billionaire yoga vedic astrology

The person will have hundreds of properties, vehicles, and will be Ultra-Rich and wealthy in his lifetime. Next, you want to see which planet is positioned or sitting in the 11th house. Both the 9th house lord and 5th house lord are posited in the 7th house together. And it is through knowledge and intelligence one can earns income, wealth and gains. Similarly, Mars aspects 4, 7, 8 houses from itself. In fact, it is one of the rarest Yogas in Vedic Astrology. Nav Laxmi Yoga cannot be found on many Birth Charts, but whoever has it gains immense blessings from Goddess Laxmi. Occult has been practiced worldwide since ages and we have thousands of illustrations in every age and era about black magicians, spell casters, future tellers and what not. Let us see the charts of some people and see what made them who they became: The two panchmahapurush yogas forming in the 4th house, exalted mercury, dispositor of the lagnesh in dhan bhava,Dhanesh getting a very strong nech bhang raja yoga, 10th lord aspecting 10th house which is his own mool trikona sign and Ketu in the 11th house. mitrai ppakhagai ubhai ripukhagairyuktopi crdha bala ||. To know and find out about a persons financial condition, it very crucial to look at the 11th house as it also holds a lot of importance in life. I am sure that most of the astrologers, both budding and veterans would have studied a bit of palmistry, or more when young if not for knowledge, then at least to impress their friends and would instantly connect Cheiro with palmistry. The person born with Shri Maha Laxmi Yoga will be the owner of massive wealth in his lifetime. The reason is because from the 11th house, the planets directly aspect the 5th house. They were Sun, Mars and Saturn. Conjunction of 5th and 9th lords in dhan bhava. In fact, this will be the first time, you will hear about this special yoga. Now let us see what the venerated Satychrya, who is acknowledged as the final arbiter of astrological principle by even chrya Varha Mihira in his Brihat Jtaka, tells about results given by the trika (6th, 8th and 12th) bhvas: Now these shades are adopted by the other religions too including the ones mentioned. ripheopi tathaiva randhraripubhe yasysti tasminvadet |, anyonyarkagat nirkaayutcnyairayuktekit jtosau npati praastavibhavo rjdhirjevara. He read palms and told the fortunes of famous celebrities like Mark Twain, W. T. Stead, Sarah Bernhardt, Mata Hari, Oscar Wilde, Grover Cleveland, Thomas Edison, the Prince of Wales, General Kitchener, William Ewart Gladstone, and Joseph Chamberlain. On 7/07/1955, Castro left Cuba for Mexico City, where he met Che Guevara. Even here, while fortifying the bhva occupied, Saturn is more than likely to cause severe harm to the bhvas aspected. Even if there is one planet in the 11th house, it is considered to be very auspicious and lucky. This is the reason why, when a marriage takes place and when the spouse of the person comes into their house for the first time, people say that Laxmi has entered their home. The yoga is further fortified by lagna lord himself being strong and aspecting lagna resulting in the grant of the kingdom, to the Jtaka. One of the most auspicious maha wealth yoga that blesses the native with extreme wealth and prosperity. So, take note of your number and write it down in a piece of paper. Correction: Number 6 which is the 6th Zodiac sign of Virgo is also a benefic sign or good sign which is ruled by the planet Mercury. Lastly, the lord of the 9th house should be positioned in the 9th house itself. Having thus understood the underlying principles of the Vipareeta Rj yoga, let us see the charts of some well-known personalities in whose charts it occurs, and whose charts and lives are out there on the net for anyone to verify. Jupiter Aspects 5, 7, 9 houses from itself. As we know the 9th house is regarded as the house of luck and fate and if this house makes a relation with both the wealth houses that is the 2nd house and the 11th house, the person becomes extremely rich. Rahu and Ketu Aspects 5, 7, 9 houses from itself. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. A retrograde planet if also, simultaneously, in its rshi of exaltation loses its strength (is weak as if in debility), while if in its rshi of debility its strength is equal to being exalted. First is the Vipareeta principle in operation: 1) It is said that planets in debility harm the indications of the houses occupied, generally giving negative results. Just check if there are any planets and take note of it. He will lead a life full of prosperity, wealth, peace, success and happiness. