maximum temperature for discus fish

For raising young or growing juveniles: 86F-88F. Because bacteria will stick to the sides of the aquarium, it is a good idea to clean, and wipe the inside of the tank to remove, or reduce this problem even if the glass looks clean. Discus love driftwood, roots, logs, and other natural wood structures. Temperature ~78-86F pH ~ 6.3 - 7.2 | Hardness 1.5-3.5 KH Origin | Malaysia (selective strain) Maximum Size | 8.5" Recommended Tank Size | 50 Gallons + Diet | Carnivorous (Primarily Meaty Foods) Most Cichlids are well known for being aggressive and territorial. The parasite causes mucus to ooze from the gills and the skin around the gills will get darker. Worm like leeches can be seen clinging to the side of the body. Many of these afflictions present similar symptoms so it is important for the hobbyist to use their best judgment or to seek the help of more experienced hobbyists when diagnosing discus fish diseases. Wormer Plus can be used at any temperature and will not harm plants or other tropical fish. The pH balance of the water should sit between 6.0 to 7.0 The degree of hardness should be between 1 and 4 dKH while its temperature should be kept between 82 F and 86F. Many have been killed out right by the blow, and some badly bruised and concussed. Then on day four redose again to kill the newly young hatching parasites that could have come from the eggs that were not killed with the first dose of treatment. Discus water parameters is a crucial part of keeping discus fish in an aquarium. So I have listed some medications to make up a home made discus first aid kit. If you have high readings, do large water change to address the situation. In some parts of the world, it is also known as Redox Potential. It should generate a light current which can be buffered by placing driftwood around the tank. The reason for this is that there are certain Plecos that may consider the thick slime on the body of Discus fishes to be a meal, and as a result, they often attach themselves on the slow swimming Discus fishes and try to rip off the slime coat on their bodies. An aquarium heater is a must-have for discus community tanks because these fish do not tolerate cold water - a high-quality submersible or in-line heater is recommended in order to maintain proper water temperature in a discus tank. I checked all the heaters, in case any glass casings were damaged. Discus fish will need much higher temperatures in terms of water. The sooner restorative action is initiated, the more likely discus fish are to recover from their disease. In Europe, the German Veterinary Association for Animal Protection recommends a maximum of 45 x 8cm Discus per 180 litres, or 12 x 15cm per 180 litres. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. In all cases make sure you have plenty of air stones in the water to help keep ORP up as high as possible. STEP THREE: Check all electrical equipment. you should adjust a heater in a discus aquarium to maintain the temperature constant because your fish can die if the temperature is very low or more than the requirement. Discus seem to thrive with water changing conditions anyway, so a adding a SMALL amount of salt can help. The best temperature for breeding swordtail fish is around 78 F (25 C). Unfortunately it can get very sick when something is wrong. This Amazonian beauty demands attention with their bright neon colors. Over the years I have kept many tanks, and have recently begun getting more serious in wanting to become a professional aquarist. They are commonly referred to as armoured catfish so it is unlikely for them to be provoked by Discus that could be making trouble. pH should be between 6.0 and 7.0, with hardness between 1 and 4 dKH (18 to 70 ppm). The freshwater temperature to keep a tank with Discus would be in the range of 82 degrees Fahrenheit and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The Brown Discus may be one of the easiest Discus to keep, but it is still not an easy fish. It was only when I placed this finger into the water did I feel a sharp pain from the electric present in the water. Fishes that should be kept with African cichlids must be large, aggressive enough to defend themselves, and swim fast. The breeding pair will breed again when they darn well . I have said it before, but skimp on this, and your discus WILL let you know, believe me. It is important to design the aquarium to look like the natural habitat of the Discus and most breeders and aquarists make their tanks look dark like the waters of the Amazon and select tank mates that Discus could easily come across in their natural habitat. It is wide with curved slopes slightly at the head and tail. The best way to treat this problem is either use the medication already used for the gill flukes (new wormer plus), or protozin (made by waterlife). However, Discus is neither territorial nor aggressive. They prefer very soft, warm, acidic . The famous pinched in look above the eyes is a sure sign of a sick or dying discus, but the fish is still feeding This is a sure sign of intestinal worms could be within. The water should be soft and acidic with a PH of no lower than 6.0 and no higher than 7.0. What About Temperature Changes? If this is the case heat treatment is the answer. All my knowledge comes from experience and reading forums and a lot of informative sites. But much has changed in the under standing of correct worming for your discus certainly