why western culture is best

4,successful marketing strategy, and business idea. He could have cared less where the movie came from, or what language it was original made in, or what culture made it. Both of witch people generally find appealing. Pune is considered to be the cultural and educational capital of Maharashtra state. The truth, he said, is that cultures can and be judged. Forgot Password? Western civilization refers to the art, literature, culture, and enduring ideas that emerged from the eastern Mediterranean basin in the centuries before the common era, that developed in myriad forms through the Middle Ages, and that ultimately took modern shape after the Renaissance. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. I live in NY. They are not seeking to make the world a better place or reflect thoughtfully on the sum total of the Wests history. The 500th anniversary As a result, many educators (even within the classical movement) question why we would teach Western civilization. Eastern culture in the lights of teaching of Islam is the best. Farmhouse Fixer. The Center welcomes. By this we mean that everywhere they have been put into practice, they have yielded impressive results in allowing human society to reach a greater potential while also providing better results for greater numbers of people. facts were challenged by a few of the 150-plus individuals in than Dr. Castillo, who alleged that specific Native Americans Ultimately, however, we find that the argument that Western cultural superiority is racist to be lacking. It simply speaks more to Chinese than others. These are some of the reasons why western parenting style is better. comparing Native American culture and Western culture is akin They try and train their youth for the future in their own way. Its. When I hear jazz, I become uneasy and turn hostile. Its largely a legal non sequitur throughout the world today. The two scholars exchanged views at a Center for Applied Ethics It means that one considers all cultures to be of equal merit and that cultural values and practices become beyond reproach simply because they are cultural practices. be compared. Former British crown colony Hong Kong thankfully ranked separately from the Peoples Republic of China comes in at number 16, ahead of Japan, Ireland and Belgium. Native American culture, in contrast, pursues nonhuman values such as nature, tradition, ritual, environmentalism, and ethnicity. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! American culture is appealing to people in other countries, in part because the whole melting-pot culture is accessible to people of any ethnicity. argued that Berliner's view of Native American culture has little I've had first hand experience on this issue so here is my two cents. It is made with a kind of "longing" for classical China, and is rife with themes about personal confinement, which is probably an allusion to the modern control of the CCP. Compare Russia during the waning days of the Romanovs to the Soviet Union in the 50s, 60s and 70s, or China today to China 70 years ago. 2, wide spread of English as working language. When it comes to "Lacking a culturally viable ideal of old age, our civilization does not really harbor a concept of the whole of life," he wrote. Beginning of 20th century, western culture has increased; a step towards disaster. Each of these together acted as a one-two punch that effectively ended slavery in the West. This is the most important part to remember: virtually none of the people demanding that you hate yourself and your cultures values have anything better to offer in its place. Westernization reached much of the world as a part of the process of colonialism and continues to be a significant cultural . The idea that the best of the culture of Greece was passed by way of Rome into western Europe gradually became, in the middle ages, a commonplace. Finally, there is the matter of corruption and transparency in government. is moral anarchy. Answer (1 of 26): If western culture is bad, not so many people from east would be living in western countries. People imitate success. entire groups of people as racist regardless of their views, actions or motivations. Unintentionally, or in some cases maybe intentionally, Western culture undermines other cultures and reduces cultural diversity because innocent people from far off distant lands slowly begin to dance to the beat of one loud Western drum. Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Western lifestyle or European civilization, is a term used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values,. Western cultures focal point is self security. myth (defined as "truths"), driven by communal beliefs. Both national constitutions and prevailing moral attitudes prevent angry mobs or powerful oligarchs from systematically depriving unpopular and powerless minorities of their rights. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! We can all relate to Batman on some level. Build a rewarding career with us - apply today! opened with his bottom line - cultural relativism, the concept Because western children are accustomed to making their own decisions, they frequently do not listen to their parents. Voluntary All in all, both scholars effectively 3, advanced technology. One of the reasons for Americas low rank among Western countries is because Americans often watch in disbelief as top government officials leave public service and cash in on their expertise in the private sector, regardless of the crimes they committed while in office whereas in a place like Sweden, when a politician is caught violating the publics trust for even minor infractions like drunk driving, they immediately resign. Where slavery persisted in Europe, it did so largely under the auspices of the Islamic Ottoman Empire and the Orthodox Russian Empire. Your email address will not be published. The role of slavery in the West is a complicated one, but it is worth noting that while Western nations did not invent slavery, an institution as old as recorded history at the very least, they have done more than anyone else to end it. One manifestation of this phenomenon is the No Go Zone, a place where law and order has broken down and the area is effectively governed by parallel powers openly hostile toward Western cultural norms. Its