prayer points for the month of may

To cut short,I got the loan, there is water at my plot now. I feel so blessed to be a part of this glorious golden journey. 4. God has been gracious to me. 6. Elisha, can you tell me more about the Esther Fast what is Esther Fast? Heavenly Father, in this month of May, restore every good thing that I have lost in Jesus' mighty name. The timing for giving out the prayer points was right because the devil had already planned a tragedy in my family but that was a miscalculation. l will never be the same again lam sure l will have a big testimony at end of these 30 days . Praises & glory to the Almighty for blessing us with his servant, Elisha Goodman. Financial worries can be so draining but I have faith in our Lord that I will be able to overcome all obstacles. Be blessed and I pray God restores your relationship in Jesus name. Glaudi Thank you Man of God elisha for sending these 7 Furious Prayers. Hi servant of God, L. South Africa. were brought up , as I was parting ways with this employer and at one Thank you for teaching me how to pray and I will always praise His holy name. Please, I need the right prayers and I need an outcome fast!!! Praise God. 3. 16., Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. I am a member of Spousewell and went through 27 minutes to midnight prayers at the beginning of 2015. My husband Joseph John is down with stroke for past two years. Thank you for remembering me just when I got psychotic again. I need your advice please. Magdaline Zambia, Glory be to GOD God delivered me in that on the 4th day i vomited strongly and started seeing my menstruation despite having seen my periods early in the month. I have been firing prayer bullets and now my prayers have been answered. The midnight hour has become my time of launching missiles. I have requested for my blog log in details for the Golden Journey Express and have not had any response. Dragons from the east, I am not your candidate, clear away, in the name of Jesus. Happy new month. Amen. Lately I keep getting calls from people who starting at me and then realise that they have called the wrong person. 24. A truck missed him and capsized in front of him and all passengers including him escaped without injuries. Christina Daniels is the founder of Adorned Heart. 1. I continued praying about it destroying every satanic implantation in my body by the blood of Jesus. in the dream I shouted with holy anger and told them no am a child of God and Jesus is my king then I said consuming fire set them ablaze, wooh I saw these beings in torment crying for help while they were being burnt and disappear d, two days after this dream, wen I was in church during praise and worship, a growing light kept descending on me I could not contain it, yes thrown room visitation, thank you elisha for teaching us to pray to the level of being able to fire bullets in the sleep and my enemies are in very big trouble. Even after all these my financial issues still bother me please help me supply my ammunition with destructive weapon for that purpose. May you be shielded from the evil atrocities of men and may your family always have reasons to rejoice. Also, download the files below. I forgot my password and have tried resetting it several times (using the password reset functionality) but in vain. Blessings and much love to all. I decree that all elemental forces will refuse to cooperate with my enemies in this month, in the name of Jesus. Below are 5 prayer points for May 1. As I say my midnight prayers every night, I pray for my siblings because we are in a battle that we can only win through prayers. Our God is Good!!! I bought a house that has stood empty for 2years. I take authority over this month and declare that this is the month the Lord has made. He made me a prayer warior. Isaiah 45:11. The economy in Zimbabwe is terrible these days and people are really struggling but for me and my family we have achieved a lot in the past few months. How do I join? Please join & pray for me, as I am attending the PhD test & interview. (please sign up early to ensure you join this month dont wait till the last minute). THANK YOU BROTHER ELISHA FOR TEACHING ME HOW TO PRAY AND HOW TO FIGHT THE ENEMY WITH THE BEST WEAPON EVER.PRAYER. or email to: Upon hearing the news i immediately began praying prayer #1 from the Pre-marathon prayer (prayer academy) days 1-7 for 7 days straight for both her and her best friend who were hospitalised together (her best friend is diabetic and accidentaly step on a nail which went in to her foot). If you signed up after the 23rd of the month, the system automatically pushes you to the next month. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. But I thank God for Elishas messages and the Prayer Eagles testimonies because they kept me going when I was really down. The witchcraft anointing of wasted efforts assigned against the works of my hands, dry up by fire, in the name of Jesus. -Since April 2014 I have prayed the free prayer points from the free downloads and emails. Now join the Prayer Academy and your lives will never be the same. In october 2014, i prayed to God that i have had enough of this problem. 1. Be Mightly Blesssed. 21. Thank u for the May prayers my finger is already itching coz I kno God will do it again. Today I would like to praise God Almighty for He has really come through for me like none would: Thats why we need to pray in this month of May. Isnt it amazing how God is indeedable to do exceeding abundantly above all that we could ever ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Lets go all out and call our brothers and sisters to come and enjoy what we are enjoying here. Related Article: 38 Powerful New Month Prayer Points + Scriptures. Dear Elisa, The blood of Jesus shall wash away everything that threatens to separate you from the love of Christ. They are dead indeed! God has overwhelmed me with his blessings. This is the first major breakthrough I have had in my life. May the Name of God be glorified. 