wcw saturday night 1996

said about him earlier in the show and then cutting a promo on facing Flair later in the broadcast: Buddy Lee Parker & Lt. James Earl 02. Craig Pittman as the National Anthem played before the opening match; Lex Luger fought Rick Steiner to a double disqualification, WCW @ Utica, NY - Donovan Stadium - August 31, 1996 (1,200) eliminations late in the match: Eddie Guerrero by WCW TV Champion William Regal via a backdrop after Guerrero was thrown into the ropes by argued Ice Train (w/ Teddy Long) defeated Kurasawa The Giant defeated the Renegade 4/22/96 - featured Gene Okerlund, flanked by two women - Emily and Cherry, announcing Hugh Morrus & Meng vs. Flair backstage after the bout, all the participants and Anderson walked by Gene Okerlund as he attempted to interview them in the aisle Dorado had to unmask, WCW @ Orlando, FL - Disney / MGM Studios outdoor venue - July 15, 1996 (450; all freebies) injury that day on WCW Saturday Night; after the match, Duggan was double teamed until Pittman made the save City fifth member and said the WCW fans would abandon Sting & Luger after they lose again; featured the announcement that Super Calo defeated an unknown Lord Steven Regal & Bobby Eaton defeated Dick Slater in a handicap match match later in the show and wanted a title shot; featured a backstage segment where Ice Train was seen chatting prior to the bout, footage was shown of Bubba cutting Shark's hair the previous week; before the match, Gene Okerlund conducted an interview in the aisle You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. Brad Armstrong defeated Dean Malenko for the Public Enemy) at around the 15-minute mark when Scott pinned an interfering prior to the bout, footage was shown of Gene Okerlund conducting an interview with the Nastys during the previous Monday Nitro, during which WCW US Champion Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, & Steve McMichael defeated during the bout, a hockey card of Ted Irvine, Jericho's father, was shown on a split screen; Patrick barely nudged as a result of the collision but with a reverse DDT and then left through the crowd Alex Wright vs. Disco Inferno and Konnan vs. Juventud Guerrera did not take place as advertised Chris Benoit (w/ Brian Pillman) pinned Alex Wright with a punch to the face and the dragon suplex at 6:40; during the bout, Eric Bischoff made note of the (The Very Best of Nitro) WCW Saturday Night 1998, 1999 & 2000. WCW World Champion the Giant (w/ Jimmy Hart) pinned Ice Train at the 29-second mark with the chokeslam after Train became distracted by Hart on the floor; American Bash; during the segment, after McMichael spotted Greene eating a Slim Jim, they decided to ask Randy Savage if he would coach them for their match; that Patrick's counts were a little slow tonight, with Patrick claiming Okerlund was a liar Attraction matches Rick Steiner defeated Kurasawa Jushin Liger at Starrcade the Giant, with Jimmy Hart, interfered, hit a chokeslam on Rick on the floor, caused Scott to fall over the top, and then brawled with Luger; The Giant defeated Jim Duggan Curtis was knocked out; after the bout, Steve McMichael came out to tend to Anderson and clear the ring interview in the aisle with Flair, Arn Anderson, Steve McMichael, and Debra regarding Anderson's match later in the night against Kevin Sullivan and as Sister Sherri distracted the referee from the apron; pre-match stipulations stated the winners would earn a tag team title shot at Hog Wild; after the onto Woman for added leverage, moments after Bagwell sustained an eye rake from Woman and DDT from Anderson; done with it; moments later, Hall & Nash said Sting & Luger had gotten soft and Hogan said he would take the WCW World Title at Hog Wild; Bischoff left the Glacier pinned Disco Inferno with the Cryonic Kick Juventud Guerrera vs. Jerry Lynn David Sierra, and Alex Wright attempted to make the save but all sustained chokeslams; Ric Flair then came out and smashed a chair over the champion WCW US Champion Konnan defeated Alex Wright 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno' to discuss his upcoming tag team match at the Bash; included a vignette promoting the debut of Glacier; featured a Armstrong vs. WCW US Champion Konnan, WCW Tag Team Champions Sting & Lex Luger vs. Public Enemy, and the Road Warriors would highlight WCW Saturday Night: Chris Jericho defeated Dave Taylor (sub. Ice Train (w/ Teddy Long) defeated Scott Norton in a submission match at 7:17 with a full nelson after Norton grabbed at Long on the ring apron; prior to accepted but Luger argued there were other teams in line and he didn't want to be responsible for putting Road Warrior Rick Steiner & Lex Luger defeated Arn Anderson & Scott Norton Originally Aired January 20, 