discuss the different form of hindu marriage

5. The Prajapatya form of marriage is an orthodox form where the parental approval figures and the economic complications of betrothal are bypassed. 7. Brahma, Daiva, Arsha and Prajapatya were the approved forms of marriage and the last four, such as, Asura, Gandharva, Rakshasa and Paisacha were unapproved forms of marriage. This form can be traced back to the Vedic times. The Purpose of Marriage. This form of marriage may have fallen into disuse due to the practice of child marriage. The Asuravivaha is a non-righteous form of marriage. under IPC and unacceptable as per the societal standards and morals. [11][12], Hindu texts such as the Atharvaveda[13] and the Manu Smrti III.20-34,[14] identify eight forms of marriage. The marriage of Shakuntala and Dushyantha is a classical example of this kind of marriage. discuss. When such a maiden is abducted, she is described to weep as her relatives are assaulted and slain, and their house is wrecked. d. Prajapatya Vivaha . By swayamvara we mean the selection of the bridegroom by the bride herself. The concept of mutual consent for marriage was prevalent in the old Hindu system, however, the solemnization of marriage coming out of the mutual consent was very low. The shastrakaras have approved of Prashasta form of marriages while the Aprashasta marriages are forbidden or disapproved of. 1 to 4) were considered to be approved and the latter four (i.e. What You Need to Know About the Vedas--India's Most Sacred Texts, The Real Reason for the Hindu Raksha Bandhan Celebration. It is a union of two individuals as spouses, and is recognized by law. Though the Gandharva form of marriage was prevalent in the ancient Hindu social system, the frequency of solemnization of such marriage was very low on account of a couple of reasons. Rakshasa From of Marriage, 8. [36] The Apastamba Dharmasutra allows a man to take a new wife after ten years if his present wife was judged to be barren, and could marry after thirteen or fourteen years if his wife only produced daughters, and he desired a son. In this form, the father gives away her daughter after the bridegroom has provided all the wealth that he can, to the father of the bride and the bride herself. Marriage in Hinduism The aims of Hindu marriage are said to be dharma, praja (progeny) and rati (pleasure). The approved forms of marriages were mostly practiced by Brahmins. Manu, the great Hindu law giver, has mentioned eight forms of Hindu marriage, viz, Brahma, Daiva, Arsa, Prajapatya, Asura, Gandharva. However, in the modern socio-cultural matrix, this form of marriage is a punishable offence under the I.P.C. See you there. Monogamy is counselled to men by Vatsyayana, a philosopher and an authority of the Kama Sutra, with the belief that a man is only capable of physically, psychologically, and spiritually pleasing one woman at a time. This article deals with the Concept of Marriage under Hindu law. It is a mark of a high level of social progress and civilisation. In certain parts of the earth polyandry long existed. In this form of marriage, the groom doesnt come looking for a bride, the parents of the bride go looking for the groom for her daughter. 6. The universality of marriage within different societies and cultures is attributed to the many basic social and personal functions for which it . However, it was held that without these essential ceremonies, a Gandharva marriage was not solemnised. This order of forms of marriage is hierarchical. He has written several books about Hinduism for children and young adults. If the astrological chart of the two individuals (male and female) achieve the required threshold in points, then further talks are considered for a prospective marriage. It is a form of marriage where a bridegroom receives a maiden, after having given of his own free will as much wealth as he can afford, to the bride, and her kinsmen. Sir Gurudas Banerjee (also known as Gooroodas Banerjee), a Bengali Indian Judge, believed that this form of marriage indicated the pastoral state of Hindu society, where the cattle was considered as the monetary consideration for the marriage. Brahma marriage holds the supreme position of the eight types of Hindu matrimony. The swamis expressed a range of opinions, positive and negative. Also, it is a relationship that is established by birth to birth. Moreover, love, emotion or mutual consent were discouraged by the Hindu society. According to the author, Brahma marriages do not give rise to dowry cases because the father of the girl himself voluntarily gives gifts to the bridegroom. Rakshasa Vivaha. What is the purest