steel shield pathfinder 2e

Some weapons require one hand to wield, and others require two. A creature bound to a stationary object is immobilized. A suit of this armor comes with an undercoat of padded armor (see below) and a pair of gauntlets. Your character starts out with 15 gold pieces (150 silver pieces) to spend on any common items from this section. Its lower blade is often somewhat dulled to allow it to be gripped for extra leverage in close-quarter fights. A shield can increase your characters defense beyond the protection their armor provides. Shield Bash: A shield bash is not actually a weapon, but a maneuver in which you thrust or swing your shield to hit your foe with an impromptu attack. You can typically purchase holy and unholy water in a settlement. Backstabber: When you hit a flat-footed creature, this weapon deals 1 precision damage in addition to its normal damage. You must pay any cost listed in the spell in addition to the Price on the table. On a critical hit with a lit fire poi, the target takes 1 persistent fire damage. If an item takes 2 or more actions to reload, the GM determines whether they must be performed together as an activity, or you can spend some of those actions during one turn and the rest during your next turn. These items follow special rules or require more detail. * Plus any cost required to cast the specific spell. A few items, such as a longbow, list 1+ for its Hands entry. Broken armor still grants its item bonus to AC, but it also imparts a status penalty to AC depending on its category: 1 for broken light armor, 2 for broken medium armor, or 3 for broken heavy armor. Losing or having to surrender a clan dagger is considered a mark of embarrassment to most dwarves. Further, feats such as Reactive Shield can allow you to not even have to use an action if you do decide that you often have better things to do with it. Tower Shield: These massive shields can be used to provide cover to nearly the entire body. Candle: A lit candle sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius. On Reflex saves to avoid a damaging effect, such as a fireball, you add a +3 modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier. The curve of the blade is such that after a victim has been struck by a mambele, more damage is dealt as the weapon is extracted from the victims body. Spells that take a long time to cast (over 1 minute) usually cost 25% more. Like wooden shields, steel shields come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Flexible: The armor is flexible enough that it doesnt hinder most actions. However, if you aren't using your reaction (most classes) and at least one member of the party has the repair skill, using Shield Block can be a reasonable option. The long pole helps keep the wielder out of reach of swords and shorter weapons. Shield, Heavy; Wooden or Steel. To use one of the creature adjustments in this section, just click the adjustment and the changes will be present in the card. Nonlethal: Attacks with this weapon are nonlethal, and are used to knock creatures unconscious instead of kill them. A talisman is a special, single-use item you affix to your armor, a weapon, or elsewhere, allowing you to activate the talisman later for a special benefit. If you hit, it splatters on the creature or in a single 5-foot square you target. When the result of your attack roll with a weapon or unarmed attack equals or exceeds your targets AC, you hit your target! Tower Shield: These massive shields can be used to provide cover to nearly the entire body. On a critical success, you still need a free hand if you want to take the item. Ranged weapons dont normally add an ability modifier to the damage roll, though weapons with the propulsive trait add half your Strength modifier (or your full modifier if it is a negative number), and thrown weapons add your full Strength modifier. Add to cart. When dealing with a drought or a bushfire, is a million tons of water overkill? Shield Spikes: These metal spikes are strategically placed on the defensive side of the shield to deal piercing damage with a shield bash. I'm developing new features each week. In my opinion, the mitigation doesn't scale as well as it should, so I'd be more likely to argue that using Shield Block is not worth the investment, but if you are already raising your shield anyway, and you have the feat for free from a class (Champion, Druid, Fighter) or because you felt your general feat options were lackluster for a particular level, then you might as well. An item that takes damage can become broken and eventually destroyed. Considering that the Multiple Attack Penalty (MAP) for a third action attack is typically sufficient to prevent a hit on anything but a natural 20, it is often considered a poor use of the action to attack, and so often you aren't giving up much to raise your shield. These are the source books used: You're about to report some type of error found in . This is forced movement. The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. Its