plumb line of righteousness

I will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness the plumb line. I have to tell you that I really enjoyed saying the words "plumb line" all week. Think of the work of a prophet much like the work of a master mason, who upon finding a wall that has gone off kilter, takes the time to shift the stones, reinforce the weak areas, scrape out the bad mortar and strengthen the edifice so that it might continue to stand, straight, proud and true for ages of time and to the glory of God. Lent March 15, 2016. Plumbline Ministries serves the church through providing training and resources to help believers better align their lives to God's Word, grow in Christlikeness, and live in a way that pleases God. web pages The human eye is readily deceived, but the plumb-line is not; it drops straight down, and at once shows whether the wall is upright or not. So, you have a clear indication of where the loyalties of the high priest lie. The plumb line is a simple, effective, inexpensive, and ancient tool. Before we look at how God has applied the test of the plum-line, we need to recall what God's true standards are. 8 And the Lord said to me, Amos, what do you see? An Askew Kingdom Let me first sketch what is happening in the broader biblical narrative at the time. Join us at 8am and 10am for a reading of names to honor the memory of those who passed away this year. I used it for a project once and forgot to return ithows that for grateful? In other words, it is a tool used to ensure that something is straight. A plumb line (or a plummet as it is sometimes called) is a weight hanging by a cord. the law, the covenant, or righteousness. And the Lord said to me, "Amos, what do you see?" And I said, "A plumb line." Isaiah 28:16-17 In verse 17, the plumb line is defined as justice and righteousness. And I said, A plumb line. 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Rite IIn person in the Nave10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist and Holy Baptism in person in the Nave and livestreamed via YouTube. Self-righteousness does not require a guideline of any kind except what feels good to us. A plumb line is a standard or measure used to help builders build in a straight line. Now, notice, if you will, what Amaziah has done. In fact, he goes on to tell Amaziah that the Lord God has cursed the high priest, thereby giving a word of his own for every priest who has prostituted religion for empire: Your wife will become a prostitute, your kids will be violently murdered, enemies will carve up the country, you will die far from home, and pagan Assyria will devour the political and economic empire you have tried to sanction in Gods name. There, take that you sorry excuse for a priest of the Lord. Their gatherings in the temples, and their offerings, without righteousness, made God sick. Amos says things that no one wished to hear 2,800 years ago; and things no one much wishes to hear today. (John Holbart) To be frank about it, Amos is a chief ruffler of feathers. It seems such a tame ending, doesnt it. The wall at Samaria symbolized Israel as a nation. In Chapter Seven, where our lesson begins, Amos says: This is what the Lord God showed me: the Lord was standing beside a wall built with a plumb line, with a plumb line in his hand. . The plumb line is totally dependent on the power of gravity to keep it accurate. Bethelthe house of God no longer belongs to Godit is the sanctuary of the King. The plumb line is a remarkably simple toolone merely attaches a heavy weight to the end of a cord, attaching the other end at an appropriate height. And I said, A plumb line. It does not come naturally. From the perspective of faith, that plumb line is akin to righteousness. Human behavior in the Bible is often referred to as either crooked or upright. He came to show us the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). As Isaiah goes on to write, all this comes from the Lord Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, and whose wisdom is magnificent. Uploaded by 17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. Amen. There are no reviews yet. And the Lord said to me, Amos, what do you see? And I said, A plumb line. Then the Lord said, See, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of my people Israel; I will never again pass them by; the high places of Isaac shall be made desolate, and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste, and I will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword.. People of faith, should be very concerned with the broad implications of Bill C-6. As Isaiah goes on to write, all this comes from the Lord Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, and whose wisdom is magnificent. In Jesus name. One of the places that many of us visited as we walked the Camino de Santiago this past June was the Castille de Pambre; a castle built in 1375 of the Common Era. For myself, I am captivated by that image of a plumb linethe measuring rod of the Lord. Behold, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of My people Israel; I will not pass by them anymore. In other words, it is a tool used to ensure that something is straight. Amaziah is the high priest of the sacred place of Bethel (Bethel, by the way, is a word, which means house of God). on July 10, 2021, 7 Thus He showed me, and behold, the Lord stood upon a wall with a plumb line, with a plumb line in His hand. The straight line of righteousness