in the last year instead of the old fashioned way of doing it with dog tablets, which has been proven to be very dangerous to aquatic life and some manufactures have said some worming treatments can be toxic to aquatic life. Temperature. It is essential to maintain the temperature of water between 27.778 C and 30 C, indicating warm water which is soft as well as acidic with gentle movement. If you are one of the unlucky ones to get a dashing discus. In our first aid kit, we have a another secret, salt. Raising the temperature in the tank will increase the metabolic rate of discus fish and could also help to speed the healing process. If you buy a school then you can expect to pay anywhere from $150 to $250. Chinese Algae Eater 101: Types, Size, Behavior & More, Kuhli Loach: What To Know Before Buying This Loach, Neon Tetra Care Guide: Colors, Price and More, Top 15+ Freshwater Aquarium Sharks For All Tanks, Top 20 Algae Eaters: Snails, Shrimp & Fish That Clean Tanks, Types of Molly Fish: Rare Colors and More. When it comes to the water PH, stability is vital. Anacharis and Pennywort can also be floated along the surface. Make sure you have plenty of aeration in the water, remember high temperature = low oxygen levels. There are many different foods that you can feed Discus, including: Your fish will happily indulge in the filamentous or particulate algae that grows in your tank. 1. It is true that discus thrives better in warm weather, at temperatures between 85 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. This condition is often fatal in aquarium fishes because it is difficult to detect and to treat. Interpet number nine, anti internal bacteria. Soft water is fine also for plants. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Did you get the hint on the water changing Breeding Discus is both rewarding and profitable, but it is also extremely challenging. Buy good quality equipment. . They share the same tank water requirements as Discus fishes with a temperature that is around 76 F and 82 F.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'discusrescue_com-leader-2','ezslot_5',144,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discusrescue_com-leader-2-0'); They are to be fed with a blend of vegetable matter and meat as well as flakes and pellets that are commercial-based. Similarly for aquariums keeping fish that prefer lower temperatures (70F-72F), it is possible that you could be oversupplying the tank with CO2 and ferts. STEP FIVE: If all the other steps have been covered and addressed if need be, and you still have a problem. Then with no reason just one of the discus will dart across the aquarium, bashing into the side of the aquarium. Unless a discuss immune system is really low, you should not have any sick or unwell discus. Anything above 7.8 is not good as it will stress out the discus. Then, stick to your chosen supplier.People do and will continue to ignore this advice, some will get away with it, others lose all their fish. Daily 10am to 5pm, except Wednesday 10am to 1.30pm, Sunday by appointment, Bank Holidays Closed. First of all do large water change and adjust the temperature up to 92f . You can solve this problem by feeding the fish in your community at different times. Is any oily looking substance floating on the top It has been known for furniture polish to get into the water when some one has been doing the house work. Larger Plecos should also be avoided as they have a tendency to suck on the Discus scales. It is best to carry out a 35% water change, and dose with the wormer plus. Rummy Nose Tetra Scientific Name: Hemigrammus rhodostomus Adult Size: 2-2.5 inches Compatibility: Peaceful community fish Water Temperature: 75 to 85 degrees Minimum tank size: 20 gallons Care Level: Intermediate Diet: Omnivore Origin: South America Swimming Level: Middle and lower PLAN OF ACTION, Velvet disease is not normally a popular problematic parasite in a discus tank. Furthermore, if the tank water is a little bit acidic and is high infiltration, the Bleeding Heart tetra will thrive, and they feed on a lot of small portion fish foods like brine shrimp or daphnia, freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, micro pellet food, and high-quality flake foods.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'discusrescue_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_14',139,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discusrescue_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); There is a major controversy as regards putting Pleco or L-number catfishes in a Discus fish aquarium. Tips to Successfully Keep Discus Fish with Cichlids Tip #1: Get the fish from the same source. The puss sometimes wiggles around to give to impression of worms. You should choose thick or leafy plants that will replicate a swamp. The Discus Fish is a fine addition to any aquarium. Worm like leeches can be seen clinging to the side of the body. I hope not many of you will need this advice, but if you do, go through the steps covered and by the time you have reached step five, you should have solved the problem. To start with, Corydoras species inhabit a totally separate layer of water; they mostly are substratal to be specific, they like to stay around the bottom of the tank or aquarium, and they feed on the leftovers that your Discus might not have eaten. If you must mix Discus from different sources then at the very least you must go through what is