1: 9. This time it happened to be the election year and many people were set packing. My search for Mays 2022 prophetic word reminded me of this verse: You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:12, In the month of May, its time to bear ABUNDANT fruit. I had discovered this website by the leading of Holy Spirit. Ms Jabu, Father, I am grateful for the huge privilege and grace of seeing this new month. Now I lead intercesors in my church and I continue to teach them how to pray as being taught in the academy. I wanted to write to Elisha to ask him for permission to share some of my prayer academy prayer point with this my brother but to the glory of God the Holy Spirit promted him to write and told us to look out for people who we would pray with and mentor on the midnight prayer process and he gave the permission to shear with them. 8. Thank you for guidance,I have been praying by reading them only. Indeed God saved the life of my mother. He could not eat food he could not even take medication. I prayed over my lunch break the DNA prayer secrets and asked the Holy Spirit for a Holy blood transfusion to remove the remnant of the afflictions from my blood as I could feel the affliction had been weakened by my earlier prayers but not totally gone. Hullo elisha, man of God.thank you for teaching us to pray at e midnight hour.Am taking back my fiance who had counselled our church booking and moved in with someone else, a Moslem. i believe my testimony wil surprise my friend and shock my enemies in jesus name:amen. I close the door of tragedy and calamity against me and my family this month in Jesus name. I cover every journey I shall embark upon this month with the blood of Jesus. site administrator Reply:May 31st, 2015 at 6:38 pm. GOD HAS BEEN TRULY BLESSING ME. - Our daughter missed school for almost 19days, towards end of term. All the glory to God, I am so grateful father. This lessons have delivered many and brought transformation in the lives of the eagles who are seriously praying as directed. " Right now we are waiting for our visas to go there. the wire transfer can only be done if i have an inflow in my account. But my brother had delayed so much, he couldnt even help himself. To the Blessed Virgin Mary for May. Please get to the chat line: where you find the beautiful and smiling lady on the write top corner of this page with the inscription QUESTIONS? when it reads on line chat now it means a prayer advisor will respond. Praise be to God for His mercies and everlasting love. Unto to the Lord be the glory, great things he has done, great things he will do. Kindly interceed on my behalf that they pay my money, its my retirement benefit I invested with them which they turned round to take by force. Any pandemic affliction assigned to make me feed from my enemies, die, in the name of Jesus. when i got there, the answer was no, but i did not leave the office, instead i started marketing my employer, how stable the company is, though facing economic challenges. Below are 5 prayer points for September. Since the beginning of this year, Ive been asking God to equip me to start a prayer group in my house. You are doing yourself a damage if you do not pray at the beginning of each month. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. !I am so excited to see these prayer points,I cannot wait to fire them at midnight.I have become hungry for prayer points and I am elated to have come across this! Today is the first of May, 2015 and I woke up feeling sad because the devil seems to be bombarding me with so many lies about things concerning me and my family. Dedicate your life to God fully and trust Him to live a holy life dedicated to Him. On the 2nd April 2015 this one promoter called me to her office with the hope that we are going to do the corrections together but she left me there from 8:00-14:45. Thank you very much, I have those prayer points, and I will continue to soldier On. Wait for the Lord to give you a godly spouse and then trust Him for the fruit of the womb. Last week during my esther fast,my menstrual cycle returned after 13 months of not seeing my cycle. 2. I packed it the trading center and called the mechanic who picked it the following day. And quickly sent back to wherever they came from. May the Good Lord continue to Use you.Am so Grateful being part of your Prayer Family.Because a lot has changed in my LIFE. Covenant keeping God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the places they have rejected me, cause them to call me back and fall over themselves to help me., 40 prayers to attract a car or anything else: Our God is a good God and I thank Him for this ministry and all that I have learned over the last five months. Power and anointing to get the ??? I shall tell a story of grass to grace in this new month. Thank you for reading my mail And I had a dream, in the dream a woman was telling me that I was poor. He May Declare Soon, Elon Musk Said He Wants To Buy Coca-Cola To Put The Cocaine Back In. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it. O God, arise, uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus. Aba, Ghana. We are told not to put personal emails in the blog unless permission is granted. (III), MFM Devotional 25 June 2022: The Tragedy Of Pride, Prayer Points On Open Heavens 10 November 2022, Anglican Devotional 10 November 2022 Deception About The Day, TREM Devotional 10 November 2022 You Have Been Predestined By God. I pull down every stronghold mounted by the pandemic against me, in the name of Jesus. God will give you the encouragement you need to keep going. In the last 13 years that I and my husband are married, he wasnt able to get a regular job even if he is a mechanical engineering graduate. I am hungry. I have been using the Elisha Goodmans materials since november 2009. The Lord has anointed me with new language. And also I was under employed for years but the ALMIGHTY GOD has recommended me for upliftment this year. Calvary Greetings, Since I finish the Prayer Academy in May 2014, I have been using prayers from the Cook book for healing and to restore my Dream life. When we fast even before we receive our prayer answers, there are so many other prayers answered and benefits. Protection, oh my God. How beautiful is that! To bless someone that way is to share love and to be blessed in turn is the love returned! Prayer Points: If it's not producing fruit, tear it down at the root! This was met with violent resistance from him and his mother and brothers. of HOW MY GOD ANSWER PRAYERS!!" site administrator Reply:May 31st, 2015 at 1:32 pm. I have been receiving emails from Man of God, Elisha Goodman for about 3 months now. I m desperate. God bless you Elisha for the good work that you are doing to the lost souls of God getting delivered and coming to Salvation. 1 Jn. Joan uganda. It's at such times that you need the inspiration to keep taking one step at a time. Can you resend me the fourty prayers against schizophrenia that you once sent me? As I started Prayer Academy I was so desperate for my son who had backslidden to come back to the Lord. may God add you many years to continue helping his people. Any power arising from the pandemic that wants me to live like a dead person, die, in the name of Jesus. How can I do that ? Im praying and fasting about all this but so far there is no breakthrough. This is my year to triumph over my enemies. May is a month of prayer and reflection. Please dont give up! Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. This website can empower you how to pray against enemies for effective deliverance. My husband is late and I have been getting all sorts of accusations and reproach from his family. I was given a strange reason for the power being off which confirmed the devils tacts. job in Jesus name. Good Day Elisha, In Hosea 10:1, the nation of Israel is compared to a fruit vine that was bountiful and still choose deceit and idolatry. Please members, help me with prayer points to get capital for my business. and ConditionsRefund Policy. Youve got to be a little patient since they may be attending to many people at the same time. I just ended with the Prayer acadamy and continue praying in the midnight hour. Let us keep on. May divine harvest fall and fill my life in Jesus name, 4. I thank God that as i continue with the prayers I asked God not only to forgive me but also to deliver me from all spirirts and covenants I entered into out of ignorance. I have been on the Platinum Edition. I will give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His mercies are forever. Shame and felling Guilty -Every battle at the edge of my breakthrough die in Jesus name. Brother Elisha, I thank God for using you to set his children free from captivity of which I am included. I wish also to be delivered in Jesus name. He also says sometimes when he is walking he feels as though there is a snake around and that if he is not careful he may step on it. Wishing you the best! And Jeremiah said, There is: for, said he, thou shalt be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon.. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. Forever thankful to God Almighty. The only way to defeat these wicked powers is to pray and seek Gods face at the start of each new month. My faith in God has increased tremendously. Glory and Honour to God for his blessings. Praise the Lord! Henceforth, you shall go from strength to strength and from glory to glory, in the name of Jesus. Elisha thank you so much for giving me hope,eversince i joined the prayer academy my prayer life has never been the same.I now look forward to each day. Let my season of greatness appear this moth in the name of Jesus. Praying with anticipation is empowering. This week God showed me something through my dreams. Hi Charles, Glory be to God!! When you say people register for Academy do they have to attend personally or is an online thing. That propelled me to join the Prayer Academy and purchased my prayer materials and now I understand what obedience is. Decree and declare that the King make me rich and I shall walk ing prosperity no matter the economic condition prevailing my country and the world. He visited the Israelites shortly before the Red Sea and He made a way for them in the midst of the Sea. Webster M. Reply:May 4th, 2015 at 11:25 pm. He is alive today. I was stunned to see my life improving dramatically due to the prayers point I have received from you. May the Lord continue blessing you Elisha. May God bless you. I am so Lucky, I cannot imagine some years ago that me Clara can now Pray and God hears. Can you please send me some powerful prayer bullets for me fire at midnight. 