homeopathic phosphorus 30c benefits

Ears Complaints Phosphorus is chiefly an antipsoric remedy and an important remedy in Homeopathy. Dear Doctor, My wife and I are about 68 years old and have co-morbidities such as BP, Diabetes, Allergy, Prostate. Phosphorus is a good remedy for chronic painless diarrhea of undigested food. This is indicated for postoperative vomiting, after the use of anesthesia. Non-Drowsy, no known side effects, no known drug interactions This medicine uses highly diluted natural substances to relieve symptoms. from going from a warm room into the cold air. Phosphorus is an immensely important remedy in homeopathy, one of the desert island remedies. Pneumonia in phosphorus homeopathy, take place with oppression, worse, lying on left side. Hi Dr. Sharma,I have hyperthyroidism and a hot nodule. Subscribe to our mailing list and be the first to know about exclusive discounts, new launches and latest news. It is suited in cases of tearing pain in facial bones with redness and burning at one spot of the cheek. It is useful for a patient who complains of sensitiveness and irritation of the spinal process which is aggravated by heat, pressure, and least exertion. It is mainly used where dandruff is copious and white in colour. stomach symptoms of Phosphorus are sour taste and sour eructations after every meal. She complains of slight hemorrhage from the uterus between periods. A person has anxiety during a thunderstorm. +91-6283487321. It also works wonders to regrow hair in cases of hair loss that occurs in spots(alopecia areata). The better he will be. Phosphorus conditions are ameliorated after rest, lying on the right side, and going out in cold open air. Your email address will not be published. It is useful in cases where there is inflammation like dysentery, catarrh. It is also useful to manage blood in urine, stool, vomiting, bloody sputa, blood spots on skin, and excessive menstrual bleeding in females. A person who can see colors followed by migraine or a black point floating before the eyes and has frequent itching in the eyes. The desire for stool occurs on lying on left side. Coryza is associated with sneezing, throat pain, and mild headache. The phosphorus mind is anxious, restless, sensitive, timid, and easily fearful. And he dislikes fruit, tomatoes, onions, coffee, garlic, and warm things like warm food, water, and milk. In such cases it is used when there is cough with tearing pain under the sternum(breastbone). In 2009 already US$ 2.9 billion was spent in the US alone on health care with homeopathic medicines with linear rising tendency. Apart from hair fall it is well indicated for treating premature greying of hair when roots of hair turns grey. Body itch, but not constant. Do not administer within 15 minutes of food or drink. Inimical medicine is Causticum and should not be used before or after it. Phosphorus is useful for sexual mania as well as for impotence after excessive excitement. Vomiting also appears, but not immediately after drinking Phosphorus 30 is the top remedy for dry hair especially at roots. It also helps against a runny nose and sneezing, as well as itchy and watery eyes due to colds, flu, or hay fever. The remedy runs from mentals to physical, from brain to muscles. Phosphorus Homeopathic Remedy for Coughs produces expectoration has the sweetish taste while coughing. It is indicated for vivid dreams of fire, bleeding from various parts of the body, biting animals, restless at work, or dreams of unfinished business. Modalities are the factors that increase or decrease the complaints in a patient. It is also useful to manage blood in urine, stool, vomiting, bloody sputa, blood spots on skin, and excessive menstrual bleeding in females. It also produces haemorrhages, digestive troubles and inflammation of bones. Good Evening Dr. It is a beautiful remedy for headaches and other sufferings from grief. Repeated hemoptysis caused by Phosphorus homeopathy. Hoarseness of voice arising in public speakers fromprolonged speakingis also well managed by this remedy. She feels nauseated during bathing also. Rs. Phosphorus is indicated for burning throat pain with dryness and roughness in the throat. Worldwide, over 200 million people use homeopathy, among them 6 million in the US alone. Phosphorus has mental depression: Destroys everything, unwilling to talk or answer slowly. The three homeopathic remedies I have found regarding illeus include Plumbum metallicum, Phosphorus, and Cinchona. Phosphorus is available in 30, 200, and 1M potencies. Keep homeopathic medicines away from light, heat, moisture. Dry skin that flakes white. Phosphorus is a helpful remedy for hoarseness of voice, Clergymans sore throat, and larynx pain. Morrison Roger (1993) Desktop Guide, to Keynote and Confirmatory Symptoms Hahnmann Clinic Publishing; Hershoff Asa (2000) Homeopathic Remedies, A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and their Homeopathic Treatments, Avery Publishing Group, New York. It is useful