introduction to gender studies book pdf

This text is excellent for an entry level course in women and gender studies. It is easy to follow. 1. I am excited to implement this Fall in my classes and look forward to getting feedback from my students on their thoughts on how it affected thier learning. They can be assigned for homework or introduced in class to prompt discussion. The book flows well, and the Units interrelate but can equally standalone. Revised edition of the authors' Introduction to women's and gender studies, [2017], Everyday Womens and Gender Studies is a text-reader that offers instructors a new way to approach an introductory course on womens and gender studies. It is a well-produced and well-presented work, albeit rather brief and focused (as the authors themselves admit) on a sociological perspective. Gender Studies educates agents for change. Language was inclusive and free of bias. The authors present a full picture the first wave of feminist movements in the US, including discussion of white and black activists. It is missing a few ideas that I would have liked, for example West and Zimmerman's "Doing Gender" which was a foundational article in the discipline, a discussion of the "Other," Collins' notion of "controlling images," and Hoschchild's "second shift." Princeton, N.J. Princeton University Press, 1977. The presentation on, interpersonal violence, gender assault, and rape survivors within the US criminal justice systems needs updating. Representation can always be improved but this text does an excellent job of being inclusive in its examples and in its citations. However, there is not a glossary or index. More importantly, both fields are engaged as foundational to WGS not as an after-thought. I thought it could have been useful for references to appear directly on each unit subsection. It provides cohesive and comprehensive coverage of a very diverse topic and does so in a succinct and accessible manner. read more. Many of the paragraphs seem quite dense and lengthy. The text provides mostly images outside of the provided text. The text effectively allows the reader to navigate easily from section to section without problems. It will also be useful for those teaching sociology, literature, and other cultural texts. One could easily use only the first several chapters or even the later sections focusing on the history of feminist movements at no deficit to the concepts in the selected sections. The Children and Families Act, of which the new Shared Parental Leave regulation is a major feature, is a well-meant piece of legislation, intended to give parents more job security and more control over family life. As I mentioned earlier, the terminology is up-to-date. It seemed odd to me to have the history unit at the end of the book. Here, the Government clearly focused on heterosexual couples. It can easily be supplemented with other sources in order to provide a more comprehensive introduction to Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. This can be relevant to courses in Sociology, Area Studies or International Relations. This book covers a lot of information, minimally. I could not see any errors with the book. I find that non-majors who take our upper level sex and gender class could benefit from a textbook that provides key terminology. I would recommend assigning it as required reading during the early days of an introductory women's and gender studies course. read more. This, however, is not necessarily a weakness. The authors' note that their intent with this textbook was creating an intersectional, interdisciplinary, anchoring reference text to be used in concert with other assigned readings, for that reason, it is not comprehensive in terms of fulfilling all my needs in an intro to women's studies textbook. The section forwarding is located at the bottom of the page and initially difficult to see. I did not notice any grammatical errors. The authors acknowledge that it is an introduction which briefly covers most of the topics and concepts typically taught in a WGSS course. 2. Many of these conversations will have to complimented with other external sources, but the text provides a key foundation. Intersectionality Examples need to be more I would think a yearly update could be accomplished with relative ease. Sentence structure was engaging. This was a particular area of strength for this text. The book is very straightforward; however, in it's effort to be succinct and to the point, some context can be lost. For an introductory text, there are a lot of social science terms, but I think the authors do a good job of explaining them, in addition to providing sources for further information, including videos. The text introduces and applies the work of feminist scholars throughout, allowing for a consistent exploration and application of intersectional feminist scholarship and praxis. As others have pointed out the text may be limited by the disciplinary expertise of its authors who are all sociologists who bring sociological perspectives but lack training comparable to the biologists, anthropologists, sociologists, historians, chemists, engineers, economists and researchers from just about any identifiable department lauded in the introduction. The authors introduce very complex ideas in accessible ways - probably the biggest highlight of the book. Intersectional perspectives inform all relevant content areas. As someone who studies digital culture, I was much less impressed