fish that you have in your aquarium. Most Tetra species will get along with Gouramis; however, be aware that your Gourami can get aggressive if they feel threatened, hungry, or during breeding. According to aquatic experts, you should have a 10-gallon tank if you want to keep a Honey Gourami. The Danio are calm fish who just want to swim along. All Rights Reserved. Nicknames: Flame Gourami, Powder Blue Gourami, Red Gourami, Sunset Gourami. Among the gourami, individuals with unstable character may occur. Why cant Saltwater Fish live in Freshwater? In addition, you can always add other peaceful fish species such as tetras and other similar fish, if you want to live it up a bit. You wont need to pay a lot of cash to get them and add them to your community aquarium. All Rights Reserved. Fish have a similar temperament and will look great together. Neon tetras are also schooling fish, so they should be kept in at least five or more groups. They are in solitude even in the wild and like their own company in most cases. Learn about our editorial process and veterinary review board. Choose an option Assorted Gourami Males/Females Mixed Assorted Fancy Dwarf Gourami Males only. They love it in slow-moving and no-flow water shelters usually under leafy plants and sometimes in caves. I'm having the same problem with my Angelfish. However, you should note that these species are hyperactive, so that they will need bigger spaces to dart around. Paradise fish and dwarf gourami are not compatible as tank mates. Its also a good companion for dwarf gouramis because they wont bother dwarf gouramis at the top. Tankmates. The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to or any third party affiliated with Peaceful, active and beautiful fish that reach 4 5 inches (12.7 cm) in size. Zebra Loach 4. I have a cycled 10 gal tank with a flame dwarf gourami and a nerite snail. All Rights Reserved. The Flame Tetras are omnivorous and can feed on whatever they can find. Do You Need A Filter For A Fish Tank? Tag Trichogaster species. However, males can be aggressive during the breeding season. For a few more thoughts on compatibility issues, please click this link: reply #11 Fish out of water 9 years ago Dwarf gourami, also known as flame gourami, are freshwater fish native to South Asia. Theres no shortage of good tank mates for these fish when you look into it. They are a schooling type of fish, so they prefer to stick together. First, flame tetras are much more active than bettas and need more space to swim. If you think that swordtails look interesting, then youll definitely want to add them to your community tank. Look for peaceful and calm species. Zebra Loach is a good tank mate for gouramis because, unlike other loaches, a zebra loach does not grow very big. This may happen occasionally. Color Forms: Blue, Powder Blue, Neon Blue, Flame, Honey, Red. Again, once paired off, theyll not interact with other fishes. Try to get one male honey to 2 female if possible. 3 FISH PACK BLUE GOURAMI 2.5" This fish species also prefer freshwater aquariums with live plants, dark substrate, and places to hide as they love to hide. They look for highly vegetated areas too so they get along just fine with the gouramis. To keep the water clean and the water flow to a minimum, use a small sponge or a back filter. Like blue and powder blue, neon blue dwarf gourami displays a strikingly bright color with red stripes across their bodies. With that said, the most recommended tankmates that meet the criteria of dwarf gouramis are tetras, loaches, catfish, swordfish, rasboras, platies, guppies, and mollies. Difficulty Level: Easy Temperament: Peaceful Size: 2.8 Inches Minimum Tank Size: 10 Gallon Life Expectancy: 3-4 years Care level: Easy Max Size of fish: 4 inches Temperature range: 64-74 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6.5-7. Minor has a peaceful character. Once youve read about all of the best gourami tank mates, youll be able to choose which ones youre interested in. Massive and graceful scalars are perfectly combined with gouramis. Small and bright fish that do not require special maintenance conditions and do well in a school of 6-10. You can also supplement your gouramis with live worms periodically. For each additional fish make sure to add 5 gallons. When you put amano shrimp in a community tank with some of the smaller gouramis, things will work out just fine. You should have a good experience when putting dwarf gouramis and tetras in the same aquarium. Then you came to the right place, in just a moment well share our list of 12 Peaceful Fish species that can live with your Gourami. Aside from that, they are easy to care for and has peaceful and shy temperament. If you want to have the best experience with guppies in a community tank, then you should try keeping them with honey gouramis. What shrimp can live with tetras? They also like well-planted aquariums so they can co-exist well together. How Do You Tell If A Gourami Is Stressed. Madagascar Rainbow Fish Overview And General Knowledge About The Fish Species. While theyll eat fish flakes, you should offer them sinking catfish pellets to keep them in the best shape you can. So many people decide to purchase gouramis for their freshwater fish tanks. Dwarf Gourami Tank Mates. You can learn more about our They are well preferred due to their orange/golden colour which earned it the name. While any of the 12 above fish would make good tank mates for the Gourami, there are ones you want to avoid. Your information on the Ghost Fish or as its more commonly known, Black Ghost Knife Fish, is completely false and is going to end up with people getting a fish they have no idea how to care for or most likely have a tank big enough for. At a minimum, you should keep at least a pair of honey gouramis in the tank to keep them happy. Ideally, bottom dwellers, as they are the ones which like occupying the middle levels. The fish is a natural dweller in the northern Ganges stagnant water, typically living in drainage basins, pools, ponds, and floodplains. It makes sense that you would want to add angelfish to your community fish tank. It should only be at a range between four and 15 dGH. Other signs to look out for are their odd swimming patterns. 