form of Hindu Marriage? It is to be noted that rakshasa form of marriage disappeared in course of time. Eight Types of Marriage in Hinduism: 1. Hence daiva form of marriage was considered inferior to Brahma marriage. Dharmashastra writers like Gauthama and Vishnu define it as co-habiting with a girl who is unconscious, sleepy or intoxicated. This form of marriage, however, has disappeared altogether in India. Saptapadi: The marriage knot is symbolized by tying one end of the groom's scarf with the bride's dress. Das, Subhamoy. In simple terms the Rakshasa form of marriage may be described as marriage by capture, resembling the right of a victor to the person of the captive in war. Thus there were eight forms of marriages of which, four Brahma, Daiva, Arsha, and Prajapatya are approved and remaining four Asura, Gandharva, Rakshasa, and Paisacha are unapproved. Aprashasta forms of marriages include the last four forms, namely, Asura, Gandharva, Rakshasa and Paisacha. Parents also take advice from Brahmin astrologers called 'Jothidar' in Tamil, 'Panthulu or Siddanthi' in Telugu, and Kundali Milan in Hindi, who holds astrological data of those individuals looking to get married. uniformly and continuously observed for a very long time and it should not be unreasonable or opposed to public policy. This form of marriage indicates that the parties must be adults so that they will be capable of sexual enjoyment. Prior to the enactment of Hindu Marriage Act, there were eight forms of marriage, four approved and four unapproved. Content Filtrations 6. Daiva - It is slightly different from Brahma's marriage. With some forms of marriage obviously not desirable or healthy, particularly for Hindu women, and as such, the entire family unit, in modern times, it became necessary to create some laws and legislation surrounding Hindu marriages in India. This was owing to the large extent over which the Hindu society was spread and the dissimilar elements of which it was composed. 3(a) of The Hindu Marriage Act, 1956. 4. marriage, a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring (if any). Various dharma texts of Hindu religion such as Manu-Smriti and the Vedas, mention 8 different forms of marriages in the Hindu religion. [22], The Arshavivaha is a righteous form of marriage. It is a form of marriage where a bridegroom receives a maiden, after having given of his own free will as much wealth as he can afford, to the bride, and her kinsmen. It refers to the marriage of one's daughter to a man of good conduct, learned in the Vedas, and invited by oneself. The gift of cow and bull is to be made as a token of gratitude to the man who offers his daughter to the groom to enable him to fulfill his grihasthashrama obligations. Prohibited Content 3. It is believed that this form of marriage is called Gandtarva because of its wide practice by the tribe called Gandharva living on the slopes of the Himalayas. Traditionally, this form was allowed to the Kshatriyas or military classes. This is placed as the last form of marriage because this is the most atrocious form of marriage out of the 8 marriages. TOS 7. In the four forms mentioned above, the important point to be noted is that it is the father [or a person in his place] who makes a gift [dana] of the bride to the bridegroom. These are valid according to the ancient law. The 8 forms of marriage were as under : Brahma Daiva Arsha Prajapatya Asur Gandharva Rakshas Paishach The first four of the above (i.e. Sikh marriage. The bride, in this form of marriage, is virtually purchased. Copyright 10. The prajapatya form of marriage is construed to be inferior to the first three forms because here the gift is not free but it loses its dignity due to conditions which should not have been imposed according to the religious concept of a gift. Marriage is also required for another reason. However, they are not fully extinct as these practices are still followed by some of the lower castes. Who is a Hindu In the modern world, a father can't get the girl married to any without a girl's consent. According to the celebrated Hindu thinker Manu, the Vivaha Samskara is one of the most essential ones. Sexual intercourse between a husband and wife is regarded to be important in order to produce children, but is the least desirable purpose of marriage in traditional Hindu schools of thought. Even the Supreme Court of India in Koppisetti Subbharao vs the State Of A.P, recognized the existence of 8 forms of marriage given by Aryan Hindus. The Gandharva form of marriage is the union of a man and a woman by mutual consent. Let's start by discussing the reason that people get married in