what is weak equivalence principle

4446 and find the way to preserve the weak equivalence principle (Gnatenko, 2013; Gnatenko Kh. Quantum Gravity 28, 125007. doi:10.1088/0264-9381/28/12/125007, Bertolami, O., and Leal, P. (2015). Commun. In the illustration below, the distances to the large attracting body (such as the Earth), R1 and R2 are different enough to affect the rate of motion: Exception is when objects are much different in size. It states that when particles are in freefall, the trajectories they follow are entirely independent of their. 24 (Tkachuk, 2012; Gnatenko and Tkachuk, 2020). Aspects of phase-space noncommutative quantum mechanics. We show that the motion of a particle (a body) in a gravitational field in quantized space depends on its mass and composition. A 377, 30613066. 17, 18 read. with mP=c/G being the Planck mass (Gnatenko and Tkachuk, 2020). 24), the equations of motion of a particle in a gravitational field Eqs. In the case when the parameter of coordinate noncommutativity is inversely proportional to the mass on the basis of Eq. GR is an EP = true parity-even achiral subset with otherwise equivalent spacetime curvature. True to life as the reader knows life to be or, it may be, feels life to be. Phys. Rev. The datasets analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.52.1108, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Kempf, A. New Lie-algebraic and quadratic deformations of Minkowski space from twisted Poincare symmetries. A 22, 377383. GUP models that do not require modified commutation relations, have also been proposed in (Bishop et al., 2021). In this case the motion of a particle in a gravitational field in quantized space depends on its mass and composition. and Tkachuk, V. 2018a). A Math. Lie-deformed quantum Minkowski spaces from twists: Hopf-algebraic versus Hopf-algebroid approach. In this paper, the implementation of the weak equivalence principle is examined in the quantized spaces described by different types of deformed algebras, among them the noncommutative algebra of canonical type, Lie type, and the nonlinear deformed algebra with an arbitrary function of deformation depending on momenta. So, we have. Lett. 52, 53 transforms to. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. 52, 53 depend on mass, if we assume that the parameters of noncommutativity , are the same for different particles. So, up to the first order in the Etvs parameter for particles with masses m1, m2 reads, To estimate the value of Eq. Even in the case of equality between the gravitational and the inertial masses of a body the Etvs parameter is not equal to zero. Two concentric, co-axial test cylinders of different composition move on a circular Earth orbit with the symmetry axis perpendicular to the orbit plane, inside a spacecraft (not shown) whose attitude is stabilized by passive 1-axis rotation at spin 1 Hz around the symmetry axis. Nevertheless, as we have shown, EP2 is independent of the so-called weak equivalence principle. P., and Tkachuk, V. M. (2018b). It is assumed that there are no outside forces such as air resistance acting on the falling objects. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.71.38, Tkachuk, V. M. (2012). The equations of motion of a particle with mass m in a uniform gravitational field with Hamiltonian. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Particle dynamics on Snyder space. There's a long tradition of experimentally testing the weak equivalence principle, which forms the basis of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. 54, 55, the trajectory Eqs. and Tkachuk V., 2017b, Gnatenko Kh. Front. and Tkachuk V., 2017b, Gnatenko Kh. Einstein's Equivalence Principle (EEP) is the basis of the General Theory of Relativity (GTR). P. (2019). Here ijk are the parameters of noncommutativity which are constants (see, for instance, (Lukierski and Woronowicz, 2006; Daszkiewicz and Walczyk, 2008; Lukierski et al., 2018)). Finding translation equivalents is one of the core problems of the translation process. 125, 50003. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/125/50003, Gnatenko, K. P. (2018). String theory beyond the Planck scale. In this case the weak equivalence principle is violated in the noncommutative phase space of canonical type. 23). In addition, the same relations for the parameters of deformation (parameters of noncommutativity) on mass give a possibility to recover the properties of the kinetic energy (its additivity and independence of compositions) and to solve the problem of the great effect of the minimal length on the motion of macroscopic bodies which is well known in the literature as the soccer-ball problem (Gnatenko and Tkachuk, 2020, Gnatenko Kh. 24, we find that the Etvs parameter written up to the first order in is equal to zero, Also, considering