why western culture is good

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They style themselves and express themselves through clothing that corresponds to who they consider themselves to be. The western culture has impacted on India in many negative ways however, it has also influenced India in many ways too. What Are the Characteristics of the Western Genre? A nation's climate has a major affect on how a society develops. His idea spread across Europe and was taken by the Puritans across the Atlantic to North America. It matters little what your color isyou are lucky as hell to be an American in our Western Culture. Now, as The Lone Ranger leaves theaters this month, that sense of loss begins to expand to cowboy movies themselves. Staff Writer & Contributing Writer, Western culture is a vague term often seen in academic environments. However, it is difficult even amongst scholars to identify which cultures and peoples are included within the distinction of western.. Adopting good practices of any culture is always fruitful. For one, a history of cultural interactions and exchanges often results in cultures internalizing opinions about each other. They developed democracy, and made critical advances in science, philosophy, and architecture. These major historical events were fundamental in shaping the culture and society that Westerners live in today. Below is a list of only a few of the more significant examples: An example of Western art is the Mona Lisa, painted in 1503 by Leonardo da Vinci. Write a one or two paragraph essay describing in what respects the Eastern culture may have benefits not found in the Western culture. Western society is in many ways a rational society. The Protestant Reformation was a European anti-Catholic revolution that was sparked in 1517 by a monk named Martin Luther. The way children are brought up to perceive the elderly can have a . Introduction: People treat and view the elderly members of society in alternate ways depending on the culture they are from and have grown up in; this is shown in Western and Eastern society who regard the elderly very differently. The Old and New Testaments demand that believers take care of the poor, the sick, and the foreigner, even if they are not of our faith. The amalgamation of these worldviews, nestled and nurtured among the competing nations of western Europe (extending from present-day Poland to Ireland) developed throughout the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, and the Enlightenment. This stereotype of "white people" essentially. The core religious traditions are still the same but the life style differences can be found because of western culture. Westerners also tend to be expressive, especially through the creation and value of art and the arts. Westerners, by and large, also value reason. The Greek alphabet is still used today in Greece and Cyprus, but it is also used for scientific and mathematical notation. The truth, he said, is that cultures can and should be rated on the basis of the values that describe them. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Western lifestyle or European civilization, is a term used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, and specific artifacts and technologies that have some origin or . The culture which is prevalent in India is known as Indian Culture. For example, when East Asian countries. Medieval Europeans created a university system in which people from one nation could attend in another nation, and receive a degree that was recognized by all other universities. Create your account. But amazingly it is because so much of our intellectual high ground from the schools and universities to the museums to the publishing industry to the broadcast media is dominated by cultural surrender monkeys of the MacGregor persuasion. Not only were certain aspects of the material culture in the colonies lost or destroyed, colonial societies also lost the power and sense of cultural continuity, such that it became . Western culture is governed by a set of laws that every citizen must follow. And, they don't worry about persecution because of political views or religious beliefs. Great Britain eliminated slavery throughout its empire in 1833. Its impossible for a single word or term to prove description enough for content as broad as culture, architecture, basic thinking, storytelling practices, rules for law and governance, and so on and so forth. Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Western lifestyle or European civilization, is a term used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values,. India is the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and other religions. There are many reasons for this; one is that it has a unique culture that combines both Eastern and Western cultural traits. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} It is intended to be a government where the authority derives its just powers from the consent of the governed. They were studying the sculptures of Michelangelo and August Rodin. It is amazing the power that politically correct kooks have acquired over language, art, and literature. while in Western Culture the people mostly belong to Christianity. Sofia Lyon is a fourth year English and Philosophy double major from Los Angeles, California. A few years back, I interviewed a programming director of a nationally broadcast channel in Southeast Asian country about the cycling in popularity of drama television (from Hong . Our criminal law has been reformed. Tragically, it was revived by western Europeans at the beginning of the Renaissance (around 1400) but fortunately, the same Europeans began to abolish it. Western nations share certain defining features with each other, and that have to do with their political and philosophical heritage, as well as their particular formation process, as is the case of: Here are the areas where