pray for my job situation

Asking God what your gaps are and how to fill them is key to a successful career. it doesn't have. Surely You Jest, How To Get To Heaven As The Bible Instructs, What To Do When Youre Angry At God 5 Steps, Should A Christian Eat Pork? Prayer for a Difficult Boss or Coworker. But, Lord if I make the decisions as you want me to make them, my life will be a life of fulfillment. So, Lord, I am humbly asking you to open up opportunities for me to get another job. Are facing the possibility of losing their job. I did nothing wrong and I'm about to lose my job due to assumptions, please lord I really enjoy my job and I feel it's what you want me to do. Although I may be afraid, anxious, or extremely frustrated about my current situation, I know that you have a plan for my life. I declare that, retrenchment or not, my Lord will take care of me and my family. God guide my steps and the words that I speak by Your Word so that I will not be overcome by evil. The favor of God can open doors for you with others. If I try to handle this all on my own I have the potential to become so worried that I wont be able to rest and be fresh to face each day of this journey. You alone deserve all the praise and glory. Rely on God's Strength to Fight Spiritual Battles. It saddens to see them going through a difficult situation. Praying for my job situation to help me in this time of need. Lead me to the right job. Keep me financially abundant to grow a new business for health and wellness services with a spiritual perspective. No add-ons or extensions required, just login and start chatting! Please help me talk confidently and calmly and address any questions that are asked of me with wisdom that can only come from you. So that God's plan and idea can be realized in my job (business). Of a truth, in life we face diverse temptations, and events that come to try our character and faith in God, they may be life threatening (sickness, disease, kidnap of a loved one) or not, but the most important thing you must remember when going through any difficulty is that God is able to turn situations around for you (Job 1). These are example prayers that we believe God will honor if you ask Him sincerely, trust Him, and obey Him as your Lord. Thank You Lord, Amen. In Jesus name. Spiritual Journaling For the Christian: What and How? I give you all of my fears and anxieties. Is The Topic Important Today? God bless me with and cause me to always think, act, and react with a God solution-focused heart, mind, attitude, and spirit. Praying for Your Job-Prosperity, Fulfillment, Happiness is a timely book that provides encouragement, inspiration, and motivation for Christians who:. So many people want to be self-employed, to have their own business, and to seek more of an entrepreneurial lifestyle, That is great if God is leading you that way. Thank God for modeling a Sabbath rest, as He rested from His Creation . "Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!" Psalms 46:10 Righteous God, I thank You for Your Word that reminds me that, I can be still and know that You are God. 4 days ago. Notice that she will Plead the Blood of Jesus directly against this foremen, directly against his verbal attacks, and directly against any demons who may be operating behind the scenes influencing this foreman to act . And God please bless each of us to always walk in the integrity, love, character, and habits of Christ Jesus. Father, help me to not rely on myself, but on Your divine power when I enter my workplace. Amen. Therefore Lord, I will trust in You and will not be afraid, because You God are my salvation. When I leave my home, You are God. You know my skillsets or my lack of skillsets in certain areas. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. I come to you with my concerns regarding job security. Lets proceed to the 40 prayers for my present situation. 1st: for restful sleep, peace of mind & a cheerful disposition (I've been a very 'sour girl' lately). 40 Prayer points for my present situation. Psalms 46:10 Righteous God, I thank You for Your Word that reminds me that, I can be still and know that You are God. Pray that God would help you to be honest, even when under pressure to be dishonest. Prayers for Work Problems With Your Boss 1. You can even have favor with unbelievers. I believe that you can provide me with that peace during this time and I trust that you will give it to me. Your word tells us that you can give us a peace that passes understanding. So, God, thats what Im asking for. "You have a mighty arm; strong is Your hand, and high is Your right hand. I pray for me to get the right job in the city where my husband is. Heavenly Father, still my troubled heart and mind. Please can you pray for me to have a break through in my job situation. "Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,' says the Lord" (Romans 12:19). Well, if we walk with Him, pray consistently, and stay in His word, He has ways to communicate His will to us. He loves you more than you can ever imagine! Join. Pour your peace that passes all understanding into my heart so that I may rest in You and abide in You. He wants you to believe that He is the God of the universe Who loves you, has a plan for your life. Powerful prayers that work for your job search are those that you pray with faith, believing that God can perform miracles and invite God or his messengers to do so in the situation you're facing. Our modern chat room. In this work situation, I declare that You are my daily strength and my song. 2. My children are all graduateset but no better job, Jesus Christ help me on job protect me and my kids at home and on job help with my back and let them not to be lying on me and my kids, My prayer request I need a great job cos I've been an applicant for years . Thank you, God, for loving me. I trust that you will give me the strength and the wisdom I need to work these things through. Lord surround him with your hedge of protection in this situation. I give You all the glory and honor, Amen. So that I may come to know You better, love You more, and make You known. One particular type of prayer that is needed in the lives of so many is the prayer for a job or employment. Hold on, dont make up your mind yet, pray these 40 prayers for my present situation. You've forgiven my broken past and given me all I need to forgive others. David as mentioned above decided to leave vengeance into the hands of God (. In You I find peace regardless of what my work environment feels and looks like, Amen. 3rd: that I not become angry, bitter, and guilt-racked over my current situation, or against my supervisor (we're just very different from one another). My situation is not too hard for you!! I've been working this job for about 5 years and i feel Iike I've outgrown the position. My boss isn't being very fair about things and I either God to turn this around or a new job. Lord may my heart be set on you. Powerful prayers that work for your job search are those that you pray with faith, believing that God can perform miracles and invite God or his messengers to do so in the situation you're facing. No, it doesnt. But, Lord if you will give me the assurance that my dreams of self-employment and my ideas will be blessed by you, then I will pursue this avenue. though we are not that faithful to you. Tradition or Biblical Instruction? Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. So Lord, in the midst of chaos within my work environment, I acknowledge that You are God. Bitterness is a factor that drives Gad away from your situation, so as you pray, ensure to get rid of any bitterness and anger in your heart Ephesians 4:31), that God may show up in your present situation. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. We know all good things come from you, but we also know that not all good things are recognized as good at first. He surely can! He is the same God yesterday, today and forever. 2-I pray for divine health for my husband, me and my dad. Thank you, Lord Jesus.. Selah. May he succeed in his new endeavors and may you watch over him. Lord please help me keep my job. 3. I am willing to work wherever you want. I thank you for your provision for me and the peace you promise as I fix my thoughts on you. Please pray for my fiance's job situation. As you look for employment, do your due diligence in finding the type of employment as well as you can, and trust God. Please guide him and give him the strength to do the job well, protect him from harm, and ease his stress and anxiety. Guide me and calm my spirit. Help me to forget my anxieties so that I may have a clear mind as I apply for jobs. I honor you as the great and holy God. Dear Lord, as I call on you in this prayer for a job, I think I have some skills and ideas that I believe you have blessed me with. Love doesn't strut, 34. r/PrayerRequests. I know that regardless of the circumstances of being laid off, it will not help me to be angry and bitter during this time. Thank You, God, that You loved the whole entire world. Wearing a Hat In Church? The Bible tells us, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" ( Jeremiah 33:3 ). If so, I ask that you would provide me knowledge and wisdom to build my business in the way that it should be done. If this is not the best pathway for me right now, please let me know and I will go in a different direction. No Worries! Psalm 46: 1-3 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Where he is not in Your will lead Him to better. I pray for all obstacles and blockages to be removed from being able to live with my husband at the place we already signed a lease for. 4,528,924 prayers. I leave every aspect of my job situation with you trusting in your . As I work toward finding a job opportunity, guide me in all that I do. Thank You that You loved me before I loved You and You were willing to demonstrate Your love by making the ultimate sacrifice for me Your death on a cross. I ask you to please protect my family and I, I need this job and I cannot get through this without you. How To Worship God: 12 Ways For Church and Personal, Can A Christian Fall From Grace? Please pray for my job situation Discussion in 'Prayer Wall' started by narcispy, Apr 11, 2007. Prayer for Job Security Written by Julia Shalom Jordan.Posted in Work life Tagged: job security, job stability, job stess, loss of job, work stress "Dear Heavenly Father, We come to you humbled by our dependence on you, Lord. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I pray. Lord, thank you for this new opportunity to serve you! So, I am asking you, God, that you give me the type of wisdom that can only come from you. Certainly, we encourage you in prayer for a job. No situation is too hard! I first ask that I will trust you, lean on you, and know that you will give me the words and thoughts that I need to do well in the interview. God deal with all my enemies according to Your Word. Ask the Lord to teach you to be content in every situation, through the highs and lows of life. I trust you that you will provide a job that will provide the income that I need to take care of myself and my family here on this planet. In Jesus Name, Amen. Cathrine. Im asking you to supernaturally work in my life, my heart, and soul, to give me peace through these circumstances the type of peace that can only come from you. Doesn't force itself on others, Thank You. A Prayer for Employment. I pray that You drive out all fear from me in Jesus Name, I pray, Amen. If you need prayer for a job, I hope this page helps! 3. Amen, so be it by faith, and by faith, it is so. And Lord, should my current work position be terminated, I do trust You to provide me with the work that I need. So I lay before you this difficult situation that I face. 1. The Bible says work is honorable, so no matter the occupation, honest labor, done in a joyful spirit, is like a prayer to God. Have lost their job. The Battle Prayer. When you are going for a job interview and you are up against other applicants for the same job. Stop evil lies and free my good name and reputation. The bible refers to Him as a present help in times of need (Psalm 46), So, He is ever present with you in your predicament, you may not see Him or feel Him, but as you pray these 40 prayers, may He show up for you mightily to level every mountain, shame your adversaries, restore all your losses, make ways for you where there seems to be no way, and renew your strength in Jesus mighty name. Prayer for the Work Day Almighty God, thank Thee for the job of this day. If, I need to gain interim or temporary work to help ends meet in the meantime until I land the full-time job that you want me to have, then please help me to do that also. Thank You. You know my desire for a job, for work I enjoy doing, for the next step in my career to present itself. So, I ask that you will open up the doors that I may begin (or continue) in a career path that I am, or can be trained for, that will be motivational for me, will be to the good of all parties involved, and ultimately be exactlyt what you want. 39 views, 2 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from First Reformed Church of Rock Valley: First Reformed Church of Rock Valley. Prayer 5 . Know that the Lord Jesus Christ can be counted on to help and guide you through this time.

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pray for my job situation