by which we rise or fall. We have seen that already in our word "upright," a synonym of "vertical." What is upright is righteous, and God will judge according to that standard. When the cord is held and the weight is not restricted or affected by wind, the line will always be vertical. Sunday, November 6th, 2022All Saints' Sunday. Amaziah is the high priest of the sacred place of Bethel (Bethel, by the way, is a word, which means house of God). The hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters will overflow the hiding place. Prayer: Heavenly Father, my ears and heart are hearing Your warnings and the urgency to recognize Your biblical plumb line of righteousness. They had to straighten up. Isaiah 34:11 Isa 34:11. Scripture Reading: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29. Until spirit levels became popular, anyone involved in con the righteous shall enter through it. The plumb line is employed not only in construction but in destruction. This is a test of our objectivity, requiring disinterestedness and self-reflexiveness, as Dr. Maas has spoken on. In other words, it is a tool used to ensure that something is straight. If this isnt clear, heres another translation, this one taken from the movie adaptation of Chaucers A Knights Tale: You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. That, in essence, is Gods message to King Jeraboam and the people of Israel. Things seemed to be going well for the people of Israel. And the Lord said to me, Amos, what do you see? And I said, A plumb line. Then the Lord said, See, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of my people Israel; I will never again pass them by; the high places of Isaac shall be made desolate, and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste, and I will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword.. Translations in context of "PLUMB LINE" in english-spanish. Amaziah has heard the preaching of Amos and has warned his king, in a letter, of the dangers that this renegade prophet with the grating message represents to the crownessentially accusing Amos of a conspiracy to overthrow the King. Proper 10.B.18 on the Internet. Proverbs 21:8 says, "The way of the guilty is crooked, but the conduct of the pure is upright." A plumb line would expose anything that is crooked. Lent is an appropriate time to seek Gods ways in the life of Jesus and test them against our own ways. I trust in the promise that someday, a plumb line in the hand of the Lord will straighten the injustices of the world. I stretched out the piece of purple felt, smoothed it down, and set a wooden piece at the end that had a back and two sides but not a front and definitely no gate. God called Amos to be one of His spokesmen while Amos was a rancher in a little town south of Jerusalem during the mid-seven hundred's, BC, when the Kingdom was divided between . Much of the interior of the castle is in now in ruins, but the outer walls stand straight, proud and true as they did 643 years ago. In other words, when Jesus returns all things shall be made right. Amos isnt cowed by Amaziah. RighteousnessTzedakah is perhaps best translated social justice and refers to a different dimension of fairness within society. Some of Amos' strongest attacks arrive in chapter 5. Isaiah 28:17 tells us that God will make justice the line and righteousness the plumb line. It's simply a string with a plumb or weight at the end. Its measurements conform to justice and a plumb line sets the walls of righteousness. However, if we put aside our pride and listen, and if our hearts are indeed convicted of the truth of what that prophet is saying, we might also discover our souls have been saved. Gravity ensures that the weight hangs perfectly straight, thus allowing a builder to ensure that a structure is . The plumb line was God's standard by which the people of Israel would be measured. God will stretch out over Edom the measuring line of chaos and the plumb line of desolation. The Plumb Line of Righteousness and Justicefrom heaven god says no i'm laying theplum linevertically your concern should be what ithink about things i am lay. Whoever believes need never be shaken. Then said the Lord, Behold, I am setting a plumb line as a standard in the midst of My people Israel. Equal, compassionate treatment no matter the social differences Justice = concrete actions to create righteousness. I read through the Bible every year, and always unearth something unexpected. It's not that References in the Bible are usually that of the Lord's plumb line. This is one prophet who refuses to be bullied. In my free time I enjoy the outdoors, working in the garden, playing golf, and reading good books. Amos is blunt. 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Rite IIn person in the Nave10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist and Holy Baptism in person in the Nave and livestreamed via YouTube. A casual reading of this Bill should cause you to reflect that the Bill's . Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). This is the only place in Scripture that you will find the word anak (plumb line) . 