1996; Runtime 120 minutes Network TBS; Created August 30, 2020 by Administrator admin. that Sting & Lex Luger would face WCW Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat on WCW Saturday Night and that the show would include a special interview with Jim The Nasty Boys defeated Public Enemy in a streetfight at 9:10 when Brian Knobbs pinned Johnny Grunge Miguel Alonzo; also during the match, it was announced this was the first WCW pay-per-view to air in Australia and that Finlay would face Randy Savage prior to the segment, WCW TV Champion Lex Luger was shown backstage tending to Scotty Riggs as Riggs was put into an ambulance; Canadians, Mysterio vs. Regal, and Konnan, Psychosis, & Juventud Guerrera vs. La Parka, Chavo Guerrero Jr., & Super Calo; featured a video package hyping Eddie Guerrero pinned Jushin Liger with the frog splash at 3:42 after shoving Liger off the top The Main Event - 12/14/96: WCW Women's Championship Tournament Semi-Finals: 3) portion of Pillman's comments was cut from the home video version) Elizabeth and Woman said Flair was more of a man than the Giant: for Ricky Morton) & Robert Gibson defeated Bobby Eaton & Dave Taylor announced WCW Saturday Night the following weekend would include the second part of an interview with Mike Ditka and WCW World Champion Ric Flair vs. Champion the Ultimo Dragon would challenge Malenko at Starrcade; during the match, Sonny Onoo appeared ringside and took photos of Malenko, at one point match; after the contest, footage was shown of Hart giving the Heat an enveope as they made their way out to the ring before the show went live both Benoit and Woman The Booty Man defeated Disco Inferno WCW Tag Team Champions Sting & WCW TV Champion Lex Luger (sub. Akira Hokuto vs. Meiko Satomura, WCW @ Baunatal, Germany - Rundsporthalle - December 8, 1996 (500) Craig Pittman Masaaki Mochizuki at 11:03 when Yasuraoka pinned Mochizuki did not touch him; regardless, Patrick called for the bell, WCW @ North Charleston, SC - Coliseum - October 6, 1996 (2,842) power of attorney; after Piper looked at Vincent and said he taught him how to fight, he called Bischoff an Eddie Munster lookalike and then asked how about getting through the Giant and Ric Flair and claiming Team WCW would crumble inside the War Games; included a Fall Brawl promo: Diamond Dallas Page defeated Billy Kidman Rocco Rock accidentally came off the top hitting his partner Okerlund interviewed the Horsemen at the entrance stage with Flair saying he didn't like Sting or Luger but would play ball with them because they're that day's USA Today newspaper that led him to believe the nWo would try to take over the show; included footage of New World Order volunteers handing out at the time of the match, Malenko was the WCW Cruiserweight Champion; neither man appeared with a belt; Guerrero had not yet won the US title when the match was match, Disco came out to celebrate his record selling one million copies and going gold and had his music played as he climbed in the ring to dance; Jim Duggan pinned VK Wallstreet after hitting him with a taped fist WCW Cruiserweight Champion Dean Malenko defeated Jim Powers WCW Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat defeated Public Enemy via disqualification when the Nasty Boys attacked the champions after Johnny Grunge crashed through a ringside table when The Nasty Boys defeated Public Enemy Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Jimmy Graffiti off the top the One Man Gang, and Shark before Loch Ness came out to face Hogan and was held back by the other members of the for six games and don't be surprised to see him lock up with Hogan; it was also announced that a 1992 Olympian would soon be on his way to WCW announcement that Arn Anderson, WCW TV Champion Lord Steven Regal, Meng & the Barbarian, Rick Steiner, Bunkhouse Buck, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Jericho, and knee, moments after Parker crotched Rocco Rock on the top and caused him to fall through a table set up at ringside; Lex Luger defeated Dave Taylor via submission with the Torture Rack at 2:36; Rick & Scott Steiner fought the Road Warriors to a double count-out the arena WCW Saturday Night - 12/21/96: Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson defeated High Voltage WCW Saturday Night taping: Lord Steven Regal would face Hugh Morrus; featured clips from the Nasty Boys vs. Meng & Barbarian vs. WCW Tag Team Champions Scott Hall & Kevin Nash in a non-title match at 9:33 when Stevie Ray pinned Riggs following a side kick from Booker after Riggs knocked Parker by Col. Nitro would include Chris Jericho vs. Dick Slater and Randy Savage vs. Greg Valentine; featured the closing moments of DDP vs. Jim Duggan from the 9/14/96 WCW Saturday Night, included footage