Western Civilization has undeniably influenced the world for good: Do you like the idea of voting? Greek plays and myths, the architecture of the great temples, and even the basic schools of thought all survived long past the fall of the ancient Greek city-states. The attitudes and values we hold today are largely products of the Enlightenment. They like to think for themselves, and they value individualism. They may even try to do it through colonization, but at the core there is always that appeal to betterment. You read that Western culture is individualistic, whereas Eastern culture is collectivist. Mass immigration, political correctness, censorship, social justice warriors, affirmative action, third wave feminism, cultural marxism, calling everyone you don't like a racist nazi, the growing influence and support of communism (with the rise of Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders, communist parties and Antifa). Thousands of years ago, the West was born in Greece with all of its advancements in culture and science. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. For example, getting an A in a difficult class would be considered an accomplishment for the individual student in a Western culture, but would be seen as a reflection of the family in an Eastern culture. . By being vague, the West is able to serve as the blanket term used for all of it, and provides easy distinction from the other main school of thought in the world, the East.. There are lots of historical and cultural reasons why the West has the advantage here: more widespread literacy; early adoption of the printing press; the fact that, unlike some cultures we could name, it doesnt try to ban music as haram. Probably Pam Ayres too). The history of the West is usually said to have begun with the. How The Western Culture Views The Elderly. Western civilization is also the home of Rock and Roll, Country Western Music, Blues, Jazz, Rap, and Pop music. If western culture is bad, not so many people from east would be living in western countries. What is the difference between Eastern and Western culture? I think it sounds great. Before I make a suggestion as to the likely answer, let me first explain why it is that Im confident that the vast majority of people in Britain actually believe their culture is superior. Western civilization has brought good things too. Western civilization, that is the distinct culture that grew up in Europe and has evolved over the past 2,500 years or so, has gotten quite a bad rap lately. Consequences of western culture on Indian society Affected caste, joint family, marriage and other social structures.Introduced new institutions like press, Christian missionaries, etc. Hardly. Economic growth is often non-existent, with many local economies even poorer in GDP per capita terms than they were fifty years ago. The Indian culture is a very old culture and is staying the same however, now the western culture is changing it to become more modern. The music and art of Western Civilization are studied worldwide, not because it is imposed on anyone, but because hundreds of millions of people love and appreciate Bach, Mozart, Handel, and Beethoven. Western culture refers to Europe; Eastern culture refers to East Asia and South Asia, especially China, Japan, and India. Its own form of the arts, like with other civilisations, medicine, if you have survived the invasions, central heating is great if you living in unsuitable climate, abundance of food you can eat simultaneously to the starving. East and West may have myriad differences based on culture and education. But why is this freak being given airtime to spout such unutterable drivel so violently at odds with what I imagine the vast majority of people in Britain and the West generally actually believe? The Enlightenment more or less corresponded to the 18th century. Other cultures like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, North Korea, and Iran have barbaric judicial systems and often just make up the rules as they go along, in order to further the agenda of the regime. On the other hand, no matter where you go in the world you will find people who can play the violin and the piano and the classical music they are most closely associated with. France is most culturally influential when it comes to fashion, scoring a 9.8/10 in this category. They swipe a piece of plastic to pay for coffee. Thus, western culture seems to be a somewhat arbitrary distinction used across academics to describe ideological, cultural, and ethnic uniformity amongst European and derivative nations. Indian culture is rich and diverse and as a result unique in its very own way. Habit of Cleanliness Most of us have the habit of throwing garbage here and there instead of putting it in its. About the only seriously major fault with it is that because of its inherent tendency to question everything and consider no idea or tradition wholly sacred, it contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction. In China, I enjoyed listening to people play the erhu (a Chinese stringed instrument). She's taught multiple college-level psychology courses and been published in several academic journals. So, we can acknowledge the shortcomings of the term pragmatically. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Cultural texts are written or translated into their language. Rock especially is seen as a necessary cultural export of the West. Well Zimbabwe Ruins are interesting, apparently; theres some interesting architecture in Mali apart from the stuff that has been blown up by extremists from Culture B; and Benin produced some lovely masks and ornate doorways in the Middle Ages. Western culture has been put in the most advantageous position: booming economy, expansionist postcolonial agenda, industrially fueled dominance and control of mass media. Tragically, the U.S. did not abolish slavery peacefully but rather endured a war in which 700,000 people were killed but in the end, the 13th Amendment forever abolished slavery, thank God. Again, this development is often pointed to by non-Westerners as a sign of moral corruption. Would you rather live in a civilization that takes care of widows or burns them to death? Muslims in their lands eventually built their own hospitals, but the European Christians built hospitals all over the world, because of their religious belief that all people need medical attention no matter who they are. "People growing up in the West today remain among the . 