hard to find someone who can cast higher-level spells, and uncommon spells typically cost at least 100% more, if you can find someone who knows them at all. Due to their size, they are typically made of wood reinforced with metal. The fiendish power of your relic offers you more protection against celestials and allows you to ignore harm. Table 64: Armor provides the statistics for suits of armor that can be purchased and worn, organized by category. | Fudge SRD When wielding an item, youre not just carrying it aroundyoure ready to use it. Composite: The numerous overlapping pieces of this armor protect you from piercing attacks. Ranged and thrown weapons have a range increment. Typically, switching between configurations of a modular weapon allows it to deal different types of damage (listed in the trait, such as modular B, P, or S), though its possible for a modular weapons description to list more complicated configurations. You cant increase your weapon damage die size more than once. Weapons fall into broad categories depending on how much damage they deal and what traits they have. The armors categoryunarmored, light armor, medium armor, or heavy armorindicates which proficiency bonus you use while wearing the armor. The rest of the damage reduces the items Hit Points. A bundle of holly and mistletoe must be held in one hand to use it. This requires upgrading each rune separately. Formulas can also appear on parchment sheets, tablets, and almost any other medium; theres no need for you to copy them into a specific book as long as you can keep them on hand to reference them. Wooden Shield: Though they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, the protection offered by wooden shields comes from the stoutness of their materials. Its shaft is usually 8 feet long. These massive clubs are too heavy to wield with only one hand. Of course, many classes (casters mostly) will have little use for two handed weapons (or dual wielding) and so this may not be a consideration at all for them. Typically, you can drag one thing at a time, you must use both hands to do so, and you drag slowlyroughly 50 feet per minute unless you have some means to speed it up. Most shields must be held in one hand, so you cant hold anything with that hand and Raise a Shield. Table 66: Unarmed Attacks lists the statistics for an unarmed attack with a fist, though youll usually use the same statistics for attacks made with any other parts of your body. These provide the basic features from that ancestry, like darkvision, altered Speed, and unique abilities like a halflings keen eyes. Manacles: You can manacle someone who is willing or otherwise at your mercy as an exploration activity taking 1030 seconds depending on the creatures size and how many manacles you apply. Roll this after doubling the weapons damage. Ten Light items count as 1 Bulk, and you round down fractions (so 9 Light items count as 0 Bulk, and 11 Light items count as 1 Bulk). Stack Overflow for Teams is moving to its own domain! In other words, 100 coins dont count as a light item, and 1,999 coins are 1 Bulk, not 2. Plate: The sturdy plate provides no purchase for a cutting edge. Deadly: On a critical hit, the weapon adds a weapon damage die of the listed size. Spiked Gauntlet: Providing the same defensive function as a standard gauntlet, this version has a group of spikes protruding from the knuckles to deliver piercing damage with a punch. The Weapon tables list the statistics for various melee and ranged weapons that you can purchase, as well as the statistics for Striking with a fist (or another basic unarmed attack). Mambele: Also known as a hunga munga or danisco, this hybrid knife-axe consists of a hilt and a blade that curves backward toward the wielder. You can also buy and attach a shield boss or shield spikes to a shield to make it a more practical weapon. Because that and other relevant statistics vary by weapon, ammunition entries list only the name, quantity, Price, and Bulk. If you are already using a d12, the size is already at its maximum. Kama: Similar to a sickle and used in some regions to reap grain, a kama has a short, slightly curved blade and a wooden handle. The exact effect depends on which weapon group your weapon belongs to, as listed below. Runes and Magic items stack with shield use and are typically going to be readily available with little investment (as found loot), and so are a highly recommended option, though they don't really compete with shields, but rather compliment them. The tables here dont include progressions that arent as likely to come up, like turning a +1 weapon directly into a +1 greater striking weapon. If you succeed, you Craft the formula at its full Price, and you can keep working to reduce the Price as normal. Freeing a creature from poor manacles requires two successful DC 17 Thievery checks, simple manacles requires three successes at DC 22, average manacles require four successes at DC 27, good manacles require five successes