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Even if there are planets like Rahu and Ketu, it is considered to be good. Billionaire Yoga In Vedic Astrology - Ancient Astrology Talks We observe in this chart that lord of auspicious kendra (10th bhva) and the 3rd bhva, is placed in its rshi of debility in the 6th bhva ( a trika bhva), giving rise to a Vipareeta Rj Yoga, though the lagna or lagna lord does not receive aspect of its lord, Jupiter or Mercury, thus denying actual kingdom. Who doesnt want wealth, money and prosperity. While in prison, he read and studied history, philosophy and politics up to his release on 5/15/1955. As in one of the Vedic Sutra says Maa Laxmi, the Goddess of Wealth is forced to come into the house of that person who works hard and respects money. One of the most auspicious maha wealth yoga that blesses the native with extreme wealth and prosperity. As in todays day and age, one can get into big trouble for getting himself involved into such activities. Copyright 2022 Ancient Astrology Talks. I would think it will become extremely powerful and, if a malefic, cause much harm while if a benefic give good results. Here, Shri Maha Laxmi Yoga is formed in the birth chart as the 9th house lord and the 5th house lord are posited in Kendra Houses (1,4,7,10) with at least 3 benefic planets aspecting or looking at the conjunction of 9th house lord and 5th house lord. Meaning: Sage Satychrya told about contrary results of the 12th, 6th and 8th bhvas, in this manner: However, we must also understand that being a king is not only about wealth. But it is the horoscope which tells that who will be able to do so and who won`t. And the lord of the Zodiac sign is Jupiter. What differentiates one person from another? Similarly, a planet in exaltation in navmsha shall give results of exaltation even when placed in debility in the rshi chart. According to the Sutra from Vedic Astrology, Shri Maha Laxmi Yoga is formed when the 5th house lord and 9th house creates a connection with Kendra Houses, that is 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house and should be posited in any one of the Kendra houses together. Therefore, Saturn aspects the 11th house with its 3rd aspect as we count 3 houses from the position of Sun. Here, the lord of the 9th house is Mercury which is positioned in the 9th house itself. He claimed he had access to ancient Indian books written in gold and learnt much of the art of prediction from it. uccasthena yutordhavryamiti cennce tu unya bala From the above image, you can see a blank birth chart, however, when you see yours, you will find a lot of numbers written all over the quadrant boxes. Now, it is upto the person to ignore the bribery or move forward with it. You really dont have to understand it deeply but you just need to have the basic idea of how planets work in Vedic Astrology and its really easy. Even if there is no planets, it is still fine. billionaire yoga vedic astrology - The Vedic Siddhanta Lastly, when the lord of the 9th house is posited in the 9th house itself, it creates a Maha Bhagyawn Yoga. I would also like to bring it to the notice of the learned astrologers the basic principle that if a planet is in debility in navmsha, the results of its debility only will obtain, even if it is in exaltation in the rshi chart. Mercury, Moon and Venus are all benefic planets and they are situated in the 1st house. I hope you enjoyed reading this article and congrats if you have Maha Dhan Yoga in your birth chart, there is not doubt, with some hard work and perseverance, you will surely be able to unlock the wealth and fortune thats coming ahead for you in the future. Astrology is an accepted science among the Hindus and now it is respected worldwide due to Hindu seers. So, if we count 8 houses from the position of Mars which is in the 4th house, it aspects the 11th house. Will you be a Billionaire? Astrological Perspective - AstroVidhi The three major religions of the world are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Mars is the lord of 4th house and 11th house. It is like they start a restaurant and within months, it flourishes and starts to bring them immense wealth. We all know, all the planets have the 7th aspect or also called direct aspect. But whoever has this Nav Laxmi Yoga in his birth chart, he will be destined to become ultra wealthy in his lifetime. Now, while the lord of the 5th house and 9th house are together in Kendra houses (1,4,7,10), and there must be at least 3 benefic planets (Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Moon), looking or aspecting the 5th house lord and 9th house lord. copyright 2015 Chandrashekhar Sharma, Note: This Article is Originally published at @, Users can Buy : Books Authored by Chandrashekhar Sharma Thus it is apparent that none could have even dreamt that he would one day become the dictator of Cuba, who could not be dislodged even by the mighty U.S.A. and shall serve his country in that capacity till he decided to step down due to ill health and handed over reigns to his brother Raul Castro. Exchange of signs between dhanesh and lagnesh, ketu in 6th bhava, shree lagna falling in the dhan bhava. So, if you count 7 houses from the position of Saturn, you will end up in the 2nd house where Jupiter is sitting. Therefore, today in this article, we will talk about how much wealth can one earn in his lifetime and how will the person earn their wealth or money?. Arrested, he was found guilty and jailed. Firstly, the lord of the 11th house sitting in Kendra (1,4,7,10) creates a Dhan Yoga. AND 2) The lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhva harm/weaken the bhva occupied. The number that you see in that box is not the house (as most people get