in the treatment of all bone disease-related diseases like caries and destruction in the region of the tibiae and jawbones. Phosphorus homeopathy side effects produce a picture of destructive metabolism. Burning pains comprise heat, and oppression of chest. Good morning Dr. Sharma, I have a question regarding a gastrointestinal issue my father has been dealing with for over 10 years. Dose and repetition varies as per the disease condition, so should be taken as per physicians recommendation. For this reason, white phosphorus matches were abolished and replaced by red phosphorus matches. Phosphorus is useful in hematuria, especially in acute Brights disease. Dental surgery: Hypericum 30 and Ruta 30, alternating every two to four hours. It helps patients who have a constant discharge of thin, slimy, colorless fluid from the urethra then suffer from weakness. Most times the hair fall is present on forepart of head, and above ears. In cases needing it there is presence of hard, white, convergent striaein lens with diffuse haziness. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. These people especially weakened by the loss of animal fluids and with great nervous debility. It is useful in pneumonia and tuberculosis. Phosphorus patients feel better after eating, drinking cold drinks or milk, washing their face with cold water, and after sleep. Gastricell and matula tea are both helpful. Take homeopathic arnica 30C pellets after an injury or fall to minimize the development of edema and swelling. It has a marked action onmind, spinal cord and nerves. It is composed of non-metallic yellow, brittle substance, it is found in plenty in Sicily and Italy. Phosphorous is a remedy often used to treat complaints with a quality of openness and lack of grounding. Dosing in homeopathy is also completely backward to allopathic medicine. Restless, fidgety is common in all phosphorus patients. Leave Phosphorus homeopathic granules for babies and children. Remedy for small cuts that bleed a lot of bright red blood. Store in a cool place and out of direct sunlight. References. Phosphorus provides a great deal of relief, no matter what type of bleeding one is suffering from. gastric pains. Phosphors patients Handkerchief is always bloody and Polypi bleeding easily. Homeopathic medicine phosphorus 1m is of assistance in ascending sensory and motor paralysis from ends of fingers and toes. Phosphorus 200 female symptoms include Metritis, Chlorosis, and Phlebitis. Phosphorus 200 homeopathic medicine benefits during belching large quantities of wind, after eating. It is indicated for skin burns during shaving or for thin, foul bloody pus from wounds, and for little ulcers. Rating : 5 out of 5 stars Sharron Long from Missouri on 3/23/2017 Palms and hands have burning pain with profuse sweat associated with sweating at the head. The granules are very slow to dissolve, it is necessary to prepare in advance . It is suited to a person who has a memory loss problem, and who feels tired physically and mentally also. Phosphorus 1M is a high-strength medicine. 1. This medicine effectively manages the complaint of early and very profuse periods. X-Ray: Another common remedy for burns caused by radiation therapy. Cough is severe, hard and very exhausting (causing weakness). I have the interest of to find out more about phosphorus supplementation, hi doctor ,i am 60 years ,recently i have doveloped extremely oily stool , i have littel paifull anus after passing the stool , ,,, thank u. This illustration, from Dr. P. Jaiswal, shows how remedies are made in 1:100 potencies - labeled as "C", "CH" or "CK". Patients may experience tight feelings all over the body including the skin. Phosphorus 30 is useful in acute cases like coryza with sneezing, headache, sore throat with hoarseness of voice which appears because of weather change, drinking or eating warm drink or food. Common Uses: Cough especially brought on by change in temperature Growing pains, rapid growth in children Headaches associated with hunger Head colds that move onto the chest Hypoglycemia if a meal is skipped Laryngitis Loose stool, morning, profuse, watery Respiratory tract infections, recurring Stomach pain, General Symptoms: Usually chilly, worse in the cold Strong craving for cold drinks, ice cream Great thirst especially for cold water. His sanguine temperament means he is curious, creative, spontaneous, optimistic, and cheerful. and as thickeners to increase the amount of water retained. Homeopathic medicine phosphorus 1m helps for the dullness of hearing after typhoid. Complaints are very much sensitive to thunderstorms. 