at DC 32, and superior manacles require six successes at DC 42. Aklys: The aklys is a throwing club with a hook on one end and a lengthy cord attached to the other. Steel shield (equipment) Steady Balance Stegosaurus. Professional fishing tackle grants a +1 item bonus to checks to fish. Items can have a number to indicate their Bulk value, or they can be light (indicated by an L) or negligible (indicated by a ) for the purpose of determining Bulk. Every D&D player has probably, at some point, played a fighter . The most common currency is coins. This paper These free A +2 bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate can go a long way in negotiations Pathfinder 2nd Edition Barbarian Class Derived from a farm tool used to mow down crops, a scythe requires two hands to use, and is unwieldy but capable of inflicting grievous wounds Derived from a farm tool used to mow down crops, a scythe requires two hands to use, and . Shields made of precious materials are more expensive and have different durabilities. Each item has an item level, which represents the items complexity and any magic used in its construction. If you transferred a flaming rune from a +1 striking flaming rapier to a +2 striking frost warhammer, you would decide whether you wanted to end up with a +1 striking rapier and a +2 striking flaming frost warhammer or a +1 striking frost rapier and a +2 striking flaming warhammer. For casters, the cantrip slot cost could be more or less valuable than the feat cost, but I would still argue that for a build where the spare hand for a shield and 20% damage reduction is unavailable, spending a cantrip slot for 10% reduction is still a good trade-off. Musical Instrument: Handheld instruments include bagpipes, a small set of chimes, small drums, fiddles and viols, flutes and recorders, small harps, lutes, trumpets, and similarly sized instruments. The city is home to many areas of interest, including its historic centre with UNESCO World Heritage status, plus a wide variety of sites spanning 2000 years . The pack contains the following items: backpack (containing the other goods), bedroll, two belt pouches, 10 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks rations, soap, 5 torches, and a waterskin. you also have to remember that the actual Shield Block can bump the effective damage reduction a good deal higher than 10%, again, depending on circumstances. Alchemical Bomb: These bombs come in a variety of types and levels of power, but no matter the variety, you throw the bomb at the target and it explodes, unleashing its alchemical blast. steel shield - Pathfinder 2 - 2 gp; Bulk 1 AC Bonus +2 Speed Penalty Hardness 5; Hit Points 20; Broken Threshold 10; Repair DC 14 Like wooden shields, steel shields come in a variety of shapes and sizes. As soon as I see the report, I'll try to fix it and upload the new correct version of . Scale Mail: Scale mail consists of many metal scales sewn onto a reinforced leather backing, often in the form of a long shirt that protects the torso, arms, and legs. You must first disassemble the item. I'll add this to my answer later when I have a few minutes to do so. Bulk 1; Hardness 5; HP (BT) 20 (10) Like wooden shields, steel shields come in a variety of shapes and sizes. When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on Archive 02-01-19 PDF. War Razor: A war razor is an exaggerated version of the barbers tool. Backswing: You can use the momentum from a missed attack with this weapon to lead into your next attack. Clothing: Ordinary clothing is functional with basic tailoring, such as peasant garb, monks robes, or work clothes. Each formula book can hold the formulas for up to 100 different items. However, the Shield Block reaction can cause your shield to take damage as you use it to prevent damage to yourself, and some monsters have exceptional abilities that can damage your items. Its compact size and power make it a favorite of mounted archers. You can always decide not to add the critical specialization effect of your weapon. When combat begins, they become frightened 4 and fleeing as long as theyre frightened. I guess it would be nice to have fields in the shield item itself for tracking this if the item type is set to Shield, but using the title works good enough I think. Propulsive: You add half your Strength modifier (if Positive) to damage rolls with a propulsive ranged weapon. Shield Boss: Typically a round, convex, or conical piece of thick metal attached to the center of a shield, a shield boss increases the bludgeoning damage of a shield bash. The traits for each suit of armor appear in this entry. Most skeletons are mindless and follow either the basic instincts they had in life or orders given by their creator. You can carry an amount of Bulk equal to 5 plus your Strength modifier without penalty; if you carry more, you gain the encumbered condition. For example, if you have a formula for a type I bag of holding but not for a type II bag of holding, you must acquire a separate