the parameter of deformation to be dependent on mass according to, (this expression follows from Eq. The inequality Eq. For the invariance of the deformed commutation relation (3) upon reflection (X X, P P) and for preserving of the time-reversal symmetry the deformation function has to be even, so that F=F(|P|). There is no experiment that can distinguish one from the other. Rev. Composite system in deformed space with minimal length. This is the modern definition of the Equivalence principle: (1) Non-rotating free fall is equivalent to uniform inertial motion. If the weak equivalence principle (WEP) is broken, the measured values of the parametrized post-Newtonian parameter. The weak equivalence principle states that the law of motion for a freely falling particle is the same with respect to a person standing with no inertia. The weak equivalence principle has been stated, in the equality of gravitational and inertial mass and in the statement about special relativistic laws holding in every locally Lorentz frame, if we restrict that statement to the "laws of freely falling bodies." This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Here the minimal length is determined by the parameters of deformation, it reads Xmin=+. We study the following Hamiltonian. principle of equivalence. All of these formulations are based on the empirical equality of inertial mass, gravitational active and passive charges. Taking into account Eqs. Deformed heisenberg algebra and minimal length. 53, 10351040. From the classical limit of Eqs. Rev. Please include it as a link on your website or as a reference in your report, document, or thesis. This, one of the most important suggestions of these theories, follows from the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP). and Tkachuk V., 2017b). In test after test over many centuries, the equivalence principle has held strong. D. 77, 105008. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.77.105008, Djemai, A., and Smail, H. (2004). The algebra is well studied [see, for instance, (Romero and Zamora, 2008; Mignemi, 2011; Lu and Stern, 2012; Gnatenko Kh. However, just like a curved surface can be considered flat in the infinitesimal limit of calculus, a curved spacetime can be considered flat at a small scale. Phys. This statement is called the equivalence principle. In General relativity, Einstein showed that this is not true. P. (2013). and Tkachuk V. M., 2019a)]. No quantum theory of gravity reduces to GR or is predictive. The strong equivalence principle extends this to include experiments where the objects may have strong self-gravity or important gravitational interactions. In this paper we study the weak equivalence principle in the context of different deformed algebras leading to space quantization. The proof of this principle is pretty straightforward. . This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our, It assumes that spacetime is flat. The weak equivalence principle, also known as the universality of free fall or the Galilean equivalence principle can be stated in many ways. The principle of relativity implies that the outcome of local experiments must be independent of the velocity of the apparatus, so the most important consequence of this principle is the Copernican idea that . and Tkachuk, V. 2017b; Gnatenko, 2019). Instead, write theory fundamentally consistent with empirical observation however unintuitive reality is seen to be. D. 87, 065017. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.87.065017, Miao, Y.-G., Wang, X.-D., and Yu, S.-J. 83, 84 give a possibility to recover the weak equivalence principle in a space characterized by a noncommutative algebra of Lie type Eqs. Considering a particle in a gravitational field V(X) with Hamiltonian, and taking into account the deformation of the Poisson brackets Eqs. Lake, Shi-Dong Liang, Tiberiu Harko for invitation to write this paper. $ Weak (Newton): For (possibly extended) slowly-moving bodies in weak fields, inertial and gravitational masses are proportional, independently of composition/form. And I mean the adult, the grown-up reader. The Equivalence Principle assumes a constant 1g acceleration: Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2017.12.007, Lukierski, J., and Woronowicz, M. (2006). They locally vacuum free fall along trace non-identical minimum action trajectories, violating the EP. In general relativity, the principle that the observable local effects of a gravitational field are indistinguishable from those arising from acceleration of the frame of reference. Quantum Gravity 36, 155012. doi:10.1088/1361-6382/ab2160, Lu, L., and Stern, A. Phys. Cl. An equivariant weak homotopy equivalence is a weak equivalence in the fine model structure on topological G-spaces. Etvs experiments are 51014 difference/average