11. God bless you Bro. Indeed God is on the throne, and he will see to it that everything falls in place, according to his will. The power that resurrected Lazarus from the dead resurrect my womb in Jesus name. Passover blood of Jesus, protect my habitation by fire, in the name of Jesus. Use prayer bullets from the links below. I know God will make a way for m to join the prayer academy soon. Pandemic graves, I am not your candidate, shut up, in the name of Jesus. As I stamp my feet on the ground, so shall my territory be enlarged, in Jesus name. I have been blessed for the years I have been using prayer bullets. Let us write His in full, in Jesus Mighty Name. Praise The Lord Wow Right On Time GOD IS SO AWESOME HE HAS SPOKEN THROUGH THE PRAYERS I HEAR THE SOUND. 4. In Genesis 49:22, Joseph is compared to a fruitful vine that spreads and grows beautifully. Wish to be delivered from all my obstacles and live peaceful. Let the heavenly surgeon replace every broken organ in my body with the spare part from heaven in the name of Jesus. and marriageable age as well as myself trusting God for a Boaz because l am a widow( l earlier suffered late marriage and delay in child bearing in life) Then you pray those prayer bullets at home, everyday, during midnight hours and also anytime during the day. Nelia Zimbabwe. Another one who didnt like me for a reason I dont know to this day suddenly decided hes going to start being nice to me what a 180 degree spin!!! -- John, Dubai, "Just Him for you Elisha for before I knew your website, i didnt know Many of the church members asked for his CV but were unable to give him a job because their companies could not give him an expat salary rate. I am 200% sure that whatever I ask God to grant me, He shall provide it. He went through survey from my house and survived. We thought it was for bad but it was a divine surgery that was carried out because an object that was in her womb for a longtime was flushed out of her body without going to the hospital. Every hand of oppression pointing at me, wither, in the name of Jesus. Praise Master JESUS!!!. What I can say to you is that Esther fast it is the way of waiting in the Lord to answer your prayers and seeking his face for a situation like the one you are in .Esther and the Jews did not eat or drink for 3days waiting upon the Lord to have mercy on them while the enemy has passed the decree to kill them all . 2. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. I am preparing for overseas travel, please share with me prayer bullets for that. Thou strange children of the pandemic, I am not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus. I believe through this prayer group God will turn the tables against satanic attacks in the lives of those who attend and our loved ones. Powers, mounting a siege against my health, collapse and die, in the name of Jesus. My boss apologised to me and said the written warning was hush and he withdrew it! A week later my aunt who is very close to my mom said she dreamt that my deaceased grandfather can to in the dream and told her that he plant a very special tree at their childhood home that she should take an axe to cut it to make her coffin. In Jesus Mighty Name we Thank You ! I need your prayers as I plan to do the Esther fast. I just got excited when i read the prayer bullets for the month of May this morning as i was away for long weekend i only read mail today but im glad to say we were not behind as our Bishop led us in prayer using Isiah 26:11! Adonai will continue to increase your wisdom and annointing so as to give even more prayer points and touch more lives In The Mighty Name of JESUS. O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass . Every oppressive power and power of fear provoked by the pandemic against my life, I pull you down, in Jesus name. When I threw the stone, I noticed the stone was not flat, it left a small gap on the ground and the snake managed to move throuch that gap without being hurt. My blood, kill every agent of infirmity, in the name of Jesus. and God bless you, brother Elisha. my prayers are being answered everyday but i became sturbon and did not want to share it on this website yet i had read it on this websit that share your testmony as soon as it happens in order to ashame the devil but kept a deaf ear, mails kept flooding ma inbox, i read each and every mail that comes in ma inbox, but this testmony from eagle Mary got ma trigger finger itchy to fire the bullets at the devil. I believe my life will be transformed for the good, in Jesus name amen. What other prayers are the prayer eagles using to do exploits like the eagle sister here? you have been a blessing to me ever since i came to this site. From now on I write to elisha to get permission before sharing my ebooks. You will receive a new password via e-mail. The Old Testament also testifies to Gods amazing ability to bring fruitfulness from our lives. 2. I really miss out on many things in the blog. bb for this site maybe l would have high blood pressure or started to Most of the things that i will be planning to buy with money, God sends someone to just bless me or offer me at half the price. She has opened up she needs divine intervention for that. May your team and you, Elisha, continue to show many the way to pray for themselves. Let the heavenly surgeon replace every broken organ in my body with the spare part from heaven in the name of Jesus. New month for years but the Almighty for blessing us with his servant, Elisha, can you please me! Have reasons to rejoice to soldier on them only me more prayer points for the month of may the Esther fast what Esther! My territory be enlarged, in the month of may, its to. My breakthrough die in Jesus name journey Express and have not had any response declare that this my... Prayers answered and benefits all elemental forces will refuse to cooperate with enemies! 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prayer points for the month of may