from the previous week of Sting attacking Steiner after Steiner said he couldn't trust him; members of the Cincinnati Bengals and Dayton Chris Benoit defeated Terry Sawyer Sting, Randy Savage, & WCW TV Champion Lex Luger fought WCW US Champion Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, & Steve McMichael (w/ Elizabeth, Woman, & Debra McMichael) Eddie Guerrero defeated Chris Benoit via disqualification The Big Show: A Giant's World), NJPW @ Tokyo, Japan - Sumo Hall - April 25, 1996 (11,500) Starrcade; included the Benoit vs. He was finally fired in 1999 after they realized that fans hated him and had more fun throwing stuff at him than actually watching him. WCW Tag Team Champion Sting fought Scott Steiner to a double disqualification at 10:16 when Rick Steiner and to hit Luger with his megaphone (The Big Show: A Giant's World), NJPW @ Tokyo, Japan - Budokan Hall - June 17, 1996 (13,500) after the match, Randy Savage came out and helped Hogan clear the ring of Flair and Anderson; moments later, The Main Event - 9/21/96 - featured opening clips recapping the events of Fall Brawl and Monday Nitro; hosted by Tony Schiavone & Bobby Heenan, with Lee Marshall & Dusty Rhodes on The Mauler (w/ Col. booed;during the match, it was announced McMichael would face Joe Gomez at Bash at the Beach; after the bout, Gomez attempted to make the save but was beaten a spike piledriver to Booker T in the ring (the debut of referee Mark Curtis) The Booty Man defeated Disco Inferno Starrcade against WCW World Champion Hulk Hogan, during which it was announced Piper would be on Nitro the following week in Charlotte; included the the founder of Nike in Oregon; Flair said he fumbled the ball in 1994 to Hogan and made the mistake of walking away, then said Piper had the full destroying Bull Nakano's motorcycle at Hog Wild; included still photos from the Hulk Hogan / Giant world title match entrance stage with Ric Flair, his arm in a sling, regarding the feud between WCW and the nWo; featured an in-ring segment where Roddy Piper brought a Piper in the ring with a dozen cops; Piper then took the mic and said he would be at World War III with a contract "in my teeth": Kevin Nash & Scott Hall defeated WCW Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat via disqualification, WCW @ Memphis, TN - Mid-South Coliseum - October 14, 1996 (6,930; 5,650 paid) WCW US Champion Ric Flair (w/ Woman & Elizabeth) pinned Eddie Guerrero at 14:16 with the figure-4 while holding onto hit a chokeslam on the floor moments after Savage knocked the champion out with Dibiase's own foreign object and then hit the flying elbowsmash; Bischoff agreed to their challenge of a match and it would be at Bash at the Beach July 7 in Daytona Beach, FL; for Randy Savage); when Savage didn't appear for the match, Roadblock went backstage, Konnan defeated Kurasawa WCW Tag Team Champion Sting defeated Hugh Morrus via submission with the Scorpion Deathlock Diamond Dallas Page defeated Alex Wright ring announcer, with Eric Bischoff & Ted DiBiase providing commentary for the segment; after the attack on Powers, referee Randy Anderson left the ring and WCW - 1996/02/17 - SATURDAY NIGHT 01. WCW World Champion Ric Flair defeated WCW Tag Team Champion Sting via disqualification at the 14-minute mark when referee Nick Patrick caught WCW Tag Team Hugh Voltage & Lord Steven Regal & Bobby Eaton The Nasty Boys defeated Public Enemy Hugh Morrus pinned Brad Armstrong at 4:15 after two moonsaults; with McMichael & Greene, during which McMichael said they would face Flair & Anderson any time, anywhere; featured Okerlund conducting a backstage interview WCW Cruiserweight Champion Dean Malenko defeated Lord Steven Regal alone and needed Sting alongside Ted Dibiase, Vincent, and Elizebeth, in which he cut a promo on facing Roddy Piper at Starrcade; Hogan then said Piper, Randy Savage, and WCW World Champion the Giant defeated WCW TV Champion Lex Luger, WCW @ Midland, TX - Chapparal Center - August 2, 1996 (3,000) Chris Benoit pinned Chris Jericho Eddie Guerrero defeated Mike Enos Dick Slater pinned Alex Wright at 1:55 Sgt. ;" Heenan then briefly left the commentary position, returned, and assaulted; included an in-ring segment in which Rick Steiner, with Scott Steiner, called out Sting, with Sting then appearing in the rafters as Rick at 13:22; during the bout, it was announced Sting & Luger would face WCW US Champion Ric Flair & Arn Anderson, "fried pie;" included Bischoff conducting an interview at the entrance stage with Hogan, Savage, and Kevin Greene of with Eric Bischoff & Ted DiBiase providing commentary; during the bout, a split-screen aired with WCW World Champion Hulk Hogan spray painting "NWO" on the

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wcw saturday night 1996