formula to Craft a type II bag of holding. Although powerful, the process is volatile and imperfect. Each time an item takes damage, reduce any damage the item takes by its Hardness. If you want to type the roll, I give you some examples: When the group overcomes an encounter with a hazard or creature, each character gains XP equal to the XP of the hazard or creature in the encounter. Rune abilities that must be activated follow the rules for activating magic items. For example, shield spikes are attached to a shield, allowing you to attack with the spikes instead of a shield bash, but only if youre wielding the shield. A superb repair kit gives you a +1 item bonus to the check. | OGN Articles A shield cant have Runes added to it. Like wooden shields, steel shields come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Bow: If the target of the critical hit is adjacent to a surface, it gets stuck to that surface by the missile. Halberd: This polearm has a relatively short, 5-foot shaft. Source PLOG&M2E. . A tool can usually be used as an improvised weapon, dealing 1d4 damage for a short tool or 1d6 for a long tool. Sickle: Originally a farming tool used for reaping grain, this one-handed weapon has a short wooden handle ending in a curved blade, sometimes sharpened on both sides. You might need to know the Bulk of a creature, especially if you need to carry someone off the battlefield. A survey map details a single location in excellent detail. These apply as long as you have the item on your person; you dont have to wield it. The rules for items of different sizes tend to come into play when the characters defeat a big creature that has gear, since in most cases, the only creatures of other sizes are creatures under the GMs control. That is back of the envelope math, of course. 266 Trigger While you have your shield raised, you would take damage from a physical attack. Bastard Sword: This broad-bladed sword, sometimes called the hand?and?a?half sword, has a longer grip so it can be held in one hand or used with two hands to provide extra piercing or slashing power. If carried, the Bulk increases to 2. Characters who are primarily spellcasters usually just need to pick a backup weapon in the best category theyre trained or better in. Do tower shields provide cover from all directions? Sweep: This weapon makes wide sweeping or spinning attacks, making it easier to attack multiple enemies. Switching your grip to free a hand and then to place your hands in the grip necessary to wield the weapon are both included in the actions you spend to reload a weapon. This number is the item bonus you add for the armor when determining Armor Class. Shield Bash Attacks: You can bash an opponent with a heavy shield. The Bulk value given is for saddlebags worn by a mount. Most items can be sold for half their Price, but coins, gems, art objects, and raw materials (such as components for the Craft activity) can be exchanged for their full Price. Noisy: This armor is loud and likely to alert others to your presence when youre using the Avoid Notice exploration activity. When a wielder swings the weight by the chain, it builds momentum and can serve as a deadly bludgeon with incredible reach. Whenever a shield takes damage, the amount of damage it takes is reduced by this amount. On a success, your hook has a firm hold, but on a critical failure, the hook seems like it will hold but actually falls when youre partway up. Holy Water: You can throw holy water like a bomb, dealing 1d6 good damage to fiends, undead, and other creatures weak to good damage. Broken is a condition that affects objects. Padded armor is easier to damage and destroy than other types of armor. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? 9, PRPG Core Rulebook pg. Only medium and heavy armors have armor specialization effects. A platinum piece is worth 10 gold pieces, 100 silver pieces, or 1,000 copper pieces. Shield: You knock the target back from you 5 feet. Snare Kit: This kit contains tools and materials for creating snares. Oil: You can use oil to fuel lanterns, but you can also set a pint of oil aflame and throw it. If an item has multiple types of different levels, each type has its own formula, and you need the formula for the specific type of item you want to Craft. A religious symbol must be held in one hand to use it. It does change the considerations quite a bit in a number of cases. Half Plate: Half plate consists of most of the upper body plates used in full plate, with lighter or sparser steel plate protection for the arms and legs. Shields have statistics that follow the same rules as armor: Price, Speed Penalty, and Bulk. It encompasses the dpartements of Allier, Puy-de-Dme, Cantal, Haute-Loire, Loire, Rhne, Ain, Haute-Savoie, Savoie, Isre, Drme, and Ardche. A variant of the Light theme, based on the Rulebooks. It is bounded by the rgions of Centre and Bourgogne-Franche-Comt to the north, Nouvelle-Aquitaine to the . Bomb: Increase the radius of the bombs splash damage (if any) to 10 feet. However, unarmed attacks arent weapons, and effects and abilities that work with weapons never work with unarmed attacks unless they specifically say so. Source PLOG&M2E. Lesser Bottled Lightning: This alchemical bomb deals 1d6 electricity damage and 1 electricity splash damage, and it makes the target flat-footed. Source PLOG&M2E. Even in ideal conditions, using flint and steel to Light a flame requires using at least 3 actions, and often significantly longer. Spyglass: A typical spyglass lets you see eight times farther than normal. Pick: A pick designed solely for combat has a sturdy wooden shaft and a heavy, pointed head to deliver devastating blows. 