really telling about the enspellign effects of television on people who are not used to how it is produced. Elliott was . Im not very informed on the history of the question, and maybe I think that western entertainment as being the first simply because it is the most widespread. Western societies are pole apart from eastern in field of science and technology. Is there a similar phenomenon of Asian achievement within the African cultural sphere? attendance. Its widely used language is English. Culture is a collection of rules and regulations which govern life of members of a community. Humans under its spell lose their sensibilities, rational values, dignity and minds. He played cowboy roles in The Quick and the Dead, Houston: The Legend of Texas, Tombstone, and You Know My Name. I've seen first hand how a kid in a very poor country, with very little knowledge of America, or the world, or the English language, etc. While Pokmon is arguably the most popular, other forms of manga and anime have also made their way firmly into Western pop culture. Western culture is white culture, and all things white are bad. Not all that different from how we in the west do it, say with food products, spices and flavours, influences on movies, music and design, trends in home decoration, lifestyle products and so on. Cultural cringe is where one feels embarrassed or uncomfortable about their culture, seeing it as somehow less than others or emphasizing its shortcomings over its achievements. Indeed, many elements and products of Western culture are readily enjoyed across the world, from suits to classical music. Westernization, the adoption of the practices and culture of western Europe by societies and countries in other parts of the world, whether through compulsion or influence. in the historical record. These values manifest in different ways in each of these places and it would be more than a little odd if they didnt. Gladiator's a movie you could probably watch entirely muted (and without subtitles) and still understand pretty much everything that's going on. Honest and good people have disagreements on this topic. Watch Jack Frost and tell me it's an objectively good movie. I think most of the answers here are tying to massively oversimplify a very complicated answer. Even though we teach Western civ, its distinctive qualities are not always clear. Indian Culture has various religions like Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity , and so forth. Are they invested in society through mechanisms such as home ownership? So what does all of this add up to? Quality of life is an important metric because it includes non-material and non-economic factors. June 4, 2013. thing that can happen to a culture is to have its history told Individuals are able to pursue happiness in their own way and, for the most part, retain the fruits of their labor. Everyone wants to be an idol like Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus or some k-pop star. Western civilization, for example, Contrast that with a superhero movie. Sam Elliott is the poster child for western cowboy culture. The TV channels show various program holders and different characters in the dramas wearing westernized clothes. A lot of how non-Western countries see the West is based on history, or the centuries of interactions between regions. If one is responsible, for example, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, then one is equally responsible for vaccines, toilets and antibiotics. The event was driven by individualism while Native Americans are people of He was in total bliss. Why Study Western Civilization? It includes attitude, viewpoint, standards and ethics which shows it is very divergent. Is Singapore a Western country? It comes out of a very specific lineage, the Anglo-Saxon culture of yeoman farmers, freeholding lords, restive barons and, more than anything else, a total rejection of the notion of authoritarian kings who could rule at their whim without, at the very least, the consent of the men providing armed bodies for their war efforts and paying the lions share of taxes. Westernization has been spread throughout our country because of the media. Also anything that appears on television, radio, internet, etc. 6. They simply seek to weaponize your guilt for their own personal political gain. Western Culture. No word on whether or not non-whites are allowed to get vaccines or fly in airplanes, but we do see a growing consensus among the left that theres no such thing as white culture.. referenced in Dr. Berliner's address were "fakes." The average multiculturalist generally doesnt even know the capital of Zimbabwe or the chief export of Vietnam. The resolution of this tension drawing the line at some point between fairness and freedom is effectively what our entire civilization is about. Find out! The Asian way But Singapore is not a western country. /u/alcoholland pointed out some reasons why certain parts of foreign cultures becoming appealing. Although some languages are more widely-spoken than English, Mandarin and Hindi aren't lingua francas for most of the world. While nearly all of these were invented somewhere on the continent of Europe, what is more striking and important is how many of them were created in the West in the way that we have defined it i.e., those cultures most embracing the values summarized in the Magna Carta and its extrapolations. For example, Chinese people believe "Silence is gold". They incorporate Eastern and Western cultures. Where do they come from? be honored for ushering Western culture in to consume Native Not ours. If so, is anything of value lost? writings on cultural relativism. whether cultures can or should be compared in value. Everything we value as a society is bad and, more than that, little more than an ex post facto justification for the subjugation of non-whites. What we saw was the glamorized lives of people in New York, living in lavish apartments, dressed in expensive garb immersed in immaculate cleanliness. More pertinent is whether different cultures can be equally While there are coherent and important arguments about the limitations of liberalism on both the left and the right, both sides of the political spectrum have thus far failed to offer an alternative to classical liberalism that provides the same degree of