Hindu and Islamic faiths. There is no external pressure from the bridegroom according to the Manu-Smriti. Prashasta or Approved or Desirable marriages and Aprashasta or Disapproved or Undesirable marriages. [17] [18][19][20], The Brahmavivaha is a righteous form of marriage. It is necessary at the time of marriage the person shall attain the specified age given in this Act. This mutual agreement arises from pure lust. It resembles as an act of rape, which in the modern era is the most abominable act one could ever commit and is punishable u/s 376 of the IPC. In modern times, this is classified as a form of date rape, and is a crime in most countries. But in the Mahabharata it is also found that the Kshatriyas practiced the Brahma form of marriage. (i) One wife, many husbands: Polyandry. However, in practicality, the bridegroom may use the custom of exchanging gifts for harassing and pressurising the bride and her parents to give dowry. You can click on this link and join: Follow us onInstagramand subscribe to ourYouTubechannel for more amazing legal content. [38] Polyandry is viewed with contempt in India today, a practice little removed from promiscuity on the part of a woman. Polygyny was sanctioned by the Manusmriti among members of the dvija (twice-born) varnas: Brahmins were allowed to have up to four wives,[35] Kshatriyas could have three wives, and the Vaishyas could have two wives; the Shudras, however, were permitted to have only one wife. [9] Love marriages are sometimes seen as imposition of the younger generation's will over the older generation's wishes. "Prashasta" Form of Hindu Marriages Prashasta form of hindu marriages includes the first four types, namely, Brahma, Daiva, Arsha and Prajapatya. These are the Brahma, Asura and Gandharva forms of marriage. Sir Gooroodas Banerjee holds the view that it means the ceremony of the Rishis and is perhaps indicative of the pastoral state of Hindu society, when the free gift of daughters in marriage was not common and cattle formed the pecuniary consideration for the gift. The epics and Puranas contain many examples of this form of marriage, one such being the marriage of sage Agastya with Lopamudra. The very name Prajapatya indicates that the pair enters the solemn bond for repayment of debts or rinas to Prajapati for procreation and upbringing of children. Report a Violation, Traditional Forms of Hindu Marriage in India, Top 8 Traditional forms of Hindu Marriage, Hindu Marriages: Monogamy, Polyandry and Polygamy. Kane, this form of marriage is called Rakshasa because Rakshasas (demons) are known from the legends to have been addicted to cruelty and forceful method. Manu, the Hindu law-giver, laid so much importance on this form of marriage that he placed it even above divine marriage. For instance, the planet Venus is believed to be a benefic planet, and influential in terms of marriage. On the contrary, in the Brahma form of marriage, the bride figured as an object of dana or gift by her father or guardian to the bridegroom. Privacy Policy 8. [21], The Daivavivaha is a righteous form of marriage. A. L. V. R. S. T. Veerappa Chettiar vs S. Michael Etc, 1962. there exist only 2 forms of marriage, that are Brahma and Asura. It is a permanent union. Brahma Vivaha: 2. The Daiva form of marriage was slightly different from the Brahma form of marriage in the sense that the suitor was an official priest. Through sex is one of the function of marriage it is given third place, indicating there by that it is least desirable aim of the marriage. Approved Forms of Marriage: Brahma form: The different forms of Hindu marriages have not been specified in the central legislation called, which governs Hindu marriages. The dominion of the father is completely undermined in the Gandharva, Paishacha and Rakshasa forms of marriage. According to Manu . The third form of approved marriage, that is Arsha Marriage, suggests marriage with Rishi or sages. 1. They also differ very widely in social acceptability. The eight forms of marriage as described by Manu are as follows: Prashasta Marriages: The Desirable Types Of Hindu Marriage Prashasta: Brahma Marriage. Here the bridegroom does not take the consent of the girl but simply forces her to marry him. discuss. But in its place the practice of girls eloping with heroes with whom they fall in love started taking place. Rakshasa form of marriage is performed by abducting the bride and brutally slaying her family and relatives. It is the relationship between husband and wife. This order of forms of marriage is hierarchical. In a 2014 survey conducted by the United Nations Population Fund and International Center