france muslim population 2022

Patrice Gaudin, 50, the priest of the Roman Catholic parish in Bondy. By 2050, Muslims could account for roughly 11.2% of the total European population. Otherwise, she liked Ms. As part of the documentary, I went to the French parliament to interview Marion Marchal-Le Pen, Frances youngest ever elected woman politician and the niece of far-right leader, Marion Le Pen. Dmitry. Muslim Population by Country 2022 - World Populace Im Muslim, an Arab, but French. All the talk of Frances presidential election campaign is about immigration. And that involves turning Muslim women and our clothing choices into a political football. Frances estimated six million Muslims account for 10 percent of the population, but their political influence has long been undermined by high abstention rates and divisions based on class and ancestry. Incidents have risen in the past decade, rising sharply in 2015. Editors Note: Shaista Aziz is a UK journalist, comedian, writer and anti-racism and equalities campaigner. Le Pen on the right, accusing Ms. The post attracted widespread criticism from Muslim women and others pointing out the double standard of a white, wealthy, famous, American actress being praised for wearing a headscarf as a fashion choice while a French Muslim woman choosing to wear a headscarf in her own country faces restrictions on her life choices and movements and possibly being fined and criminalized by the state. The ban was imposed, so the state said, on the grounds that state institutions are supposed to be religiously neutral.. Le Pen got 7 percent in the first round this year. The contents of this website are copyright 1990-2022 New Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much France - The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency This is the hypocrisy that France must grapple with. Forecasted population by religion in France | Statista The problem barely discussed is emigration. Muslim holidays 2022 philippines - Mr. Macron even called colonization a crime against humanity during a visit to Algeria. The proposed law will now be revised by the National Assembly, which is expected to have the final word. The Population Density of France is 102 per Km2 (264 people per mi2). Box 4523 Zanzibar TANZANIA Tel: +255 621 015 531 - Office Fax: +255 242 223 8475 Email: axios http_proxy environment variable She had quit her political party for which Ms. Pcresse is now the candidate because, Ms. Yade said, it had become very hostile to anything that did not represent a fantasy version of French identity.. Islam . When Ms. Yade born in Senegal in a Muslim family was appointed a junior government minister in 2007, she believed it would be a starting point. But after an unsuccessful bid for the presidency in 2017, she left for the United States. Im one of three British Muslim women campaigners and passionate football fans calling ourselves The Three Hijabis. Last summer, alongside Amna Abdullatif and Huda Jawad, I launched a viral petition calling on Englands Football Association, the British government and tech companies, to work on banning racists from football for life, following the abuse inflicted on three young Black England players after the Euro finals at Wembley against Italy. Our campaign made headlines in the UK and received global media attention. France Is on a Dangerous Collision Course With Its Muslim Population, divisive and toxic political rhetoric on Islam, immigration and race, < Garda Recruitment Drive Seeks to Broaden Diversity of Force, Democrats, Not Democracy, at Risk Today, Integration Made Me a Believer in Segregation. The receptionist looked horrified and confused and then told me I could proceed for my interview. The number of young people, families and especially the people waiting in line something was happening, said Mehmet Ozguner, 22, a local organizer for Mr. Mlenchons party. The law against separatism is dangerous, said the Rev. In a TV debate over the law, the interior minister, Grald Darmanin, tried to outflank Ms. As of 2019, 31% of French Muslim women were wearing hijab, according to Statista, so this sports ban will have a profound impact on many women. A divisive and discriminatory hijab ban only shines a further spotlight on how ill at ease France is with building a modern multiculturalism state. The issue is top of their agenda, even though Frances actual immigration lags behind that of most other European countries. ric Zemmour, the far-right TV pundit who came in fourth in the first round, following a campaign focused on attacking Islam, described the department as a foreign enclave suffering from religious colonization.. As sentiments hardened against all French Muslims, he no longer felt safe there. Le Pen of being soft against Islamism. The Saafis miss France, but they decided not to return partly because of worries about their 2-year-old son. But as ric Coquerel, a national lawmaker and a close ally of Mr. Mlenchon, said, the turnout by Muslim voters could tip the balance if the race becomes extremely tight.. France Population (2022) - Population Stat The sports hijab ban is about further dehumanizing, minimizing and erasing French Muslim women who choose to wear hijab. France's estimated six million Muslims account for 10 percent of the population, but their political influence has long been undermined by high abstention rates and divisions based on class. As final vote nears in France, a debate over Islam and headscarves Ms. Then in 2010, France became the first country in Europe to impose a ban on full face veils, known as the niqab, in public spaces including public transport and parks, streets and administrative buildings. Protestants, who number 700,000 or 2% of the population, belong to several different denominations. REMIX News French President Emmanuel Macron admits that half the . Let Us Play. We are collectively calling time on this racism and Islamophobia. Paris and Marseille are the cities having largest. 