24:1. Using construction techniques, Isaiah lays out a building with a secure foundation. The rule of Jeroboam II was, by and large, a time of prosperity and peace. by this word. Tweet. Plumb Line of Righteousness. He is our plumb line and though it may be a little worn that phrase, What would Jesus do? has substance. Since your refuge is made of lies, a hailstorm will knock it down. Psalm 118:19-20. Going back to the '90s, think about how shocking the President's escapades were then, and how mainstream the same character defects are now. But [the] large bird and [the] hedgehog shall . Amos is blunt. Amos could not argue with God over this point. The word line simply means a measuring cord, a line used to measure something; we would say a measuring tape. A plumb line also called a plummet, is a string with a non-magnetic weight connected to one end. Because Amaziah perceives Amos to be a threat he confronts him by saying, O seer (what hes doing here is calling Amos a fortune teller, or a cheap-trick magicianto call a prophet a seer is not a compliment) go back to Judah, earn your bread there. God's people were lined up against God's plumb line of righteousness and justice and found lacking. Next, we witness the epic confrontation between Amaziah, the priest of Bethel and the prophet Amos. In this passage, the plumb line is used to measure a wall in the prophet's vision. The Bible tells us that Amos was called to the task of prophesy sometime in the middle of the eighth century before the Common Era. Ill have you know, its false. This book contains reflections on the Lordship of Christ, the Great Commission, and a life of adventure and eternal significance. THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IS A POWERFUL ENCOURAGEMENT TO REPENTANCE . The line must be strong and the weight must be heavy enough to keep the line straight even in fierce winds. In Chapter Seven, where our lesson begins, Amos says: This is what the Lord God showed me: the Lord was standing beside a wall built with a plumb line, with a plumb line in his hand. Isaiah used the plumb line to describe a coming age of justice, ushered in by the Lord. That which makes the plumb line work is the Law of God. Since we are talking about a wall and lead, translators and tradition concludes it is a reference to plumb line as builders usually use a piece of lead attached to the end of a string to determine if the wall is straight. The church, here, has been compromised by the state, and has become merely a rubber stamp for what the state or King desires. The term plumb line is used in Scripture in several contexts. It is an old Semitic word meaning lead. THE PLUMB LINE OF GOD' S RIGHTEOUSNESS Topics PLUMB LINE, STANDARD, WALL MEASUREMENT, DOOR OF MERCY Am 7:7-8 7 Thus He showed me, and behold, the Lord stood upon a wall with a plumb line, with a plumb line in His hand. In fact, he goes on to tell Amaziah that the Lord God has cursed the high priest, thereby giving a word of his own for every priest who has prostituted religion for empire: Your wife will become a prostitute, your kids will be violently murdered, enemies will carve up the country, you will die far from home, and pagan Assyria will devour the political and economic empire you have tried to sanction in Gods name. There, take that you sorry excuse for a priest of the Lord. In Jesus name. God's plumb line is always right. The lines of justice and righteous will form a solid structure. This is in reference to how righteously people stand, or how upright their stand of God.Many of the prophets in the Old Testament warned the people about their crooked ways. Amos isnt cowed by Amaziah. It could not be made more clear. Amos reminds us that when we make exceptions for following the rule of our faithbe they for a king, cleric or country, no matter how loved or esteemed, we too are in danger of moving the straight line of righteousness out of kiltershifting the stones, so to speak, so that we too are in danger of collapse. And I said, "A plumb line.". Amos says things that no one wished to hear 2,800 years ago; and things no one much wishes to hear today." (John Holbart) To be frank about it, Amos is a chief ruffler of feathers. (1) , H643, a plumb line, from words in cognate languages meaning "lead" or "tin.". Join me in reading the Bible Cover to Cover in 2022. Confirmation was granted. As I started the story of Jesus entry into Jerusalem during Holy Week, I said, This is the temple and place my hand on the wooden piece and started to roll out the beige felt that represented the path Jesus would take. The Plumb-Line of Truth. At any rate, it wasnt a bad time as far as times go. We must pray like never before that God's will is done on earth as it is in heaven to see God's will done. Amos 7:8. And right about then God finds a sheep herder and fig tree tender named Amos and tells him that he has words for him to say, and not just any words, but hard wordsthe kind of words most folks dont want to hearparticularly people who are comfortable, and living in a time of relative prosperity and peace. Amos 7:6-8. . ( Isaiah 34:11) The plumb line then is the image the parable of God's holy and righteous standard for Israel. We're called to live and serve in such a way that moves our communities, country and spheres of influence closer in alignment to God's plumb line of justice and righteousness. Three Heb. Youll be glad you spent this year with the men and women of scripture. Spiritually it's the same for us. Jesus probably used a plumb line as a carpenter tool. In other words, when Jesus returns all things shall be made right. How many people walk away from our congregations and fellowships because they don't feel welcome? Bethelthe house of God no longer belongs to Godit is the sanctuary of the King. LEB, WEB, ISV, NET, KJ2000, NHEB. Amos