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Modern values like humanism, egalitarianism, secularism have entered Indian value systems. 5.Travel Spirit: Enjoy with Cameras vs Enjoy with Eyes However, banking and capitalism did not originate in Africa or South America or India. Western Civilization is THE culture that has most greatly benefited the world for the better, whether or not the politically correct crowd recognizes it. Try to gain the perspective a person in that culture might have. The economic force that eliminated feudalism (capitalism) and moved Europe into an Industrial Age began in Venice in the High Middle Ages (not long after the first Crusades). Why Western culture is best? Western culture conveys and promotes the ideas and values of advanced civilization across people of India. Out there in the real world, different rules apply and thank God they do. | 20 What does that say to children in a classroom whose heritage harks from outside the British Isles? True, the Roman Republic morphed over time into the dictatorial Roman Empire, but the idea of a republic lived on in the free states of the Venetian Republic, the Swiss Confederation, the Dutch Republic, and eventually our own republic. Jennifer has a Ph.D. in Psychology. Which is why this Francois-Cerrah woman and people like her are continually being granted time in the sun by the likes of Channel 4. Western culture does not describe any specific group or belief, but instead it describes tendencies within cultural thought and practices, tendencies which favor the plight of the individual rather than the collective. By the 20th century, most people in most Western countries no longer attended church regularly. The West has secured freedoms for women and racial and other minorities to an extent unimaginable 60 years ago. Many people believe that Western culture is more individualistic than Eastern culture. Western culture is a broad term used to describe the social norms, belief systems, traditions, customs, values, and so forth that have their origin in Europe or are based on European culture. This is in contrast to Asia, which is Eastern in culture, and Africa, which - you guessed it - has its own unique African culture. When people talk about Western culture, what exactly are they referring to? Spain. What was also previously pointed out is its use in separating the East from the West a separation almost solely based on historical development of technologies and differences in major philosophical schools which govern political and cultural mentalities. Both schools of thought have drastically different ideas on how the world and society should be governed. Combines the wisdom of the ancients, with Judaeo-Christian morality, filtered through the empiricism of the Enlightenment. (And I say this with confidence, even though Ive never read any Ibo poetry. They moved westward with the next great civilization, the Romans, and, after Rome fell, continued to move even further west until they reached America. In the eyes of your average commissioning editor with his or her valuable degree in Sociology, Ethno-guilt and Benin-Mask-Design from the School of Oriental and African Studies, there is nothing freakish in the idea that a culture which forces its women to dress like tents, bans them from driving and buries homosexuals under walls is any way inferior to ones where women get top jobs in the boardroom and paid maternity leave. Since the advent of modern science during the Scientific Revolution of the 16th to 18th centuries, technology has played a crucial role in Western culture. Western culture is more or less associated with European culture and began with the ancient Greeks, as most countries of the West derive much of their culture from the ancient Greeks and Romans. It is a sign that the West is culturally dead. This is another wonderful idea of Western Civilization that has been exported all over the world. But Ill take the freedoms we enjoy any day. Accordingly, Berliner continued, Western culture is objectively superior to others because its values, including life, logic, individualism, progress, and science, are superior values. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. Western culture now is regarded as frontline civilisation. You wont find a single school in Peking or Shanghai, where teachers moan about how rubbish the Chinese are when compared to the Americans. The intercourse between the Mediterranean and the North or between the Atlantic and Central Europe was never purely economic or political; it also meant the exchange of knowledge and ideas and the influence of social institutions and artistic and literary forms. They are excluded from the engagements of Western Europe, and also have endured much cultural assimilation from Mediterranean and Middle Eastern states. Westerners often expect each other to use logic to solve problems and to understand the nature of existence. Luther promoted the idea that local governments should fund free schools for the public. What it ultimately speaks to are the origins of philosophies which dictate diverse ways of life across the planet. Westerns take place in the untamed frontier, an open landscape of mountain ranges, rugged lands and vast plains.

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why western culture is good