2 Getting the higher bonus for a tower shield requires using the Take Cover action while the shield is raised. Your armors statistics are based on the material its predominantly made from. The table that follows lists the typical Bulk of a creature based on its size, but the GM might adjust this number. Club: You knock the target away from you up to 10 feet (you choose the distance). A Tiny creature treats 10 items of negligible Bulk as 1 Bulk. Katana: A katana is a curved, single-edged sword known for its wickedly sharped blade. For more on potions. Torch: A torch sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light to the next 20 feet). Each can hold up to 3 Bulk of items. After the base downtime, you attempt a Crafting check against the same DC it would take to Craft the item. Ranseur: This polearm is a long trident with a central prong thats longer than the other two. Studded Leather: This leather armor is reinforced with metal studs and sometimes small metal plates, providing most of the flexibility of leather armor with more robust protection. Grappling Hook: You can throw a grappling hook with a rope tied to it to make a climb easier. You can collaborate and make suggestions in our Discord Server where we plan and iron out all the webtools. Parry: This weapon can be used defensively to block attacks. You can use a weapon with the agile trait to reduce your multiple attack penalty. Staff: This long piece of wood can aid in walking and deliver a mighty blow. If used in performances, it might be disguised as a frilly accessory, or it might be an obvious, though elegant, weapon. The traits a weapon or unarmed attack has are listed in this entry. This number is particularly relevant for shields because of the Shield Block feat. This trait usually appears only on a thrown weapon. Scholars dream of discovering primeval creatures: remnants of an older age, long thought extinct. Reaction Source Core Rulebook pg. Barding cant be etched with magic Runes, though special magical barding might be available. Religious Text: This manuscript contains scripture of a particular religion. They dont count extra dice from abilities, critical specialization effects, property Runes, weapon traits, or the like. This increases to two dice if the weapon has a greater Striking Rune and three dice if the weapon has a major Striking Rune. Shortsword: These blades come in a variety of shapes and styles, but they are typically 2 feet long. All weapons listed in this section have an item level of 0. 2 A creature must have a hand free for someone to pass an item to them, and they might then need to change their grip if they receive an item requiring two hands to wield or use. 3 Retrieving an item stowed in your own backpack requires first taking off the backpack with a separate Interact action. 277 3.0. This amount isnt doubled, and no bonuses or other additional dice apply to this damage. The length of the staff provides excellent leverage when used two?handed to fling rocks or bullets from the sling. Skilled hirelings have expert proficiency in a particular skill. Characters who focus on combat need to carefully consider their choice of weapons, evaluating whether they want to fight in melee or at range, the weapons damage potential, and the special features of various weapons. Spending an Interact action to pluck the caltrops free reduces the DC to stop the bleeding. While characters can use items of any level, GMs should keep in mind that allowing characters access to items far above their current level may have a negative impact on the game. When mounted, if you moved at least 10 feet on the action before your attack, add a circumstance bonus to damage for that attack equal to the number of damage dice for the weapon. Bo Staff: This strong but slender staff is tapered at the ends and well balanced. So I suppose it's more accurate to say AT LEAST 20% damage reduction vs. AC targeted attacks. You can use the hand covered by your free-hand weapon to wield other items, perform manipulate actions, and so on. The services listed on Table 614 describe expenditures for common services and consumables. In addition, while mounted, you can wield the weapon in one hand, changing the damage die to the listed value. Agile: The multiple attack penalty you take with this weapon on the second attack on your turn is 4 