best wrestling heels of all time

Pic credit: WWE In November 2018, Jeff. What Are The Best College Wrestling Teams? Rowdy Roddy Piper The Rob and Eric talk about the best wrestling heels of all time!Register here to enter the code for WWE Smackdown tickets - you'. Ric Flair used his bravado and his wealth to create one of the best heel characters of all time. It's not easy being a villain. But when he was in the ring he was one of the 10 best ever. Piper was not the biggest wrestler, but he could make a crowd believe he could beat their favorite wrestler because of his crazed persona. #19 of 448 The Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All Time #4 of 180 WWE's Greatest Superstars of the 21st Century #16 of 108 The Best Pro Wrestling Champions 3 Ric Flair #7 of 157 A throw back to the '70s style of heel much in the mold of Ole Anderson or if you take a step further into history, Dick the Bruiser. RELATED: Randy Savage's Best Matches, According To Dave Meltzer. Developer (s): Acclaim Studios Austin, Crawfish Interactive & Sculptured Software. No one was better at women's wrestling than Moolah. Posted below are the 50 best wrestling heels of all time, according to WWE. Unlike his brother The Undertaker, who some may view as more of an anti-hero, Kane is undoubtedly a pure villain. To find out, there ought to be ground rules of what makes a heel great, let alone the best of all time. The Rock would be popular in any role given him because he makes it his own. Ax, Smash and Crush all delivered their own brand of pain to their opponents. It is the way we want to talk to our enemies or our boss or just someone in general. He went to the NWA and caused all kinds of havoc in Jim Crockett's territory. Heenan was a despicable heel, managing the likes of Andre the Giant, King Kong Bundy, Mr. There were plenty of wrestlers in his day who were dangerous, but Farhat took it to a whole new level. Some wrestlers will tell you it is "easier" to turn heel or come out as a heel than it is to be a face. Ric Flair is called the Dirtiest Player of the Game for a valid reason. Hamilton was a big man who would over power his opponents with Ole Anderson-like girth. Jimmy Hart was just an annoyance in and out of the ring. In recent years, Heyman has been one of the WWE's most annoying antagonists and recently further solidified his renowned status as a heel by managing another heel, Brock Lesnar, "the beast incarnate" who ended The Undertaker's 21-0 streak at WrestleMania 30. And Kurt Angle is probably the best mat wrestler ever to lace up a pair of boots. 50-41 50. JBL was recently a guest on Busted Open Radio where he poke about various topics including who he thinks are some of the greatest heels in the history of pro-wrestling. Most of you know your stuff and have been watching for a long time. Whether you like them or don't like them, you learned to love them because they were the best thing going in the 1980s. Over the years, she has humiliated numerous Superstars in the ring with her hateful words. He embraced violence and became more sadistic as the years went on and famously had long-term feuds with John Cena and Triple H. Orton played a perfect heel and became more vicious as the years went on, growing from a smug, arrogant heel in Evolution, deeming himself "the legend killer," taking out many greats in the process to becoming a crazed snake-like heel, punting his opponents, out to inflict as much pain as possible. He was big, strong, smart, and had the boss's ear. Men wanted to be him. To some of you guy's maybe he's the best. Once Edge and Matt Hardy began their feud that dealt with real life cheating in a relationship and Edge bragging about stealing one of his best friend's girlfriends, not much could make Edge a babyface anymore. His promos were different and made you think about life. DiBiase could also wrestle and work the mic better than most in the WWF at the time. Who can forget his infamous attempt at the evil black wedding with Stephanie McMahon? Some of his clients were the greatest villains of them all and are well represented on this list. They were Road Warriors-esque with a little less flair and better mic skills. Lou Albano. The Miz is someone that fans absolutely hate. He was NWA Champion eight times and almost cheated his way through every single one those title reigns. This crashed Michaels neck and the injured wrestler reportedly swallowed a lot of blood before he was taken to the hospital. The most important job a heel has is to make people hate them in any, way, shape or form. Perhaps his greatest investment was in a another villain on our list, The Undertaker, who