replies: I am no prophet, nor a prophets son; but I am a herdsman, and a dresser of sycamore trees. What he means here is that he doesnt come from a priestly house. The rule of Jeroboam II was, by and large, a time of prosperity and peace. Never again prophesy at Bethel because it is the kings sanctuary, it is a temple of the kingdom. God's Law is always true. November 9, 2020 by National House of Prayer. This sheepherder and fig tree tender is no coward. The lesson taught Amos that Israel must be measured by the plumb . The Plumb Line of Righteousness. "The Plumb Line of Righteousness" Proper 10.B.18 Amos 7:7-15 The Rev. Isaiah 28:16 therefore thus says the Lord God, "Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: Ill have you know, its false. God, Righteousness Of Plumb Line. You can tell if the wall youre building is straight or leaning. I will not pass by and spare them any more [the door of mercy is shut]. Isaiah prophesied regarding this sure foundation and righteous plumb line. Summary: A sermon emphasising the righteousness of God. Isaiah 28 in week thirty-five of reading the Bible cover to cover. If you spend 30 minutes a day on social media, you can read through the Bible in a year. A plumb line is a string with a weight at the end of it. Sl7m But what does this story have to say to us, some 2800 years after the showdown in the sanctuary of Bethel between Amaziah and Amos? In the Hebrew understanding of the world, "The earth (land) belongs to Yahweh, and all that it produces; the world and all of its inhabitants." Ps. Prayer: Lord, pour forth your spirit upon us during this time of Lent to prepare us for walking in your way, your truth, and your life. I will rise with the sword against the house of Jeroboam." (Amos 7:7-9) God's Plumb Line A plumb line doesn't change or move with the whims of the carpenter. It occurs in Amos 7:7, 8. [2 Ki 21:13; Isa 34:11.] Amos 7:7-15 (Now, for those who are unfamiliar with the term plumb line a plumb line is string with a weight attached to one endit is used for determining the vertical on an upright surface. The coming Messiah is that cornerstone. God's beauty, power, and grace in action flowing through us. We need to honor God's plumb line (standard) and respect His authority in the earth. And, I suppose that by concluding at verse 15, if we are given this impression, we cant be blamed. One of the places that many of us visited as we walked the Camino de Santiago this past June was the Castille de Pambre; a castle built in 1375 of the Common Era. Amos is blunt. "This also shall not be," said the Lord God. (See Deuteronomy 19:15, Matthew 18:16, I Corinthians 14:29, 2 Corinthians 13:1) Two mornings later, I was given some stunningly clear dreams. Things seemed to be going well for the people of Israel. The rich were getting richerthe poorwell, they were poorbut thats to be expected.right? And his task was to speak of the matter of justice. At any rate, it wasnt a bad time as far as times go. Christian teachings, audio teachings, video teaching, prayer, military outreach, Bible studies, evangelism, prophetic words, prophetic, itinerate ministry, s. This is one prophet who refuses to be bullied. Since it is made of deception, a flood will sweep it away." Isaiah 28:16-17 Here is a wall that needs to be tested, the wall of self-righteousness. I love digging into their stories and navigating the world guided by their wisdom. World English Bible I will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness the plumb line. However, if we put aside our pride and listen, and if our hearts are indeed convicted of the truth of what that prophet is saying, we might also discover our souls have been saved. God's Law is always righteous. I will test you with the measuring line of justice and the plumb line of righteousness. Amen. According to Preston, it was one of the instruments of . The lines of justice and righteous will form a solid structure. Home / Plumb Line of Righteousness. And if that is the case, well then the discomfort has been well worth the pain. Probably more than we are comfortable admitting. Accuracy. Meaning of plumb line in English plumb line noun [ C ] us / plm lan / uk / plm lan / a piece of string with a weight attached to one end, used either to test if something vertical, such as a wall, is exactly straight, or to find the depth of water flubydust/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Amos 7:7-15 The morning encounter began with a phrase, "When the plumb line is dropped.". (Now, for those who are unfamiliar with the term "plumb line" a plumb line is string with a weight attached to one endit is used for determining the vertical on an upright surface. A plumb line, also called a plummet, is a cord with a non-magnetic weight attached to one end. Do we love like Jesus? " The Lord stood upon a wall made with a plumb line". If whoever built that castle had been a few degrees off kilter, over the years the force of gravity would have taken a toll and the weight of the stone would bear too great a burden causing the wall to shift and buckle. We do have to open ourselves to the righteousness of God. But the Almighty's plumb line is justice and righteousness. The Rev. It was the Law that defined Israel as a nation, and its perfect code of righteousness ensured that Israel was built in accord with the perfectly upright standard of the very righteousness of God. The plumb line consists of a heavy metal weight (the plumb bob) attached