6 pieces in stock. Dosage of Phosphorus 1M: Only once in 3-4 months is sufficient. Its antidotes (but which help its action) areCalcarea carbonica,Camphora,Mezereum,Nux vomica,Sepia. Phosphorus is indicated for chronic catarrh, epistaxis (bleeding from the nose), and bloody polyps that bleed easily. For this good history taking and proper analyses of cases are important things. stomach symptoms of Phosphorus are sour taste and sour eructations after every meal. Nasal polyps that bleed easily are also suggestive of its use. Phosphorus is one of the largest homeopathic remedies with awide field of applicationin clinical practice as it covers countless diseases both acute and severe. Dr. Hahnenmann introduced this medicine and Dr. Kent described the constitutional picture of it. A person who suffers from larynx infection may feel suffocation in the larynx and trachea, he cannot speak, associated with prostration. Phosphorus has a characteristic amenorrhea phase. Phosphorus 30c by Boiron also helps with insomnia and exhaustion. Phosphorus if taken in excess, high potency may cause side effects like hair loss. He feels anxious which is better after weeping. It mainly helps persons having anxiety about future, anxiety about others and anxiety as ifthey areabout to die. This homeopathic medicine is prepared by trituration of red amorphous phosphorus. There may be sour belching after eating. Its sphere of action includes wounds that bleed very much, jaundice, petechial rashes, ecchymosis (redness of the eye with edema), scurvy, fungal infections, and ulcers bleeding during menses. Most cases needing it have worsening of pain when rising from stooping. Abdominal pain is aggravated with drinking warm drinks and lying on the right side. It is useful to treat lower back pain when attended with intense heat in the back. Phosphorus is useful for gastralgia and heartburn. It offers help in cases where there are great anxieties about the present, future and about health. Whole body trembles, with a cough in these patients. Small joints of the upper arms may feel tension and pain with swelling. These people experience suddenness of symptoms, sudden prostration, faints, sweats, shooting pains, etc. A patient complains of heaviness in the hollow of the knee and arthritic rigidity in the knee region. The faster you address that. contact@plankhomeopathy.com, Copyright 2022 Plank Homeopathy (A Unit Of PLANK HEALTHCARE (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED), Best Homeopathic Remedy for Hemorrhoids Causes & Cure, Homeopathy for Depression Causes, Symptoms & Best Remedies. Correctly applied homeopathy can be a remarkable and effective system of medicine, which has the benefit of being safe and without side-effects. ac. Know the benefits, side effects and dosage. Phosphorus is indicated in partial loss of vision after abuse of tobacco, sexual excess, lightning, and edema of upper and lower lids. Dry cough arising from tickling in throat and from laughing, talking is indicative to use this remedy. Cure of Cataract, Partial loss of vision from abuse of tobacco, is phosphorus 30 homeopathy functions. Secondly Phosphorus is indicated for cataract cases. Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology) It works on inflammation, hepatization of lungs, especially of the lower half of the right lung, and pneumonia of the left lower lobe of the lung. Phosphorus has aphonia and hoarseness of voice which is aggravated in the evening and morning. It is attended with much itching over the scalp. In addition, possess Amaurosis from sexual excess. Amongst these it has two . Thank you for your time! Pros Effective Cons I would recommend this item to a friend. Phosphorus cough is aggravated by tickling in the throat because of cold air or reading, talking, laughing, and going from a warm room into cold air. And finally its incompatible areApisandCausticum. This remedy can also be indicated for: nose bleeds with bright red blood bleeding after dental procedures lingering side effects after anesthesia (confusion, nausea, weakness) GI complaints with nausea, vomiting, and great thirst With this, breathing difficulty is present. Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worse, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better. Sputum of yellowish mucus sometimes streaked with blood also arises. Symphytum Officinale Benefits. He sounds like he also has an H-pylori issue. The symptoms to look for to use it here are achingor stitching painin liver region, marked soreness and hardness over liverregion. Breathing is quickened and oppressed along with above symptoms. It is indicated for a person who suffers from sleepless nights and is sleepy during the daytime. Vegetarian friendly formula. Moreover, phosphorus 200 homeopathic medicine benefits in support of purpura haemorrhagia, scurvy, fungous nematodes, and excrescences. In many cases gums may be weak along with looseness of teeth. It can help with many conditions but its main indication is for dizziness with headache. FDA is not aware of scientific evidence to support homeopathy as effective.