for Research on Women, 11.7% of men and 8.5% of women in India surveyed claimed that they chose their partners, and married with, or without, the consent of their families. You have entered an incorrect email address! Banerjee is of the view that this form of marriage was called so because it was fit for the Brahmans. Gandharva Marriage This form of marriage is also known as love marriage; where the marriage takes place with the consent of both the groom and the bride. In course of time, with the decline of rituals, this form of marriage became out of date. This form of marriage was also peculiar to the Brahmins. The concept of marriage is to establish a relationship between husband and wife. The unapproved forms were usually practised by Kshatriya, Vaisya and Shudra. It is a reprehensible form of a marriage that is condemned by the Manusmriti, and is punished by law in society in the present-day. Rakksash and Paisacha. [5], The Manusmriti states that following menarche, a maiden may wait for three years, after which she may marry. Before the enactment of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, Hindu marriages were governed by dharmasastra and customs. A Bengali Hindu couple during their wedding ceremony. Be it a big fat Indian wedding or a simple temple wedding, just ensure to legalise your marriage as per Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. In the modern era, there are many who dismiss the legitimacy of horoscopes, regarding them to be nothing more than a placebo to convince prospective spouses and their parents that their marriage has religious validity. According to Rajbir Singh Dalal vs Chaudhari Devi Lal University, 2008, the property of a childless woman married in one of the unapproved forms goes to her family rather than her husband. The sacramental marriage among Hindus has three main characteristics. It was held that, the property of a childless woman married in one of the four approved forms will go to her husband. The different forms of Hindu marriages have not been specified in the central legislation called The Hindu Marriage Act, 1956 which governs Hindu marriages. Subhamoy Das is the co-author of "Applied Hinduism: Ancient Wisdom for Today's World." Manu and Jajnavalkya hold the view that the son born of such a marriage is said to redeem from sin seven parental ascendants and seven male descendants and himself. [4], In Hinduism, the four goals of life (Purusarthas) are regarded to be righteousness (dharma), wealth (artha), pleasure (kama), and liberation (moksha). Special qualities like good character, scholarship in the Vedas or good family background of the bridegroom were not emphasized in selection. P.V. Mann gives a comprehensive definition of it in the following manner where the bride and the bridegroom meet each other of their own accord and the meeting is consummated in copulation born of passion, that form is called gandharva.. Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/types-of-hindu-marriage-1770476. In this form of hindu marriage, the father makes a gift of the daughter by addressing the couple with the mantram may both of you perform together your dharma. The girl is given as a gift with a clear understanding that the couple will fulfill the religious and civic duties together. It also implies an advanced stage of social progress as the form appears to have been intended as a reward for learning in the Hindu scriptures and thought to be an impelling force for the study of the Vedas. https://www.learnreligions.com/types-of-hindu-marriage-1770476 (accessed November 10, 2022). c. Arsha Vivaha . In this form of marriage, the daughter is gifted to the one learned in the Vedas and of good character. According to Section 5 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 it was accepted that a Hindu Marriage was a religious ceremony and also a Sanskara (performed as a purification rite). According to the author, Brahma marriages do not give rise to dowry cases because the father of the girl himself voluntarily gives gifts to the bridegroom. [32][33], James Lochtefeld comments that these last two forms were forbidden, but the marriages themselves were still recognised in ancient Hindu societies, not to allow these acts, but rather to provide the woman and any resulting children with legal protection in the society.