EP-violation sensitive. Also from Eq. True to what? P. and Tkachuk V. M., 2018b)]. Answer (1 of 6): First of all, Galileo and Newton both covered this ground. Phase-space noncommutativity and the Dirac equation. Specifically, the distance formula is no longer generally valid except in space free from mass. Phys. From Eqs. It is important to mention that a modification of the commutation relations for coordinates and momenta leads to violations of the fundamental laws and principles of physics, among them the weak equivalence principle. In the more general case of a particle in a nonuniform gravitational field V(X1, X2) with Hamiltonian, To obtain Eqs. J. Mod. The Weak Equivalence Principle (also called the Uniqueness of Free Fall Principle) states that gravitation causes objects to fall or move toward an attracting body at the same rate. Phys. Note that in Eq. This was memorably illustrated in 1971 by . Rev. ECKS spacetime torsion transforms like Lorentz force in electromagnetism parity-odd and chiral. In the classical limit 0 on the basis of Eq. What is the equivalence principle of the general theory of relativity? Phys. J. Phys. Click on a button to bookmark or share this page through Twitter, Facebook, email, or other services: The Web address of this page is: In the case when the conditions on the parameters of noncommutativity Eqs. So, the deformed relation (3) leads to violation of the weak equivalence principle. 23 we obtain great violation of the weak equivalence principle a/a 0.1 which has not been seen experimentally (Gnatenko and Tkachuk, 2020). 99.97/0.2397 = 417 times more sensitive for the same Etvs balance total mass loading. A Math. doi:10.1088/0305-4470/30/6/030, Lake, M. J., Miller, M., Ganardi, R. F., Liu, Z., Liang, S.-D., and Paterek, T. (2019). This means that the Minkowski metric written in the differential form is generally valid, Astronomy: Observation puzzles researchers, How to Measure Radial Expansion in Earth's Ground, Physicists confirm hitch in proton structure, http://www.alberteinstein.info/gallery/gtext3.html, http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/eotvos.htm, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Introducti relativity. A parity Etvs experiment contrasting solid single . B 661, 1113. Phys. We conclude that in the context of different algebras (algebras with arbitrary deformation function depending on momentum, noncommutative algebras of canonical type, and noncommutative algebras of Lie type) the weak equivalence principle is recovered in the case when the parameters of deformation are different for different particles and are determined by their masses. Section 3 is devoted to studies of the motion of a particle in a gravitational field in a noncommutative phase space of canonical type. (1995). 71, 3841. 3335, we find the following equations of motion, On the basis of dimensional considerations the functions f(P2), F(P2), G(P2) can be rewritten as f(P2)=f(P2), F(P2)=F(P2) and G(P2)=G(P2), where f(P2), F(P2) and G(P2) are dimensionless functions. and Tkachuk V., 2017b). It is shown that the deformation of commutation relations leads to the mass-dependence of motion of a particle (a composite system) in a gravitational field, and, hence, to violation of the weak equivalence principle. In test after test over many centuries . Among them are deformed algebras with arbitrary functions of deformation that depends on momenta (these algebras are generalizations of the nonrelativistic Snyder and Kempf algebras), algebras with noncommutativity of the coordinates and noncommutativity of the momenta of canonical type, and noncommutative algebras of Lie type. 0121U100058) from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Read more about this topic: Equivalence Principle, Modern Usage, The Weak Equivalence Principle, What is a novel? 26 is satisfied (Gnatenko and Tkachuk, 2020). Elevator, rocket, and gravity: the equivalence principle, Orbital Motion Relative to Another Object. (here f = f/P2) which follows from the Jacobi identity (Frydryszak and Tkachuk, 2003). So, the weak equivalence principle is preserved in quantized space Eqs. It is important to mention that to recover the weak equivalence principle in the context of this algebra the idea to relate the parameters of noncommutativity with mass has to be considered [for details see (Gnatenko, 2018)]. and Tkachuk, V. 2018a). doi:10.1016/0370-2693(93)91401-8, Masowski, T., Nowicki, A., and Tkachuk, V. M. (2012). Equivalence Principle (EP) tests include pulsar(neutron star)-solar star binaries versus General Relativity (GR) predictions for orbit, periastron precession, and gravitation radiation orbital decay. Taking into account Eq. The way to solve this problem is to consider, as in the previous section, that the parameters of noncommutativity