to a string. Melanie McCarley. So, you have a clear indication of where the loyalties of the high priest lie. Psalms 89:14. The Rev. Verse Concepts. This man thinks he is all right. . Amos says things that no one wished to hear 2,800 years ago; and things no one much wishes to hear today. (John Holbart) To be frank about it, Amos is a chief ruffler of feathers. But I recognize that one of our roles as image bearers of God involves working the plumb line as well, opposing injustice and undergirding righteousness wherever we find it. Like Amaziah, we might find our feathers ruffled when confronted by prophetic words, particularly when uttered by a prophet such as Amos. For myself, I am captivated by that image of a plumb linethe measuring rod of the Lord. I have in my garage a plumb line (pictured above), inherited from either my dad or granddad, I cant remember. It was a remarkable fortress, built hundreds of years ago out of stone, chiseled with such fine craftsmanship that it was laid without mortar. Read this book and you won't be able to sit still! Whoever it was who oversaw the building of that edifice, their skill in constructing a straight wall is a testimony to the strength of following the rule of the plumb line. Psalm 23:3 He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. The Nature of the Plumb Line. Like Amaziah, we might find our feathers ruffled when confronted by prophetic words, particularly when uttered by a prophet such as Amos. The plumb line, Amos describes in chapter seven, indicates that God's way acts as a tool against which we can compare our ways to determine, if we are aligned with God's way. made-up measurements of righteousness, our world will break open and we'll see that trying to "live right" is not nearly as life-giving as seeking out Christ in other people, because it is only in . This sheepherder and fig tree tender is no coward. I was directed to Amos 7: 7-8 where it states, "Thus He showed me, and behold, the Lord was . Reunion Roadmap 11/27/2021 - Exploring Stilled Spirits with Hayley Chase. The rich were getting richerthe poorwell, they were poorbut thats to be expected.right? Next, we witness the epic confrontation between Amaziah, the priest of Bethel and the prophet Amos. And I will make justice [the] measuring line, and righteousness [the] plumb line; and hail will sweep away [the] refuge of lies, and waters will flood over [the] hiding place. It was a remarkable fortress, built hundreds of years ago out of stone, chiseled with such fine craftsmanship that it was laid without mortar. In Amos 7:7 - 9 God says He is setting a "plumb line" in Israel. Due to the force of gravity, this line will be pulled tight, establishing a vertical or plumb point of reference for construction. "It shall not be," said the Lord. A plumb line is used to ensure that what is being built is straight, centered and balanced enabling the structure to fulfill it's purpose. It served as a measuring line representing Israel's failure, and how far they had fallen from God's guiding principles. This third vision, of a plumb line showing a wall built askew, is an apt image for understanding justice in God's kingdom. Oh, that Jacob may stand, For he is small!" 6So the Lord relented concerning this. A plumb line applies the law of gravity to find right angles, to indicate the most direct route from top to bottom, and to keep things plumb. decode and righteousness the plumb line in Hebrew Gematria equals 1389: d 4 e 5 c 3 o 50 d 4 e 5 0 a 1 n 40 d 4 0 r 80 i 9 g 7 h 8 t 100 e 5 o 50 u 200 s 90 n 40 e 5 s 90 s 90 0 t 100 h 8 e 5 0 p 60 l 20 u 200 m 30 b 2 0 l 20 i 9 n 40 e 5 Never again prophesy at Bethel because it is the kings sanctuary, it is a temple of the kingdom. God's Plumb Line Scripture: Amos 3:3; 7:7-8; Numbers 23:19; Isaiah 28:16 Last week I shared with you my message titled "Being Independent Together." A plumb line is a tool brick layers use. And his task was to speak of the matter of justice. 1. a line (as of cord) that has at one end a weight (such as a plumb bob) and is used especially to determine verticality. Stand, for he is small! & quot ; 6So the said... 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As either crooked or upright symbolized Israel as a nation totally dependent on the power of gravity, this will! Plumb line. & quot ; plumb line & quot ; a plumb linethe rod! Spirit levels became popular, anyone involved in con the righteous shall enter through it Edom the measuring line also. Me, Amos, what do you see will be pulled tight establishing. A secure foundation by that image of a heavy metal weight ( the plumb line, also a. Spirits with Hayley Chase, inherited from either my dad or granddad, I am captivated that... Amaziah has done form a solid structure straighten the injustices of the.. His task was to speak of the Lord measured by the Lord Almighty... Our congregations and fellowships because they don & # x27 ; s vision minutes. Age of justice and refers to a different dimension of fairness within society seek Gods ways the! Wall made with a plumb line ), inherited from either my dad granddad! From a priestly house Kingdom Let plumb line of righteousness first sketch what is happening in the promise someday! Men and women of Scripture straighten the injustices of the matter of justice and. That phrase, what do you see fig tree tender is no coward a chief ruffler of feathers were!

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plumb line of righteousness