1. So, you may just want to keep one male in the tank at a time. Some people say that certain bettas might do okay with dwarf gouramis, but its still not recommended. Heres What You Should Know About The Rainbow Parrot Fish. Their size also make them good tank mates because they wont take up much space giving both species more than enough room to swim around freely. Males are aggressive within a species but friendly towards members of another species. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Some choices are Water lettuce, Hornwort, Amazon Frogbit, Java Fern, Water Wisteria, Cryptocoryne Wendtii, Amazon Sword, and Vallisneria. As usual, youre going to need to learn specific information in regards to compatible fish. The water should also be fully cycled to maintain its cleanliness and suitability for your pet fish. Avoid dwarf gouramis, guppies, goldfish, angelfish, and bettas. Care level: Easy Max Size of fish: 3 inches Temperature range: 74-79 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6-7. However, the fish are hardy enough that things should still be able to work out. Youll be able to tell if theyre stressed when they become skittish. They can be aggressive to compete for the females attention. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Most Gouramis can be aggressive and territorial with other fish species and their own and can even kill other fish.\n\nIt's best to provide room to swim and lots of plants for hiding. It is also a smart idea to add underwater plants, such as anubias anacharis, water wisteria, and java fern. Those little green lines and the red Mohican. Care level: Moderate Max Size of fish: 8 inches Temperature range: 79-86 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6.1-7.5. These little guys are not picky eaters. Blue gourami fish can be pretty aggressive, but there are still many good tank mates for these fish. 17 Best Gourami Tank Mates. $17.99 shipping. The minimum tank size for dwarf gourami is 10 gallons, and the recommended tank size is 20 gallons. Honey gouramis have the right temperament since theyre less aggressive than many other gourami fish. On average, for each Dwarf Gourami you add to the tank, there should be at least 4 Cherry Shrimp. Just take the time to research water parameter compatibility and there will be so many options to choose from when looking for good tank mates. The gourami family is one of the most popular fish families because they have beautiful colours, textures and are very easy to look after. We go to great lengths to help users better understand their aquatic friends. Swordtails will be great fish that you can pair with a good few different types of gouramis. Neon Tetra. Therefore, dwarf cichlids should be a suitable companion. Zebra loaches also enjoy a good hiding spot or two, just like the gouramis. Usually the female Dwarf Gourami is gray in appearance. Flame Gourami Specifications Latin Name:Colisa lalia Tank Size050 Lt. Care Level: Moderate Water Conditions:PH:6.0-7.5, KH 4-10, 22C-26C Color Form: Blue, Orange Geographic Region: Brahmaputra, Ganges, Captive Br Temperament: Peaceful Max Size:5 cm Family:Belontiidae Water Conditions:PH:6.0-7.5, KH 4-10, 22C-26C Diet: Omnivore Itd be too much of a risk to even try to get this to work in your community tank. They also both like to eat the same things so feeding time is that much easier. Also known as sunset or red flame gourami, this fish is incredibly gentle and good-natured. You must also keep the fish from jumping out. Weve changed the picture on freshwater neon fish and now it wont confuse people. Whats interesting about glass catfish, or also known as ghost catfish, is its transparent body. Most aquarium enthusiasts are captivated by the gourami charm. Or did you just purchase dwarf gourami, and youre not sure if it will get along with other species in your tank? Gourami fish are typically slow movers and are not fin nippers. Lalia @user12798814 / Freepik Gourami gets along with the peaceful Lalia. The good news is that they are effortless to keep. A few decades ago, the Amateur title nanosec was used even more often than gourami. Giant gourami fish are a lot bigger than the standard types of gouramis that have been discussed so far. Minor is a mobile and bright fish. They do well in a tank with a neutral pH and water temperature in the 68-75 F range. Before you know it, your aquarium will be swarming with the mollies fries. In length, is its transparent body and Powder Blue gourami, Powder,. Your tank with some of the honey gourami tank mates for the pearl gouramis they... Slightly bigger and have brighter and darker scales than females, bottom dwellers, as are. Pair of honey gouramis need to your community aquarium and dwarf gourami and much... Forms: Blue, Powder Blue, neon Blue, neon Blue dwarf gourami are not a schooling fish that... 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