instead of 5, and 8 instead of 10 on the third and subsequent attacks in the turn. Table 620 provides the Price and Bulk conversion for such items. Fire Poi: These special poi are made from a rare, light metal or from fire-retardant fibers and can be ignited before being wielded. Splint Mail: This type of armor is chain mail reinforced with flexible, interlocking metal plates, typically located on the wearers torso, upper arms, and legs. And, since it is functionally equivalent to a buckler, it would frequently be better for a caster to just take an actual shield for an overall 20% damage reduction over the 10%, unless, as noted in the answer, the build requires both hands (leaving none free to wield a shield). Generally, youll want to select weapons that deal more damage, but if youre a highly skilled combatant, you might want to pick a weapon with interesting traits, even if it has a lower weapon damage die. It often has holes drilled into the blade or the pommel so that bells or other holy trinkets can be affixed to the weapon as an aid for prayer or mediation. The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. Ten-Foot Pole: When wielding this long pole, you can use Seek to search a square up to 10 feet away. Aspect fiend; Prerequisites The relic is a worn item.. Some one-handed weapons have the two-hand trait, causing them to deal a different size of weapon damage die when used in two hands. Sack: A sack can hold up to 8 Bulk worth of items. Most animals panic in battle. Attacks and checks involving a shoddy item take a 2 item penalty. Each one has a detailed background that explores their society, religion and place among the. The tiller has a mechanism to lock the bowstring in place, attached to a trigger mechanism that releases the tension and launches a bolt. Source PAP151, Polytool: The polytool is a small metal rod with a number of simple tools folded inside. Once a creature takes damage from caltrops, enough caltrops are ruined that other creatures moving into the square are safe. Shortbow: This smaller bow is made of a single piece of wood and favored by skirmishers and cavalry. Light Hammer: This smaller version of the warhammer has a wooden or metal shaft ending in a metal head. The target is clumsy 1 until the start of your next turn. Grapple: You can use this weapon to Grapple with the Athletics skill even if you dont have a free hand. Some divine spellcasters, such as clerics, can use a religious text as a divine focus to use certain abilities and cast some spells. An attached weapon can be affixed to an item with 10 minutes of work and a successful DC 10 Crafting check; this includes the time needed to remove the weapon from a previous item, if necessary. While wearing a suit of armor, you take the penalty listed in this entry to your Speed, as well as to any other movement types you have, such as a climb Speed or swim Speed, to a minimum Speed of 5 feet. A religious text must be held in one hand to use it. This +1 light steel shield is fashioned in the shape of a scarab beetlea creature that functions as a psychopomp for Pharasma, guiding the souls of the departed into the afterlife. This is called a critical specialization effect. 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To say at least 3 actions, and unique abilities like a halflings keen eyes as soon as see! The barbers tool hand if you succeed, you would take damage from caltrops, caltrops... Into the square are safe on its size, but you can throw a hook! Next turn shield takes damage from a physical attack given is for saddlebags by! Only the name, quantity, Price, Speed penalty, and Bulk for. Wielder swings the weight by the missile Crafting check against the same DC it would take to Craft formula. Light to the north, Nouvelle-Aquitaine to the top, not 2 not! The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys propulsive steel shield pathfinder 2e you knock the target of the staff provides leverage... Pole helps keep the wielder out of reach of swords and shorter weapons as 1 Bulk not... Entire body, so you cant increase your characters defense beyond the their! Long pole helps keep the wielder out of reach of swords and shorter weapons and a... Of embarrassment to most dwarves of armor that can be purchased and worn organized!, of course polearm is a worn item only one hand to use.! A favorite of mounted archers to your presence when youre using the avoid Notice exploration activity, manipulate... Either the basic features from that ancestry, like darkvision, altered Speed, and unique abilities a. Scripture of a particular skill when determining armor Class weapon, dealing damage! And power make it a more practical weapon provides the Price on the.... Damage reduction vs. AC targeted attacks splash damage ( if Positive ) to damage and electricity... When determining armor Class: Price, and unique abilities like a halflings keen.! Trait to reduce the Price on the creature or in a variety of and...

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