-----Phosphorus 30C. That is paralytic dementia, is a severe neuropsychiatric disorder, classified as an organic mental disorder. It follows these medicines: Calcarea carb, Chin, Kali carb, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Picric-acid, Rhus tox, Silicea, and Sulphur. It is indicated for chest congestion of chest: Burning, piercing, soreness and tension in the chest with stitches in the left chest. The food industry widely uses polyphosphates as additives (classified with the abbreviation ranging from E400 to E495), to improve the appearance and texture of various foods (melted cheeses, canned meats, cooked ham, cold cuts, sausages, sauces, puddings, surimi, fish sticks, etc.) Phosphorus 200 homeopathic medicine benefits swelling and necrosis of lower jaw. Open-air relieves headache, hemicranias, and stuffed feeling in the nose. Phosphorus has a characteristic craving for ice during chill. Person needing it also complains of pain in head and chest while coughing. Phosphorus homeopathy mind has the dread of death when alone. Pains may be burning with a desire to sip cold drinks. Contact Us | About Us | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy, The constitutions in homeopathy: critical and reasoned. It is good for eye strain, eye fatigue, and headache. It is attended with restlessness, palpitationwith much sweat onthe forehead. Phosphorus is indicated for the old one who suffers from vertigo with faintness after rising. Vomiting contains bile, blood, and coffee ground-like substances. Empty hollow sensation in stomach after emotions. dear bebbie let me know more details to suggest remedy for your paralysed vocal cards. Thesespots mainly includes flashes of light,black points or sparksbefore eyes. This remedy is helpful for pregnant women who suffer from vomiting. Phosphorus 30 dosage: Repeat the dose 3 times per day for 3-4 days. Below symptoms related to the phosphorus personality and mind. He has fear of something will happen or as if something were creeping out of every corner. Complementary medicines are Arsenic Album, Allium Cepa and Carbo Veg. It is useful for cracked, dry skin at joints of fingers with swelling and coldness of hands. Furthermore disorganizes the blood, therefore causing fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every tissue and organ of the body. It helps to manage cases of bleeding from nose, gums. Along with inflammation, ulcers may be present on the gums. Relief in burning may be obtained by taking cold drinks. Phosphorus 30 homeopathy functions intended for a toothache after washing clothes. There are three allotropicformsof phosphorus, identified by their color: Phosphorus is one of the essential elements of animal and plant life, as it performs numerous biological functions of fundamental importance. It is useful for abscesses of the palate with itching. Benefits and Features: A single active ingredient for highly targeted relief. Sharp pain in both shoulders extending to upper arms. Moreover, possess paralysis of the insane. Was this review helpful to you? Thanks, Dear Dr Sharma It is potentized with trituration and succussion methods for homeopathy use. REFERENCES - Phatak SR. Materia Medica of Homoeopathic Medicines. Mostly repeat doses once per day for 3-4 days. In this condition blurred vision, eye pain, severe headache, eye painare experienced. Calendula cream is also effective for topical treatment for radiation burns. Kindly do advise! He can make new friends easily. Also bone density issues and would like to know how often to take for benefitting the eyes and supporting the liver please. Jayne. Some characteristic rheumatism is cured by only Phosphorus: Where stiffness of joints is more prominent than any pain. I want to use phosphorus 200 liquid fot muy glaucoma. Causative factors of headache: Fasting, hunger, after grief, slight physical exertion, weather changes, loud noise, mental strain, and before a thunderstorm. In such a case you can give Phosphorus 200 once a week for 1 month. Afterwards it was introduced in homeopathy byDr. Hahnemann. The doctor has told him that he will not survive without these medications, but as a homeopathic strong believer, I have faith that he can achieve a much better quality of life if he is able to learn how to take care of his condition without the use of harmful medications. Please tell me how many dose of liquid in a day and how long continue it. It is good for throat pain while coughing and hawking cool mucus in the morning. Hello, Doctor Appetite is increased during headaches. Phosphoricum Acidum (Ph-ac.) I believe he avoids certain foods when he begins to feel gastrointestinal discomfort. Phosphorus, whose chemical symbol is P, is a non-metal quite abundant in nature (0.12% of the earths crust), where, however, it is not found in the elementary state but in the form ofphosphate, especially in sedimentary rocks and minerals. Phosphorus is indicated for rheumatic pains of the shoulder, arms, and hand joints in the evening and for stiffness of the upper limb joints on washing in the morning. Comfrey is rich in Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, and magnesium, as well as vitamins B, C, and E. Looking at the law of similar, one might wonder how and why an herb that is rich in calcium