580 Rentals has a huge selection of Houses, Apartments, Mobile Homes, and Storage Units for rent or lease in Ada, Oklahoma 74820. Where those votes now go matters. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. France is a religiously diverse and secular nation. In France, Muslim women using their agency, and exercising their human rights to wear what they choose to wear, is deemed a safety risk. Anyone can read what you share. In Philadelphia, he is writing a new novel that deals with exile from a country that is never named. He likened the choice confronting him in Frances presidential runoff on Sunday featuring Mr. Macron and Marine Le Pen, whose far-right party has a long history of anti-Muslim positions, racism and xenophobia as breaking your ribs or breaking your legs.. Rama Yade, a junior minister for human rights during the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy, said that Frances denial of problems like police violence had made matters worse. Uttar Pradesh Population by Religion 2021 Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state of India and has a diverse population, Industries in India | Indian States by Industries, Top Countries by Buddhist population | Buddhist in World 2022, Top Countries by Hindu population | Hindu Population in World 2022, Top Countries by Muslim population | Muslim population in World 2022, read more about Top Countries in Population, Population of Italy 2022 | Religion in Italy, Top Countries by Christian population | Christian Population in World 2022, World Population by Religion 2022 | Religion in World, Population of Macau 2022 | Religion in Macau, Population of Federated States of Micronesia 2022, Population of Saint Pierre & Miquelon 2022, Uttar Pradesh Population by Religion 2022, Uttar Pradesh MLA List 2022 | UP Vidhan Sabha Seats, Lok Sabha Seats in Uttar Pradesh | Uttar Pradesh MP List. It makes Muslim women targets of state-sanctioned gendered Islamophobia and right-wing hate. According to a survey of France's Muslim population, published by the Ipsos institute earlier this year, 81 percent of people polled had a positive view of French secularism and 77 percent said . 'Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong' project messages on the Tower Bridge in London. Citing their version of secularism, some mayors have decided not to offer alternative menus in school cafeterias. Published 75% of the local Jewish population in France nonetheless . France map showing major cities as well as parts of surrounding countries and water bodies. As per the World Population Prospects, 2019 by the United Nations, the population of France in 2021 is 65,373,512. They include the research project into the emigration of French Muslims led by academics affiliated with the University of Lille, a leading French university, and the National Center for Scientific Research, the French governments main research institution. Find about Population of Districts & Top Cities in Uttar Pradesh. In 2004, France banned the wearing of hijab in schools alongside Christian crosses and the yarmulkes, worn by observant Jews. How France's Muslim population will grow in the future As per the World Population Prospects, 2019 by the United Nations, the population of France in 2021 is 65,373,512. Indeed, it is misogynistic and hateful to force women to remove hijab as much as it is misogynistic and hateful to force women to wear hijab. 'Islam is being hyper-politicised in France, but Muslims are not part muslim population of udaipur 2022. We have to acknowledge that Muslims dont feel welcome in France because theyre Muslim. If I vote for Macron, Id be participating in all the bad things hes done against Muslims, Mr. Bouadla, 50, said over the course of a long walk in Bondy, a city just northeast of Paris. Yes, Im a Muslim woman wearing hijab, but Im also British Im as British as fish and chips, I told the receptionist in the hope she would understand that my hijab was irrelevant to how I do my job. This law can provoke feelings that lead to radicalization.. Toulouse is a city in France, and it serves as the capital Haute-Garonne department and the Occitanie region. Mr. Louatah, the writer in Philadelphia, whose French wife is an economist and teaches at the University of Pennsylvania, said he hoped to return one day to the country that fills his novels. Women caught wearing a niqab in public space face a 150 euro fine and being arrested by the police. Many a populist European politician in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Netherlands and Switzerland, and of course France, has used this tactic as a way of attracting voters. A Warner Bros. PARIS Frances wounded psyche is the invisible character in every one of Sabri Louatahs novels and the hit television series he wrote. Source: United Nation World Populations Prospects. Shes a human being, shes a mom, she seems to want to defend her country, Ms. Menyane said, adding that she did not fear a Le Pen victory. But two years later, Mr. Louatah has come to view his series as an anomaly. He began