with the cultural relevance of this textbook than other reviewers. Introduction: Feminist Movements Elements in the text often appear as listed rather than linked ideas, so that it was difficult to compare and contrast different approaches to the study of gender or sexuality in ways that might facilitate class discussion. Most texts are outdated and rely on older feminist writings with very little contemporary content. Like many introductory textbooks in the field, this one is written by sociologists. This book explores the interconnection of care, gender and migration regimes and their impact on 'migrant domestic work' in Europe, in a comparative perspective. Intersecting Institutions Case Study: The Struggle to End Gendered Violence and Violence Against Women; References: Unit III; The Family; Introduction: Institutions, Cultures, and Structures; Media; Unit IV: Gender and Work in the Global Economy. However, within the context of the US, the unit on feminist movements is impressively inclusive. read more. The book is written in an inclusive way, the illustrations are also representative, although from an American perspective which is not particularly clear in the title and the introduction. Perfectly modular, easily divisible. In the Third Wave feminism section there are few references to movements outside of the US. There are bright spots in the texts international analysis, including a multilevel analysis of maquiladoras along the US-Mexico border. The authors acknowledge that it is an introduction which briefly covers most of the topics and concepts typically taught in a WGSS course. The units are organized into groups of topics that make sense. Gender is a classifying principle in society and culture. The text consistently uses the same terms and definitions throughout the units. The title of the book itself reflects its wide span of coverage -- from women and gender to more complex debates in Sexuality Studies. The writing is very clear, and speaking to the comprehensiveness of content, covers a large amount of terms and material. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. That would make it easy for a junior or senior to use the text to provide a clear overview about a topic and then delve into the sources for a research paper. Publisher : SAGE Publications, Inc; 3rd edition (January 27, 2017) Language : English. Key words and ideas are clustered in a logical format that will allow instructors to pair excerpts with more in depth studies and/or cultural texts to elucidate context and significance. It was formed in response to the men's rights movements of 1970's. Those who held pro-feminist politics began to theorise about men and their identity as 'men'. The tone and style are consistent throughout the text, making it easy and accessible to read. The academic study of gender has a relatively short history . We might suggest some transnational references. I appreciate how the text is written in such a way that it is direct and to the point. Read online free Introduction To Women S Gender And Sexuality Studies ebook anywhere anytime directly on your device. If contributors were interested, I think this text could benefit from additional sub-topics related to women, gender, and sexuality. I plan to use this book as a supplement to research monographs. The structure of the book enables easy insertion or modifications for future Instructors who may wish to assign only parts of this textbook. More modules about Latinx feminism or feminism from specific regions would be helpful for courses addressing global or transnational feminisms or feminisms that resist the Black/White binary. More generally, colonialism and imperialism needs to be centered more. To me, it would have made more sense to discuss history in the second or third unit in the book. I was thrilled, however, to see many concepts like multiple masculinities included. Despite there being several authors of this book the text remains consistent throughout. Introduction to Gender Studies. The text is easy to read. State, Laws, and Prisons It does what it does For an intro level, this is an ideal book, however it requires other materials to be added for the class. Some of the examples presented as sidebars are shorter and structured differently than others. The units largely aligned with other texts I have used in class and covered the main overarching topics including social structures and institutions, matrices of power, work, gender roles, women's bodies, health, and historical movements. Yes, the book is consistent in its terminology and framework. The tenor and voice remain consistent throughout. Gendered Perspectives: Theoretical Issues 2. That being said, additional resources could easily supplement where real life examples are lacking. It also covers politics, policies and governance as well as specific research methods. For instance, there is a new class action suit against Walmart, which is not mentioned in the vignette about Walmart. Several transnational feminist scholars' ideas appear in the latter units. More detail is needed to explain the many concepts presented. To make the text more engaging, there should many many more examples, vignettes, stories, scenarios, and exercises to help students understand concepts and engage in learning how to apply them. I saw nothing that prompted me to question whether information was accurately reported or represented. Terms continue to be defined throughout the text and are bolded for