known as the "sacrificial lamb" process. Ammonia being present or the pest being introduced by a new discus or any other new fish placed in the tank that is carrying the parasite. You should only select the healthiest looking Discus for breeding. In about 2 weeks the Discus fry will be able to graduate to larval brine shrimp. Bacteria does not like it. A few extras that got me along the way, if you have low water pressure, you will need ro water booster pump. Symphysodon haraldi, the Blue or Brown Discus, lives in a water average at 28.8C/83.8F The highest temperature I ever recorded was 32.4C/90.3F and the lowest was 23.5C/74.3F. You should keep away any aggressive Cichlids such as Oscars, Jack Dempseys, or Green Terrors. Keep Water Temperature Hot and Stable Again, a heater will serve you very well here, especially if you live in a colder area. Having decided on the aquarium you are going to home your Discus in you can now fit it out with the correctly sized filters and so on.Aquariums always look nicer with as much of the ancillary equipment out of them, be this housed in a sump underneath or a canister filter. This disease is characterized by the fraying or deterioration of the fins on discus fish. To understand why, imagine their native habitat: the waters of Brazil, which are constantly warm. If the fish you intend to throw into the tank with the Discus favour hard water, they will not be suitable tank mates. Even low voltage in the water can make some discus go crazy. When choosing other fish to go in the aquarium try and fit them in this temperature bound. - pH value 7. Its as simple as that and is also Mother Nature working at her best. Many fish hobbyist wash out the filter media as recommended maintenance by the manufactures of the filter system. The subjects are covered in greater depth by clicking the relevant tab in the menu.Mark says "Keeping Discus is simple, avoid known issues"Discus belong to the Cichlid genus and originate from the Amazon region of South America. Whilst doing this you can wipe the glass to rid it of any algae (coarse sponge is fine or I use the double sided washing up pads) also siphon away any debris and generally check for any potential problems. This is normally ectoparasitic infestation (protozoan or skin fluke) reddened areas on skin and sometimes rapid breathing. This treatment is absorbed through the gills and can also be administered during feeding. Often a result of poor water conditions, these parasites are common in overcrowded tanks. Given below are the ideal water parameters required for discus. The method of treatment I use is wormer plus. In ALL cases I always recommend doing as large a water change as you can get away with. Signs of infection are dics shaped brown parasites that can be seen to the naked eye (8-12mm long / 0.3-0.5in). Although they are very docile they do have a pecking order and will fight to maintain it. At the end of the day these animals are at our Mercy and we have to be responsible and owe it to them if we take them in to take the best care of them, and the best way we can. Throughout the course of their lives, discus fish are likely to fall ill at one time or another. The ideal environment for Cardinal tetras is a tank size of over 20 gallons that is designed to mimic a South American biotope blackwater and a little decoration with vegetation that is hanging, plants that float, leaf litter and driftwood that favours both the Discus and Cardinal tetras. The Discus is an omnivore but in the wild they mostly eat greens. For a larger group of Discus you will need a 100 gallon aquarium. This internal parasite wormer will also kill flukes. The desease can also travel trough the air from tank to tank, even if any hands, nets etc have been moved from tank to tank. Angelfish originated from an area of tropical South America and some areas of the Amazon river. . However, the marbled hatchet fish, in particular, has its own uniqueness.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'discusrescue_com-box-4','ezslot_11',130,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discusrescue_com-box-4-0'); As is the case with the Cory catfish, the hatchet fish are very good tank mates for Discus because they prefer to reside in a separate layer of the tank-water and since they hardly ever leave the surface layer they occupy, there is hardly any reason for them to come in contact with Discus so there wont be any fighting or nipping besides they are a peaceful kind of fish. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Author of Discus World, the complete up to date manual for the discus keeper. The reason for this is that they go after the dwarf species of Plecos, not the bigger ones such as the Common Pleco or Sailfin Pleco. or more. 5. Keep the bottom of the tank bare to make cleaning the tank easier. Common internal afflictions include bacterial or protozoan infections like dropsy or hexamitiasis as well as serious conditions like tuberculosis. You can purchase breeding cones for the fish to lay their eggs on, or use logs or roots. Im blogging mostly about freshwater and saltwater aquariums, fish, invertebrates, and plants. Some canisters are available with an internal heater, which is great, like wise you can also buy inline heaters.The choice is endless and whatever your circumstances you will find the right combination of equipment.One warning. They are called Glowlight tetras because this bright neon red Colour gleams (glows) when the lights in the aquarium are dimmed.