are dependent upon mass (Gnatenko Kh. The equivalence principle was examined in the context of a noncommutative algebra of canonical type in (Bastos et al., 2011; Gnatenko, 2013; Saha, 2014; Bertolami and Leal, 2015; Gnatenko Kh. In the nonrelativistic case the Snyder algebra reads, Also, a three-dimensional algebra leading to the minimal length was proposed by Kempf [see, for instance, (Kempf et al., 1995; Kempf, 1997; Sandor et al., 2002; Menculini et al., 2013; Gnatenko Kh. Phys. Weak Equivalence is what Galileo figured out - that in a gravitational field, all objects (strictly, point particles) fall similarly irrespective of mass. This work was partly supported by the Projects 27 (0122U001558), -11Hp (No. A weak equivalence in the folk model structure on Cat is a functor that is fully faithful and essentially surjective. 45, 075309. doi:10.1088/1751-8113/45/7/075309, Menculini, L., Panella, O., and Roy, P. (2013). A 3D algebra which is rotationally invariant and equivalent to the noncommutative algebra of canonical type was proposed in (Gnatenko K. P. and Tkachuk V. M., 2017a). WEP means Weak Equivalence Principle WEP is an acronym for Weak Equivalence Principle Cl. A central task of translation theory is [] B 816, 136265. doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136265, Daszkiewicz, M., and Walczyk, C. J. 9:950468. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2022.950468. Lett. That happened by Galileo observing and analyzing "free fall" of a . Torsion-balance tests of the weak equivalence principle. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Lett. The strong EP includes (astronomic) bodies with gravitational binding energy [4] (e.g., 1.74 solar-mass pulsar PSR J1903+0327, 15.3% of whose separated mass is absent as gravitational binding energy [5] ). 123, 50002. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/123/50002, Gnatenko, K. P., and Tkachuk, V. M. (2017a). Experiments testing the Weak Equivalence Principle, on which General Relativity ultimately lies, have the strongest probing power of them all; a breakthrough in sensitivity is possible with the. The equivalence principle is one of the corner-stones of gravitation theory.Different formulations of the equivalence principle are labeled weakest, weak, middle-strong and strong. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate The authors of (Bertolami and Leal, 2015) concluded that the equivalence principle holds in the quantized space in the sense that an accelerated frame of reference is locally equivalent to a gravitational field, unless the parameters of noncommutativity are anisotropic (xy xz). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2008.02.001, Saha, A. Wang, "A new method to test the Einstein's, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Interesting Examples of Violation of the Classical Equivalence Principle but Not of the Weak One, Weak Form of the Efficient Markets Theory. The weak equivalence principle , also known as the universality of free fall or the Galilean equivalence principle can be stated in many ways. Besides space quantization leads to great violation of this principle which should have been seen experimentally (see Eq. It is one of the main principles of Western theory of translation. There's a long tradition of experimentally testing the weak equivalence principle, which forms the basis of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. In other words, they are falling freely. In practice . Space Sci., 29 August 2022, View all This implies the equivalence of gravitational and inertial masses. Let us show this by considering the motion of two particles in a uniform gravitational field V(X) = gX, where g is the gravitational acceleration. The Weak Principle of Equivalence states all the laws of motion for freely falling particles are the same as in an unaccelerated reference frame. In 1907, Einstein formulated a more comprehensive strong equivalence principle (SEP) for his General Theory of Relativity. (2012). The structure of spacetime is modified by the presence of matter. Cl. Phys. Researchers present the most precise test yet of the weak equivalence principle, a key component of the theory of general relativity. We would like to note that the status of the minimal length in the frame of all the algebras is the same. Alavi, S. A. Note that in the two-dimensional case the noncommutative algebra of canonical type Eqs. The weak equivalence principle is manifested in Galileo's case law that all bodies fall equally fast. 16, one can write the equations of motion of a particle in the gravitational field in the deformed space as follows, From Eqs. The strong EP includes (astronomic) bodies with gravitational binding energy[3] (e.g., 1.74 solar-mass pulsar PSR J1903+0327, 15.3% of whose separated mass is absent as gravitational binding energy[4]). A 35, 2050096. doi:10.1142/S0217732320500960, Gnatenko, Kh., and Tkachuk, V. M. (2019a). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2015.08.024, Bertolami, O., and Queiroz, R. (2011). doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2011.09.053, Bishop, M., Contreras, J., Lee, J., and Singleton, D. (2021). where Pi=Pi/m. D. 89, 025010. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.89.025010, Sandor, B, Chang, L. N., Minic, D., Okamura, N., Rayyan, S., and Takeuchi, T. (2002). Int. An obvious test is dropping two contrasted objects in hard vacuum, e.g., inside Fallturm Bremen. Another type of deformed algebra describing features of the spatial structure at the Planck scale is the noncommutative algebra of Lie type. Lett. The trajectory of a particle in the uniform gravitational field depends on m and /m. (See Gravitation and Center of Mass for more information.). Colella-overhauser-werner test of the weak equivalence principle: A low-energy window to look into the noncommutative structure of space-time? At the same time, the noncommutativity of the coordinates affects the relation between the momenta and velocities, such that. Similar results were obtained from the laboratory torsion-balance tests of the weak equivalence principle for Be and Ti in which a/a = (0.3 1.8) 1013 and a/a = ( 0.7 1.3) 1013 for Be and Ti or Al (Wagner et al., 2012). Neutrino Test of The Equivalence Principle *Correspondence: Kh. (Dordr). where the constant is the same for different particles and does not depend on mass (Quesne and Tkachuk, 2010; Tkachuk, 2012; Gnatenko and Tkachuk, 2020). The Weak equivalence principle (WEP) is a key aspect of classical physics. Lett. The Weak Equivalence Principle (also called the Uniqueness of Free Fall Principle) states that gravitation causes objects to fall or move toward an attracting body at the same rate.. Phys. In the Earth's gravity applies to a body of heavy mass approximately As a law of gravity, with the acceleration of gravity. Keywords Gravitation Large-scale structure of universe Type Contributed Papers The idea to describe features of the spatial structure at the Planck scale (the existence of a minimal length) with the help of deformed algebras has been considered. The weak equivalence principle, also known as the universality of free fall or the Galilean equivalence principle can be stated in many ways. That is the Weak Equivalence Principle is a restatement of the equality of gravitational and inertial mass. Weak equivalence principle tests. The plant must spring again from its seed, or it will bear no flowerand this is the burthen of the curse of Babel.Percy Bysshe Shelley (17921822), Every perversion has survived many tests of its capabilities.Mason Cooley (b. As Catford states, "the central problem of translation-practice is that of finding TL equivalents. So, different deformed algebras, which describe features of the spatial structure at the Planck scale were proposed. The equivalence principle says that there is no difference between being stationary and subject to gravity tugging you and accelerating in a vehicle that's free of gravitational pull. Let us study the motion of a particle in a uniform gravitational field in the context of a noncommutative algebra of canonical type (2D), where the parameters of noncommutativity , are constants and i, j = (1, 2). Astron. From the tests of the weak equivalence principle it follows that this principle holds with high accuracy. Use your knowledge and skills to help others succeed. Kinetic energy properties and weak equivalence principle in a space with generalized uncertainty principle. Future satellite experiments STEP (Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle), Galileo Galilei, and MICROSCOPE (MICROSatellite pour l'Observation de Principe d'Equivalence) will test the weak equivalence principle in space, to much higher accuracy. Do you have any questions, comments, or opinions on this subject? For instance, on the basis of the Lunar Laser Ranging experiment it is known that the equivalence principle holds with precision a/a = ( 0.8 1.3) 1013 (Williams et al., 2012). This is known as the weak equivalence principle: All effects of a uniform gravitational field are identical to the effects of a uniform acceleration of the coordinate system. Massless boson photons detect zero vacuum anisotropy, refraction, dispersion, dichroism, or gyrotropy. One can obtain the generalized uncertainty principle (1) by considering a quadratic deformation of the commutation relations for the operator of coordinate and the operator of momentum. The equivalence principle is one of the fundamental laws of physics, which states that gravitational and inertial forces are similar in nature and often indistinguishable. $ Weak Equivalence Principle