writing the second season, with a story line focusing on police violence, one of the most sensitive themes in France. In 2020, anti-Muslim acts in France jumped 52 percent compared with the previous year, according to official complaints gathered by the governments National Human Rights Commission. A divisive and discriminatory hijab ban only shines a further spotlight on how ill at ease France is with building a modern multiculturalism state. France's Muslim population could quickly grow to close to 15-17 million, but no one can know precisely unless the law prohibiting the official collection of ethnic data is changed. "The success of 'Saint-Jo', a private Catholic school in the heart of working-class neighborhoods in Marseille," translated from "La russite de Saint-Jo, cole prive catholique au cur des quartiers populaires de Marseille," by Judith Waintraub, Le Figaro, October 7, 2022: REPORT - This Catholic school in. Indeed, it is misogynistic and hateful to force women to remove hijab as much as it is misogynistic and hateful to force women to wear hijab. Its a stark contrast I have experienced first-hand. France, meanwhile, is projected to reject three-quarters of applications from Muslims, leaving an "in limbo" population of 140,000 (out of 190,000 Muslim applications). She cant do anything against me.. In the workplace, job candidates with an Arab name had 32 percent less chance of being called for an interview, according to a government report released in November. Nearly 70 percent of Muslims voted for Mr. Mlenchon, the only major candidate to have consistently condemned discrimination against Muslims, according to the polling firm Ifop. There are more than 700,000 adherents of Judaism accounting for 1% of Frances Population. There was no formal organization, but many ad hoc alliances, mobilization by union activists and antiracism activists, said Taha Bouhafs, 24, a journalist with a large online following and an ally of Mr. Mlenchons party, who is planning to run in the election for Parliament in June. Follow our live updates of the French runoff election between Macron and Le Pen. On 16 October 2020 an 18-year-old was held accountable for the brutal killing of Samuel Paty, a 47-year-old father and history teacher.This escalated into a wave of tension in France, and it did not take long for another attack to follow.On 29 October 2020, three people died in a gruesome knife . Religion in France - Wikipedia I was told I couldnt enter the parliament building because of my hijab. Christianity is the majority religion and is followed by almost half of the population. France has a population growth rate during 2020-2021 of 0.22%. Muslim Population by Country 2022 - , Jun 21, 2022 This statistic shows the estimate of the French on the proportion of Muslims living in France in 2018. The French Senate voted 160 to 143 in favor of the ban on wearing the hijab and other conspicuous religious symbols in sports competitions. In Europe, there is a tried-and-tested winning formula for politicians hoping to appeal to voters on the right-wing fringes ahead of national elections. mi). France Population 1950-2022 | MacroTrends Vogue France later deleted the Instagram post. Leuven in Belgium, and the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands have been working on a joint project looking at the emigration of Muslims from France, as well as from Belgium and the Netherlands. The amendment was proposed by the right-wing Les Rpublicains, which argued the hijab could risk the safety of athletes wearing it while playing sports. France is on a dangerous collision course with its Muslim population - CNN Population of France 2022 | Religion in France | Find Easy They are singled out for condemnation by the far-right television pundit and candidate ric Zemmour, who has said that employers have the right to deny jobs to Black and Arab people. But after a presidency that he believes harmed French Muslims like himself, Mr. Bouadla, a community leader who has long worked with troubled young people, was torn. The source of much of the service work force of the capital, the department also inspires fear and anxiety especially among older French people, whose feelings about immigration and crime are fanned by the right-wing news media and politicians. Pew Research Center predicts the Muslim population would rise to 8.6 million or 12.7 percent of the country in 2050. . In the past ten years, France's population growth rate has decreased significantly to 0.22%. Islamophobia on the rise as French presidential election nears - Al Jazeera Toulouse has a population of 950,000, although the metropolitan area has a much larger population of over 1.2 million, the fourth largest in the country of France. A spokeswoman for Canal Plus said that the series had been planned for only one season. France is home to roughly 5.7 million Muslims and the largest Muslim population in Europe, according to the Pew Research Center. Islam is the second most practiced religion in France. Muslim Population Growth in Europe | Pew Research Center As of 2019, 31% of French Muslim women were wearing hijab, according to Statista, so this sports ban will have a profound impact on many women. 