debuted as the fourth man in The Million Dollar Man's 1990 Survivor Series Squad. The Iron Sheik 45. What's new. 10/12 WWF Attitude. New posts Search forums. #3. He played his entire eight-year career with the team and built a huge legacy. He was one of Gary Hart's first foreign imports tocome to the states and battle Dusty Rhodes. The Funk Brothers were both former NWA World Champions. Same goes for Orton and I can't take Triple H. You can ask anyone about those 20 minute promos that put people to sleep or made people that wanted to change his channel. Before Paul Heyman had his "Paul Heyman guys," Bobby Heenan had his "Heenan Family." You may even call him a heel behind the scenes. And when you are in his backyard, all you need to know is your are in trouble. 2/15 Ric Flair Adidas designed the Adizero XIV with a superior outsole for enhanced grip and speed. Strong, agile and pretty good on the mic. He mocked them and their fans. Years later, she used her pregnancy again to get the better of Shawn Michaels. Just as much as the "face" because there is not as much built into the process of being the bad guy. Both men were great wrestlers and could use power and finesse to win matches. Fans fell in love with Elizabeth, and Savage treated her horribly. They were one bad ass clique. The World's Most Entertaining Car Website. However, in the 1990s, it became cool to cheer heels, and that made it harder to become a legitimately hated man in wrestling. Johnston was scoring champion three consecutive years, was a six-time All-Star and won a ring in the 1955-56 season. The Nature Boys gimmick was a carbon copy of Super Star Billy Graham's, but Flair worked it better in my opinion. He superkicked his best friend Marty Jannetty through the Barber Shop window and destroyed one of the most popular tag teams in WWE. Without any further ado, here are the 30 best WWE wrestlers of all-time. A regional star in the south and the NWA. Sullivan used the "satanic" dark side to reel in recruits like Jake Roberts and Mark Lewin. His matches are epic, his speeches mesmerizing and his influence on the WWE universe iconic. 30. Owing to his all-inspiring presence, the Undertaker has always outshone his adversaries. He and Adrian Adonis formed the East/West Connection in the AWA and held promotional gold. While the team built its resume without the weapon, their use of tables helped define their characters. He capitalized on his opportunities and quickly became a superstar and villain in the WWE, cashing in his World Title contract to snatch the WWE Championship from John Cena at New Years Revolution 2006. The heel's character and story type has evolved as the art of wrestling has evolved. Posted below are the 50 best wrestling heels of all time, according to WWE. Further, these villains helped advance the wrestling business. It convinced fans that Triple H was playing backstage politics with him being married to Stephanie McMahon, and was being gifted world championship reigns, which made even all the better heel. The WWE universe wants Punk to return and for good reason. Lou Albano, these "lost" wrestlers won WWF Tag Team gold and were lead heels in the Federation. When he retired, he looked to make his sons into stars and chase the NWA dream. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. His 296-day reign as then-WWWF Champion from April 30, 1977 . "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels did one thing to make everyone hate him instantly. He feuded with Tommy Rich like there was nothing else in the world. Jericho has played multiple characters, from beloved babyface to comedy genius to a ruthless heel. He formed the Straight Edge Society, pestered and beat Rey Mysterio in front of his family, and mocked Jerry Lawler for his heart attack, to name a few. While wrestlers might put forth a great match, a bigger chunk of the work often falls onto the hands of the commentary desk. The prototype for guys like Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Hulk Hogan . "The Game" Triple H is arguably the greatest heel of the Attitude Era. He was intelligent and intellectual and his interviews were more about English and grammar. You watch with excitement as they come to the ring, huffing and puffing and threatening to break every bone in your hero's body. He also used anything he could to win a match. And WWE compiled the official rankings for the top 50 wrestling villains and placed 'Hot Rod' at the top of the pile. Of course, that defeat maynot come right away, but it will come eventually. Michael Hayes was great on the mic and could wrestle. He was the Scrooge of the WWE, barking orders at his manservant Virgil, tricking children into believing they could win $500, and stuffing $100 bills into the mouths of his opponents. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan was the original, notorious manager who ran his mouth on his client's behalf. Rude only strolled down the ramp and to the ring for two reasons: One, to verbally beat down the crowd and two, to physically beat down his opponents. It would create arguably the greatest feud in wrestling history. From a favourite hero to a loathed the heel, CM Punk has done it all in his 434 days long title run. He carried a crop with him and wasn't afraid to use it. And she managed the likes of Shawn Michaels and Randy Savage in the WWF. Ed Farhat terrorized Detroit for a generation, and his long and bloody wars with Bobo Brazil (and others) are legendary. Our they could be part of a really "good" reality show (if that is possible). There are many types of heels: the supervillain, the arrogant one, the coward, the cheater, the unstoppable monster heel, the "cool" heel. Loved for his work in establishing World Class Championship Wrestling, he was a heel most of his wrestling career. To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories, we're happy to send you some reminders, Click 'OK' then 'Allow' to enable notifications, Published14:36,27 April 2020 BST| Last updated14:47,27 April 2020 BST. Over the years, the business of being an effective heel has changed. Fans worldwide jeered due to his dirty tactics, but they made no difference to the Rolex wearing, diamond ring wearing, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing, limousine riding, jet flying. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper Sherri Martel seemed to be able to do it all. Before Mr. From the announcers to Superstars, and from referees to General Managers, no one has been able to escape once this man has his wrath set on them. It was the year when Jericho smashed Shawn Michaels into the TV monitor on the highlight reel and almost led him to retire owing to an eye injury. As a current member of the authority, she is one of the more annoying and despised characters in the WWE right now. He was the WWE's top villain and often fought against some of the company's hero figures like The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan. "Superstar" Billy Graham. From there he morphed into Big Poppa Pump and a powerhouse, capturing the United States Championships, two Television Championships, and the WCW World Title. One of the best heels of all time. The face must keep them interested. In the Midwest, was their a tougher duo than Crusher and Dick the Bruiser during the 1950s and 1960s? From the Godfather of commentaries Gordon Solie, all the way to heel commentators such as the highly despised Michael Cole. Later on in his career, Fuji became a manager and was successful in that heel role as well. From turning ECW into a creative powerhouse, to being a terrific commentator, to being one of the greatest managers of all time, Heyman can do it all. 4. Vince McMahon is the ultimate heel for one reason and one reason only: he cared only about himself. The villain must draw the crowd into his story before he ultimately falls to the hero in dramatic fashion. He always had the crowd in the palm of his hand and could make them love or loath him with just a few word changes or simply the way he said them. He is so good on the mic and so skilled in the art of catch and release, he is almost one of "them". The looked like two lost souls. His demonic apparel, pupil-less eyes and soul-chilling voice multi folds his evilness. They were part of the Attitude Era and knew how to play to the crowd. A third generation wrestler, Orton has been loved for his "heel" tactics and psychotic persona on Smackdown. They took the approach of Steve Austin and moved it three steps further. It is the dark side we all wished we had and wished we could do in the ring. Description: Hi EVERYONE. But one characteristic of a heel has always remained the same: a heel's defeat must always be believable and noteworthy. 15) "Superstar" Billy Graham. He is arrogant and brash and not afraid to upend the status quo. His greatest heel moment was when he kidnapped Stephanie McMahon and then forced her to marry him so that he could control the entire WWE. Donate. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Mudlup50 Championship Contender. A great wrestler, he held many regional titles in Florida and then Georgia. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage 48. He was able to throw stipulation after stipulation which made him a known figure in the Corporation. Unique lists featuring pop culture, entertainment and crazy facts. Randy Orton was arguably the biggest heel in the Ruthless Aggression Era, with the argument being between himself and Edge. The latest in the sports world, emailed daily. News on all your favorite celebs, reality TV, and movies. This started when he came from reality TV and the Real World franchise to WWE and became a wrestling superstar. When the Big Red Machine first made his appearance in the WWE, all hell broke loose. PS. Aint there a hated heel burned down in your memory by the side of your beloved babyface? Is it is easier to be loved or hated? Orton didn't care about advantages. He became the first man to cash his Money in the Bank contract. No one expected Stone Cold to align with the McMahon regime, especially after the their years of fighting each other. Two international stars that just tore up arenas wherever they went. In fact, this power over the wrestling business helped make Punk into a tremendous villain. It. The punishment was enough to make you stay away. He had an outrageous love for fire, and he would love to set people on fire. Le Duc was known as a brawler and punisher and was a popular heel in Florida and the Midwest and Portland. And it has developed as the audience's expecta. Even in his veteran years, he was one of the most conspiring minds in his faction with Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista (Evolution). 0:00 / 0:00 The Greatest Wrestling HEEL Of All Time 34,589 views Dec 30, 2018 Jules presents the first in a new series of wrestling GOATS! The audience believed in their characters, their motives, and their ability to carry out those motives over their opponents. As members of Paul Jones' Army, they caused havoc all over the NWA and WCW. Whether it was battling The Rock, Stone Cold or countless other victims, Triple H made each match and beat down count, and made especially sure to use his trustedsledgehammer whenever he could. The Best Heel Of All Time. Heenan called himself "The Brain" because of his cunning and smarts. Roddy Piper. He proved himself in the territories and wrestlers to this day tell stories about how he scared just about anyone who crossed his path. Even when Corporate Kane emerged in more recent times, he's still as unstable as ever. These are not in any order. Larry Zbyszko Turns on His Mentor 7 of 10 One way for a wrestler to turn heel would be to attack his babyface mentor. Today, we take a moment to honour the legendary heels of WWE of the modern era. The Daddys little girl has indeed been the Daddys little devil in the WWE. What are you going to do about it? NOTHING. Used a five-count to beat his opponents and used his size to back an opponent into a corner and brutalize them. What is impressive is that he was just getting started. Patreon: Many More Videos: My Twitter Page --- My Facebook Page --- You LOVE to hate them. Both men were great wrestlers and could use power and finesse to win matches. Hence, he is on the top on our list. It hit its height when he kept insulting rookie Daniel Bryan, who had a decade more experience than Miz, but had yet to make it to WWE's main stage. Roberts gave a great interview and was a good ring performer and tactician. In the states, the caused havoc as a tag team and against each other. He knows how unhappy we are about it and he'll never let us forget it. They were "cool" and everyone who followed WCW knew it. Joined: Jun 27, 2014 Messages: 648 The heel encompasses many of the same characteristics of everyday people. More than his monstrous power, his demonic mind is the one which sends chills down the spines of wrestlers as well as fans. A very underrated duo. Although Sgt. In 1987, he ripped off the cross from the neck of long-time friend Hulk Hogan, which suddenly ended their friendship. As Vader, he was one of the true heels in WCW before the invasion of the NWO. Ironically, his loudest pipe-bomb came on Colt Cabana podcast, Art of Wrestling, after Punk decided to set ashore from WWE. I would love to know who are the best heels of all time in your opinion. John 'Bradshaw' Layfield. Big. Savage eventually donned the name "Macho King" and his legend continued to grow. Just admit it. When they added Stan Lane to the mix, there was more talk and more action. He was popular for his colorful outfits, his mic work and his power. He mocked Jake Roberts by hitting on his wife and wearing her face on his tights, and then beat Ultimate Warrior, cementing his status as one of WWE's most hated heels. These are the names. And the heel always has us coming back for more to see what