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'discusrescue_com-portrait-1','ezslot_26',136,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discusrescue_com-portrait-1-0'); They are very easy to keep, and they will do well in tank water that has a very good water condition, and the temperature does not go beyond 77 F. The Glowlight tetras are small, and so there is more than enough room for their tank mates to do as they please; they are also not dithered when they eat, they do not shy away from eating any kind of fish food that is fed them. The most frequently recommended treatment for this condition is a drug called Metronidazole. The Discus is the exception and is actually shy and gentle. This round body shape is unique to the Symphysodon genus and is not found in any other Cichlid species. Costia parasites can only survive on fish, not in tank water, and they cannot tolerate temperatures greater than 86 Fahrenheit. I think it very irresponsible for people these days to still adopt this practice of worming when there are proper safe aquatic alternatives available. - dKh (carbonate hardness) 8 degrees. It will help to stop any infection setting in to any damaged discus that may have cut or damaged themselves. Discus prefers higher temperature than other fishes. This is normally ectoparasitic infestation (protozoan or skin fluke) reddened areas on skin and sometimes rapid breathing.PLAN OF ACTION, Discus leans over and leans agaist rocks, wood or side of tank etc, and in some cases breathing heavy.PLAN OF ACTION, Swoolen abdomen, protruding eyes (pop eye) usually due to bacterial infection.PLAN OF ACTION, Fins or tails normally disappear exposing the bony rays. They are however aggressive which makes removes them as options for Discus fish tank mates. The male Discus will clear out plants to prepare a nest. This product can be also used as a monthly pick me up and is a very useful booster for successful, trouble free discus keeping. Temperament. The Glowlight Tetra is another freshwater tetra species that originated in the streams of South America. But one thing is certain. Some fish species can even live for more than 2 weeks without eating. One of the most common treatments for aquarium fish diseases, including discus fish diseases, is the salt bath. The fish has a blushing red Colour close to its gills that give it an appearance of a bleeding heart. The eye frequently mirrors the color of the fish and is outlined in black. It is recommended to worm your discus every month to help keep background parasites and pest down to controllable levels. 3) Earthing probes are a good investment if using sump filters to ground any leaking voltage from faulty water pumps or even heater stats. 6) Large nets or floating net tanks are ideal for this kind of holding facility to stop any dashing discus from hurting themselves, until the problem is corrected. Temperature for discus fish. Even small amounts can make your fish very ill. Discus are particularly susceptible to Dactylogyrus, or gill flukes. This is why it is so essential to make sure you are buying your new fish from a reputable dealer that quarantines stock properly. Treat with a course of water life Octozin. So first thing first, grab your test kits and test the water before pouring lots of chemicals in the tank. It adds a spot of brilliant color to a large setup and is one of the few Cichlids that can easily fit into a community. So is it any wonder that they can become stressed, get sick and parasites build up in a closed system Water changes are not as constant as the flow of the mighty Amazon, to reduce and move on these pests, and then these can build up in a glass box taking over any weak, or low ranking discus at the bottom of the pecking order. To support the high-temperature demands of these fish, you might need to buy a heater. I found this out a few years ago when I had a cut on my finger. TriPac (Diesel) TriPac (Battery) Power Management Required fields are marked *. Home; Recent Orders; . Discus fish don't require daily water changes unless they are juveniles, and you want to grow them to their maximum potential. A great hardy plant that can be used to create accents in your planted Discus aquarium is called Bucephalandra. Discus fishes are shy and have a peaceful disposition, and these are the exact qualities to look for when selecting tank mates for them. Click here for more detail. The best way to treat this problem is either use the medication already used for the gill flukes (new wormer plus), or protozin (made by waterlife).PLAN OF ACTION, (White looking string hanging out of the vent, sometimes jelly like)This is very popular disease, and very often gets confused with it being worms. , is the answer to throw into the tank will increase the metabolic rate of discus,... And fit them in this temperature bound, bashing into the side of the tank afflictions include bacterial or infections! Or maximum temperature for discus fish flukes streams of South America and some badly bruised and concussed this problem by feeding the fish lay! Heaters, in case any glass casings were damaged swim fast on this, and dose with wormer., remember high temperature = low oxygen levels had a cut on my finger found in any other Cichlid.... Years I have kept many tanks, and other natural wood structures any... 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maximum temperature for discus fish