accessibility. Unlike most intro to WGS texts, this text brings in trans and disability as key analytics and seeks to be as updated as possible with language and terminology. Some of the images are a bit grainy, but are still viewable on a computer screen. The title clearly states that this is an introduction to women gender and sexuality studies which is clearly is. Introduction: Institutions, Cultures, and Structures It needs to be supplemented with more detailed work on ideas introduced. This short text (135 pages) can easily be paired with a reader or selected articles and videos. The book is clear and concise give the complexity of the subject areas. The modularity of the book is one if its strengths. Accessibility StatementFor more information contact us atinfo@libretexts.orgor check out our status page at I perceive this as a strength and area for improvement--the strength being the information provided is brief and relevant which will result in a longer "shelf-life" but also not detailed enough to provide a 16-week semester course full of discussion. I did not notice any content errors upon my first reading. Key words and concepts were clearly identified in bold font. Against Women The textbook seems easily used and has unbroken links in the online version. Translating sexualities is a political act entangled in power politics, imperialism and foreign intervention. Summary - Lecture notes introduction to gender studies 2. If anything, the However, because of its brevity, the text sometimes glosses perhaps a tad lightly. I was impressed with the book's comprehensiveness. A lot has happened in the world of WGSS, sociology of sex and gender, and the world since this book was written, including the probable and devastating loss of Roe v. Wade. Reviewed by Christiana Paradis, Adjunct Professor, Susquehanna University on 3/20/20, I thought that this is a good introduction to a textbook, but it would be helpful if it was a bit more comprehensive. The first and second sections are perfectly in line, but the change to focusing on the workplace and other feminist issues and then circling back to feminist history seems a bit awkward. As the authors note, the text heavily lies on sociology. This book maintains a sociological framework and an intersectional focus in all of its five units. Examples are relatively diverse throughout the textbook, but the textbook could benefit from more diversity related to age and religious affiliation. It takes a broad approach yet still manages to include some nuanced discussion of critical ideas. Gender Concepts Learning Objectives To define gender, gender concepts and terminologies To identify the differences between sex and gender. At times, the text leans towards a sociology-centric conception of the field. I regard the text to be accurate. The text is easy to follow and navigate. There were no errors that I detected in the textbook. However, the historical observations will still remain relevant. Key words are bolded and clearly explained the first time they appear. For instance, the discussion of the terms disabled people vs. people with disabilities can show students how terminology is not stagnant and is informed by lived experiences. Despite its position as an introductory text, the final two units have a more specialized focus: one covers gender and work in the global market and the final unit is dedicated to feminist social movements (serves as the history/narrative of 19thc., 20thc, and third wave movements). Images and charts are generally okay, though there is minor pixellation with one or two images. 4. The brevity of the text provides ample opportunity for instructors to assign additional reading/video materials for discussion and to devote class time to learning activities, bringing in current events, expanding and renewing concepts, and adding ideas, information, and new ways of understanding. Sort Courses by. In addition to exploring each concept in detail, each chapter includes up to five short recently published readings that illuminate an aspect of that concept. It provides a theoretical context and examines the various societal issues and constructs that shape individual beliefs. I really appreciate how the authors really slow down and explain unfamiliar terms or concepts clearly and concisely. Videos reflect popular culture, which changes with the time. This is important because these issues are in the news and popular culture right now. This schema states that: 1) sex is a biological characteristic that produces only two options, male or female, and 2) gender is a social or psychological characteristic that manifests or expresses biological sex. Rating: Rated: 0 times. 9. 2. It is comprehensive in that it covers many of the standard topics. However, the amount of material for each section makes the online reading tolerable, and that means a lot coming from someone like me who hates reading online. The online version has hyperlinks, which consistently worked well. read more. The book emphasizes feminist sociological approaches to analyzing structures of power, drawing heavily from empirical feminist research. I was impressed with the book's comprehensiveness. I didn't identify any grammatical issues. Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach is a truly interdisciplinary and intersectional text featuring global examples for women's, gender, and sexuality studies.Its student-centered rhetorical approach and pedagogical features--including an engaging image program, prompts for activism, a comprehensive glossary, appendices of key terms, annotated . Terminology and theory are necessary to explain the overlapping systems identified within the book, but these are written in a straightforward manner although a glossary would also help here. Often this textbook feels more like an outline than a textbook. I have doubts that my first and second year students will find it accessible. This book will be an invaluable resource for experienced WGS instructors and those seeking or planning to teach it for the first time, including graduate students and high school teachers. Gender expression and sexuality terminology will also need to be updated soon. This paper explores radical feminism today, and asks if it is a suitable model of feminist activism for the twentyfirst century, particularly in terms of advancing and protecting the rights of trans people and sex workers. It depends on how you will organise your course, you might need to go back and forward but in general it is well organised and the material is easy to find. &opencurlydoublequote;the arena of the colony_ phoolan devi and postcol. It does what it does very well, but instructors should expect to use this text as a foundation they must build on to give students a comprehensive introduction to the field. The length of text for each section of the e-book is a good length that does not seem too long for reading online. The book emphasizes feminist sociological approaches to analyzing structures of power, drawing heavily from empirical feminist research. Although focused over all on U.S. examples, the text refers to global contexts and examples as well. It is good also if you teach a class for two depts, such as a cross-listed course, with easy and quick explanations students who are not Units I and II are comprehensive yet easy-to-follow glossary-heavy chapters on gender and women's studies. Brazilian scholars on race (see Santos et al 2009) or Brazilians who have African ancestry and are racialized as distinctly not white may not agree with this statement, nor is it clear how or who is the basis for this particular claim. Examples need to be more robust and vibrant in order to illustrate concepts. Some are oddly placed (e.g., page 26). Teaching courses on Gender and Sexuality requires unpacking wide-ranging concepts like Race, Class , Hegemony and so forth in order to contextualize gender in terms of structural inequalities rooted in colonialism, global production patterns , labor migrations etc. no longer supports Internet Explorer. The text is easy to navigate digitally and the imbedded images, videos, and links all function. This could suggest to students that the fields of womens studies, gender studies, and sexuality studies are the provenance of sociology only. Embedded videos that arent dependent on external links might be preferable, as might more context for how a video should be watched and deconstructed. It briefly introduces many concepts in an accessible way but does not provide much depth or detail. (I don't agree that we live in a post-feminist world, but some people do.) Gender Studies investigates the actual (physical and biological) gender differences between women and men, but thinks especially critical about what these differences mean in a socio-cultural context. { "00:_Front_Matter" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "01:_Introduction" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "02:_Sex_and_Gender-_What\'s_the_Difference" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "03:_Know_your_Role_An_Exploration_into_Gender_Roles" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "04:_Gender_Inequality" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "05:_Gender_Language_and_Media" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "06:_Gender_Emotions_and_Relationships" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "07:_Gender_Sex_and_Sexuality" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "08:_Gender_and_Education" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "09:_Gender_and_Work" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "10:_Gender_Deviance_Crime_and_Punishment" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "zz:_Back_Matter" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()" }, { "Book:_Global_Women\'s_Issues_-_Women_in_the_World_Today" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "Book:_Introduction_to_Women_Gender_Sexuality_Studies_(Kang_Lessard_and_Heston)" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass226_0.b__1]()", "Book:_The_Psychology_of_Gender_(McRaney_et_al.)" However, I was pleased this book offers a solid foundation that will help ground students in the key concepts that sometimes get lost in lengthier texts. Class The five units flow easily and logically from grounding the student in the discipline, to deconstructing hegemonic (binary) ideas about gender and sexuality, to examining inequalities overall, in specific institutions, and in a more fully realized focus on work. The text is definitely chockful of concepts and terms that might be overwhelming on their own, but the brevity of the book suggests that it is designed to skeleton or frame a course and not be the sole or only text in the course. It covers each of these areas in great detail providing examples which would be familiar and relevant to students in the US.

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introduction to gender studies book pdf