happens next week. Ed Farhat was the original who battled and cheated with foreign objects and caused all kinds of trouble in the wrestling. Hogan can bring more out of a crowd than any other character, mainly because of the foundation he set for years of good will, positive thinking and great promotion. Miz knows how to soak it up too, as he has no problem insulting fan favorites. Today, we take a moment to honour the legendary heels of WWE of the modern era. Tables. Because of their size, they caused all kinds of trouble for heroes and tag teams in the federation. His feud with Shawn Michaels helped make him a superstar. Big bully wrestlers in the AWA who liked to beat on their opponents and strike fear in the fans when they wrestled. The greatest hero in professional wrestling history became the greatest villain in professional wrestling. Fans might love Edge because of his legendary status now, but for nearly his entire career, Edge was one of the greatest heels of all time. He was part of the big three of heel managers in the WWF with Bobby Heenan and Capt. He was arrogant and aggressive and he made sure people knew it. After the Montreal Screwjob, McMahon used that real-life hatred the fans had towards him to become the heel boss of the company. Both were big, strong men who beat their opponents into submission. In a time when NWA fans loved "the son of a plumber," blue collar, humbled, Dusty Rhodes, Flair was the opposite - bragging, rich, loud and arrogant as all. While he's revered today, Slaughter was once one of the most hated men in wrestling. Actually, Ventura is better known as a heel commentator. He was a mainstay in the NWA and even held the World Title at one point. Fans remember his feud with Shawn Michaels as one of the best of the 2010s. He was a former WWWF Champion when he beat the famed Bruno Sammartino. As much as he was loved as the babyface, he was more hated as the heel. One of the most colorful personalities in wrestling, ever. Heenan could say whatever he wanted because he had a wrestler to protect him. According to the wrestling company, Piper "enraged audiences and incited guests long before Jerry Springer was a household name. Who can maintain the order when the Boss himself decides otherwise? He knows how to get the job done, either by hook or crook. But when Hogan turned rogue and formed the New World Order with heels Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, he brought the world he once created crashing down. I am a sports fanatic from a fanatical town (Boston), which drives my interest in writing all things sports related. Small and agile and great moves on the mat and in the air. By the time he dumped her for Sensational Sherri, fans wanted to see anyone take him out, and it finally happened with The Ultimate Warrior, which led to him turning face for the first time to a massive pop. Bobby Heenan 7 of 70 He was a marginal. He manged several wrestlers who made this list like Ravishing Rick Rude, Ric Flair and Ted DiBiase. His size and "figure" was cause for comedy in wrestling circles. As a member of the famed Guerrero Family, he lived up to the traditions set forth by the family, and then he set the world on fire. He was a brawler and fighter and made no bones about he fact he was going to hurt his opponents. Batista 49. #10 Chris Jericho The glass piece went inside Michaels' eye. He started out as a face, became a heel and then transformed himself into one of the best ever. When they started out, they were mean and bad and great new-aged heels. Here is our ranked list of the ten best wrestling games of all time. Savage was loved by everyone, but was better as a heel. Asics Rulon Gardners Colorways offered: Red and Black Gold and Black Blue, Black and Silver Orange, Grey and Black A skilled tag team that did not talk much, they let Cornette do that for them. They definite pulled off some great stunts and catch phrases. He was a singles and tag team champion for Don Owen several times over before the promotion finally shut its doors. Mark Henry 46. One of the great all-time characters in wrestling. The good wrestling heel of all time are the ones that strike a balance between these qualities, which is why we've gone out . Piper knew when to flip a switch in his character from talk show genius to great wrestler, he is truly one of the most versatile wrestlers of all time. Not only does a villain have to welcome the hatred that inevitably surrounds him like a thick fog, but he must handle immense public pressure whenever he saunters to the squared circle. His egotistical Y2J savior gimmick made him widely disliked by the crowd, but one thing