1:20 PM EST, Sat February 5, 2022, Can you play sports in a hijab? French lawmakers last month voted to ban women and girls from wearing hijab while playing sports showing the world once again that when it comes to further politicizing, targeting and policing European Muslim women, our clothing choices and bodies, France is in a league of its own. As of 2019, 31% of French Muslim women were wearing hijab,. It was outside France that, for the first time, the simple fact that they are French was not questioned, some said. France, officially the French Republic is a country primarily located in Western Europe, consisting of metropolitan France and several overseas regions and territories. His father operated a spinning machine at a textile factory. As of 2019, 31% of French Muslim women were wearing hijab,. People and Society Population 68,305,148 (2022 est.) All Rights Reserved. One day, he was spat on and called, Dirty Arab., Its really the 2015 attacks that made me leave because I understood they were not going to forgive us, said Mr. Louatah, 38, the grandson of Muslim immigrants from Algeria. In 2020, anti-Muslim acts in France rose 52 percent over the previous year, according to official complaints gathered by the governments National Human Rights Commission. Multiple times. Top 10 Countries with the Highest Percentage of Muslims (2021): Maldives (100%) Mauritania (99.9%) Somalia (99.8% - tie) Tunisia (99.8% - tie) Afghanistan (99.7% - tie) Algeria (99.7% - tie) The 'Heart of the French' survey conducted by Harris Interactive reveals that 39 per cent of French people believe that Islam will be the largest religion in France in the future. . France: views on the proportion of Muslim population 2018 - Statista Its only abroad that Im French, said Amar Mekrous, 46, who was raised in a Paris suburb by his immigrant parents. French Muslim women are simply not standing for it anymore, and neither are many more Muslim women outside of France. Lyon is the third-largest city in France after Paris and Marseille with a population of 495,000 in 2015. LIST: Philippine holidays for 2023 Aug 23, 2022 5:54 PM PHT Facebook Twitter Share article Copy URL Copied November 2 and December 31 are special non-working. 2. French President Emmanuel Macron has promised that a new asylum and immigration bill will be tabled from the beginning of 2023, with the French leader highlighting the need to send MORE MUSLIM MIGRANTS into the French countryside during France's "demographic transition.". How mega clubs deal with sexual abuse allegations is bigger than sport. After the laws adoption in August 2021, the authorities carried out 24,877 investigations through last January, according to the government. shows up and he has a turban on his head, and he mixes with his employees.. Jrmy Mandin, a French researcher involved in the study at the University of Lige in Belgium, said that many young French Muslims had been disillusioned that they had played by the rules, done everything that was asked of them, and ultimately been unable to lead a desirable life.. Among Muslims, the percentage increases to 55 per cent, followed by 44 per cent of Roman Catholics. The views expressed in this commentary are her own. In response, Mr. Macron pushed forward his anti-separatism law despite widespread criticism from international and national human rights organizations, including the governments National Human Rights Commission. France is really shooting itself in the foot.. But it is the expanding emigration of French Muslims that points to a deeper crisis for the country. Much of Muslim voters anger toward Mr. Macron centers on his pushing a widely condemned 2021 law and the subsequent closing of more than 700 Muslim institutions that the authorities say encouraged radicalization, a charge that many Muslims and some human rights groups dispute. List of cities in the European Union by Muslim population To feel like a stranger in my country is a problem, she said, adding that she just wanted to be left alone to practice her faith. The Top 10 Countries with the Largest Muslim Populations in the World in 2021 Maldives (100%) Mauritania (99.9%) Somalia (99.8% - tie) Tunisia (99.8% - tie) Afghanistan (99.7% - tie) Algeria (99.7% - tie) Iran (99.4%) Yemen (99.2%) Morocco (99%) Niger (98.3%) Discovery Company. The campaign has garnered 1.2 million signatures. Im one of three British Muslim women campaigners and passionate football fans calling ourselves The Three Hijabis. Last summer, alongside Amna Abdullatif and Huda Jawad, I launched a viral petition calling on Englands Football Association, the British government and tech companies, to work on banning racists from football for life, following the abuse inflicted on three young Black England players after the Euro finals at Wembley against Italy. Non-Christian faiths account for 12%, and the remaining 40% are classified as unaffiliated, which can mean agnostic, atheist, or nothing in particular.. The French Senate voted 160 to 143 in favor of the ban on wearing the hijab and other conspicuous religious symbols in sports competitions. 2022 Cable News Network. Within 48 hours of our petition launching, Prime Minister Boris Johnson stood in parliament committing his government to working on delivering our demands. Reflecting the presence of immigrants from North Africa, Algeria, and Morocco, France has one of Europes largest Muslim populations: an estimated 5,000,000 Muslims, a sizable percentage of them living in and around Marseille in southeastern France, as well as in Paris and Lyon. Mr. Macron and Ms. Ms. Menyane does not wear a headscarf, but Ms. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Religious Demographics Of France - WorldAtlas It reveals that French people thought that there were 28 percent of the. In just two years, France is also hosting the Olympics, meant to bring nations together in a united show of inclusivity on the world stage. But among them, according to academic researchers, is a growing number of French Muslims who say that discrimination was a strong push factor and that they felt compelled to leave by a glass ceiling of prejudice, nagging questions about their security and a feeling of not belonging. (October 2022) (Learn how and when . Ms. Menyane, who works in food service, voted for Mr. Mlenchon in the first round and was now leaning toward Mr. Macron, though she felt France had stagnated during his presidency. Many imams, social media influencers and other community leaders called on Muslim voters to unite their ballots in favor of Mr. Mlenchon. At a campaign stop last week, Mr. Macron praised a young Muslim womans decision to wear a head scarf as a feminist choice made of her own volition a change from 2018 when he described it as not in keeping with the civility in our country and against the equality between men and women. The proposed ban is opposed by Emmanuel Macrons government and French lawmakers expressed regret over the governments lack of will to put a stop to what they describe as the development of Islamism in sport, CNN reported. Islam is Europe's second-largest religion. Yet again, French lawmakers have chosen to continue on a dangerous collision course with the countrys Muslim population and especially French Muslim women. All of which means that, for now, Muslim women playing sports in hijab have been given extra time to do so with the bill prevented from being passed in its current state. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. Paris based Les Hijabeuses, a collective of young hijab-wearing female footballers tackling what they say is exclusion of Muslim women from sports in Paris on January 30, 2022. divisive and toxic political rhetoric on Islam, immigration and race. The project heaps Islamophobic harm on Muslim women. But it remains unclear how this resentment might be transformed into a political force. According to the National Institute of Statistics as on Sept 2022, the population of France is 67,939,000 (67.9 million), Source: World Population Prospects 2019 and National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, France, Population of France in 2022 68 million. According to the latest Special Eurobarometer 493 (2019) the Muslim population in France is estimated to be 5% or 3.35 million. Put on the defensive, Ms. In France, some lawmakers don't want you to. They delve into Muslim womens wardrobes and pull out hijab, niqab and burqa as exhibits supposedly threatening the very fabric of western values and way of life. The media, it reported in 2002, aids the trend of associating "Islam with immigration, criminality, fanaticism and terrorism, thereby providing a justification for exclusion and religiously . Football and sports belong to all of us however we choose to dress. A rare official investigation in 2017 found that young men perceived as Arab or Black were 20 times more likely to have their identities checked by the police. It comes against the backdrop of a forthcoming presidential election in April, where Frances domestic politics continue to lurch further to the right, and many Muslim residents and communities of color are being subjected to divisive and toxic political rhetoric on Islam, immigration and race. The amendment was proposed by the right-wing Les Rpublicains, which argued the hijab could risk the safety of athletes wearing it while playing sports. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Campaign posters for Jean-Luc Mlenchon, the strong preference of Muslim voters, in Bondy in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. Feeling betrayed, some Muslims have even voted for Ms. Its really the 2015 attacks that made me leave because I understood they were not going to forgive us, said Sabri Louatah, at his home in Philadelphia last month. Around 120 years ago, only handful of Muslims (around 800k) were living in France but if you are looking today its became more than 8 Million. Eastern Orthodoxy and Other Christians account for 4% of the population. Other faiths include Hinduism, Sikhism, Bah Faith, Paganism, and New Age religion. Maybe it could be a nice surprise., For Frances Muslims, a Choice Between Lesser Evils in Presidential Vote, In Bondy, Muslims were not the only ones to criticize Mr. Macrons policies. He vacillated between abstaining for the first time in his life or reluctantly casting a ballot for Mr. Macron simply to fend off someone he considered worse and more dangerous.. France is a secular republic and in theory a nondiscriminatory society where people are free to believe, or not, in any god they wish. BONDY, France Abdelkrim Bouadla voted enthusiastically for Emmanuel Macron five years ago, drawn by his youth and his message of transforming France. Elyes Saafi with his wife, Mathilde, and son, Noori, near their home outside London. Women caught wearing a niqab in public space face a 150 euro fine and being arrested by the police. In 2016, authorities across 15 towns and municipalities across France banned the burkini an all-in-one modest swimsuit that covers the whole body except the face. When you live in a big Democratic city on the East Coast, youre more at peace than in Paris, where youre deep in the cauldron.. The local Jewish population in France nonetheless observant Jews to dress me could! 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france muslim population 2022