confused with). Call +91 82852 82851 to Buy Natural Rudraksha, Death When: Moon transit tells the time of demise, Celebrity Tarot Reader and Numerologist Sudha. This weakness will in turn reverse the ill effects of the trika bhva lords occupation of good bhvas. Though the difference is fine we can see that the results, differ in their scale and there is certainly much importance needs to be given when the lagna also gets strength along with a strong Vipareeta Rj yoga. Next, the 1st house lord should be positioned in the 11th house. However, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu have 3 different aspects. The much talked about, and many a time much-misunderstood yoga in Vedic astrology is the Vipareeta Rj Yoga. This special Yoga is also very difficult to form and is extremely rare. The basis of this yoga is two basic principles of astrology: 1) Any planet placed in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhva loses its strength. While the 11th house shows us how and in what way we will earn our income and wealth. It is also possible that he changes his career unexpectedly which contributes to his rise. Similarly, 1, 5, 9th, 11th houses are known as Triknoas or Trikon houses. Having seen the different ways Vipareeta yoga can operate, an inquiring mind must ask if results of all of them can be similar and can all of them give extremely positive good results? So here two different set of principles are being used. You also my have heard of Maha Dhan Yogas like Kuber Yoga and Maha Laxmi Yoga. Wealth and money is one of the most important things for a person in his life. Therefore, Sun directly aspects or looks at the 11th house with its 7th aspect. Lagnesh in lagna itself and aspected by 10th house lord. While, there are others who try hard and still become unsuccessful. Again, Sage Prshara tells that if the lords of 6th, the 8th or the 12th are placed in their rshi of debility, enemy or if they are combust, they confer a kingdom on the Jtaka. His shree lagna is falling in 11th house. However learned Klidsa opines that these results are reversed and cause the Jtaka to become a king, especially if these lords are also connected to each other, by aspect or exchange and themselves be unaspected by other planets. Which means that if you count 7 houses from Sun, you will end up in the 11th house. Our example chart: Number 9. Who is lord of the 11th house? But after one is born, what he is going to do in his life can be deciphered by an able astrologer very easily. Mars is posited in the 4th house itself. However, this Dhan Yoga becomes even more powerful, when it aspects or looks at its own house which is the 11th house, this creating Maha Dhan Yoga. Therefore, there are two planets sitting in the 11th house. The next, thing you need to take note of is to check the position of the 11th house zodiac sign lord and where it is placed in the birth chart. There is one more wealth yoga related to Laxmi Yoga that is even higher than Shri Maha Laxmi Yoga. His father married Lina only after birth of her 7th child, after divorcing his wife Maria. 2) Similar are the results when planets occupy the 6th and 8th bhvas as the planets become weak due to their placement in these most malefic of trika bhvas, and in turn render the bhvas owned by the planets in those bhvas, weak. || vyayaahabhveu vaipartyamha satycrya ||. dusthneopi ncastho yadi lagna prapayati | Who doesnt want to be a billionaire? The person will earn his wealth through good means and by doing good deeds where no cheating, robbery, fraud is involved. the person who was in line to get that recognition does not get it due to sudden setbacks like loss of reputation, health issues, death etc., and the Jtaka gets the recognition, in his stead. On 3/10/1952, Batista seized power in Cuba when Castro formed an insurrection group. This later chart will indicate the difference in strength of the Vipareeta Rj Yoga when the lagna does not get further fortified (a bhva gets fortified when aspected by own lord, Jupiter or Mercury). From the 1st house Mercury, Moon and Venus is directly looking or aspecting the combination of Sun and Jupiter in the 7th house. The sage makes the principle of very weak lords of dusthna giving good results when occupying certain bhvas; amply clear in the next shloka that reads: ahamavyaydh ncasth ripubhestag | What number is written in the 11th house box? Here the principle is more clear as the lords of 6th, 8th or 12th would be either placed in good bhvas or in another trika bhva, or be otherwise very weak. The person will never have to worry about money because wealth is written in his fate. These Yogas do play an important role in making a person very rich in life, but when it comes to becoming Ultra-Rich and Wealthy, there one more higher level Yoga that people are actually not aware of. Meaning: If the lord of the 8th bhva occupies the 12th or the 6th bhva or should the 6th lord occupy the 8th or the 12th bhva or should the 12th bhva lord occupies the 8th or the 6th bhva and should these lord be connected to each other by aspect, conjunction or exchange of house but be unaspected by other planets, the Jtaka becomes a very wealthy king of