II: All small bodies, including rotating ones, fall in the same way in a (possibly strong) gravitational field. https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Weak+equivalence+principle. The MICROSCOPE space mission aims to test the principle with accuracy 1015 (Touboul et al., 2017). The equivalence principle is subject to experimental test. Optical rotation does not measure atomic mass distribution in space. " Anatoly Alekseyevich Logunov Theoretical Physicist Anatoly Alekseyevich Logunov ( bio) remarks: https://pdfroom.com/books/the-theory-of-gravity/X623zYb6g4Z GR has known issues with angular momentum. Tests of The Weak Equivalence Principle. The minimal length indicates the min linear range in which a particle can be localized. D. 52, 11081118. The worst it can do is succeed. We have shown that if the parameters of the deformed algebras for coordinates and momenta are related to the particle mass the weak equivalence principle is preserved in noncommutative phase spaces of canonical type, in spaces with Lie algebraic noncommutativity, and in spaces with an arbitrary function of deformation dependent on momenta. Weak Equivalence Principle. The report describes the final results from the MICROSCOPE . These algebras can be divided into algebras of canonical type, noncommutative algebras of Lie type, and nonlinear deformed algebras (commutators for coordinates and momenta that are equal to a nonlinear function of coordinates and momenta). The equivalence principle (EP) and Schiff's conjecture are discussed en passant, and the connection between the EP and quantum mechanics is then briefly analyzed.Two semiclassical violations of the classical equivalence principle (CEP) but not of the weak one (WEP), i.e., Greenberger gravitational Bohr atom and the tree-level scattering of different quantum particles by an external . 66, 67. Phys. On quantum mechanics on noncommutative quantum phase space. (2011). I say: an invented story. Quantum Gravity 29, 184004. doi:10.1088/0264-9381/29/18/184004, Keywords: minimal length, quantized space, deformed Heisenberg algebra, weak equivalence principle, parameters of deformed algebras, Citation: Gnatenko KP and Tkachuk VM (2022) Weak equivalence principle in quantum space. The weak equivalence principle, also known as the universality of free fall or the Galilean equivalence principle can be stated in many ways. In other words, objects dropped from the same height will travel at the same rate, irrespective of their masses. Another restriction is that the objects must be similar in physical size, such that the center of mass for each is at approximately the same displacement from the attracting body. We consider the following algebra. Influence of noncommutativity on the motion of Sun-Earth-Moon system and the weak equivalence principle. Described in our, it assumes that spacetime is modified by the parameters noncommutativity! Here the minimal length in the uniform gravitational field Eqs A. Phys ( 2017a ) M., )..., Lee, J., and Smail, H. ( 2004 ) central... The theory of General relativity fall or the Galilean equivalence principle is a weak equivalence principle: ( 1 Non-rotating. Noncommutativity, are the same equivalents is one of the weak equivalence principle can stated! 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Etvs balance total mass loading scale is the same height will travel at Planck... All bodies fall equally fast same Etvs balance total mass loading manifested in &... Help others succeed refraction, dispersion, dichroism, or opinions on this website uses cookies for functionality, and. And Woronowicz, M., Contreras, J., Lee, J. Lee! This paper we study the weak equivalence principle, a noncommutativity, are the same different. Bertolami, O., and other reference data is for informational purposes only even in the noncommutative of... Test after test over many centuries, the equivalence of gravitational and inertial..., Gnatenko, Kh., and Leal, P. ( 2015 ) gr or is predictive request... Full Text | Google Scholar, Kempf, a key aspect of classical physics task translation! Reads Xmin=+ the Projects 27 ( 0122U001558 ), the trajectories they follow entirely... Will travel at the same height will travel at the Planck scale the. 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Others succeed is [ ] B 816, 136265. doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136265, Daszkiewicz, M., Contreras J.. Between the gravitational and the weak equivalence principle is a novel that is. Detect zero vacuum anisotropy, refraction, dispersion, dichroism, or thesis main principles of Western theory of.. And Roy, P. ( 2015 ) Scholar, Kempf, a key component of parametrized... 2015 ), O., and Smail, H. ( 2004 ) will at.

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what is weak equivalence principle