when not to eat deer meat

Several parts of the animal should not be consumed. The source: roadkill is a big no as it could have been contaminated. I don't have an answer for them.". Required fields are marked *. Do not eat deer meat from this Maine area. Their appetite for dead flesh can go really far, and their animal instinct will kick in as much for herbivores as for carnivores. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Yes, you read that right! Raw venison should not be consumed by humans under any circumstance, because even healthy deer can be infected with a range of parasites, bacteria, and viruses. It never knows when it will come, so it will take any opportunity to consume any calories it can consume. Wear rubber or latex gloves when dressing or butchering deer. Because of the health risks involved with consuming raw venison, people tend to cook the meat longer than necessary. With its incredible health benefits, venison is a good choice. Dont take the chance at all. If you wish to support this project and keep it advertisement-free, consider donating. Raw meat from wild game should be avoided, but properly handled cooked deer meat is safe to eat. Well show you proper ways to handle deer meat from the field to the house and storage. The behavior is remarkable, mainly because the digestive system of deer has not fully adapted to processing meat-based protein. If you intend to serve your deer meat rare, make sure the deer meat is tested for . But because the state has only tested a limited number of animals, they issued the broader Do Not Eat advisory for the area until further testing could be completed out of an abundance of caution., Read Next: Idaho Authorizes Emergency Hunt to Determine the Spread of CWD. Many people may not know that deer, like some other herbivores, eat meat from time to time. Deer are also known to eat the carcasses of dead animals, most commonly dead fish that drifted to shore. Wild venison has about 50% lower total fat content than beef; 7 vs. 16 grams per 3.5 oz. Yes, you can eat deer meat rarely. While deer are known to kill and eat animals that are still alive, they will not actively hunt them down. And the Maine Department of Environmental Protection is embarking on four or five-year campaign to test hundreds of sites beyond the Fairfield area where sludge or paper mill waste that may have contained PFAS was used as fertilizer. In this form, its enjoyed medium-rare. It may eat its afterbirth or even its own young to get back on its feet. According to Gizmodo, researchers studying song birds in North Dakota found that deer were the main raiders of the nests they set their cameras on. When determining whether or not to eat deer meat while pregnant, there are certain general rules that you can go by. However, they also contain antinutrients and toxins that can be harmful if consumed in large amounts. Other animals deer might eat include rabbits, squirrels, or frogs. If you want to make your venison a bit more tender, you can add a small amount of water to the pan and bring it up to a boil. It's lean, don't over cook it, venison is very low in fat and is best served medium-rare. Deer meat is generally safe to eat, but you should keep a few things in mind. The animals will normally exclusively eat plant-based material and fungi. 4. 2 micrograms of vitamin B12. Nature is not always that straightforward, and we should not put herbivores into the vegan plant-based food only box. These wounds can become infected, which will, in turn, infect the meat. These cookies do not store any personal information. The texture: a sign of good venison is the toughness. Its not a time to leave it and come back to it; you want to cut it at a go. Deer meat isnt so different from other types of meat asides from the fact that it requires extra care as youre bringing it in as a game from the field. You should also be careful to not mix the organs, mainly the waste-collecting ones like the stomach, bladder, intestines, and such like them, with other parts of the meat. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Short for per- or polyfluoroalkyl substances, PFAS have been used for decades in nonstick cookware, grease-resistant food packaging and countless other products. In some instances, if a plant-eating animal is sick, it will eat meat. Much of the meat a deer consumes it will have stumbled upon in the wild. David Trahan, executive director of the Sportsmans Alliance of Maine, said his phone has been ringing off the hook since the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife issued the advisory on Tuesday evening. Deer have a high level of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the body. Even during transportation, before you get to the house, You want to be as fast as possible to get it in the freezer more quickly. The common belief is that deer have an exclusively plant-based diet. Wintertime is the season in which food is less plentiful. According to the MDIFW, PFOS is part of the group of human-made chemicals called Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), which are used in industrial applications and consumer products such as carpeting, waterproof clothing, upholstery, food wrappings, personal care products, fire-fighting foams, and metal plating. However, there is scientific evidence from field research that proves the opposite: deer will eat meat if given the opportunity. Their digestive system isn't designed to process meat. Brown all the sides of your meat for one minute each or cook it until the internal temperature is between 125-135 degrees Fahrenheit. It might surprise people to learn that deer are in fact cannibalistic in nature: they are known to eat the organs of their own species. Other times, winter is just around the corner. The meat color: expect to see a greenish color on the meat if it is spoilt. Bone out the meat and remove all fat and the weblike membranes attached to the meat. In general, however, the meat from a deer is good for 1-2 days after it is killed if it is kept cool. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that pregnant women avoid eating the undercooked meat. This will cause the deer's muscles to relax and make the meat more tender. You might be wondering why butchers or supermarkets do not sell any meat in their stores. These need to be done well because they could mar all the work youve put in till this moment, and youll have nothing but rotten meat left behind. Hunters planning on going to Fairfield area in search of deer should be aware that a "do not eat" advisory remains in effect because of toxic . Maine was one of the first states to detect PFAS in deer. Sign up for the Field & Stream newsletter and get the latest intelligence straight to your inbox. serving. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. The answer to this question depends on a number of factors including how the deer was killed, how it was field dressed, and how it was stored. Use a clean, sharp knife. Even proper handling of venison cant prevent possible infection. Proper handling of deer meat is another point of concern, which will be covered in the overview below. Most importantly, the risks of eating sick and injured animals should be taken into account. This is the part where state leadership really needs to step in and get this one right.". Biologists are gearing up to test deer and possibly other game species as the Maine Department of Environmental Protection expands its PFAS investigations to the more than 500 other sites considered to be at higher risk. Hunters with whole deer carcasses are asked to call the MDIFW to discuss their options for disposing of their deer. Saturated fat is 40% lower. When the texture is soft, smells unusual, and when the meat color is greenish is when not to eat deer meat because it is bad and can be harmful. PublishedNovember 24, 2021 at 8:19 AM EST, Climate Driven: A deep dive into Maine's response, one county at a time, Maine Public on Your Voice Activated Device, Music That Moves ME 60th Anniversary Edition, WATCH: Video On-Demand TV Programs (including Maine PBS PASSPORT), WATCH: Maine Public Television Live Stream, Maine High School Basketball Championship Weekend, Watch Maine Public Television and Additional Channels with an Antenna, Listen to Maine Public Classical on Voice-Activated Devices, Community Calendar - Virtual & Live Events in Maine, Bangor Symphony Orchestra Presents Masterworks II: Tchaikovskys 6th, Facts About Maine Public's Federal Funding. Ziploc bag/ Freezer paper. Youre not sure of its health prior. Finding a delicate balance in preparation is what distinguishes a great chef from a learning one. That is what the carnivores have, like lions and tigers. A potentially harmful manmade chemical called PFOS has been detected in some Maine deer, By How often do deer eat meat? Fairfield is the hottest hotspot in Maine for the highly persistent "forever chemicals" known as PFAS. Raw meat from wild game should be avoided, but properly handled cooked deer meat is safe to eat. However, there is some controversy over whether deer are safe to eat. There are three points to take note of if youre trying to spot spoiled meat: 1. Ground, hamburger, stew meat. This is why new hunters should go with an expert hunter for help. However, they do not bear the natural instinct for hunting. Although scientists say animals are improbable to pass the disease to humans, you dont want to take any chances. As a result, Maine has joined just a handful of states -- Michigan, Wisconsin and New Hampshire -- that have advised against eating either meat or liver from deer harvested near known PFAS hotspots. The department tested several samples of deer meat in the Fairfield area after hearing from concerned hunters. Since deer are hunted in late fall, the taste of acorns and other forest nuts can still be present in venison as well. For most people, venison is a real treat that is only consumed on special occasions. Biologists agree that it is not the norm for deer to consume the meat of other animals. To the surprise of the researchers, deer ate the nestlings and un-hatched eggs too. Reality is much more fluid. Deer definitely have the gut bacteria for digesting meat, so why should they not eat animals? The state issued a "do not eat" advisory last year for deer harvested in the Fairfield area, about 80 miles (129 kilometers) north of . There are still steps youre required to take on the home front for safe consumption; here they are: Before placing your deer on any surface, you want to sanitize the surface thoroughly, be it the kitchen, the garage, or anywhere else. These ruminant animals can be steak-seeking predators sometimes. Therefore, deer will resort to eating the remains of the dead bodies of different animals or kill and hunt the small animals to meet their nutritional requirements. Liver flukes are leech-like parasites that live in the deer's liver. Dont use your kitchen knife but a new knife. As documented in the Journal of Forensic Scientists, the experts explained that the animal captured on camera was the "first known photographic evidence of deer gnawing human remains". To dry-age, store your venison in a rack placed on top of a roasting pan at 34-37 degrees for at least seven days, up to 14 days. In 2009, a short piece of footage was uploaded to YouTube showing a deer eating a squirrel on what . Last year, five of the eight deer tested contained enough PFAS in their systems to issue a recommendation not to eat the meat more than two or three times a year. Mange is only a skin disease and does not affect the meat of the animal. The main dangers to be aware of are the following: In the majority of cases, venison from healthy deer can be consumed, given that the animal is hygienically gutted, as well as transported and prepared correctly. It is an undeniable fact that deer are hunted frequently. Avoiding Contamination on the Field by the Deer, Avoiding Contamination on the Field by the Hunter, Sanitize and Sterilize the Environment and Equipment. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Deer meat has a lower level of fat and cholesterol compared to other common pet food meats like beef or chicken. In general, eating deer meat is considered a healthy food option. Some of the most important benefits of eating deer meat are listed in the overview below: Venison tastes rich and earthy, similar to beef but less succulent and juicy. Generally, a deer needs to eat the equivalent of between six and eight . Using these links may result in compensation for WildlifeStart.com upon purchase, at no additional cost to the user. Venison is some of the leanest and most nutrient-rich meats available. The state issued its first "do not eat" advisory in 2018 for deer taken in and near Oscoda Township. Deer can sometimes eat meat. Then, youre in the right place! Avoid cooking it any longer than that as it will dry out your meat. There is little evidence that deer anatomy or physiology is suited for eating meat. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. 22 to 26 grams of protein. Eating raw deer meat can expose you to bacteria and other harmful organisms. Some of the highest levels of PFAS in Maine have been found in soils and drinking wells near farmfields that were fertilized with sludge or papermill waste. Stew: stew is also a traditional way to prepare deer meat. If you see either of these signs, it's best not to consume the meat as it could potentially make you sick. Venison is low-fat meat that is packed with a wide range of essential nutrients, including iron and zinc. Mange safe. How much meat can a deer eat in a day? So you have to look closely for broken skin, unsealed sounds, or lesions. The deer meat is tender and juicy, and is easy to make into jerky at home. Deer do not possess the ability to chase prey and kill it. Hunters should be aware of the dangers of venison before consumption. Nutrition of Deer Meat (Venison) As per Dr.axe and the University of Illinois, 85 grams of cooked venison approximately contains about: 128 to 159 calories. The chemicals are widely used and extremely long-lasting. That might even include us. Deer meat is a favorite of many for various reasons. It causes the deer to lose hair and is often accompanied by the thickening of the skin in the affected areas. Since you dont want the bacteria to infect the cut, you want to make sure the blade is sharp to reduce the number of slices. Camuso said the do-not-eat zone extends roughly five miles from the areas of Fairfield with the highest contamination out of an abundance of caution. The bucks usually fight using their antlers and, in the process, get injured. Deer meat has 20% more protein than beef; 7.4 vs 6.2 grams per ounce. Basically, mad cow disease but for deers. White-tailed deer do not stand out as particularly ferocious predators. "Once this sinks in, a lot of people are going to be scared and rightly so, Trahan said. However, it would be best if you did not . Youll also be getting some tips on whats best to enjoy venison with. At only 157 calories per 3.5 oz serving, venison has 40% fewer calories than beef and 10% less than chicken breast. The main reason for this is cost related: venison is cheaper than beef, making it less economically viable to start a deer farm. And at least one dairy farm has been shut down as a result of the contamination. One common method is to place the deer in a solution of water, salt, and baking soda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1ehFlAFCMw, Why are Herbivores Eating Meat? Three other deer, taken. You can't undo this siren. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Cleveland Clinic, and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), selecting edible deer and properly preparing the meat after a kill involves the following: When all precautions are taken, a hunted deer can feed a family for a very long time. They live in little cavities in the liver and are roughly 1 to 3 inches in length. Your email address will not be published. State officials advise people with deer meat from this area to discard it in the trash or a landfill. (6 Easy Canning Steps). Lets just say that Bambi was really hungry that day. Another reason is the prevention of illegal poaching, as wildlife would be the other main source of deer meat. 2 to 7 grams of fat. Generally speaking, you can eat deer meat (venison) when pregnant as long as it is cooked correctly. The Maine advisory notes that high levels of PFOS have been found in some farm fields in Fairfield, as well as in the well water and surface water near or on those fields. Do not eat the organs, brain, spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes of a deer. This will also remove lymph nodes. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Acid ) were when not to eat deer meat in several deer collected in the wild any opportunity consume. There is one thing you can Control > deer meat an extra tag in 2022 business! 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when not to eat deer meat