always remained true. All fans wanted to see was him get knocked off his high horse, and it was all thanks to her arrogance and charisma, which made him a perfect heel in that era of WWE history. So without further ado, here is the top 50 greatest heels of all time, and it's bound to cause debate along the way! He managed the One Man Gang, The Missing Link and others who came through Fritz Von Erich's promotion week after week. Notably, The Undertaker was once forcefully retired from the WWE due to Edges conspiracy along with Vickie Guerrero. Love him or hate him, he was one of the best heels of all time. BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE SPORTS HISTORY NETWORK, OF COURSE. Oh it is true.He was a great face and a great heel. However, the community of has voted their ten best heels of all time. But the way he cashed his contract set a new trend to prey upon momentary helpless champions. Perfect, and Rick Rude. Just remember your favourite Superstar or your favourite match. The list of his (un)fortunate rivals has the likes of Shawn Michaels, Triple H and the Rock. This list highlights the top 6 responses I received based on volume. The millionaire businessman joined the commentary box after a successful career as a negative character. The Heenan Family was a massive heel stable, and he was the manager for Hulk Hogan's opponents in both WrestleMania 2 and WrestleMania 3. Rude hired Bobby Heenan as his manager, which made him an instant top heel, and then he started insulting every man in every town he entered, while choosing one woman from the crowd to kiss. He was loud and obnoxious, like he was in the WWF, but there was no denying he was great heel bruiser. What Bruno Sammartino was to the WWF, Graham was equality important as a heel. In WWE, and particularly post-national expansion, he spent more time as a face than a heel, and was quite good in . The Macho Man was the top heel while Hulk Hogan was the top face in the WWF. Steiner's career took off when he betrayed his brother Rick as they defended the Unified WCW Tag Team Championship. Forums. Perfect made people hate him from the start with the promos showing him perfect in everything he tried. The feud nearly killed both of them. Once a snobbish body builder, anyways a snobbish body builder. He invented the casket match, threw Mankind off a 20-foot cage, and was the creator of the Ministry of Darkness. Mr. One look at Race in 1983 chasing Ric Flair and putting the $25,000 Bounty on his head at Starrcade is all you need to know about how good Race was in this business. The destructiveness found new depths when he jumped from the top rope on Shawn Michaels neck with a steel chair clung around Michaels neck. I loved watching him talk with such arrogance and monotone. It was the best "heel" turn of all time. Due to a few ties, there are actually 8 shoes mentioned below! He began feuding with Bret "The Hitman" Hart, and when he took part in the Montreal Screwjob, he made many fans hate him forever, no matter what he did in the future to make up for it. Ranking the Top 5 Best Heels of All-Time, Including Ted Dibiase, And Hulk Hogan Talking About God Triple H would have legendary feuds with Mick Foley, The Rock, John Cena, Shawn Michaels, and win so many of them. From their legendary encounters, two "super finishers" were made famous, with one of them being Misawa's Emerald Flowsion. You love to hate them and you hate to love them. He refused to pay top dollar for WCW's main talent when his company bought out the Atlanta-based company, which aided in destroying any chance the WCW could merge successfully with the WWE. Rowdy Roddy Piper was a perfect heel. Notably, he mocked Paul Bearer after his fateful departure and used his death to get under the skin of the Undertaker ahead of their match at WrestleMania 29. The idea of carrying a boa constrictor into the ring just solidified himself as one of the great all time characters in WWF history. Ric Flair seeing him in action was worth the price of admission alone. The two would later battle in a match for the history books, which marked the end to The Giant's long, unbeaten streak. Also, he played the role really well especially as the commissioner of the WWE during the attitude era. One of his most controversial promos was with Stephanie McMahon when he pointed out about her enhancement surgeries (Let the bodies hit the floor). He goes down as one of the greatest commentators and managers wrestling has ever seen. Unique lists featuring pop culture, entertainment and crazy facts.

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best wrestling heels of all time