generalized prosperity and individual liberty that Western civilization has provided using classical liberalism as its de facto political ideology. executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute. However, one certainly should refuse to feel guilt about the color of ones skin or the broader values of Western civilization. What kind of culture is Western culture? They apparently have the money and the means to produce the content, even if they don't try and market it in other countries. It's also usually been on the cutting edge of technology but it's not always the case. Haha I laughed when it said about marriage in the west. Radiologists, technologists, administrators, and industry professionals can find information and conduct e-commerce in MRI, mammography, ultrasound, x-ray, CT, nuclear medicine, PACS, and other imaging disciplines. Western culture allows full freedom of speech. In this podcast, we will explain why Western culture is destroying the world. Accordingly, Berliner continued, Western culture is objectively superior to others because its values, including life, logic, individualism, progress, and science, are superior values. Eastern cultures focal point is abnegation (love for others). Being a multiculturalist does not mean that one finds something of value in other cultures. Our criminal law has been reformed. I belong to the presyncopation age. However, the basic notion that there are a set of legal norms applying to everyone and, perhaps more importantly, that property rights are as important as other rights such as free speech, seem to have a universality about them. Western culture focuses on individualism which means every single person has to earn a livelihood. 4. Whats more, the multicultural appreciation of other cultures tends to be very shallow and performative. When you join our family, you'll see how we truly care for our guests and for each other. Password. Of the top ten countries for 2019, nine are in Europe. Today, most of the youths in our country are influenced by Western culture. You're free to republish or share any of our articles (either in part or in full), which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This is, of course, the result of makeup but we did not know that. We will not use the Marxist-influenced definition, which effectively defines entire groups of people as racist regardless of their views, actions or motivations. Western countries provide their citizens with wide variety of jobs. Westerners are people of science, While much of it is explainable via the rigid reality of academia, the distinction of "western" culture does speak to a greater understanding of world culture. Before The formalization of these values can be found in the Magna Carta, but this simply codifies values that had been practiced in long standing in post-Anglo-Saxon Britain and likely long before it in some sense, going back to the days when the Angles and Saxons roamed the border regions between what is now Germany and Denmark. issues ranging from competing views of environmentalism to Aristotle's Instead both have their own significance. We should respect both and follow our own culture. While these rights have all been hemmed in in extreme ways in some cases, particularly since the events of September 11, 2001 the point is that they form the bedrock of our legal structure and value culture in the West. The vast majority of original modern media came out of the west, and it established many standards for what the "right" way is to make a movie, or sing a song, or write a story. Email. Language ? Or, to put it another way, wealthy and powerful countries tend to produce a hegemony. Eastern culture is derived from different civilizations. All of these questions will yield a far more accurate picture of a countrys quality of life than simply looking at their GDP or per capita income. Western system is based on qualitative study. It isn't an "American" story per se. Then Gladiator. From word one, the speakers quickly peeled competing opinions conditioning, videotape) by which the quality of a culture should Eastern education system is based on cramming and quantitative pattern. We can interact easily with tourist from other countries and leave a good impression to them. Unintentionally, or in some cases maybe intentionally, Western culture undermines other cultures and reduces cultural diversity because innocent people from far off distant lands slowly begin to dance to the beat of one loud Western drum. Since the advent of social media, Western influence has reached the most distant parts of the world with its own culture and ways of thinking. The culture, popular within the western nations is referred to as Western Culture. Franchises such as Dragon Ball Z and Yu-Gi-Oh sit comfortably beside their Hollywood cartoon counterparts in the Western market. The assault on our cultural institutions is largely successful because of historical illiteracy. However, this list created by The Atlantic is not a terrible representation of the most important technological achievements since the invention of the wheel. while Native Americans define history in earth-related terms Both of these values are important to everyone to varying degrees. Its more like dysfunctional relationship. Western values are not universal in the sense that they will eventually be arrived upon by all cultures given enough time. Other cultural aspects can spread more easily. Bach is a better composer than all the composers of all the non-European cultures there have ever been. They usually lag and do poorly in exams. For example, South Korea family dramas feature really awesome housewares and viewers would talk about that as much as plots. Well, how are you thinking of "culture"? Hence our craving for caloric intake (in particular) and sex. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. Whats more, a country simply being part of Europe does not make it Western in any meaningful sense. forth the world's greatest technologies (e.g., computers, air For one, a history of cultural interactions . Here's how you know: Which countries do people want to move away from? Why is it that Western lifestyle and entertainment is so much more dominating on a foreign country than visa versa?

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why western culture is best