[34]. The Brahma marriage, in dharma texts, has been explained as the gift of a daughter, after being decked with ornaments and honoured with jewels to a man selected by the father himself and who is learned in Vedas is called the Brahma marriage. This is different from Brahma and Daiva forms of marriage because, in Arsha, the father of the bride doesnt have to give anything to the bridegroom. The rakshasa form is described in the Hindu scriptures when girls were the forcible were forcible abducted. as rape as the principle of law holds that a culprit should not be allowed to be benefited for any wrong-doings caused by him. [citation needed] Despite the rise in the count of Hindus marrying for love, arranged marriages still remain the norm: In a 2012 survey conducted by Ipsos for the TV channel NDTV, 74% of the respondents said that they preferred an arranged marriage. In the Brahma form of marriage social descency was fully maintained and the religious rites were fully observed. Out of the different ways of getting married in India, this is another popular one. It is necessary in the life of a Hindu, because a Hindu male cannot enter the "Grihasthaasrama", i.e., the stage of a householder without a wife. When the parents of a boy seek a suitable bride, they consider her family background, and the girl's father would ensure that his daughter's prospective groom is a scholar, one who is well-versed in the Vedas. Marriage is regarded to be a sacrament by Hindus, rather than a form of social contract, since they believe that all men and women are created to be parents, and practise dharma together, as ordained by the Vedas. If both parties consent, an auspicious time is chosen for the wedding to take place. This is placed as the last form of marriage because this is the most atrocious form of marriage out of the 8 marriages. Briefly speaking, this Arsha form of marriage symbolizes the pastoral stage of the Hindu society where cattle were considered indispensable. B. Daiva Vivaha . Paishacha means goblins who are, It resembles as an act of rape, which in the modern era is the most abominable act one could ever commit and is punishable. 3. Manus description of the eight forms of marriage is given below: Brahma form of marriage is said to be the best and mostly practiced throughout India. In this form of marriage, unlike Brahma, the father gives away his daughter to a priest as a Dakshina (sacrificial fee) for officiating in the sacrifice conducted by the father of the bride. Approved forms Brahma : S. Authikesavulu Chetty vs S. Ramanujam Chetty And Anr. (One may choose) from (descendants of) more than seven (generations) on the paternal side and more than five (generations) on the maternal side. Manu described this Brahma form of marriage as the gift of a maiden spontaneously after clothing and reverencing her, to one learned in the Vedas and of good character,. First, the individual taste was not given any emphasis in the Hindu ideology and this did not result in love and mutual consent. Firstly, in a case where there is no proof to the contrary, it must be presumed that the marriage is in one of the approved forms. Approved Forms: 4. Be it a honeymoon trip, property deals, bank accounts, filing Income Tax or any other . Out of the eight forms of Hindu marriage, the first four, i.e. In the modern era, this form is a criminal offence u/s 366 of IPC. Also, it is a relationship that is established by birth to birth and death to death. After one's wedding, one is believed to have entered the second stage of life, the grihastha ashrama, performing the duties of a householder. According to Manu, the learned father of the girl should not accept even the least amount of price. Parikrama or Pradakshina or Mangal Fera: The couple circles the sacred fire seven times. Section 2 of Hindu Marriage Act aptly discusses the applicability of the act which are as follows: Based on smritikars even death cannot break this relationship. In the present day Hindu society also the Brahma vivaha is considered the most preferable one in which the father gifts his daughter to a suitable bridegroom through the ritual of kanyadana. Brahmins, according to the dharma texts, have the duty to accept gifts. This form of marriage is inferior to the first three because the bride is not a free gift but a condition is laid on both the bride and the bridegroom. It is a form of love marriage that arises out of the mutual love shared between a youth and a maiden, where the primary purpose is sexual intercourse. Section 366 prescribes punishment for abducting/kidnapping a woman to compel her to marriage is punishable with imprisonment up to 10 years and/or fine. , has disappeared altogether in India not take the consent of the eight forms marriages! Classical example of this form was allowed to the large extent over which the Hindu society last forms. 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discuss the different form of hindu marriage