kings. If this is the case for you then, you can say that you can also gain wealth from bad deeds that involve cheating, fraud, scam and misleading sales tactics. You can read this chart and fully understand how Nav Laxmi Yoga actually gets formed in the birth chart. Our example chart: Jupiter who is the lord of the zodiac sign Sagittarius which is the 9th Zodiac sign. Wear Energize and Natural Bhairav Lakshmi Ring to get sudden wealth. Primarily it is about being accepted as being a leader by a group of people and voluntarily being given authority to adjudicate over matters of that group, including, but not only, imposing of taxes to sustain the system, administration and so on. He will be destined to have good source of income, will be rich in his lifetime and will be wealthy. svoccasvabhagalagneo lagna payaca rjyada ||. Nav Laxmi Yoga is formed when the lord of the 11th house is posited in the Kendra houses (1,4,7,10), specifically, 4th house or 7th house. The 12 houses of horoscope signify many things and in those the 2nd house is the prime house of bank balance and assets, the 1th house is the house of fulfillment of desires. If you carefully analyze the chart above, the lord of the 4th house is Mars. The Kendra houses are some of the most important houses in the Birth chart and any planet that sits in the Kendra house is considered to be very auspicious. There is no doubt, the person who has this yoga will become not just a billionaire, but a multi-billionaire. It is said that if there is a benefic planet sign in the 11th house or the 11th house is ruled by a benefic planet. People are born in the same hospital and at the same time yet one becomes a doctor and another minister and one a normal clerk. Not everyone enjoys so many pleasures like these people do and it is nothing but the karmas of past lives which makes one rise in his life to these heights. In fact, even if just the 9th house lord and 5th house lord sits in the Kendra houses, without having any aspect of benefic planets upon them, this alone itself is regarded as a Maha Raj Yoga. Below is the chart. paperback format, Link for same is :Vedic Astrology Demystified, The Vedic Siddhanta is an initiative of the Vedic School of Krishndhaam Center for Scientific Research on Astrology & Astronomyfounded with the motive of spreading true knowledge on ancientVedicscience, The Vedic Siddhanta: Center for Scientific Research on Vedic Science, Jammu, India, Mail to Founder:, Stay always in touch! Where is the lord of the 11th house positioned in the birth chart? Built with, 2nd House Lord in the 12th House | Lords in Different Houses, Mars in all 12 Houses for Sagittarius Ascendants, Mars in all 12 Houses for Scorpio Ascendants, Mars in all 12 Houses for Libra Ascendant, Is It Safe To Awaken Kundalini? According to the Sutra, from Nav Laxmi Yoga, the lord of the 11th house should be posited in Kendra houses (1,4,7,10) and should be looking or aspecting its own house which is the 11th house. However in case of planets occupying the 8th, the 12th and the 6th bhvas contrary results are obtained. (You can check the number and sign lord from the above table given). The number that you see the in the above chart are 1,5,8,10,11 and these numbers are ruled by planets Mars, Sun, Mars, Saturn and Saturn which are all malefic planets. He will be the owner of massive wealth and prosperity in his lifetime and will be showered with lots and lots of wealth. Saturn aspects 3, 7 and 10 houses from itself. Such a person will not depend on other for wealth, instead he will earn his own wealth through, hard work, knowledge and intelligence. Vedic Astrology Demystified is now available on Amazon in both Kindle and Next what you have to look at is how many planets are aspecting the 11th house lord. Our example chart: It was Saturn with its 7th aspect who aspected the lord of the 11th house Jupiter which was sitting in the 2nd house. Today, in this article, i will be sharing a secret Vedic Astrology Combination or so called Sutra that if a person has, he will be destined in his life to become extremely wealthy, fortune and prosperous. He will probably have wealth equivalent to a King and it will take decades to spend the wealth that the person owns. The formation of Shri Maha Laxmi Yoga itself is very complicated. Meaning: When planets in debility occupy the 6th, the 8th, the 2nd or the 3rd bhva while the lagna lord occupies its rshi of exaltation or own rshi and aspects the lagna, such yoga is capable of bestowing kingdom upon the Jtaka. Sun aspects 7th houses from itself it has the 7th aspect. He will lead a life equivalent to a king and will have a very prosperous and fortunate lifetime. He is now going though his moon mahadasa. Here, 1st house lord is Saturn (10) who is positioned in the 11th house. When planets ruling these houses sit in Kendra houses (1,4,7,10), it blesses the native with fortune, wealth and success and makes the person wealthy and rich in his life. I trust these charts will help the learned astrologers to understand the finer difference between the Vipareeta Rj yoga and Vipareeta Yoga.

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billionaire yoga vedic astrology