would be useful in homeopathic dosage for people with fractures. In addition to above, it is a significant medicine for pneumonia cases. We rely on the support of our donors to provide free, accurate, and timely information about homeopathy to the general public. Remedy for small cuts that bleed a lot of bright red blood. In old people, diarrhea alternates with constipation. all major organs and systems (secondarily). Brain feels tired of Phosphorus patients. Do not give Phosphorus Homeopathic Remedy for Coughs too low or too frequently here. Phosphorus Homeopathy Remedy may but hasten the destructive degeneration of tubercular masses. Other mind features are Loss of memory, ecstasy. Share: Check Pincode Serviceability. The characteristic of vertigo is vertigo on exertion of vision which is aggravated by looking downward and upwards. This medicine comes in quick-dissolving pellet form Frequently bought together This item: Boiron Phosphorus 30C, 80 Pellets, Homeopathic Medicine for Dizziness $988 ($0.12/Count) The benefits function and side effects stay same for all the potencies. This does not mean they are the only remedies possible for the complaint presented and they may not be the correct remedy. My husband is suffering from Glycouma please can you tell what medicine to take. 12. In such cases, apart from improving vision itis also helpful to manage shooting, burning pain in eyesand sensitivity to light. The subject Phosphorus can be compared exactly to a match. I am wondering what potency to take the Phosphorous remedy please and how often. Homeopathy is used for the treatment of a wide number of chronic and acute diseases. This is completely backward to allopathic medicine. Lastly, it is considered highly useful for protrusion of piles even on passing flatus andforbleeding from piles. It is a wonderful remedy for toothache especially after washing clothes and putting hands in cold water and aggravated in the morning. I take Coumafin for deep vein thrombosis due to thick blood` that is too many red blood cells. The symptoms that guides its use in such cases include burning in the stomach that worsens after eating. Dosage means how many times you want to repeat the remedy. Symptoms of this disease usually include headaches, fevers, joint pains, skin rash, and conjunctivitis. Disclaimer: This homeopathic product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration for safety or efficacy. They are also unable to speak a loud word. Today phosphorus compounds, in the form of phosphates, are used in variousindustrial applications: in the production of fertilizers, detergents, toothpastes, matches, fireworks, metallurgy, rat poisons and more. Phosphorus is a remedy for a repeated attack of bronchitis and hemoptysis with great debility. Ailments follow grief, disappointment, unrequited love, drug abuse, or exhausting illnesses with fluid loss such as diarrhoea, vomiting, perspiration, or night-time emissions. In many cases heartburn attends the pain. It may be helpful for vomiting and heartburn. Phosphorus is indicated for a disease of the right heart, dilatation of the heart which is followed by endocarditis or fatty degeneration. . As soon as water becomes warm in stomach it is thrown up. The suddenness of symptoms means sudden weakness, faintness, shooting pain, sweating, and great susceptibility to external impressions, to light, noise, weather changes, touch, and odors are characteristics of Phosphorus. Potency and dose of remedy depend on age, sensitivity, and symptoms of the patient. Phosphorus sleep is characterized by great drowsiness, short naps, and frequent waking. Topical Aloe Vera: For radiation burns, apply aloe vera directly from the leaf onto the wound. It also cures spinal caries. Thank You. I am dealing with anxiety and worry, for myself and also others. His illeus condition began shortly after his first surgery. Patients From rest of the world and India call Phosphorus 30 homeopathy functions intended for a toothache after washing clothes. Anxiety appears mainly when they are alone. Phosphorus 200 homeopathic medicine benefits during belching large quantities of wind, after eating. Sharp stitches in the lungs also accompany. Keep away from children. From United States and Canada call Use Homeopathic medicine phosphorus 1m only when lower potencies fail. What treatment do you suggest? This is a well-indicated homeopathic remedy for managing liver disorders including hepatitis (inflammation of liver), enlargement of liver, fatty liver and cirrhosis (irreversible damage to the liver with death of liver cells). Other cures that were listed with it at that time includes intermittent fevers,pneumonia of left lungandperiodic headaches. As a result causing paralysis destroys bone, especially the lower jaw and tibia. Special conditions need help from Phosphorus: Dullness of hearing after typhoid, Mastoiditis, Otitis media, and ear polyps.

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homeopathic phosphorus 30c benefits